《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Chapter 3 - Introducing...Lily! Part 2


A beautiful voice drifts through the air singing an equally beautiful song. The singer in question is happily singing with her eyes closed. The song reaches the end and the voice becomes silent. Then, speaking into a microphone...

(Lily) ...Thank you all for listening!



Bowing repeatedly, the girl then begins to speak again.

(Lily) Thank you, thank you, now I will begin my next song...

Meanwhile, a red-eyed, white-haired boy with ghostly pale skin is spectating from high in the air. The boy isn't standing on any surface, rather, he seems to be standing on thin air! He was standing with a worried look on his face.

(Blitz) What? Why did you stop running?

(Johnny) ...Ummm...Blitz...won't she hate me if I take her? I don't want her to hate me!

(Blitz) *Sigh* What am I gonna do with you...

(Johnny) Sorry...

(Blitz) No, it's alright. Just hide your identity!

(Johnny) How?

(Blitz) Put on this mask. I noticed one while we were flying that caught my interest, so I used teleportation and telekinesis to grab it. Here.

A bizarre mask suddenly appears out of thin air on the boy's face. (The mask is the one on the cover)

(Johnny) AWESOME!!! Now I can...crap...

(Blitz) What now...? Oh...


Meanwhile, a couple hundred feet away from the Empire State Building, a helicopter is flying at an incredible speed. This helicopter also happens to have a government logo on it.

(Helicopter Pilot) Target spotted. Current location: above the Pearl Theater Dome.

(???) Roger that. On my way. DO NOT ENGAGE!!

(Helicopter Pilot) YES SIR!!

Meanwhile, back on the Empire State Building, Johnny is smiling with his signature evil smile, fully ready to fight.

(Blitz) Let's put your plan on hold for now. We have company.

The boy nods, and then shouts with all his might.

(Johnny) Yeah...LET'S GO!!

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