《TearFire》Undead Empress 7: Strength of The Legend
A destroyed city.There are many burned down and broken buildings everywhere.And there are fire burning here and there all over.You can see one or two undeads walking in a horrible fashion.At one gaze people may mistake it for a zombie who’s craving for flesh,after getting bitten by an other one.But the truth is that they were the shell of a human after being all their mana completely drained out by an other undead or a really powerful mage.A portal appears in that city.That portal was a huge one and out of it comes out Cain in his TearFire form with Leone and Lera behind.
"Oh,this city has been completely destroyed.It hasn’t been much time since you guys were attacked.But it looks like its been about some days since this destruction."Lera said looking at the destroyed scenario.
"No,the attack on us must have been the last one.I have been fighting off small fries trying to enter this verse for a long time.I knew they are gonna bring out the big guns sooner or later."Cain said.
"Cain do you think it is Omega who did this?"Leo asked.
"No,just think about it.If she was about to destroy the entire world then she would have just destroyed the entire universe at once."Cain said to Leo.
"You are saying it like,destroying a universe is just like a plaything for her."Leo said.
"Yes,destroying an universe is not such a big deal for an undead emperor."Cain said as he walked down the street checking the state of that world.
"What,is she that much strong?"Leo asked out of surprise.
"Yes,But it seems like she was waiting for someone in here."Cain answered
"Waiting,but for whom."Leo asked.
"Probably for someone who will show her the true meaning of hell."Cain said with a grin on his face.
"What do you mean,Cain?"Leo asked.
"Well you will see about that."Cain said.As he stopped talking an entire army of undeads rushed towards them from all direction.Leo got slightly frightened by that sight.But they hit on something hard and got stopped as if something was in between them before they could reach them.It was Cain raising a barrier to keep undeads away.
"What did you thought,you ugly zombies?Master is not someone you guys can’t even think about reaching near."Lera said taunting towards the undeads.
"Lera,how many times do I have to tell you the difference between zombies and undeads?"Cain asked walking towards an undead.He looked at the eyes of an undead who was trying to grab Cain as he went near it,with unimpressed glare.
"Who cares about that?Both looks almost the same."Lera said.
"No,they look different Zombies rot more quicker than undeads and zombies can’t use magic while undeads can if they knew any while they were alive.And zombies are weaker while compared to undeads because of their healing powers."Cain explained to Lera.
"That means while zombies get injured it stays like that forever but if an undead gets an injury it heals itself,Right?"Leo asked.
"Yeah,that’s right,Leo."Cain says while petting Leo on her head with a smile.
"Hey,don’t treat me like a small kid wanting to get petted by parents."Leo said with a slight blush.
"What are you talking about?Even though I look like this,I have lived for more than about 1000 billion years.Even Sol is a kid in front of me."Cain said.
"1000 billion years,huh.I can’t even think about that long time."Leo said.
"Yeah,even I can’t think about the some of the things I have seen all these years."Cain said.
"When,It is like this I almost feel bad for you Cain."Leo said.
"Yes,I thought so but don’t worry.Even though its tiring I am not so sad that I will still live forever.It gives me ability to improve myself forever and be free for all eternity.And you guys know what that is the perfection that I desired for.Just one thing I worry about is I want a partner to be with me for all the time I would be there.But I believe him that he will give me a partner for that someday."Cain said looking above to see the barrier is now fully surrounded by undeads from all over.
"Are you talking about the god?I thought you hated the god."Leo asked.
"No,it is not the god I was talking about he is even superior to that.The only one I don’t know a single thing about."Cain replied.
"And who is that?"Leo asked.
"The one who created me,The Creator."Cain said.
"Isn’t he the god then?"Leo asked.
"No,he is not the god.Because only weak can create the strong.I don’t think there is a god who is too weak or too foolish who would try to create someone like me."Cain said with a laugh.
"Then,who do you think created you?"Leo asked.
"I can’t say a single thing about that,right now.But only thing I know for sure is that he will never let me lose."Cain said.As they were talking a huge ball of fire fell down near the place where they were standing.As it touched the ground It made the platform they were standing on flip.But three of then used float to escape up to the air.Up on the air they saw Omega sitting on a throne made of gold flying on the air like a queen.
"As I thought you really were the greatest among the Legends,TearFire.Isn’t that right,Cain?"Omega asked getting down from the throne still floating on the air.
"Yes,you were 100 percentage right."Cain said raising himself to Omega’s level.
"If Lord Ma hears that I brought down “The Legend” then I may become the strongest of all emperors."Omega said in a bragging tone.
"No,I don’t think so.The one you defeated was just a human called Cain.Did you really thought you could defeat any of us three legends?"Cain asked.
