《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Chapter 4 - Johnny's First Battle


Currently, at a secret government facility, there is a stern looking man issuing orders left and right. He then contacts the helicopter pilot that has spotted the target. Speaking into his headset...

(???) Helicopter #3, report on the target's actions.

(Helicopter Pilot #3) Sir, the target is currently immobile and facing away from me. He appears to be talking to himself...huh?

(???) What?

(Helicopter Pilot #3) I have lost visual on the target!

The man's face drains of what little color it had, and he then yells into his headset.

(???) Crap! Get out of there immediately!


(???) Helicopter #3! Report! Can you hear me!

Suddenly, the staff begin to talk all at once.

(Staff Member #1) General Clyde, we have lost all communication with helicopter #3!

(Staff Member #2) Sir, helicopter #3 has disappeared off the radar!


Smashing his fist on the table the general yells out in frustration.

(General Clyde) SHIT!! We underestimated it!

(Staff Member #1) General, what should we do?

Pacing furiously, the general begins to calm down and think rationally. This trait is what has allowed him to rise to the top of the rankings in the army. Finally calming down, the general issues a single command.

(General Clyde) Order helicopters #2, #5 and #7 to go to helicopter #3's last location!

(All Staff) YES SIR!!

A few minutes ago, before helicopter #3's vanished...

*Glass shattering*

Johnny shatters the windshield of the helicopter and hops into the interior of the aircraft, completely disregarding the cuts he got from punching his fist through the glass.

(Johnny) Hello! A fine night isn't it! What a nice helicopter you have here!

The pilot just stares at this monster before them. Johnny scratches his head, seemingly embarrassed for some reason. During this brief moment of ackwardness, the lacerations on the boy's arms have already healed.


(Helicopter Pilot #3) ( represent thoughts)

Suddenly crossing his arms, Johnny talks to the pilot with a poorly disguised anger in his voice.

(Johnny) How rude! I wasn't aware that there was a door!

The pilot was shocked by this statement.

(Helicopter Pilot #3) *Gasp* You know what I'm thinking!?

(Johnny) Yep! As I was saying, quite a fine night isn't it? Such a pity that YOU SHOWED UP!!!!

Irritated and yelling the last part, Johnny raises his hand and brutally kills the pilot by folding her in half.


The pilot suddenly collapses, with their back bent in an unnatural position; their spine has been snapped.

(Johnny) Oh, noooo, that is NOT allowed! You are NOT allowed to die just yet!

Seemingly still pissed off, Johnny raises his hand and a bright green light shines from it. The corpse of the pilot begins to shake uncontrollably and slowly moves. The spine begins to mend itself and the corpse regains the life in it's eyes.

(Helicopter Pilot #3) What? Huh? I thought I died?

(Johnny) You did. But I brought you back. After all, you can't be allowed to die just yet. For ruining my big chance at obtaining the object of my desire (Lily), YOU MUST DIE A THOUSAND DEATHS!!!

Looking at the crazed youth before them, the pilot wasn't sure how to react. However, someone else couldn't help commenting...

(Blitz) ...Seriously?


(Blitz) ...Okay...


Johnny grabs the pilot by the neck and lifts her in the air with one hand and begins to squeeze, causing the eyeballs of the pilot to nearly pop out of their sockets.

(Johnny) First death...SUFFOCATION!!!

Johnny then suffocates the pilot and revives them again.

(Johnny) Second death...RIPPED IN HALF!!!

Johnny then splits the pilot into two parts, ripping him down the exact center of the spine. All the internal organs of the pilot spill out from the corpse, creating a disgusting scene. After reviving them...




Johnny then rips the clothing of the pilot off and...

(Johnny) ...you're a girl???

(Helicopter Pilot #3) *Face turns bright red* YES I AM!!!!

(Johnny) Hmmmm...since you're a girl...hmph. I've decided! I will take you as my slave!

(Helicopter Pilot #3) EEEEEEEEEEHH?!?!?

(Blitz) Hey, what happened to the other 998 deaths...

Smiling, Johnny begins to ponder out loud.

(Johnny) Since she's a girl, I will spare her. Hmm...and now that I get a closer look at her, she's quite the beauty with all her scars healed...ALRIGHT!!! TIME FOR SOME MAJOR BRAINWASHING!!!



So, what did you guys think? I DID say that there would be at least 2 potential harem candidates and 1 actual harem candidate per story arc! Next chapter will go into more detail about the pilot girl's past. Anyway, thanks for reading! And I STILL need help on the elf names, SO PLEASE HELP ME!! Thanks for reading so far!

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