《TearFire》Greedy Princess 1 : Selfishness for Love.
Selfishness for Love.
"Gunther ! Why did you called for me? "Gudrun asks in an angry tone she enters the court of the palace filled with people both commoners and advisers on both sides praising their king Gunther.Commoners who came to beg their king for help were standing behind the advisers.Most of the advisers were kind hearted as the king himself and worked for the country.But there were those too who were just being the lackeys of the king and worked for their own profit.And in between those some were the ones appointed on place of an adviser because of princess and those who were trying to make the treasure of the country large even if it meant the destruction of normal people.One of the advisers an old man with white beards and hair with eyes barely open who was trying to lack up to king stood up after hearing this and said in a harsh tone " Princess .You are disrespecting our King.You cannot call the King by his name inside the court. "
"Huh ?Have you gone crazy geezer ? What else would I call my brother? " Gudrun answers with the same angry tone.
" But Princess in front of the people......." he tries to say at a low voice but princess interrupts him with an even more angry tone.
"So what ?What will happen if I call my brother by his name in front of people.It is not like they are gonna start do that too.Or are you saying that calling King by his name is disrespect to him huh ? I think you are the one disrespecting him by not calling him his name.Do you think my brother's name sound so bad that you can't speak that in front of people? If you think that you are dis respecting not just current king you are also disrespecting his father ,the previous king who gave him that name."
"Stop it, Gudrun. Morlais was just trying to do the impossible."The King interrupted.
"Do the impossible..."Gudrun asked with a wondered look on her face.
"Yes teaching my cute little sister what manners are."the king says teasing her.
"Are you underestimating me.I know what manners are I just don't see the need to follow them.And what is the 'my cute little sister' thing.I am not so little any more.Can't you even understand that by my just looking at me."She says with same tone.
"Now Now leave that and moreover I called you about 3 times last night why didn't you came back then?"King asks with a smile on his face.
"First time I was on the royal pool taking a bath.Then on the second time I was on the bar for the army drinking with old guys and hearing their old stories.And by night I was out cold somewhere inside the palace." she saying without making eye contact with the king.
"You will not change.Will you ? You need to be more careful you sure nothing happened on the night with you." king says with concerning eyes.
"Don't worry bro I am still a virgin I am sure don't worry about that.And even if anyone tries to lay a hand on me while I am sleeping they will not be alive anymore than 10 seconds.You know that more than anyone."She says with a smile showing off her strength.
"You are so that...... I don't know what to say to you.I am not worried about you I was asking if you didn't locked anyone in those weird clutches of yours while sleeping.You don't know how much those things hurt."The Kings says while remembering about his experience of different types of holds and locks used by Gudrun on him while he used to wake her up in the mornings.
"Well that aside.Why did you called me for?"Gudrun asks with a serious face.
"I need to talk to you in private.I will meet you in my room after today's advising section is over."King says.
"It must be tough being king .Well hang in there brother."She says and turns and walks away .
As she reaches out of the halls she says to herself in anger "Tsk Why did he called me?To say me to wait in his room.I don't know what he is upto."
She walks through a huge hallway.Pots of plants are kept in near the walls and paintings are hanging on both the sides of the wall.She walks upto the king's room "King's room huh.Somehow nostalgic.It is still the same from the childhood.I haven't came here since last 7 years.Before father died we used to sneak upto here and read his documents.It was so much fun.After he had became King both of us have been so busy we didn't had any time to play together."She thinks.
She enters the room.She walks upto the bed.It was a huge bed with at least room for 5 persons."I never knew why this bed was so big before.But I know now why.Well this was where the first spark of my life came into existence huh.This bed is worthless for that wimpy brother of mine.I don't think he can handle more than a girl at a time.If things stay the same as now he will be a virgin forever."She sits on the bed.She looks at the vessel placed above a pillar near the bed.She saw it was full of apples."Oh come to think of It he loved apples like crazy from the childhood.What is so special in this fruit. I don't know."She takes an apple and eats it."Oh it is really good.Where does these come from."She eats it whole and spits away the seeds."She walks to the right of the bed she sees a table with full of scrolls over it."Oh the scrolls they are still kept here huh.Most of them must be the letters addressed to the king from different people and the color of the scroll indicates its importance huh.It looks like I still remember things from those good for nothing classes."