"No,I never thought so.But now I may even do so."Omega answered.
"What makes you think so?"Cain asked.
"I have something that may even surprise Lord Ma.You are said to be known every possibilities of future so you may know that already."Omega said.
"Yes,I know that.Fighting with something like that once again is such a hassle,but still I would defeat you."Cain said.
"Then,send those two girls away.Being in here may hurt them in our battle."Omega said pointing towards Leo and Lera.
"Oh no,None of us are your opponent.We may not have to fight ourselves."Cain said with a smile.
"What do you mean?”Omega asked.Cain replies with an evil grin.He then brought his hands to his forehead making a hand sign.
"The art of death,Gate 1 Open,Undead Brain."He said focusing on himself.As he said this 2 black magic circles expelled out from his chest and back and disappeared.All the undeads who were trying to attack them while they were below turned towards Omega.They flied towards Omega and tried to attack her.But she used her claws to fight back against them.She killed them one by one.
"What did you do right now?Why are they attacking me?”Omega asked while destroying all the undeads by precisely destroying their hearts.“Why can’t I control them?And more over how can they use magic they were supposed to be normal beings with no knowledge of magic."Omega asked.
"This what you say,“the art of death”."Cain answered.It was looking like Omega was now being used as a form of entertainment by Cain.
" ‘Art of death.’,What does that mean I haven’t heard of any magic like that?"Omega said.
"It is not a magical art.As the name says It is the art of death itself."Cain answered.
"What are you saying?"Omega asked.
"It is so bad you became an undead,right as you died.But you will understand everything when you will meet her in person.”Cain said
"I can’t understand what you are talking about."Omega said in an angry tone.She was now burning with anger.She dodged all the attacks from the undeads and she eliminated every one of them with a large scale breath attack not leaving a shred of their existence.
"Oh it looks like you defeated everyone of them but it is not over yet."Cain said and he pointed his hands to a side and a portal opened,from which huge number of undeads appeared and attacked Omega.As she fought with them again,he opened more portals and more undeads came out of it.Then he went to a building and sat on the edge of the top with Lera and Leo were enjoying the fight from.
"How can you open so many portals at the same time?But that is as expected of the man known as ‘The Legend’.But Let me end this quickly for you."Omega said as she used a large scale breath attack,again to defeat all the undeads.Cain stood up and teleported right near where Omega was.
"How was that?Now come on,you have to fight me."Omega said.
"No,not yet.I have one last surprise for you."Cain said.
"What more do you have to do to me.I have heard that you maybe sometimes so cruel that you make devil seem kind.But after all that you are still a hero.Always fighting to protect someone.And will not do anything that goes against your ideals.The best you could do to make me feel bad is probably controlling my undeads."Omega said as she thought Cain was just bluffing.
"Are you sure about that?Because I am not."Cain asked.
"What?"Omega asked.
"I am neither a hero nor I fight to protect anyone.I may have fought to protect someone in the past.But not anymore cause no matter how much you protect something a time will came when it will be lost.So I don’t care about that.And ideals,don’t compare me with the pathetic guys who waste their lives living in the prison made by their own ideals.I am all about freedom and evolution.Not just that I am always selfish and only think about myself and I am the worst type of man,who enjoys seeing others suffer especially if it is because of me.Simply,I am the most sadistic type of opponent you could ever get.Only ideal I have is how much stronger I can get and how much I can make my opponent beg for death when fighting."Cain said.His eyes said how much of truth he was talking as they was blazing like a forge made of thousand suns.
"You are all talk."Omega said as she tried to attack Cain towards his head.But he was not there anymore.
"Try me."Cain’s voice came from backwards.
"Shut up."Omega said as she spun backwards with a swing of claw.
“Tarad-X”Cain said,not even flinching from that attack.That attack passed through his body normally.But he wasn’t hurt.Cain just flashed a smile towards Omega.Omega looked down on her stomach to see her stomach cut by her own Claws.It healed with in a second.
"What did you do?"Omega asked as she grabbed her stomach because she still felt pain.
"Parad-X,one of my original magics.It makes you hurt yourself when you attack the user.And how does that happen?Well,It uses dark magic to receive damage from the user and transfers it to the attacker. As long as you won’t attack me you are safe."Cain said.
"You freak."Omega said in anger.She rushed towards Cain and pierced her claws on his left side of chest.Cain was standing like nothing was happening.Omega was now spitting blood and was full of blood.Her injuries healed next second as if they were there.But blood was still left on her clothes.
"Hey,come on now don’t get so frustrated the fight has just begun."Cain said teasing Omega’s worthless efforts.
