《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Chapter 3 - Introducing...Lily! Part 1


In the city of New York, there is an incredibly large stage that was built near Times Square. The brand new stage has yet to receive a name, but is already a famous location in New York. As to why, well, it's all thanks to the up-and-coming superstar pop singer, Lily. At this time, the stage is hosting another one of Lily's concerts.

(Announcer) Welcome, everyone, to the concert of the ages, the party of the century, with the singer of the year...LILY!!!


Then, as the crowd chants the name of the famous singer, the person in question strides onto the stage. Wearing an incredibly flashy dress, a petite girl with tanned skin, golden-blonde hair, shining blue eyes, and a dazzling smile raises here microphone and begins to speak.

(Lily) Thank you everyone for coming to my concert today! I will now sing my newest song, Stars Gleaming In The Night.

As a beautiful voice singing an equally beautiful song drifts out into the night sky, someone is listening nearby...sitting atop the Empire State Building is a young boy that appears to be roughly 6 years of age. Legs dangling off the side of the roof, his head is swaying to the beat of the music with a blissful look on his face.

(Johnny) What a beautiful voice...

(Blitz) Really? I think it's just noisy.

(Johnny) Yeah, I've never heard a voice this beautiful.

(Blitz) Then why don't you just take it? The owner of the voice that is.

(Johnny) Yeah...I'll do that! I'll make that voice MINE!!


Hey, MultiBlitz15 here, sorry for the really short chapter. I had to divide it into 2 parts because I'm busy. The second part will be up today and it will be (hopefully) much longer than this one. Also, in case you haven't figured it out yet, the alternate personality of Blitz, Johnny, has fallen for Lily (her voice). Since he's kinda crazy, I am thinking of making him into a, umm, yandere? I think that's what it's called when the person in question in pretty much psychotic towards the target of their love. I think. Yeah, anyway it will be something like that. So expect another chapter (part 2) to be up today! And depending on how I'm feeling, I might post chapter 4.

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