《Cain's Daughter: Baptism of Fire》Chapter 21
“Ryan's here!” Shouted a young child who threw down his red pencil crayon and jumped up to his feet. Six other kids joined him as he sprinted down a long, white hallway, their footsteps echoing vigorously. They each latched onto Ryan's legs collectively, holding on tight.
Ryan put a hand on each one's head in turn, excitedly returning their greetings. “Is everyone doing well? Not giving the staff here too much trouble I trust?”
The first boy looked up grinning ear to ear and hollered, “They've actually told us that we're doing very well! They even told me specifically that I may be a candidate for the Aonair.” Ryan flinched the moment the word left the child's mouth who continued, “They said in that case, it's possible that I'll be assigned as your partner within the next couple years, maybe sooner if I keep working hard.”
Ryan gently pushed everyone away and they all frowned when they saw his uneasy expression. He knelt down and spoke to him softly saying, “Don't rush into anything, all right squirt? This isn't a decision that can be made as easy as deciding what picture to colour next. The obligations that come with accepting this line of work and this power aren't just empty responsibilities. You'll be expected to put your life on the line time and time again for the rest of your life. Is that really something you should base on something as simple as being able to work alongside me?”
The child backed away quickly, shaking his head and clenching both of his fists. “I know all that and that's not my only reason for wanting to do it. The candidates are the only people in the world who can stop the silver wolf from destroying the world, are we not? Isn't saving everyone reason enough to make an honest effort? I don't want to just sit back and 'enjoy' my life while she tears my friends and family apart, limb from limb.”
Ryan went wide-eyed, “What are you talking about? The silver wolf?”
“Huh? I said that I wanted to kill the silver wolf before she kills everyone I care about. What about that was confusing?”
“Ahem,” Someone cleared their throat from down the hallway and clapped his hands together loudly. “Break time's over kiddos! Come on then, it's time for the next phase of today's screening.” All of the kids turned around to face a man in a purple shirt and blue tie as he flashed them a toothless smile and tapped his foot on the floor repeatedly. “You all know the drill, please don't keep the faculty waiting. They have a lot of ground to cover today, so you all can speak to 'big brother' when he comes back to visit again.”
All of the children exchanged glances, mumbled, “Okay.” and gave Ryan a weak wave each as they left into a branching room indicated by the newcomer.
“Kyle,” Ryan called out and the talkative child halted without turning around. “You're much too young to be concerning yourself with what is happening with the rest of the world, The only thing you need to worry about when you're this age is school and being a kid. Don't force yourself to grow up too early or you'll regret it in the future. Leave the life and death battles to Liz and I. When you're as old as her and I are now, then and only then should you be worried about picking up the torch.”
The boy, Kyle, dropped his shoulders and stared at the floor. After a moment of silence, he spat, “What's so wrong about wanting to make sure I have a future?” He then shifted into a jog and disappeared into the other room.
The man in purple covered both of his eyes with one hand, sighed, and shook his head. “Come on now Ryan, you can't expect them to make an important decision if you keep pampering them like that. They need to be capable of-”
“What the hell do you think you're doing? They're just children Raymond, and you're already trying to force them to become soldiers in this farce? Do we even have a good idea of what is we're fighting against or if we even need to fight at all? What happened to protecting them? You want to knowingly send them into a fight years before they can even dream to be ready for it?”
Raymond scowled at Ryan and barked, “You seem to be incapable of realizing your own mistakes. From the beginning I told you that they wouldn't have to fight as long as you and Elizabeth did your jobs and did them properly. Which one of us here is the one who started to get lovey-dovey with the Ríastrad and is now blindly defending here when they don't have the slightest hint of their true ferocity? Since it doesn't seem like I can rely on you anymore, I decided to accelerate their initiation, and teaching them about the oncoming peril was the most efficient way to have them get serious.”
“So it really was you that started this 'silver wolf' nonsense.”
“I admit that I didn't put much thought into the name. Perhaps I should have gone with something more threatening or menacing.” He mused with a shrug of his shoulders. “In the end, however, it appears to have served its purpose beautifully. Unlike a certain love-sick puppy I know, those little rascals actually know the gravity of the situation. They won't waste their time playing hero to a demon.”
“I don't know who you're talking about but regardless, who are you to decide whether or not this 'silver wolf' is actually evil? Are you just going to blindly believe that what Sandalphon said about Wrath is true? He's the one that dragged Liz and I to Wrath's world by our throats and you're telling me that we're supposed to believe his enemies are the bad ones? Why not give her a chance to prove herself, should she actually exist?”
