《TearFire》Undead Empress 1: The Devil Returns.
Before the omniverse was created there existed only 3 small universes.First one of them was called universe of alpha.Second one was Universe of pi .And the last one was Universe of sigma.Each of them was created by the same creator.But all three were different on their own means.Each had their own heroes .Each had their own villains.But they were all made to be connected.To build something greater.This story takes places in the first Universe of alpha,Where a mortal had gained the power of god and created a system of omniverse for himself.But was later slayed by a hero who stood up against him.
Leone Stienfred was a 15 year old girl with long blonde hair and fine blue eyes.She was pretty popular on the Springfield High School.She was walking in front of a class building with some trees in between the balcony of building and the road.As she was walking past a few gossiping girls she happened to hear something.
"You know Cain right."A girl with blonde hair and a ponytail asked.
"Of Year 13 right. Isn’t he pretty popular lately in this school."Girl with straight black hair asked.
"Yes after all he turned down one of the most beautiful girls in our school Jessie Bryan."Girl with black hair whom she was talking with replied.
"Didn’t she won the beauty contest of our school last year."A girl with short red hair said coming in between.
"You know what he said to her while he turned her down."Blonde girl asked.
"What did he said?" Redhead asked.
"He said that he didn’t have time to play house with her."Blonde girl said.
"Really.He said that to her?"Brunette asked
"But you know what, she needed that."Redhead said.
“You are right.She kind of deserved it actually.”Blonde girl said.
"But,Why?"Brunette asked.
"She was always on air.Especially after winning that contest.Who did she think she is.She really deserved it.I don’t think she will be able to show her face to someone for a long time."Redhead said with an angry face.
"Whatever that is,why were you talking about Cain."Brunette asked.
"Oh I heard that that boxing champ of our class Gregory challenged him to a fight."Blonde girl answered.
"What? Really what the hell was that fool thinking fighting with someone like Cain."Redhead snapped.
"He is a fool .He has physical strength but his brain is empty.Who do you think will win?"Brunette asked to the girls.
"I think Gregory.After all he is a boxing champ he defeated Braylon the Flash last year at the tournament finals.You went to see that match right."Blonde girl said.
"But I have heard Cain once took care of goons double his size when he was a kid."Redhead said.
"Who told you that ?"Brunette asked.
"Leone Stienfred."Redhead answered.
"And you believed that?"Blonde asked.
"I don’t know .But I think this is gonna get interesting.Lets go and watch it."Redhead answered.
"Where are they gonna fight?"Brunette asked.
"At the Basketball court at 3pm."Blonde replied.
"By the way, do you know why they are fighting for?"redhead asked.
"Leone Steinfred."Blonde answered.
"What do you mean?"Brunette asked.
"Gregory went and confessed to Leone Steinfred yesterday and was politely turned down by her.So he went and challenged Cain staking Leone on the match cause she is crazy for Cain."Blonde answered.
"He is a fool.He needs some beating from Cain .I will support him."Redhead said.
"Do whatever you want."Blonde said.
Leone was kind of shocked by idiocy of Gregory .She knew he was gonna lose and really badly.Because she had never seen Cain lose to someone.Even if it was a group of bullies targeting a tomboy or a crazy girl monster who attacked him with all her might after seeing her little sister kissing him,on his cheeks.Or any other thing,he never lost a single time.That is why she fell in love with him.A few months before she was struggling to not make contact with him just because she broke a promise with him.But what Cain said was he never made her do such promise,it was her who did that on her own.And comforted her.But what he never did was admitting his love to her.He had always cared for her more than anyone but still he didn’t wanted to admit that he loved her.
It was afternoon Basketball court was filled .Not to see a basketball match but to see two boys fighting it out with each other.Leone also came to the court she saw the crowd and realized why they were here.She made her way through it down the court where she could see everything in detail.Gregory was in there.waiting in there in middle of the court he looked like he was ready for a boxing match.Cain was not there yet.After a few minutes Cain entered the court through the entrance where players enter from.He was wearing his usual clothes with his backpack on his one shoulder walking in a lazy manner.He walked towards Gregory.
"Yo”Cain said to crowd raising his hands towards crowd.
"What do you mean by “yo”. I was waiting for you Lets start this already."Gregory said as he got on his boxing stance and rushed towards Cain.Gregory went for a right swing but Cain walked towards where Leone was sitting.
"Hey Leo,Can you take care of my bag of a sec."Cain asked as he gave his backpack to Leo’s hands.
