《Cain's Daughter: Baptism of Fire》Chapter 22
“So tell me again why I have to get involved with this?” Stella grumbled to Aileen while ignoring stares from passersby.
“Even if I could probably hold my own against someone like him, I still don't want to be alone with that creep.” She replied and picked a small, dark piece of lint off of her snow-white dress.
“Why are we even meeting this prick in the first place?”
“Well...” Aileen began to recall the events at the hospital from the day before.
She had been stuck in a seemingly never-ending conversation with a nurse regarding a painfully grateful family. “They're very thankful that you saw through their child's treatment even when so many other doctors had told them it was hopeless.” She was told. “As a sign of their appreciation, they've offered you any gift you can think of. It seems like they have a wealth of money and no bars on what they owe their child's saviour.”
“It really was nothing, I just did my job and nothing more. I don't need to be compensated in any shape, way or form. I already get a decent pay-cheque as is.” She responded while waving her arms in front of her.
“I know that myself but they're being incredibly persistent and have been nagging the front desk for an hour and a half. We could try calling security but we have concerns about things escalating too quickly if we take that approach. Could you just try talking to them to start? They might be more lenient if you do it.”
The conflict continued for some time and a man in a purple shirt and blue tie rounded the corner with an entourage of giggling nurses following close behind. He laughed with them for a brief moment then fell silent as he observed the room. His eyes widened and told the group that he suddenly remembered that he had to take care of something and that he'd be in contact with them later. They all dispersed reluctantly, disappearing into the branching corridors. The man in purple then adjusted the cuffs of his sleeves, tightened his tie, breathed into his hand where he took a quick whiff. His shoulders jumped slightly and he popped a breath mint into his mouth. With all other preparations complete, he slipped the brass ring around his fourth finger off and placed it in his pocket. “Show time.” He whispered under and marched with loose hips towards Aileen.
“Can you just tell them then that I'll be in contact with them later? I really don't have the time right now to spend discussing blank cheques.” She asked the nurse whose eyes trailed off. “Are you still listening?”
“Why hello there.” Someone said playfully behind Aileen and she turned to see purple shirt standing uncomfortably close to her. “My apologies, sweetheart, but the doctor and I have some business to go over. Do you mind leaving us be for the moment?”
The nurse lifted her head slightly as her eyes dropped and she quickly looked at Aileen. “Yes, of course.” She muttered softly and pivoted on her heel. Aileen thought she might have seen the girl's eyes gloss over before leaving.
“Why do I get the feeling I'm going to be the basis of some strange rumour going forward?” Aileen thought aloud with a sigh then faced the newcomer. “I suppose I should thank you for getting me out of that uncomfortable situation.”
He placed a hand on his chest and with a sleazy smile, he declared, “You are most welcome. Truth be told, however, my intentions have some degree of ulterior motive.”
You don't say. Aileen thought to herself though held a gentle grin.
“I was more so looking for an excuse to get you and me some alone time away from a noisy audience. Most of the women here don't give me any room to breathe unless I make believe that I actually have some delicate business to attend to. More often than not, they follow me back to an empty office so that I can check their temperature if you know what I mean.”
For fuck's sake. “That's nice. Now, if you don't mind, I really do have some things I still need to take care of so I bid you a good day, and hope that the itch in your pants goes away soon.” She then attempted to make her exit at a brisk pace but he kept on her heels.
“I'm Raymond.” He introduced himself and held his hand out to her. “Currently slotted as one of the greatest psychiatrists in the known medical world. Government officials and many high-end celebrities are always fawning over me, hoping that I'll be their personal doctor. They regularly send me large sums of cash and expensive gifts to try and win my favour.”
Go the fuck away. “Have any of them ever sent you a blobfish?”
He squinted his eyes and canted his head. “I don't believe so. I'm not entirely sure I even know what a blobfish is. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious.”
“Right. Well, I've introduced myself. Are you not going to tell me who you are?”