“Drop the charades Ryan. That girl you were with at the mall was obviously the wolf.”
“Like I said-”
“Should you keep up this pointless lying I will be forced to go ask her myself. I'll be sure to tell her about that little black box you've been carrying around with you as well.”
Ryan winced and backed away slightly. He frowned and broke eye contact with Raymond. “I still don't believe that she's actually evil. Sure, she's rude and actively expresses her discontent with humans, but it's not like she slaughters them for merely looking at her the wrong way.”
“Not yet at least. You've seen the consequences of her anger, haven't you? Why else would you have gotten that 'insurance policy' in your backpack?” Raymond countered and Ryan growled softly to himself, Raymond sighed and brushed past him. “You really are hopeless. I've been asked to help out at the public hospital today, so I'm leaving things here to Frederick. The time for you to choose is fast approaching. Kill that damn woman yourself or condemn those brats to be executed by her in the near future. You're free to choose whichever, but know that if you stand with us, you'll only have to fight the enemy in front of you. Side with her, and you'll have enemies in front and behind you. That beauty is nothing more than a beast after all, and her leash is hanging on by just a few thinning threads.” Raymond opened the door at the end of the hallway and a bright light came flooding in. He stepped through muttering insults under his breath and the steel door shut with a deafening bang.
Ryan pivoted on his heel and threw his book bag as hard as he could into the door while yelling, “Fuck you!” He stood in place, panting heavily through clenched teeth. HE snarled, “What does some ass-hole like you know about her? Why does this entire world abandon her before they even know who she is or what she's like?”
“Is Ryan going to betray us?” He heard one of the kids mutter from down the hall and he bit his tongue. He sneaked a peek over his shoulder before reaching for his phone and stomping towards the exit.
* * *
“Couldn't you have just asked her where she was yourself?” Liz yawned and stretched her arms out over her head.
“She doesn't have a phone nor do I know where she lives to try checking there or ask her guardians. I assumed that since you two have known each other for so long there was a pretty high chance that you would have a good idea where she spends her free time.” Ryan answered her.
“Well, I suppose that's true. That being said, though, she isn't exactly a creature of habit. She doesn't always go to the same place and doesn't always do everything the same way. I know where she happens to frequent, especially when she wants time to think, but it isn't certain that she'll be where I'm thinking.”
“Naturally. If we can't find her on this trip than I'll just try again at a later date. I imagine she'll come back to one of these spots eventually so if I remember where they are, it shouldn't be a problem for me to check on my own going forward.”
“Hm?” Liz hummed and smiled deviously while elbowing Ryan in the ribs. “What's this? She's absent from school for one day and you miss her so much you have to try and track her down? I didn't take you for the clingy type.”
“That's not it.” He declared while rubbing the impact zone. “We just had a bit of a falling out so to speak. I just want to make sure that it isn't bothering her as much as I might think it is. Not to mention I'm a bit anxious about whether or not things are going to become awkward between us moving forward.”
“Eh?” She then peered around to his other side, glaring at the plastic gift bag dangling by his waist. “Is the present supposed to help give you a push in the right direction with her then? Get you in her good graces or distract her from your potential past mistakes?”
“I suppose you could say that, though I'd like to think there isn't as much as an ulterior motive behind it. In reality, I just thought it would look good on her, not that I actually expect her to wear it. I happened to have some money left over after helping my dad pay this month's bills so I figured it couldn't hurt to give her something.”
“You know she hates it when you needlessly spend money on her, right? She'll be more pissed at you for getting her something knowing your financial situation than if you got her nothing at all at any point in time for any reason.”
He laughed. “Sure, that's what she says but I genuinely believe that stuff like this actually makes her happy. Maybe she'll feel like she's got someone else in her corner, aside from her guardians.”
“You're surprisingly considerate. How does someone like you get slotted as the number one candidate for the sin of greed?”
“Let's just say it would be more accurate to attest my greed to a sentimental value as opposed to a monetary one.”
“Hmph, talk about strange. Anyway, enough about you. What was this supposed falling out with Luna?”
Ryan's shoulders jumped up, “I was hoping you wouldn't ask...”
Liz stopped and cupped a hand over her mouth, wide-eyed. “Don't tell me you misread the mood and tried to cop a feel!”
“Oi! Don't jump to weird conclusions so readily. I haven't even thought about attempting any such activity, at least not that extreme. I've only ever brought up lesser effects in conversation. Regardless, it has nothing to do with those private parts.”
Liz let her arms dangle by her side and her eyes half-closed. “That's boring.” Then her eyebrows raised and she straightened her back. “Hold on, what do you mean by those private parts?”
