《TearFire》Side Story 7 : Leone Vs FyreStream (What sleeps inside the darkness )
"If being a hero means to see your partners die with you being able to do anything then I will quit being a hero .If I will become a hero I will become a hero so strong and so perfect that I will not lose even if my opponent is god himself.I don’t know if TearFire is real or he lives anymore.But I sure know I will become the next TearFire.And just wait there Thor I won’t let a kid like you fight in my stead."Leone said standing near the body of her dead comrade.She looked back at Petra once again.She raised her hand looked in it.She made a fist concentrating on her fist she roared."Oh the great sword from the hero who surpassed time.Be my power.Be my strength.As i take vengeance upon the dragon who killed my friend.I want thee to be my blade.As I pierce my foe’s heart."
Saying this she saw mana from her body making a summon magic circle on her hands and it summoned a black sword of about 20 inches long .While she was holding that blade she was feeling almost unlimited mana from it .It had the same type of mana as when she used the inferns. She felt like that sword was made for her only.She once again looked back at Petra’s dead body.She thanked Petra for giving her that sword before dying.Remembering that made a tear fell from her eyes
Holding the half dead body of her friend,Leone looked at once beautiful face of Petra which was now filled with scars,blood and dirt.Petra tried to speak something But not a word was coming out of her mouth.Leone was almost about to cry by then.
"L..eo..ne.."Petra tried to speak.
"No, Don’t speak ."Leone interrupted.
"Leone...."Petra still kept trying to say that.
"I am right here .I won’t leave you alone.We will go back to kingdom once Lady Thor is done with Fyre."Leone said trying to comfort her friend.
"No ...I will not last.... for more than a few minutes."Petra said realizing her state.She had a few tears on her eyes,At the same time she had a smile on her face.She knew she was not going to live long.
"No I will save you at all cost."Leone said with tears all over her eyes.She wanted to save her friend who was with her all the time.
"Listen Leone.We are heroes......We ...stake our life to save not just 1 or 2 worlds ......We stake them to save millions of worlds which was abandoned by everyone."Petra said trying to make Leone realize what they were fighting for.
"What hero am I, if i can’t even save my friends or my teammates"Leone said remembering about her pathetic self who was shaking with fear when her team was getting killed.
"No ...Leone you are an excellent hero.....I know it .You still have a world to protect after all,Unlike me."Petra said.
"What are you talking about ?"Leone asked.
"Here…”Petra extends her hands to Leone.She grabs the hand. “This sword , It is called tenebre. The sword of darkness.It was made by TearFire.It can block all the attack from an enemy if you can use it correctly.I got it.....from my teacher.But I couldn’t use it correctly.Whenever I used It my speed decreased, so I didn’t used It much .But I know you can use it Leone...."Petra said.Her eyes showed how much she trusted her.
"Where is it?"Leone asked since she didn’t see any physical sword.
"I have transferred it to your mana.It will come to you whenever you call it.Now go fight him......"As she finished saying this life left her body.Tears rolled down from Leone’s eyes.
Leone came back to what was happening now. She looked up to see Thor one sidely beating down Fyre.She was different from right before ,now she could clearly see what was going up there .She could trace each and every movement of guys fighting above who were moving faster than light itself.She focused mana on her legs making the earth go down making a hole on the ground.She jumped up straight to Fyre kicking him right on his chest with a suntsipenaren .It sent Fyre down to earth making an other huge hole on the ground.Leone used Void magic on her entire body to make her float on the air.Thor was going to hit Fyre with an other electric jolt that was when Leone interrupted then sending Fyre down.
"Oh you can use float too ?"Thor asked with a surprised look.
"Yes I learned it right now.Lady Thor , Please Let me fight here."Leo asked the Legend.
"So Judging from the fact that you have tenebre ,Petra must be dead by now."Thor stated.
"Unfortunately.…”she looked back down “.It is my fault.I couldn’t protect her or anyone from my team."Leo said.She was full of guilt and also confidence was seen on her eyes.
"No one can run away from what it is going to happen.It was not your fault Leone .I knew this was gonna happen sometime soon still I couldn’t save my student.You never saw it coming still you at least tried , that is something to be praised for."Thor said moving near Leone and comforting her.
"What do you mean?"Leone asked.
"You will see that one day."Thor said that in the same style Cain says it.
"That again.Why does everyone say that to me?"Leo asked with the usual troubled face.
"You are someone with the fate to see them all after all."Thor said with a little smile on her face.
"Now ,What does that mean.?"Leo asked.
"Ask that to yourself not me.And I leave this to you .I am going to take Petra’s body with me.Make sure you come back."Thor said turning back getting ready to go.
