《The Final Judgement》Volume 1: Chapter 5: Love


Mekato looks at everyone from the window. Everyone waves at him, he waves back. But one thing he notices is Kimari, she has a sad face. Why does she look so sad? Just before here in the room she was smiling. Mekato stops waving and closes the window, laying back in his bed. Someone knocks on the door.

"Come in." Mekato said. The door opened, it was the doctor.

"Looks like you're recovering fast." He said with a smile on his face.

Mekato nods following up with: "Yes, it is going good quick."

But then the doctor looks at him.

"Kimari told me about what happend with you, her and the group of soldiers." Mekato looks at the doctor, his eyes widend up.

So is that why she looked so sad? Because she lied to me about it? Mekato wants to say something. But nothing comes up on mind. The doctor continued

"If that cloak really happened, It is a dangerous thing."

Mekato looks at the doctor.

"But, if you can control it. You'll be a one man army." said the doctor.

Control it? How is he gonna do that?

"I don't even know how to activate it." The doctor grabs a syringe.

"Use this when you think you're ready to use it's full potential. This will awaken your cloak, But if you're not ready. You'll end up probably destroying anything you see." The doctor gives the syringe to Mekato, he looks at it for a while.

"Well, I'll get going, before I miss alot of patients." The doctor said.

"Sure..." Mekato replied.

- - - - -

"Six o'clock." Yamato's radio buzzed while hearing that.

Quickly aiming to the spot, he notices a enemy squad coming their way.

"Ready?" he asks while aiming at the soldier all in the back.


"Yes, open fire." he hears.

Yamato presses his trigger. Firing a bullet to the man in the back. The soldiers turn to the man looking around. Then they get attacked from the rest, and after some minutes the enemy squad was immobilized.

"What do we do now?" Tumotu asked, while looking to the rest.

"We take their clothes." Fudo said.

"W-what?! Are you out of your mind?" Shimona almost shouted her lungs out.

"Fudo is right, this is the best way to get closer to the enemy outpost. We aren't at Minota yet and if security gets bigger and bigger, this is gonna be very useful." He looks at everyone, noticing one sudden thing.

Kimari is quiet all the time.

"Kimari?" He asked.

She quickly looked up "Y-yes?" she asked.

"Are you fine, you haven't said anything in a while." Yamato said.

"Y..Yes I'm fine." She reacted quick.

"Sure, let's go change. See you guys back in 10 minutes, don't go too far." Yamato said, as they split up

- - - - -

Mekato looks at the syringe, It had some wierd code on it. It looked like it we're letters but not his language. The fluid looks like water, it almost looks like theres nothing in the syringe. Suddenly the door slams open. Mekato looks at the door, grabbing his pistol, when he turns his eyes light up. Kimari was at the door.

"W...What are you doing here?" Mekato shocked asked.

"I'm sorry." Kimari Mumbled.

"W-What? I can't-" "I said I'm sorry! I lied to you."

Mekato's eyes widened up.

"No... No it's okay." Mekato cheered her up.

He noticed the tears on her eyes, she took it this serious? "You could've said it after you we're done with the mission, why did you come back?" Mekato said. Kimari replied


"They noticed that I was worried, so I told them, and they said that I was dismissed." She looks really relieved noticed Mekato.

"Well, I hope you feel better now." Said Mekato smiling.

But then Mekato notices the soldier uniform she has.

"Wait, did you change sides?" he asked quick.

She started laughing.

"No of course not, idiot, we weared this to go through enemy lines." Mekato looked at her, noticing she was blushing.

"You can stop staring now, pervert!" She said, suddenly angered.

"I-I'm sorry!" Mekato quickly laid back looking above. At least everything is going okay out there.

- - - - -

Yamato and Tumotu arrive at the spot, where they had to go if they were ready.

"Where is the rest?" Yamato asked.

"I don't know, Kimari was dismissed, so we miss Fudo and Shimona." Tumotu said.

Yamato reacts "We should look for them." Tumotu nods.

"Fudo! Shimona! Where are you guys!" Tumotu looks everywhere.

What are they doing? Tumotu asked himself. He heard movement in the forest, a bit further. He heard someone talking. When he arrived he heard

"I have to confess something..."

Tumotu looks up, Fudo is confessing to Shimona, the Shimona he wanted to confess.

"I...I- !"

Shimona was talking as she notices Tumotu. They both look shocked. Tumotu's face expression changes to a point where it looks like he became depressed.

"We have to go..." Tumotu said.

While he was walking back Fudo grabs him arm.

"This is something between of us three, all right?" Fudo looked at him.

Tumotu looked back--

"Get your dirty hands off me."

He said, pushed him and making him let go of his arm.

"Now, let's go..." Tumotu said mumbling.

They finally arrive back to Yamato.

"All right, let's go." He said, noticing the depressed face to Tumotu and the worried face of Fudo and Shimona.

What the hell happend? Yamato asked himself.

But whatever, they need to focus on the mission so he needs to do that as well. Sooner or later he will notice he said to himself. But for now, this is top priority...

* * *

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