She walked toward the table and checks the scrolls.She finds a golden scroll among them."A golden scroll.This means it is a special letter i think.Lets look who send it."She opens the scroll."Oh it contains a handwritten letter pasted to it.Ew the handwriting is so bad I can barely read it.The couldn't have deciphered what is written in here so they send this as the same."She open its whole and reads it.She closes it she has a evil grin on her face.
After the section is over king walks with face down through the huge hallway.And king says to himself "Today was a little harsh.You can't see a princess make a joke out of the king on the advising hall very often.Maybe it is only in my country this happens.Well whatever.As long as it entertains the people of my country it is okay."He reaches his room.His stomach growls."Ah I am starving.II should have eaten a breakfast.As she says it really is tough being a king.I think I need to marry someone soon.Else I don't think I will be able to take care of myself." He pushes the door to his room open and says"I don't think Run will be here yet .After all it is she we are talking about.Always thinking about herself only.i think I need to find a fine man for her too she is almost 17."As he opens the door he sees his sister on the bed eating last of the apple which was kept near the bed for the king.As he enters he finds her staring at him.
"Did you hear that now"
"Yes"She says while swallowing the apple on her mouth."Just forget that.I didn't tell anything about anything.'kay" King says with a stuttered expression.Sweat starts rolling from his cheeks.Run gets up from the bed and comes near him.Looks at his face "mmmmm What were you saying?"
"I said forget about......"
"Why are you asking why?"
"Why should I forget you thinking about you finding a prince for me.?"
"You are gonna say that it is still too early for wedding or you don't want to marry some one weaker than you or anything like that."
"No I am not.It is the reverse."
"Oh is that so"King says with a sigh of relief and asks again with an extreme expression of surprise."What...Can you say that again."
"I said It is the reverse."She says with a low voice trying to avoid eye contact with the king.She had a blush on the cheeks.
"And the meaning of that is..?"King says with a happy expression.
"I am ready for marriage."King hugs his sister of happiness."Wait what are you doing so suddenly."She asks as it was unexpected for the king to hug her.
"I will find a suitable prince for you.I will call your brothers right now and send them on a journey to find a perfect groom for you."King says after breaking the hug and tries to call someone but Run grabs his hand and stops him.
"You don't need to do that."she says while holding her brothers hands.
"What do you mean I don't have to do that.Maybe is there someone you love?"he asks and she nods her head on yes.
"Who is it?I never thought my selfish little sister would ever fall in love.I promise you I will help you marry him no matter even if he is a beggar.This is the word of your brother".His happiness knows no limit.
"Don't get so happy now bro.I haven't told you everything yet."She says with evil grin.
"Wait you are not planning some thing really bad. Are you?"king asked with a suspicious eyes.
"Did you really thought I will ever fall for a human.Even gods don't deserve me."She says with an arrogant attitude.
"What are you......."king suddenly remembers something "I hope it is not what I think it is."
"It is exactly what you are thinking about."She says taking a scroll from her back on her hands."Yes your dear friend Sigurd."
"Did you read that" he asks with a feared expression.
"Yes the letter from the 'hero who slayed the dragon to his dear friend talking about a new artifact he found" She speaks as she tosses the scroll to the king .He catches that.
"Andvaranaut....Is it what you want?"The king looks towards his sister with a serious expression on his face.
"Who would not want a ring which can create something with equal value of all the treasures on the world in an instant and do that infinite times"She says while smiling "But it is not all I want If people hear that I am married to a guy who can defeat a dragon then no one will stand against me."