"I will, for sure."Leone said looking in the direction she sent Fyre flying.
Fyre who was blown back to ground came flying back to her attacking with his tail but Leone blocked it with her blade.Thor disappeared with a spark.She then appeared near Petra and scooped her up on her shoulders.She looked at Leone and gave her a nod.Leone too replied with a nod.Then Thor disappeared into a portal which appeared in front of her.
"You do good, brat.For a human that is."Fyre said recognizing the potential Leone carried.
“I will defeat you.For sure."Leo said.Her eyes with brimming confidence.It was the same girl who was shaking with fear.Now she was standing face to face with that fear.
"Let’s see who will be defeated."Fyre said.He was also confident in his victory.
"Yeah let’s do it"Leo said taunting him.
Dragon attacks Leone with claws and tail whips but.Leone dodges them all .Fyre releases a breath attack .But Leone summons Inferns on her feet and kicks that raging ball of fire which sucks up that attack.She cuts across the dragon with her new dark blade but it dodges that attack,then it counters with a right claw.Leone dunks and cuts him on his chest.But it heals in no time.
"So you can do it if you try."Fyre taunted.
Leone backs up and spins around.She then takes the stance for her attack.She spins up for a roundhouse as she was turning her legs began to shine in a black light which indicated the activation of inferns again.The fire bolt which was absorbed sometime ago now came out of that light which hit Fyre on his head.The attack made him faze a little.But Fyre soon regained his balance.
"Still alive,huh."Leone taunted him with a smile.
"What in hell are you ?Using my attack against me like that”Fyre paused for a second as if he realized something.His expression of anger turned into that of fear. “Wait, that black light.I have heard of that.It must be inferns de meravello.But how could it be that someone like you are able to use it.”Fyre asked.
“I just can”Leone answered.
“Who are you ?”Fyre asked.
"Hear this with your ears open, My name is Leone Stienfred.Leo for my Cain and Death for you.I am just a human from planet called Earth.And I will become a hero who surpasses the god.I will become next TearFire."Leone said with her blade pointing towards Fyre.
"TearFire, the Hero who slayed the dragon god Drakon ."Fyre stated as he have heard of him.
"You are wrong.TearFire, the Hero who defeated the GOD Cronarck."Leone said as she drew her sword behind her and rushed towards direction of Fyre.She aimed to cut his head.Fyre brought his claws in between to save himself but her blade cut through his claws like cheese.Fyre flapped his wings and pulled himself backwards ,saving himself.He then tried to switch to the offense as he tried to cut Leone spinning his newly grown claws around Leone’s head.She ducked and attacked on his chest with the sword.She was successful in pushing Fyre back but his wounds healed in no time.Fyre still continued to attack Leone with his claws and tail.But he couldn’t reach her.Leone kept cutting away Fyre’s claws as he grew new ones and attacked her.Now Fyre was getting desperate.He attacked Leone with his tail.It was getting near her head like a spear.She dodged and tried to cut his tail.But before she could do that Fyre used his wings to attack Leone’s hands.This made an opening which Fyre needed.Fyre then pierced his claws right through her stomach.He pulled his claws away from her stomach.This made Leone spit blood.She was barely making herself float up.She was losing so much blood.She began to heal herself with her void magic.She was now looking dirty with her body full of blood and dust. The dragon laughed as he almost won the fight.Leone also smiled watching the dragon laugh.
“You still laugh.It’s over.You are almost out of mana.You can’t win.”Fyre said.
“No.Not yet.”Leo lifted her sword up and looked at it. “I won’t lose.Not to you.”Leone taunted with a smile.
"That’s it .Its time to end this fight.Let me show you my most powerful attack.I can say for sure that you wont survive this attack Leone Stienfred."The dragon screamed with anger.
He Lifted up his hand to the skies and focused His man onto that It made a Fireball over his head.which became bigger over time.He bought that to his front .Leone tried to cut that sphere but it send her flying back ward instead .He compressed it and filled it with his breath .Meanwhile Leone was trying to attack him from all directions but the amount of mana which was swirling around him made it impossible for her to get near him.
"Tsk,Why can’t I get near him."Leo asked herself as she continued to attack him.
Leone used a last ditch effort to reach him using almost all the amount of mana left in her body to fly into the core of mana where his body was.But it send her back a few hundred meters from there.Fyre released his spell.It came really fast towards to Leone.She covered inferns de meravello. all over her body and on her blade .She tried to cut that fireball.It Looked similar to Lera Spica but it was far more powerful.Leone was using all her power to cut through or push back that attack while the dragon was laughing and make fun of her.But Leone wasn’t making it budge.Barrier all over her body was breaking off.She thought that was it for her.She felt her consciousness was slipping away from her.Everything in front of her eyes went black.She started to look around her.She couldn’t see anything.And then all of a sudden she felt like she lost her strength was gone and now the fire ball was pushing her back.And she closed her eyes.