Shit! Ryan cursed to himself mentally and quickly stammered, “W-what I meant by that was-”
Liz nodded twice and scratched at her chin. “I see. You must've tried to spy on her changing and saw her ears and tail by accident.”
“That's it-Wait, why immediately assume that I saw them while she was changing?”
“So you did see them?”
“I knew it!” Liz let out a long sigh of relief. “At least I don't have to keep it a secret from absolutely everybody now. Welcome to the club peeping-tom.” Liz exclaimed and slapped Ryan on the back.
“Seriously, why are you assuming I tried to spy on her?”
“So now that you accidentally know about them, you're worried about what she might now think about that.”
“That's more or less it but can we readdress the peeping issue for a moment?”
“Oh, sorry. You must be worried that she'll be angry at you for spying on her, right?”
“Are you even listening at all anymore? Forget it, this is like talking to a brick wall. Obviously you know as well then about her extra body parts.”
“To be fair, it's only one extra body part. She doesn't have any human ears so the tail is the only actual addition, but yes, I know about them. As you said, she and I have known each other for a long time. You nothing more than a stain in your father's pants when I learned about them.”
“Aren't I older than you?”
“Psh. Semantics.”
Ryan shook his head. “Why do I bother confiding in you about anything? So, what do you think is her thoughts on my now knowing? It wasn't like she had been trying to show me but I think keeping them hidden wasn't anywhere on her priority list at the time.”
“I don't think you need to worry about what her tail and such. She'll probably be pretty pissed about the peeping but if she hasn't killed you yet, then you're golden.”
“Kill?” Ryan snarled. “Don't say shit like that. She isn't that type of person who would kill just for her own benefit.”
Liz raised one eyebrow and held her hands up in front of her in surrender. “It was just a joke, relax. This situation has really got your panties in a knot, hasn't it? Jokes about a woman killing perverts isn't exactly a new concept.”
He relaxed his stance and looked away from her. “Sorry, it just slipped out.” It doesn't seem like Raymond has told her about Luna yet then.
“Don't worry about it, just make sure you keep your emotions in check when you're talking to her. I doubt she'd take too kindly to having to deal with you jumping all around her on an emotional roller coaster. She has a hard enough time tolerating people as is.”
“Very good. We're here now as well and looks like we're in luck.” Liz declared and pointed through the break in the trees at a silver-haired girl sitting with her legs dangling in a large pond. “It's all you know tiger. Go get her, and I'd avoid bringing up the peeping incident if I were you.”
“Like I said- Whoa!” Ryan yelped as Liz pushed him out into the clearing.
“Stop dallying damn it. The longer you wait, the more impatient she'll become. I guarantee she already knows were here.” She whispered harshly and dipped her head back into the woods. Ryan slowly glanced up at Luna who hadn't turned to look at him yet. He gulped and cautiously began marching towards her back, his thoughts racing about what he was going to say when he got there. Liz smiled from the sidelines and began to make her exit. What am I doing? She thought to herself and turned on her phone that was already open to her text messages. Why did it have to be her? She then pocketed her cell and disappeared into the foliage.
Meanwhile, Ryan stepped up beside Luna, observing that she was in a black tank top instead of her usual sweater, leaving her ears exposed. Her tail was out straight behind her as well as opposed to wrapped around her waist. Ryan took a deep breath and pulled the collar of his shirt away from his neck then as confidently as possible, he sat down next to her. She turned away from him slightly and pressed her fingers into the dirt.
They stayed in silence for several agonizing minutes until Ryan finally asked, “Are you feeling any better today?”
She hesitated then meekly replied, “I think so.”
“That's good.” He told her and waited for her to say something else. When she offered no more input, he repeated himself under his breath, “That's good.”
He started tapping his fingers on his thigh as her own fingers curled in towards her palms. Suddenly, they both leaned in closer to each other and simultaneously said, “So, um...”
They recoiled in unison and stared blankly for a brief spell until Ryan pointed at Luna and instructed her, “Ladies first. If that's fine with you.”
Luna nodded and her tail twitched then wrapped around her torso, stopping just in front of her face. She hugged it in tight, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink and tried to hide behind it. “You wouldn't happen to find them... weird, would you?”
“Weird?” He echoed and blinked hard twice. He tried to suppress a chuckle which only made the pink turn to a shallow red. “Of all the things I thought you could have been thinking of, worrying about what I thought of your tail and such had never even crossed my mind. Perhaps I was concerned about nothing after all. No, I don't find them odd in the slightest. If anything, I find them kind of cute. Hopefully you don't find that weird.”