Take a hint dumb-ass. “I”m Aileen. Just Aileen. I must be going so if you'll please excuse me-”
“Just Aileen? You really do sell yourself short. I've heard tell that you're probably the best general surgeon on this planet. With only one patient lost, you are a living legend among doctors everywhere.”
“It's mostly blind luck. What was the point in me introducing myself if you already knew who I was?”
“It's only polite to introduce yourself to someone who you've only just met for the first time, isn't it?”
Isn't it also polite to let someone get back to work when they need to do so? “Got me there. Now, seriously-”
“Would you care to go out to dinner with me sometime? I know this fantastic, five-star restaurant overlooking the water. Their shrimp is to die for.”
I'm not a seafood person. “I can't, I already have plans tonight.”
“Then what about tomorrow?”
“I can get us a pretty good discount. I've got an extensive follower base so people usually cut prices for me. I mean, even just the other day, some girl tried to accuse me of being a criminal, can you imagine? I didn't have to say anything before the people around me started pelting her with drinks and food items for such a vulgar statement. I'm sure she won't be making up any more lies anytime soon after having been taught that lesson.”
“Like I said- wait...” She stopped in place and Raymond's eyes danced with excitement. A girl pelted with drinks? “What did you say your name was again? Sorry, I've got the memory of a goldfish when it comes to these things. Everything up here is all occupied by proper procedure and the like.”
“Oh, that isn't a concern at all. I'm Raymond Browne, esteemed psychiatrist. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
He really is the same prick. “I only needed to hear your name again. Where is this restaurant you mentioned?”
“Shall I take that as a yes, you'll come?”
Fuck off and die creep. “Yes, but only on two conditions. You have to let my wife come with as well, and we do tomorrow because like I said, I already have plans tonight.”
“Your wife?” He mumbled and his eyes glinted. His lips curled slightly and he exclaimed, “That's even better!” He pulled a notepad out of his pocket and quickly started scribbling down onto it. He thrust the note into Aileen's chest and asked, “Shall we meet for six-thirty or so tomorrow then?”
She accepted it from him and merely replied, “That sounds like a plan to me.”
“Very good. I shall see you soon.”
He chuckled as he walked away and Aileen put her hand on the bridge of her nose, her head tilted towards the floor. Why did he seem so excited that I wanted to bring Stella with me? Well, whatever.
“If this is the same guy that got all those people to attack Luna, why the hell are we meeting him for dinner instead of just tossing him into the bay?” Stella snarled.
“It seems like he and Luna's friend have history, so it's possible that this guy has a connection to the other sins. This may be a good opportunity to get more information on them.” Aileen explained.
“Ryan he said his name was, yeah?” Stella looked up in the sky. “You think he actually cares about her?”
“I got the notion that his emotions last night were genuine, though we weren't around him long enough to get a good indication. Luna should have pretty good instincts in that regard though, so I think it's safe currently. It's not like he can hurt her anyway. It would take all six of the other sins, and she already occupies Lust.”
“He can't physically hurt her. Regardless, couldn't we have asked him about the others then?”
“I doubt we'll see him again any time soon after we threatened him last night. Not to mention that he probably isn't totally reliable. I wouldn't call him an enemy but I don't think he's an ally either. If a fight breaks out, we can't be certain he won't stay on the fence. On the other hand, this guy gives me the impression that he'll throw away any secrets if he thinks it'll get him laid.”
Stella clicked her tongue. “Horny scumbag.”
“Looks like we're out of time to complain. He's coming.”
A red Ferrari came to a tire-squealing stop beside the two of them, resulting in several pedestrians jumping away from the street. Stella gave the car a long, dirty look while Aileen wore an innocent smile as Raymond climbed out of the driver's seat. He flashed Aileen a wide, toothy grin and tossed his keys to the nearest valet. “You're early.” He yelled cheerfully and held his arms out wide. Stella cracked her knuckles as her wife dodged the incoming hug. Raymond appeared hurt but kept an air of confidence as he started looking around. “I thought you said that you were bringing your spouse with you.”
“I did.” She answered.
Stella cleared her throat, begging Raymond's attention. “Nice to meet you too.” She growled.