"Ya no probs."Leo said as she took the bag from his hands. Cain then walked towards Gregory.He then stopped a few steps away from him.
"Before we start let me tell you one thing, this is not a boxing match with rules,this is just a fight with no rules at all.I hope you know it means."Cain said in a warning tone in his usual lazy stance.
"Yes,I get to beat the pulp out of you till I want to stop."Gregory said with a smile on his face jumping left and right with his guards up.
"This is why kids are troublesome."Cain said with a teasing smile.
"Who are you calling a kid?"As he was saying this Gregory rushed towards Cain with a right .Cain stepped left and dodged it.Then went with a left blow which Cain deflected using his hands.Then he went for an other right but Cain leaned backwards then dunked and came up with a right punch which Gregory dodged but then he realized it was a feint which made it possible for Cain to connect with a elbow on his chin.He also went for an snap jab which landed on his nose.It made Gregory step back.He checked his nose to find that it was bleeding .He looked towards the crowd which were laughing.
"I told you this isn’t a boxing match."Cain taunted.
"Why you.."Gregory screamed as he charged forward.He went towards Cain with an other punch.This time he caught his hand and jabbed other palm right on his jaw which made him go down.Gregory realized he had no chance against this guy .He was fighting against a monster who was just playing games with him.Gregory stood up and told Cain who was now walking towards Leone.
"Wait…"Gregory asked Cain.
"Still wanna fight?"Cain asked teasingly.
"No,I lose.But how much strong are you.Right now you were just playing with me weren’t you."Gregory said while taking harsh breaths.
"Oh,did you thought I am a monster right now?"Cain asked walking near Gregory.
"Wha…”he was stunned for a second. “You are something out of this world dude."Gregory said.
"Yes,I am not a monster.I am far more worse than that."Cain said with a smile extending his hands towards Gregory.
"Wanna join Boxing club I bet you will be one hell of a champ someday."Gregory asked shaking his hands.
"No I don’t have much time to waste.I have so many siblings to care for after all."Cain replied.
"Oh .That’s a shame."Gregory said.
"Let’s fight again sometime maybe I can teach you a few tricks."Cain said.
"Thank you dude"Gregory said and Cain went near Leo and then took his backpack from Leo and then walked towards the entrance.It was then Leo felt something sinister up at the sky.Cain turned back to Leo with a serious face.
"Leo teleport everyone here to outside now.RIGHT NOW"Cain screamed.
"What are you talki..."Leo went to ask but when she looked up at the sky she saw a huge meteor coming down towards them.
"We don’t have much time now."Cain said.Leo activated a magic circle around the court.She was now able to teleport things near her without touching them directly over some area.She teleported everyone of them to outside.Everyone was shocked to see that.They were never magically teleported to somewhere before.Earlier and they even didn’t knew about existence of magic before that.Leone noticed that Cain and Gregory was not there.Few seconds later Cain appeared with Gregory on his hands he was carrying him in bridal carry position.He let him down.
"What the hell is happening?"Gregory asked.
"I will explain it later you guys need to escape right now."Cain said.Everybody ran from there to the woods .Leo came to near Cain only ones who was left there was Cain and Leo.Cain had an irritated angry look on his face.
"Was that a meteorite,but why was I feeling mana from it?"Leo asked.
"Breath attack."Cain said with irritated feeling.
"What?"Leo asked out of surprise.
"It was a Breath attack probably from a steel or earth dragon.I shouldn’t ever have disconnected from the archives."Cain said in a loud shouting voice.Still he looked irritated at something.
"What…?More than that what is a dragon doing here?"Leo asked.
"Who knows?But looks like balance of dimensions has been split apart.”Cain said as he looked at the skies.Suddenly he placed his hands on his chest and his expression turned happy “Okay Connected."Cain said with a sigh of relief.
"King said that our Universe is one of the Universe which is the safest.And he said that it is almost impossible for evil come to earth even if it come here."Leo said.
"Well that we will see .Can you ask backup from the lost world ?"Cain asked placing his hands on Leo’s shoulder with looking at her with eyes of hope.
"Yes."Leo said.Leo was a little happy.It was the first time Cain was asking her a favor. Leo then used her wrist device to contact Lost world.King Solomon came online.
"Hey Leone what happened ?,I am kind of a hurry right now."Solomon said.
"Earth is being attacked by evil probably.Can you send backup?"Leo asked.
"What earth being attacked.Impossible is that what they wanted ?"Solomon asked himself.He looked like he had his own worries.