"I never knew you are this selfish I can't believe a princess and more over my sister could be this selfish."King says as he can't believe Run really wanted Sigurd due to just his wealth or fame.
"What are you saying my selfishness is nothing compared to your favorite hero King Aldark.Didn't He massacred his entire country to take vengeance upon his one fallen wife.While he had many other girls as his concubines."She says teasing his brother.
"No you are wrong.You don't seem to understand the difference between his selfishness and yours."King says contradicting what Run said.
"What are you saying bro all selfishness are the same."
"No .What he was selfish was for the people who loved him.He wanted every girl who loved him with all their heart for himself.And that is because he loved them.He said he was emotionless but he had lots of love for them.He may have said that he didn't loved them but he also said that whenever he even thought about them with an other man his heart didn't stopped hurting.It was because of his love.He loved each and every single one of them.He just didn't understood what love is.Selfishness for love is nothing more than just love."He says.Run could see his firm resolution right there.
"Yeah Yeah you can say whatever you want.But know one thing brother i am not a fool like you.I will get my hands on that ring and your friend If you help me or not."
"I will help you."He says with his head down and with a low voice.
"You will help."Run is surprised.
"I promised you that I will help you marry the one you love.If I can't keep my promises I am a failure as a man."He says showing his resolution.
"Again that.I don't know what to do with you and your principles.You say Aldark said it but whatever."She seems tired of her brother.
"And what do I need to do."
"Just give me your bracelet.I will do the rest."She tells pointing towards the bracelet "Well and some disguise."
"What will you do?"He asks out of curiosity.
"I will seduce him by my charms."She says with a playful attitude and a twitch.
"You may not know but he seems to be in love with a girl called Sigdrisia.And I don't think you can just...."
"Shhh.....I know.I will just give make him forget that.You remember 'that' right."
"You have really gone crazy" He says while noding his head left and right.
"What ....Don't worry .It is not a big deal for a princess.You can marry Sigdrisia.And If I happen to find an other person who maybe even stronger than Sigurd for example a mage with ability to cast legendary white magic.Then your little friend will be spared."
"I know that is impossible."king says with a sigh of grief.
"Hey Don't be such a loser.Who knows If heaven is on your side."She says with a fist bump to his chest.
"Don't trust the heaven that is what Aldark said remember.But here is your bracelet."He removes the bracelet from his hands and gives it to her and she wears it on her arms it shrinks and fits to her size.
"Oh Perfect .Thank you bro.So bye I am going now.See ya a few days later."Saying this she gets out of the room while skipping the floor and singing.
As he was alone in the room he head towards the bed and looks inside the bowl of fruits and finds it empty."Damn she.She ate all my apples.What do I do now I am so starving?"His stomach growls.he raises his sound and calls "Anybody here" He sits on the bed.And thinks "I hope she may not reach Sigurd."He falls backwards to the bed "What am I thinking.I know it is impossible but still."
By this time a maid appears on the door and asks "Do you need something king?" .This makes the king sit up on the bed and he says
"Yes bring me something to eat I am starving." As the maid rushes out he again falls down on the bed.He closes his eyes in peace.But he suddenly wakes up and says" Damn it! I forgot to tell her why I called her here."
a day later
Princess Gudrun disguised herself as an adventurer with a male's outfit and an old mantle covering her with hood for no one to recognize her.with her there was 2 of the most skilled knights of the kingdom for her protection .They were dressed the same as the princess.The name of those knights were Danyll and Gerald.Danyll the Fort was known all over the country to stop a rampaging elephant with just one hand.And meanwhile Gerald the Sonic was known for his speed which was same as the speed of sound.But the princess was stronger than both of them together and didn't even really needed them.They were still send with her due to the formality.They were at the country of huns which was called honoria .It was almost evening.They decided to spend the night in an inn there .Th inn had a bar and the receptionist also served as the bartender.It was full of people.The princess went to the receptionist and trying to make a more boyish sound she said "2 rooms for one night".