“You're... I see.” He eyed her up and down, his eyes carefully scanning her from head to toe. He leaned in towards the Dove and whispered, “I was certain I told you that this was a five star establishment. I mean, you're dressed appropriately so why isn't she?”
Aileen blinked hard. “What's wrong with the way she's dressed?”
“What's wrong-, have you looked at her? Ripped jeans, dirty sneakers and a wrinkly plaid shirt? She looks like she just rolled out of bed!”
“I did just roll out of bed.” Stella yawned. “Coming here wasn't exactly my idea. We can leave if it upsets you that badly, jackass.”
He opened his mouth to snap at her then shot Aileen a sideways glance who waited cheerfully. Raymond relaxed and began to adjust his cuff links on his grey suit. “Well, I'm sure everyone here will be understanding enough that slobs get hungry too.”
“If they tolerate a sleaze like you, a slob like me, as you put it, should be child's play.”
Raymond's cheeks puffed out slightly and he released a drawn-out breath like a pressure valve. He shook his head and mumbled, “Your wife is certainly quite lively, isn't she?”
Aileen smiled and closed her eyes. “Of course!”
“You took that comment seriously? So, why are you in a dress when she's in jeans?”
“Why?” Aileen looked over herself. “This is just what I find comfortable. It's not so tight as to restrict my movements and it's easy to get out of at the end of the day.”
“To get out of, you say?” Raymond hummed and started making his way towards the door. “We'd better get the night started then.”
Aileen turned to Stella. “Why did he look so excited when I said that?”
Stella rubbed the back of her neck. “Looks like he hasn't figured out yet that you're not going to sleep with him. I think I got it out of his head that he was going to have a threesome this evening at least.”
“What's a threesome?”
* * *
“It would appear that we're only getting dirty looks from about three-quarters of the other patrons. Not as many as I thought so I guess that's a good sign.” Raymond commented and took a sip of his water while glaring at Stella.
“I'd be staring too if I had to share the floor with an ass-hole. Lucky them, though, because I'm sharing a table with one.” She replied and dragged another chair over to their table to use as an armrest.
“So, Raymond,” Aileen called his attention to her, “You said you've been scouted to be a private doctor for a number of people, right? Have you ever accepted any of them, temporary or permanent?”
“On occasion though I can't say I make a habit out of it. I don't like being tied down all that much. Working with the same people for too long can get to be rather taxing.” He replied, ignoring Stella's joke.
“Have any of them ever asked you to perform any, shall we say, 'out-of-the-ordinary' operations? Like, maybe scouting for candidates with certain personality traits or challenges that they had to overcome growing up?”
“That seems like an oddly specific question. Why do you ask?”
“I'm just curious as to how the workings of a private doctor differ from that of a public. So your answer-”
“You're food, sir, and... ma'ams.” Said a waiter who stood empty-handed beside their table. Several other uniformed men and women placed several trays down with an assortment of dishes in front of them.
Aileen looked back and forth between them. “We haven't ordered anything yet.”
“I ordered with the reservation for the table.” Raymond explained.
“You... what?”
“I placed our orders when I reserved the seats so that we wouldn't be stuck waiting on the food to arrive. They prepared it sometime before we got here.”
“What a gentleman.” Stella groaned.
Aileen scanned the different types of food and grumbled, “It's all seafood...”
The waiters and waitresses all bowed their heads and retreated to the kitchen. Raymond moved a bowl of clam chowder in front of him and asked the two, “Aren't you going to eat? The food is already paid for. Anything you eat here will be put directly on my tab since I have a membership here. You won't have to worry about paying even if I have to step out early for whatever reason.”
“Is that right?” Aileen asked and choked back a gag when the smell of fish hit her nostrils. I regret this idea already.
“Does this place only serve fish?” Stella asked.
Raymond flinched like he just remembered she was there. “No, they have steak and such as well though neither of you would like that. It's much too tough. Something soft and tender is much better.”
“How considerate.”
Aileen kept her hands on her lap and asked again, “So have you been asked to do anything strange while working privately?”