"What happened King?"Leo asked.
"Actually Kingdom was attacked and Lensa was stolen from us."Solomon answered.
"Lensa?"Leo asked.She had never heard of that name before.
"The Elf of the crystal."Solomon explained.
"What, she was stolen.But by whom?"Leo asked out of shock.
"I don’t know but I will fill on the details later,for now we are on the middle of a battle I am afraid I won’t be able to send backup right now"Solomon said.
"I will do something of what is happening here and I have some help I can trust blind eyed"Leo said with a slight blush on her face.
"Cain,huh?"Solomon said in a teasing tone.
"Hmm,Bye for now."Leo said as she nodded her head on yes.
"I will open a portal to this world by tomorrow and will help you two out there if it gets worse so hang in there for now."Solomon said.As the connection of device was severed she closed the device.And then she to Cain.Cain was standing there with his eyes closed and was counting something.
"Cain"Leo called at small voice as she came near Cain. “I feel like I want to hug him from behind like this.”She thought on her mind.Cain could hear her mind and this gave a smile on the face of Cain.
"Leo,Did you asked for backup?"Cain asked as he turned back.Cain asked even though he knew what happened already.They both sat down on a fallen tree in the woods.The sun was starting to go down and the darkness was about to spread.
"Sorry King said Kingdom is being attacked so he can’t send backup."Leo said with a sad face.
"It is really what I thought it would be.It looks like It will take a few more minutes before I am completely a part of the archiv.But still it’s gonna be okay.I am gonna protect you,Leo."Cain said as he touched Leo’s head with a kind smile.This made Leo feel safe and warm.She felt like she was gonna explode from the warmth which was building inside her for a second.But then Cain removed his hands from her head.
“But what is happening here right now.”Leo asked Cain.
"Devil may be trying to come out of his shell."Cain answered with a slightly serious face.
"Devil?"Leo asked.
"I guess you still don’t know about him.For now,most perfect being the god ever created is the best explanation."Cain explained.
"Cain...Can I ask you something?"Leo asked and Cain looked at her as if he was waiting for the question.When Leo looked at Cain she felt as if her whole body was warming up again. “Can I kiss you?”Leo asked inside her mind.But she suddenly felt like she had to ask what she really wanted to.
"I can’t kiss you.Not right now."Cain said turning back.
"Not that.How do you know about Lost World .Are you a hero too?"Leo asked.
"Well,many things happened after all."Cain said reminiscing his past.
"You don’t plan to tell me about that right."Leo asked.
"I will tell you but not now.By the way hows Lera."Cain asked.
"You know teach."Leo asked.
"She is your teacher huh ?”Cain asked.Suddenly Cain heard a sound near the forest.“Lets get outta here.This area is gonna be flooded with undead soon."Cain said as he got up.
"How did undead came he…”Leo tried to ask but Cain lifted her up in bridal carry position.This made Leo blush slightly.
"Hang on tight."Cain said.
"hmm”Leo said with a red face as she tightly grabbed her hands around his necks.
"Teleport"Cain said and vanished with a flash.He teleported to the tower of his church .It was about 80 meters tall.He was standing at the pointy end of the tower using float.
"Can you use float."Cain asked.
"Yes."Leo answered.Cain then let her down she used float to stay in air.She looked below.ground was filled with undeads.She looked more closely to see some familiar faces as well who were turned into undeads.They were the children of orphanage.She looked towards Cain to see his reaction.But Cain was calm.She was surprised to see Cain was still calm even after seeing those who he cared for was turned into zombies who craves for mana only.
"My hobby is now a mess.Well whatever."Cain said with a small sigh.
"Hobby?"Leo was wondering what was going on.
"Yeah, I made that orphanage to pass some time in peace with those who has no one on this world.But its time for them to rest in peace.There was only a few who were real any ways."Cain said
"What do you mean by that are you sure you didn’t went crazy after seeing all this."Leo asked.
"Believe me I have seen worse.By the way Leo…"Cain said and started to stare at her.He used to do that every time he needed something from Leo.
"What’s with those eyes.What do you want now?"Leo asked.
"Lend me Bre."Cain said extending his hands towards Leo.
"Bre,You even know that name.Just who are you really?"Leo asked.She thought that only a few exceptional people knew about Bre.