"2 rooms which rank do you want to live in." The receptionist said.
"Well which one is the best."She says while hiding her face.
"So you need 2 platinum rooms right."
"Yes "
"It will cost 2 gold coins."
"Okay" She gets a bag of coins from Danyll and takes a 2 gold coins from it.By this time the door of the inn cracks open and from it enter Cain with Leone and Lera behind .They were on their usual combat dresses and they walked upto the receptionist.People were looking at them as they had never seen anything like those dresses.
"Hey Cain why do we need an inn you could just......." asked Leone
"You will find that out soon enough"Cain replied.As he said that a guy from the bar walked upto Cain.He was about 2 feet taller than Cain and stopped him.He said "What are you kids doing in here.It is no a place for kids to play.And what's with those strange clothes."Cain doesn't says anything.He catches Cain by this clothes."Burn" Cain says."What di………Ahhhh"The big guy was just smoke in next second. Everybody on the bar became afraid of Cain."What the hell are you. Brat ?"Cain looked at him with his usual 'I don't care if this world ends' kind of look.And every single one of them ran out of that bar.The only ones left were Gudrun and the knights."A mage....." Gudrun thought.Cain tried to walk front and Lera said "You didn't had to do that master I would have ended them in just one second."
"I like fooling around with bugs like them os don't mind."Cain answered.He walked upto the receptionist who was shocked by the incidents inside the bar.He calls her "Hey Marina .Isn't it."
"Yes but how did you know my name." Marina said with astonishment.
"Well I just happened to know it."Cain said with a smile.
"What would you like today." She asks still amazed by the incidents that has happened so far.
"I would like to buy your inn."
"Eh........EEH" She appear even more surprised
"Do I need to repeat myself I said I....."
"Are you kidding sir.I do not see you have such money."
"Oh then what is this."Cain places his hand over the desk and gold coins fall out of his hands.Marina is surprised by this. "1000 platinum coins.Real deal. isn't it enough" Cain asks.
"How did you did that?" Asks Marina
"I would like to know that too." says Gudrun "It is supposed to be impossible to create or summon platinum coins out of nowhere without Andvaranaut.And it was supposed to be in the hands of Sigurd."She explains.
"It is just a little technique only a few people knows.Princess"Cain says to Gudrun who is shocked to hear him call her princess.He then turns towards Marina and asks"So are you willing to send me this for 1000 platinum coins or should I make it 10000 or a million or a billion or even a trillion."
By this time the owner of the inn who was on the upstairs come outside and tells to Cain "Well Well Mr.Customer 1000 platinum coins are more than enough.one can live 100 lives of welfare with this.I gladly accept your offer."
"I am thankful for that."They shake hands."Then Lets.......Teleport"He says as everyone inside that inn teleports to outside of the inn."What is this magic.I haven't even heard about it.The magic to change places according to will.Is that it"Thinks Run.
"What are you gonna do master"
"Destroy it or what . Burn" He said as the building burned all the way to smoke not even lefting a single gram of ash.
"Wait did we just came to this world to destroy an inn."Asked Leo with an amazed expression.
"You know why we came here Leo.Don't you.?"
"Yes I guess."She answers.By this time the owner and Marina had left using a horse which was on the inn.
"Well then we must go somewhere and wait for them to come."Cain says as he starts walking.
"Hey Wait."Run says and she removes the mantle and hoodie revealing her face.
"So she was a girl huh"says Lera.
"Cain .That is what she said right.Who are you and how do you know me."asks Run.
"Well Leo tell her."
"He is called Cain right now.I don't know too much but he is also known as TearFire at some worlds.He has many other names too.He is the strongest mage ever."Leo says to Run.
"Strongest Mage.Are you kidding me.Just using Burn and somehow creating platinum out of nowhere doesn't make you the strongest."Run replies
"Then why don't you test it yourself."Cain says as his eyes began to shine like a ruby in the sunlight.
to be continued.
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