《Promise》Chapter 13: Ability and stats


Morning came, Allan, Liam, Maria and Luna were already awake and ready to head out. They paid the Innkeeper, Liam still got those hateful eyes toward the Innkeeper but they all left without saying anything they might regret. Standing outside, Kyle was already there and seem to have been waiting for them for a while,

“ How is your sleep?” Luna asked Kyle. “ I slept like a baby” Kyle answered, he then quickly turned to Liam and asked “ have you already learned about everyone's skills and stats ?”

Liam answered “ yes I have, here I wrote it down for you, and can I take a look at yours as well?” Liam handed over a piece of paper he had written down, summarizing everything Kyle needed to know.

Liam : Warrior

HP: 650 BRA: 1

Mana: 200 AWA: 0

Str: 25 CHR: 0

Agt: 18 REP: 0

Int: 12 STH: 0

regen: 2hp/s + 2 WIS: 0

armor: 2.5 + 1

Damage: 55


Unique: dragon knight: increase base regen by 2 and amor by 1, with each level, regen +1 and amor +0.5

A: Berserker’s call: forcing enemies around him to only attack him for 2/2.5/3/3.5 second, amor gain: 30, duration: 2/2.5/3/3.5s mana cost: 80/90/100/110

cooldown : unknown.

B: Counter (Passive): when attacked, he had a chance to counter, dealing damage to all around him,

chance: 10%,15%,20%,25%, damages physical: 60/100/140/180.

C: Gladiator ( Passive): when he receive physical damage he gain HP regen and armor:

max stack : 6/12/18/24, HP regen: 1/1.2/1.5/1.7/2 armor 1/1.2/1.5/1.7/2.

duration : 18s

Ultimate: (can only level up at lvl 6/11/16/28). Holy smite: when an enemy is below heath he can instantly kill that enemy, allies near him will gain movement speed and attack speed or deal a small amount of damage if their HP is not below required HP.


HP required: 250/350/450/650. 30% movement speed added and 10% attack speed.

Cooldown: unknown.

Luna: Archer

HP: 550 BRA: 0

Mana: 200 AWA: 1

Str: 18 CHR: 0

Agt: 25 REP: 0

Int: 12 STH: 0

regen:1/s WIS: 0

armor: 1

Damage: 50


Unique: Armor break: her physical attack piercer throw armor: 20% armor piercing, the more lvl she gaim the higher the %, max lvl 40%

A: poison arrow (passive): her arrow causing additional damage 6/12/20/28 slow them for 5/7/10/15%

duration 4s

B: Multishot (active): she releases 6 arrows in one shot, causing an additional 60/90/120/180 damage + poison arrow stack if it hits, mana cost 50/75/90/120.

cooldown: unknown.

C: Power shot (active): 2s cast time, she shoot an arrow straight to the enemies causing damage to all that was hit, 60/90/120/180 damage, manacost: 150

cooldown: unknown.

Ultimate: focus fire: target 1 enemy, increase attack speed to 500%, damage reduction: 50/40/30/20%, extra damage or effect can stack as well. mana cost 75/100/125/150.

cooldown: unknown.

Maria: Cleric

HP: 500 BRA: 0

Mana: 300 AWA: 0

Str: 15 CHR: 0

Agt: 12 STH: 0

Int: 25 REP: 0

regen:1/s WIS: 1

armor: 1

Damage: 40


Unique:Arcane aura: give additional mana regen for all her allies 0.5 mana/s, become more powerful as she levels up, max lvl: 10mana/s

A: Healing: recover 90/150/220/300 HP immediately, mana cost: 80/100/120/140.

cooldown: unknown. single target

B: Heaven bless: increase strength by 7/14/21/28 regen by 8/12/16/20.

duration: 10s manacost: 80/100/100/120. single target. Cooldown: unknown

C: Surge: giving an ally or herself bonus Agt: 7/15/25/35. increasing movement speed by 200%. Mana cost 50. single target. Cooldown unknown.

D: Miracle: healing all allies by 100/200/300/400 HP gaining regen 10/15/20/25 HP/s, debuff negative effect. Duration 15s. mana cost 150. cooldown: unknown.

Allan: Mage

HP: 500 BRA: 0


Mana: 300 AWA: 0

Str: 15 CHR: 0

Agt: 12 STH: 0

Int: 25 REP: 0

regen:1/s WIS: 1

armor: 1

Damage: 40


Unique: Anti magic: reduce magical damage to all allies near him by 10%, become more powerful as he levels up, max lvl 30%.

A: Water obs: apply only to himself: increase HP regen by 2/3/5/7 per each stack, can be stacked 3 times.

B: Wind obs: apply only to himself: increase movement and attack speed by 2/3/5/7% for each stack, can only be stacked 3 times.

C: Fire obs: apply only to himself: increase damage by 2/6/10 per stack, can only be stack 3 time

(you can only choose 3 combinations at 1 time for example: if you stack A three times already (AAA) and you use B then your stack now will be 2A and 1B (AAB).)

Ultimate: Master of the element: with each combination of the three you will gain a different unique skill, those skills will power up and have bigger damage, longer duration effect as you lvl up your A,B and C skill depending on what combination you would need to summon the skill. (Ultimate can be learned at lvl 1 and lvl up at 6, 16 and 28). The total number of spells you can hold by using your ultimate at one time is depending on your ultimate skill.

There are 10 spells in total each had different effects, mana cost and cooldown.

“That's some impressive skills your guys have,” Kyle replied after he read through all of the data. “ What about you? “ Liam asked. Kyle handed over his paper and the result was somewhat surprising to Liam, “He is relatively weak” Liam thought.

Kyle: Assassin.

HP: 550 BRA: 1

Mana: 100 AWA: 0

Str: 18 CHR: 0

Agt: 25 REP: 0

Int: 12 STH: 1

regen:1/s WIS: 0

armor: 1

Damage: 50


Unique: Second wind: the lower his HP is the higher his attack speed the less magic damage he takes, at 1% HP attack speed + 250% magic immune 99%.

A: deep wound Passive: the more he attack the more damage he cause , Single target

9/18/27/36, duration 20s.

B: fervor (Passive): max stack 10, the more he attacks the faster he becomes, single target, lost stack when changing target, attack speed increase : 5/10/15/25%.

C: Assassin luck (Passive): 15/30/40/50% evasion and regen HP whenever he kills an enemy by 2/2.2/2.4/2.5% of the enemy max HP.

Ultimate: Vital strike (Passive): Critical chance 15%, critical damage: 200/325/400/500%.

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