“Ah, yes. I forgot that you had asked such an odd question. Truth be told, there have been a number of weird requests since working with my last group of patients. I was told I was the only who could help them due to my knowledge of the inner workings of the human mind. In some cases they were matters of life and death.”
Stella looked up at him and kept quiet. Aileen leaned in closer. “Really? What was it you were expected to do?”
“If I had to put it in words, I'd say I was expected to give them a reason for living.”
“A reason?”
“Yes. It may be more accurate to say a purpose, a goal to strive for. It was in doing that, that I found out what my specialty is and why my talents led to me becoming the best psychiatrist.”
“And what is this supposed specialty?”
He leaned over the table, drawing his head closer to Aileen. Stella cracked her knuckles as his eyes fell onto Aileen's chest. “Mending a broken heart.” He stated quietly and started reaching towards her. “A lot of women find that their partners become insufficient after so long like they give up on their relationship. Things like not dressing appropriately for a night on the town, as an example.”
“Oi.” Stella spat but Raymond wasn't listening.
“I can help fill that void that you must feel in your heart.” He whispered and extended a hand towards Aileen's breast. “Just sit back, and leave it to me.”
Just sit back... The words echoed in Stella's ears and her eyes glowed purple. Raymond's tie was dragged into his soup, distracting him. He pulled away from Aileen, cursing and grabbed a tissue. Aileen let out a sigh of relief but then immediately shot Stella a worried glance. “Thanks...” She whispered.
“I'm not done yet.” She replied under her breath.
“How the hell did I pull that off?” Raymond laughed with a hint of annoyance in his voice while wiping down his tie furiously. “I wonder if it'll come out easier if I mix a little bit of water into it...” he thought aloud and grabbed his glass. Stella's eyes glowed again and the cup fell out of his hand, spilling water all over him. “Fuck!” He yelled and jumped up, bumping into the waiter behind him. The fresh bowl of steaming hot clam chowder fell down his torso and onto his crotch. “FUCK!” He screamed again and tried to pull his suit forward so that it wasn't rubbing against his skin. “Um...” He looked at Aileen and Stella. “I'm terribly sorry,” He started to say, still pulling on his clothes, namely his pants, “I'm going to run to the bathroom for a moment. Please enjoy the food until I return.” He then hobbled across the floor as the other patrons in the restaurant watched, some with hands clasped over their mouths, others shaking their heads in disgust. Aileen suppressed a chuckle until she noticed Stella's eyes turn purple yet again and Raymond fell face first onto the floor.
“I think you've tacked him enough.” Aileen whispered softly to her wife.
“One more for good measure.” Stella responded and focused on Raymond as he got up and quickly dashed into the restroom. As the door closed over, they could hear the sound of a plastic sign falling over followed by a faint splash.
After a second or so, someone from inside cried, “FUCK!”
Stella leaned back in her chair, eyes closed and grinning ear to ear. “I feel much better now.”
“It only took five minutes for this whole thing to go completely downhill. We've been drawing a lot of attention to ourselves as of late. We probably shouldn't alter other people's luck so readily, especially in a place as population-dense as this.” Aileen warned her.
“Yeah, sorry. That prick had it coming, so I couldn't help myself. I'll be more careful going forward. I just didn't like the idea of him trying to have his way with you and I figured that would cause less of a scene than kicking his ass.”
“That may be true... Thanks again.” Aileen graced her again and leaned her head on Stella's shoulder.
“It was my pleasure. In any sense, I think we should get back to check on Luna. I don't like the idea of her being alone for so long when she's been having so much trouble with the Ríastrad as of late. Although, he said anything we buy will get put on his tab right?” They exchanged glances and smirked maliciously. Stella raised one hand into the air and called out, “Excuse me?”
* * *
“Cold!” Luna shrieked when she stuck her hand behind the shower curtain. She pulled it back out, rubbing it in an attempt to warm it back up. “I thought it would warm up faster than that.” She said to herself and wandered over to the sink. She took off her eye patch but kept her left eye closed and stared at her reflection.