"For you,I am just Cain,forever."Cain said.Leo extended her hands towards Cain.Cain grabbed her hand and then released it.He then jumped down gaining speed as he fell down with his head down and spinning as he was about 2 meters from air he flip and sent he heads of the undeads to somewhere far.He landed on his legs, he was surrounded by undeads.Undeads turned towards Cain.They surrounded Cain.Leone looking from above felt like he was about to be eaten by undeads.She started descending to ground fast.as she was about to touch the ground she saw every last undeads vanishing.into a smoke after she landed down what she saw was Cain standing in there.with a undeads’ head being footrest for Cain as it was trying to grab his legs.His clothes were ragged.He had tenebre on right hand he was holding something on his.As she went near him she was a fresh heart which was thrown apart from a undead.It was still beating.Leone was shocked to see this.To her that was madness.
"Cain,is it really you."Leo asked getting near Cain.She was a little scared.But she was even ready to die if it was for Cain.
"Have a doubt”Cain asked.He tossed that heart away.“That was not good either."Cain said with a disappointed face.As she looked down she saw face of that undead under Cain’s feet.It was Rio as an undead.It was a girl from orphanage who thought of Cain as her own brother.She felt like pathetic for her.
"Cain isn’t it..."Leo tried to ask.But before she could ask Cain pierced his hands through chest of Rio and pulled out her heart on his hands.Leo was now completely shocked.She came near Cain she felt like slapping him for what she saw but was really scared of that version of Cain.
"What are you doing?"Leo asked catching him by his ragged shirt.
"I am searching for material for a weapon.And they are not human anymore."Cain said as he stepped backwards.His ragged shirt came away to Leo’s hands as she was grabbing them.
"What do you mean?"Leo asked as she threw them away.She couldn’t stop looking at the well toned body of Cain.It looked like it was made to fight.HIs muscles were still shining even though his body was full of dust and blood.
"It is a part of my power I can make weapons out of heart of undead.I can save their souls that way but I don’t like to save those who don’t deserve that."Cain answered.Cain clicked his fingers and a tornado of water appeared around him.
"Is that why you ..."Leo asked.
"No I like killing undead by pulling their hearts out .That too is a reason."Cain said as he was still inside the tornado.Leone couldn’t help but sigh after hearing that.The tornado came to a stop and the water flowed down.Cain was now fully clean with not a dust on his body.Drops of water was dripping from his long black hair.Then Cain channeled his energy to that heart he was holding.It began to glow.It began to change its shape .It changed into a golden colored sword.
"I name her Excalibur."Cain said.
"Excalibur isn’t it holy sword "Leo asked.
"It was just a story but she is real from now on.Here”Cain said as he offered the sword to Leo“Take it you seem more compatible to this."He said.
Leone takes it and she tries to feel the mana from the sword she feels the same amount of power she felt from tenebre but this one seemed easier to swing around.She did a few practice swings.
"Looks like they are here."Cain said as looked at the direction where some of the Undead kings were walking towards them.
"Undead kings.But why this many?"Leo asked.
"All hell broke lose but not even near a pain."Cain said.Cain held the tenebre right behind his head and leaned down and then he rushed ahead with speed so fast that even Leone couldn’t trace him.Next second all 12 of the undead kings who were going to attack them were in pieces as their body vanished in a smoke.Leone was amazed she had never seen anyone moving this fast other than Thor.
"I guess this is the max speed I can use right now."Cain said.
"You are way too strong Cain maybe you were the level zero hero of the rumors."Leo said.
"I am not him.But he is a friend of mine."Cain said.
"You killed 12 undead kings in a second.You are unbeatable."Leo said.
"No I wouldn’t stand a chance against a legend as of now.And this battle isn’t over yet."Cain explained.
"Who’s left?"Leo asked.
"The undead Empress."Cain said.
"Empress."Leo asked as she never heard about that before.
"Yeah,She is strong as much as about me. I can’t beat her as of now we need to get out now."Cain said.As he finished Portal opened from the sky .From it they could feel very sinister mana as from someone who has transcended mortality and evolved into something higher.Cain had a smile in his face as he had found something he was searching for a long time.Leone got scared.
"Cain.I think its too late now."Leo said.Her body was shaking due to fear.
"Yeah.It looks so."Cain said.Even though they were in a trouble Cain had a smile on his face.
"What do we do now?"Leo asked grabbing his hands.
"She is my target.I will fight her.If it turns for the worst I will send you to Lost world”Cain said while comforting Leo.He pushed her back.“Now come down Empress.Let me see If you can make my heart race and my body bleed"Cain said extending his sword towards the portal.Even though the enemy was strong Cain was not faltering.As if he had been waiting for someone like that to come and fight with him.
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