“Cute?” She muttered and her ears shot straight up. She quickly turned her back to him and cleared her throat, “A compliment is a compliment, thank you. As well...” Ryan stared at her when she paused. “Thank you and sorry for the other day also.”
“Sorry? What for?”
Luna shook her head, dropped her tail, and faced him again with her hands moved into her pockets. “It's nothing important. What was it that you wanted to say?”
“What I wanted- ah, right.” He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand and closed his eyes. I'm one of your sworn enemies who's meant to try and kill you in the very near future? I can't very well tell her that, can I? Still, I think she has a right to know seeing as I know who she is.
“Did you forget already?”
“Oh, my bad. The truth is, actually...” He stopped again and Luna tilted her head. Ryan shut his eyes and blurted out, “Actually, you already answered it I think. I was going to ask if you were all right with me knowing that you aren't at least fully human.”
“Is that all?” Luna inquired and squinted at him. “Not like I could tell you to forget what you saw. As long as you keep it to yourself, I don't care. Just don't expect me to jump in bed with you just because I no longer have to keep my body hidden.”
“I wouldn't dream of it.” He laughed nervously. “Although, while we're on the topic of jumping in bed...”
“Huh?” Luna flinched and her cheeks flushed again. “Do we really need to press the subject further?”
“Well, I'm just curious is all. You're not... a product of Beastiality, are you?” The pink immediately disappeared without a trace and Luna scowled at him without a word. “Uh... I didn't say anything.”
“Back to the original subject, is that really all you had to say?”
“That's everything you had to say?”
Luna sighed and flicked one ear. “These aren't just for show. I could hear your entire conversation, Greed.”
“You... could?”
She nodded mockingly.
“...and the first thing you thought to ask when I got over here was whether or not I found your tail to be strange?”
“That sounds about right. Why? Are you actually planning on killing me?”
“No, but-”
“Then there's no problem, is there? Provided you don't try to stab me in the back, I don't care who you are or what you believe you're destiny is.”
Ryan watched her carefully, searching for the slightest hint of a change in her expression. Confident that she was telling the truth he bowed his head slightly and told her, “I swear that no matter what happens, I'll be on your side until the end. I won't let the others try and kill you just because of some dumb-ass prophecy.”
Luna smirked. “Well said, and I'll hold you to that.” She responded and took a step back. “So wha-ah!” She shrieked with a splash as she slipped in the mud.
Ryan recoiled from the water that hit him in the face and knelt down at the edge of the pond. “Are you all right?”
Luna sat with her chest and up as well as her knees out of the water, her tank top stuck to her skin and her hair blocked both of her eyes. “For fuck's sake!” She cried out and slammed both fists into the water, followed by violently wiping her bangs away from her face. “I can't even stay fucking dry in the real fucking world now!”
“Oi, come on. This time of year, you can catch a cold pretty quickly if you stay in there. You'll have to change into something dry rather sharpish.” Ryan instructed and extended a hand out towards her.
She grabbed it and allowed herself to be pulled up while barking, “I know, I know. My place isn't far from here so I can just change there.”
“That's a relief. I can walk you there if that doesn't bother you.”
She climbed out of the water and looked away shyly. “I guess that's fine. Maybe I can introduce you to Stella and Aileen while we're there.”
* * *
“So this is your place?” Ryan whistled, set the gift down on the kitchen table, and wandered into the living room. “It's homier than I was expecting it to be.”
“What did you have in mind?” Luna asked from behind him, where he felt her eyes glaring daggers through his head.
“I figured it would be more akin to a massive hunting den or something like that. You know, moose heads on the wall, bloody counters from preparing large sums of meat, carcasses hanging from the walls and drying out, that kind of stuff.”
Luna sighed. “Your imagination really can be quite wild from time to time, no pun intended.”
“It's the sign of a healthy mind, is it not?”
“Don't ask me. In any sense, it doesn't look like Stella and Aileen are home at the moment. I'm going to go get changed so you can just make yourself at home in the meantime. Just don't make a mess of anything and if you have any ideas about going through the fridge, stay away from my Popsicles.” She commanded him and took several steps up the stairs. After a few, she stopped and poked her back around the corner again with a mischievous smile. “If I catch you peeping 'again', I'll gouge out your eyes with a rusty spoon.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He mumbled and gave her an unenthusiastic salute. “Yes, ma'am.”