I didn't think you could get any more beautiful. Ryan's words rang out in her ears and her entire face turned red. “Stop thinking of that!” She snapped at the mirror and sighed. She took off her tank top and shorts then threw them off to the side before climbing into the shower. “Did he really mean that?” She mumbled under her breath as the lukewarm water ran down her body.
It was pretty cute when you snuggled up to him in your sleep. She remembered Stella teasing her when she woke up the evening before and her face felt like it was on fire. She bashed her forehead against the wall with her eyes closed.
I'll always be on your side. Luna's eyes snapped open and she heard something snap against the shower curtain behind her. Her tail began swinging wildly, left to right so she clamped it in between her legs again and yelled, “I don't wag my tail!”
She heard one of the wolves outside cry followed by a loud growl. “Ossory?” She asked and grabbed the shower curtain when she suddenly felt nauseous. She clasped a hand over her mouth and nose, This smell! Her vision began to spin so she tore the curtain away and stumbled out onto the floor. She looked up as best as she could and noticed that the door was open a crack with a sharp light on the other side of it. A flashlight? She thought to herself and reached for her tank top and underwear. The light disappeared and footsteps stomped down the hallway then down the stairs. She rapidly dressed, ignoring the feeling of her clothes sticking to her skin and bolted out of the room.
Luna got down the stairs as fast as she could, found her mask on the kitchen counter, and threw the front door open. The three wolves were already in the yard, growling at a fleeting white van devoid of any identifying features. Even the license plate had been temporarily removed. Luna ran out into the street, staying clear of the lights, in an attempt to get a look at the driver or passenger, but they had long gotten too far. “This doesn't bode well.” She snarled.
“Luna!” Someone called out to her from behind and she turned to see Stella and Aileen running straight for her with several boxes in hand. They stopped when they saw her mask and Stella quickly fished both of there's out of the pouch on her belt. While putting them on, they asked, “What happened?”
Luna gave them a brief rundown of the past thirty seconds or so and they exchanged glances. “You stay with her,” Stella ordered Aileen, “I'll go make sure things are good before we head inside.” With that, she marched towards their house.
Aileen sat Luna down on the curb, still shrouded by darkness. “Sorry.” Luna apologized. “I got caught up in my own head and didn't even hear or smell them come inside.”
“As long as your safe, that's what matters.” Aileen told her with a smile and held out one of the boxes towards her. “We brought you some supper so cheer up. It looks like you managed to don your mask before you breathed in too much of the fumes.”
“I guess so. It still made me nauseous though. Maybe the steam of the shower, as little as it was, diluted it a little bit or something.”
“Or they just weren't carrying a large concentration of beast bane.” Stella commented as she returned.
“What do you mean?” Aileen inquired.
“I found a single petal from beast bane by the front door. Must've dropped it when they ran. It doesn't look like they had a full head on their person. Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that beast bane has now gone not just up to our front step, but inside our walls. Apparently we'll have to be even more cautious than we thought back at the restaurant.”
Aileen looked at the ground. “Is it starting then?”
Stella crossed her arms. “I disposed of the petal. It should be safe enough to go back inside, but keep your masks on for a few minutes longer.
* * *
“That's her, isn't it?” Luna heard someone whisper and she looked up to see a group of teenagers waiting outside the school's front door. They turned away quickly and hushed themselves.
She shook it off and went inside where the principal was greeting others. His face dropped when he saw her and made no effort to even fake a smile. She ignored him and brushed past but she couldn't help but feel he was still watching her.
“Should we go watch?” Another boy hastily questioned his friend.
“I don't want to get involved in anything like that.” The other replied and both tried to sink into the wall when they realized Luna was glaring at them.
“What's up with everyone today?” She muttered to herself and kept walking. She stopped in front of her classroom, still noting that people all over the place were sneaking glances at her. She sighed and grabbed the doorknob.
“Come on, Dad. Get up. You have to go to work and I'll be late for school if this keeps up.” Ryan lightly kicked the fat man passed out on his couch who had rosy cheeks. “We can't afford for you to get fired again.”
The man belched and farted. With a snort he mumbled, “Five more minutes...”