"What are you…?"Omega tried to ask
"You will see that."Cain said interrupting her.He joined his hand and then separated them slowly concentrating power into his palms with closed eyes .A ball of darkness appeared in between his hands.It was emitting a huge amount of dark lightning like things.The sheer amount of mana stored inside that made Omega shiver for a second.She was feeling fear and anxiety from it.It seemed like she was gonna drop into despair from that mana but some how retained herself.
"The art of death,Gate 4 open,Create Emperor."Cain said opening his eyes.The black ball moved forward and from it appears two magic circles appeared one went up and one went down it grew to the size that a person may fit inside.A stream of lightning connected the two and it take the appearance of a man.Seeing that made tears appear on the eyes of Omega.The man which appeared called Omega by the name,Petra.As the man came out from there,Omega recognized him to be Finn,her dead lover.
"So,Petra how are you feeling meeting your dead lover.Oops,sorry you are now Omega I forgot."Cain asked like it was just a common thing to ask.After that Cain began to laugh at Omega,like he was just mocking her.Omega couldn’t stop her anger nor her tears.
"What did you...What did you did with Finn?"Omega asked.Cain was still standing there laughing at her. “TearFire.”Omega screamed as she rushed towards Cain with a Dinistrio filled fist.But Finn came in front of Cain absorbing all the attack.Finn kicked her making her fall backwards.
"What are you doing,Finn?Its me your Petra."Petra said pulling herself back up.
"Yes,you are Petra.You killed me."Finn said attacking Leo with a lightning filled hands.Omega barely dodges that attack.
"No,you saved me from FyreStream and died on your own for that."Petra said with tear filled eyes.
"No,you killed me."Finn said looking at Petra with emotionless eyes.
"No,Finn would never say things like that you are not him."Petra said attacking Finn with her claws.But before her attack reached Finn,he attacked with a slash of thunder from his palms which lands on her shoulders making her fall backwards.
"What are you saying the one in front of you is the person you have loved all your life.But,you never had the courage to confess.But when you finally were able to confess,unfortunately it caused your death."Cain explained to her teleporting to her back.
"What do you mean?"Omega asked.
"You know the fact that,I know all possibilities of future."Cain said.
"What are you talking about?"Omega asked with a confused look.
"The truth is,you killed Finn."Cain said.
"No…You are lying."Omega said getting back up to her feet.
"It was your fault that.Finn had to die."Cain said as Finn kept knocking her back down.
"No,it was that dragon’s fault for eating him.It was king Solomon’s fault to give us that mission.It was your fault that you build the lost world."Omega said with an angry roar,making Finn pause for a moment.
"No,we legends are an exception to what happens in the future.If you didn’t get that mission you would still have died when you confessed to Finn."Cain said.
"What do you mean?"Omega asked.Finn attacked her with a huge bolt of thunder which completely fried her wings.She began to fell to the ground.Cain grabbed her and teleported her to ground.Finn also appeared down to the earth.
"The fact is that if you didn’t said you loved Finn while in that battle.Nobody would have died and the dragon would have been defeated by Gon."Cain said placing her down on the floor.Slowly her wings grew back up.Also other injuries began to heal.
"No..."She screamed.
"Yes,But you proposed to Finn which made him drop his guard and while trying to protect you he died."Cain said.
"No..."She screamed with even more intensity looking towards the sky.
"And what did you do for him?Instead of living the life he gave you by sacrificing your life.You tried to avenge him and died in vain.The truth is you are just an idiot,like I once was."Cain said.
"No...I won’t let you say anything more to me.I will kill you it is all your fault"Omega said raising up to her feet.Omega’s face now looked more furious than ever.She charged towards Cain with a claw.Cain teleports out of her way.
"It looks like you are broken from all that.But I don’t even feels sorry for you."Cain said appearing where he was standing again.Omega tried to strike Cain again flying back towards him,but Finn came in between and fought with her taking it up to the skies again.Cain flied up to where Finn was fighting Omega.Omega desperately tried to reach Cain but she can’t because of Finn blocking her.While on the surface,Leo got amazed by the new face of Cain.Lera had seen that before but Leo was seeing that for the first time so she was a little surprised on how cruel Cain was there.
"I never thought Cain will do something like that."Leo said.
"Are you feeling less love towards him or something like that."Lera asked in a teasing tone.
"No,I don’t know why.But,usually if I see someone making a girl fight against the guy she loves more than anything to death no matter how bad that girl is I would feel that that someone is the worst type of person ever.But seeing this doesn’t make me feel anything like that."Leo said.She didn’t knew why but she was feeling awfully calm,even though there was a fierce battle going on the skies.
"So,you still have to see what he does.It is just a preview of how cruel he can be while fighting."Lera said remembering some of Cain’s past battles.