As she opened her eyes she found herself standing in a huge cave with water filled on the bottom ,some stalactites and stalagmites were visible,drops of water falling down .It was bright as if it was moon was inside the water and there was a small fountain on a side.She was wondering where she was.Was she dead?Was that heaven?But she was taught stuff like heaven and hell doesn’t exist.She walked towards the fountain.She felt something on her shoulders and turned back she saw a lady wearing a small black dress which barely covered her.It was long till her thighs.She some what resembled Leone.But she was taller and her body was well developed than 14 year old Leone.She also had black eyes and hair while her skin tone was a little tanned,while Leone had blonde hair and blue eyes with a light tone.Leone was surprised at first so she attacked her with a right but the woman drew backwards as if she knew it was coming.
"Easy Leone.I am not an enemy."The girl said with a little giggle trying to touch Leone.Leone stepped back first but then she allows her to.Girl grabs Leone’s cheeks.
"Wait,who are you and why do you know my name?"Leone asked removing her hands from her cheeks and turning towards the fountain.
"Me.I am the one who sleeps inside the darkness."Girl in the black says.
"Why do everyone talk to me in riddles?"Leone says with a sigh.
"Riddles are fun.”Girl says.”By the way I am your sword."She stated.This made Leone look at her with a doubtful look.
"Sword.Are you kidding me?This isn’t an anime or a fictional world where swords have soul."Leone said.
"You are living in a world where a hero defeated god anything is possible here."Sword replied.
"So what do I call you ? "Leone asked
"Don’t you know that already."Sword asked.
"Tenebre…?"Leone asked with a confused look.
"Yes,My name is Tenebre.You can call me Bre.As Tear calls me."Bre says as she jumps on Leone trying to hug her.But She dodges it by instinct.
"Bre,huh?” Leo asked getting away from her.“Why do you look so much like me?"Leone asked.
"I don’t look like you .You look like me.But who knows why.I look like my sister,Lexa.Cause we used to be one before.I was born."Bre answered.She then tried to jump towards Leone again but Leone stops her.
"Wait.Didn’t TearFire made you."Leone asked.
"Yes,technically he did made me."Bre answered.
"So why am I here?"Leone asked.
"I didn’t call you here you came here.It is your choice."Bre stated.
"I need more power to kill that dragon."Leone said.
"I can give you that power."Bre said.
"What ?”Leone asked.”That easily."Leo couldn’t believe it.She have never gotten anything in her life just because she asked for it.She had to earn it somehow.
"Why not.Not anybody can hear my voice after all"Bre said.
"Really."Leo still seemed surprised.
"Yes and I think.we are connected somehow from a very long time.”Bre said as she slowly got near Leone and grabbed her cheeks again.She tried to get those hands off but this time she couldn’t.
"Wait what are yo…”Leone tried to asked but before she could complete Bre forcibly presses her lips on Leone’s.
It makes Leone come out to the outer world.She was now stopping the fire ball without any trouble.Her power was now raising abnormally her blonde hair now stood up against the gravity.And a dark shadow surrounded her body.
"What happened to your power now Leo. Can’t you even move.Say to me .How much powerful...."Dragon screamed trying to taunt Leo.But what he saw next was his heart being pierced by Leone from his behind and his huge ball of fire disappear.As he turned back his head fell down which was severed by Leone right then following by other limbs and body.
"Only Cain can call me by that name."Leo says with an angry face.
She fell onto her knees and she placed her hands on her head.Tenebre disappeared from her hands.She was thinking she had her first kiss stolen her by from someone other than Cain.And It was a girl above all of all the events that happened that day .It was which hurt her the most.Not her teammates death made her sad.Neither the fact of defeating a dragon undead made her happy.She was getting worried about how she can face her Cain after that.She had promised him.She will not even kiss anyone other than Cain.But she had broken that promise.
Later she went back to the lost world where she was welcomed.Not as a Hero neither as a failure but as a friend who had lost so much in just one day of her life.After that she was raised to level 90 by the King Solomon and she was working more than ever. She had been leading teams and winning battles.She continued to grow as a Hero in the city of Solomon.She was later named the King Slayer as she had defeated more than 100s of Undead Kings all by herself.Seeing this Lera also decided to become stronger.as Leone.And 2 years later .She was one of the 99 level heroes of the Kingdom.But her distance with Cain grew over the years to the extend that she couldn’t even talk to him with their eyes meeting.Until that day when everything started to fall apart and the balance of the world was depending on her shoulders.
to be continued...
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