“That's what you said half an hour ago.” Ryan stated with a hand on the bridge of his nose.
Bzzt! Bzzt!
“Who could that be now?” He snapped in annoyance and unlocked his phone. He gasped, “What the hell is this?”
“Are we done now? Can I leave?” Liz asked as several men in white lab coats pulled wires and pads off of her body.
“Yes, I believe we've gathered sufficient data.” Raymond declared as he emerged from behind a pane of opaque glass. He shuffled from side to side uncomfortably, occasionally pulling at the crotch of his pants.
“Got a rash?” Liz asked him.
“Get out of here already.” He barked.
“Hmph. Gladly.” She scowled and started to button up her shirt.
Bzzt! Bzzt!
“What now?” She held her phone up to her ear. “Why are you calling me so early in the morning?”
“Are you near Luna?” The voice on the other side yelled.
Liz struggled to understand him over the sound of air rushing into the mic. “No, I'm not. What are you doing that's making the wind so loud? Hello, Ryan?”
She could hear him panting on the other side and he cried, “Don't let Luna go to school today!”
“Don't let-” click! Liz held the cell out in front of her. “What was he on about?”
Luna slowly opened the door and wandered inside, thankful to be away from the unfamiliar prying eyes yet she froze as soon the scent hit her nose. She was immediately brought onto her knees, her legs turned to jello and her vision became cloudy. God damn it! She cursed to herself and started reaching for the pouch on her belt only to have something hard and bony be driven into her back. She was pushed onto the floor, her cheekbone cracking off of the waxed tiles. She attempted to pick herself back up but at least one person each grabbed one of her limbs and forced her to starfish. She pushed back as hard as she could but couldn't get any of them to budge.
“The fuck...?” She grunted and tried to look forward. Someone tore off her pouch and threw it against the chalkboard, gaining her attention. Her eyes widened when she saw a collection of photographs plastered on it, photographs of her in the shower. She scanned the room as best as she could and saw that all of her present classmates were wearing a head of beast bane each. They laughed and exchanged high-fives as they relished in their victory. Luna looked up at the teacher who sat behind his desk in the corner of the room. He only looked away and continued reading his book. The hell?
“Do you think the tail in the picture is photoshopped?” One of them asked.
“Only one way to find out.” Another responded and she felt a group of hands take hold of both her sweater and jeans. Rip!
“Oi!” Luna hollered and immediately clamped her teeth together, struggling against the urge to throw up. “What do you people think you're doing?”
Scraps of clothing began to pile up in front of her face and a woman yelled, “Do you think anything else about her is different?”
“Let's check.” With another tear, Luna's underwear was added to the pile of scraps in front of her.
She gritted her teeth and growled, “Oi...”
“What about up here?”
Luna extended her claws and her teeth sharpened as the hooks on her bra snapped. “Rotten...”
Release... A voice whispered into her ear.
“What about this? She doesn't usually wear an eye patch does she?”
“Huh, now that you mention it, she only started putting that on recently.” A hand dropped into her field of view and grabbed the leather pad. “Let's have a look.” They exclaimed and pulled at it without a moment's hesitation.
“Ouch!” Everyone who was holding her yelled and jumped away, shaking their hands in the air. They all looked at their palms and the rest of the room could hear a faint sizzling.
“Hey!” Someone else cried and pointed at Luna. “Something's wrong with her eyes. One is, like, condensing or something while the other is spinning.”
“What does that even mean?” The speaker looked back at Luna and jumped away in surprise when he saw that she was back on her feet. I didn't even hear her get up... He thought to himself. He watched as her skin started to turn blood red, beginning at her fingertips and working all the way up to her head. Her hair started getting pushed out from side to side as though something was growing underneath it. “What is this?” He grumbled aloud.
Luna looked up at no one in particular. The teacher dropped his book and watched the spectacle, just as confused as the rest. They all focused on Luna's eyes, where one had developed several runic markings circling her pupil, and in the other, her iris had become just a thin, red line. She lowered her head and kept her eyes forward as shadows appeared below them. She whispered...
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