"Is that so?"Leo asked.
"Yeah.So brace yourself or it will be yours,whose mind would be broken after this journey."Lera warned her student.
While on the above Omega was begging Finn to let her go as she was full of despair.She even began to attack Finn.But Finn was dodging the attacks cause her attacks were so loose while compared to her usual self.
"Do you still love me?"Finn asked.
"Why are you asking me that?Isn’t it sure I will always love you."Omega said.
"Even after you caused our death,you are still saying that."Finn said with same emotionless face.
"No,It was not my fault that,we died."Omega said.
"TearFire says we didn’t had to die if you never proposed me."Finn said.
"He is lying."Omega said.
"Legends never lie."Finn said.
"Who told you that?Even legends may lie."Omega asked.
"Then tell if you hadn’t proposed to me in that battle,then would I have been distracted."Finn asked
"You were always distracted in battlefield."Omega said.
"Oh so you are making it my fault now."Finn said.
"No,I didn’t mean that."Omega said.
"You don’t even care about me."Finn said.
"No,that’s not true."Omega said.
"Then why are you trying to attack me."Finn asked.This made Omega stop her attack.
"Let’s stop all these and let’s go somewhere safe where no one can find us.We can do what we couldn’t while we were alive."Omega proposed to Finn.
"Are you saying to me that I should run away from the one,the TearFire,who let me live once again."Finn said
"Yes,you are not bounded to him."Omega said.
"Yes,I am bounded to him.I can’t betray him."Finn said.
"Is there no way for us to be together?"Omega asked.
"You still want to be with me after all that you have done."Finn asked with still no expressions on his face.
"Believe me.I really love you."Omega said hugging Finn.
"I believe you.But still if you want to be with me you have to defeat me first and the him and then you have make Ma resurrect me as an undead again."Finn said pushing her back.
"No,I don’t want you to be bound to anyone as an undead."Omega said.
"Is that so then you must understand my pain when you are bounded to Devil as an undead."Finn still his face has no change of expressions, but tears appeared on his eyes.
"Sorry,I am Sorry."Omega said as she cried and hugged Finn .He hugged her back.But a second later She feels Finn’s body getting hotter and It exploded into a huge explosion.After the explosion she saw that Cain and the building along with Leo and Lera are safe but the entire city was nothing less than ashes of what was present there a moment ago.Omega’s body was too also all burned up.She restored it as fast as she could.After a few seconds she was fully healed.She had a wicked smile on her face.She was completely broken by now.
"So this was your plan to defeat me,huh.The so called ‘Legend’.But its unfortunate it was not enough to kill me."Omega said with an evil laugh.
"No I am not a fool to think so.But still it was impressible."Cain stated.
"Shut up.I will avenge you for playing with my emotions like that.I won’t forgive you."Omega said activating her powers.Pink flames almost same as ones from Cain enveloped her whole body especially from behind her scales.She focuses her all the mana on to her fist making it shine with a pink light she charges towards him with that fist all the speed could muster up.But before she could attack she found herself unable to move her body.She struggled as much as she could but she still couldn’t move.
"What did you do?"Omega asked unable to move as if the time was frozen.Cain jumped up and next second he was on front of her.
"At last you decided to use the dragon god form.If it was usual I would have played with you a little but today I am a little bored of your shit.So this is it."Cain said.
"Do you really think you can defeat this form so easily?"Omega asked.
"Why do I have to think?I can defeat you in Infinite ways but to day I am gonna use that one in a long time."Cain said.
"What do you mean?"Omega asked.
"T:Skip"Cain said and huge number of spirit like things comes out of his body and passed through her body in a flash and it crystallized her and at last as Cain slashed in front of him a white sword appears on his hands and it cut the crystal in two and it spread into a rain of dust."Sleep on the moment of death for all eternity."Cain said as he threw away that sword,which disappeared before it hit the ground.He then disappeared from there and goes to the building where Leo and Lera was.Leo hugged Cain like she missed him even though he was right in front of her all the time.
"So is it over,huh?"Leo asked.
"What are you saying,Leo?It was just the beginning. our battle is just started.More than a battle is just a game for me though."Cain said
"Hmm..?"Leo asked.
"What master,you didn’t even needed our help after all."Lera said.
"You may have to fight the next time so make sure you are prepared to fight."Cain said.
"Yes,So where are we gonna go next?"Lera asked.
"Well let’s see you may have heard the legend of Sigurd right?"Cain said.
"Yes the guy who ate a dragons heart right but didn’t it says that,it happened on our world."Leo asked.
"No and legend is not always the same as what happens in reality.We are going to the world of Sigurd next."Cain said.
to be continued...
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