She chuckled and vanished onto the next floor. In the meantime, Ryan scanned the room and found himself looking out the window. “Seems like a nice enough place I suppose. The housing here isn't terribly close together although I'm pretty sure Luna would still prefer the life of a hermit instead of being anywhere near the city.” He then observed the sky where a thick spread of dark clouds was fast approaching. “Looks like it's going to rain soon. In that case I shouldn't stay too long else I'll also run the risk of getting sick. Come to think of it, this would be a good time to give her the gift. The top would at least be decently warm I would think.” He thought aloud and returned to the kitchen. “That's odd. I was certain I left it here on the table. Did it fall off?” He bent down and placed one hand on the nearest chair to support himself and peered around each individual leg. “I don't see it. How strange.”
“It's not quite my style, but...” Luna caught his attention from the base of the steps. He turned to face her and his jaw dropped the moment his eyes fell on her. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, leaving her entire face visible aside from what her eye patch covered. Her entire face was turning increasingly red and her ears dropped slightly. In lieu of her usual white hoodie, she was instead wearing a shoulder-less, pink sweater that was puffy along the edge of the sleeves and collar. Instead of navy blue jeans, she had on a plated, white skirt that came down just above her knees. She kept her hands cupped together behind her back where her tail also very slowly wagged from side to side. Her feet were left bare and pointed towards each other, the now-empty gift bag sitting beside them. “What do you think?” Neither party spoke for almost a minute and Luna's ears stretched out as she stomped forward. “Say something already! It's embarrassing just sitting here waiting.”
Ryan snapped back to reality and wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve. He smiled and exclaimed, “I think you look absolutely stunning. I didn't think you get any more beautiful than you were, but I stand corrected.”
Luna avoided eye contact and started focusing on playing with her fingers in front of her chest. “I'm glad.” She whispered.
Ryan then canted his head slightly and focused on her waist. He noticed that the sweater was pushed up slightly in the back to make room for her tail and that it ran over the top of the skirt. “I assumed you would have put it underneath the skirt and have it poke out the bottom.” He mumbled quietly.
She put her hands on her hips and leaned towards him. “Don't tell me you bought this for me just so that you could peep at my underwear.”
“That never even crossed my mind. I just presumed that it would have been the most comfortable method. Thinking about it now though, I suppose it would get pushed up once your tail started to wag.”
“I don't wag my tail.”
Ryan immediately broke into a laugh which he silenced sharply. “You're kidding right?”
“I don't wag my tail.” She declared while pouting.
The gears in his head started turning and he blurted out, “You're the most beautiful person I ever met.”
Her eyebrows raised and she felt fur brush against her leg. She peered over her shoulder at her tail swinging back and forth and she quickly clamped it in between her legs. Ryan smirked at her from the other side of the room and she crossed her arms. “I don't wag my tail. Anyway...” She brushed past him and flopped down on the couch, being extra careful to keep her skirt down. She signalled him to sit down beside her which he hesitantly accepted. The two of them refrained from looking at the other and Luna finally shyly asked, “So what now?”
“I don't know. I've never gotten this far.” Ryan replied.
“Then...” Luna squeaked and cautiously grabbed one of his fingers. They turned to face each other, both willing their hearts to soften for fear that the other could hear it clear as day. They leaned in closer to each other and...
“Oops.” Someone else exclaimed and the couple jumped in surprise, wasting no time backing away from each other, red as tomatoes. Stella stood in the doorway to the living room with several bags of groceries in each hand. Aileen stood on the tips of her toes behind her, trying to look inside. “I noticed that someone else was here but I had just figured it was Liz. I had no idea we would be interrupting something so important.”
Luna quickly jumped into the next seat over, distancing herself from Ryan and put a hand over her mouth. “I only brought him here to introduce him to you two, nothing more.”
“Yes, I too, introduced Aileen to my folks with my lips while they weren't even home.” Stella teased her.
Ryan whispered to Luna, “I thought you had incredible senses. You didn't hear them coming?”
“I was a bit distracted if you hadn't noticed.” She snapped back.
Stella laughed and placed the bags down on the ground then stepped into the centre of the room. She extended her hand out towards Ryan and simply said, “Stella.”
Aileen bounced up and pumped a fist into the air and yelled, “Aileen!”
Ryan smiled and stood up. He grasped Stella's hand in his own and with a gentle shake, he introduced himself, “Ryan. It's a pleasure to meet all of you.”
“Likewise, especially if you're someone Luna trusts enough to bring here. You're only the second person that she's ever invited over.” She then glared out the window. “It could start raining any moment now and will likely last for a couple hours. Why don't you stay for dinner in the meantime?”
A slap on the couch distracted all of them and they turned to see Luna holding her tail in front of her, beet red. “I don't wag my tail.” She mumbled again, trying to hide behind it.
Ryan chuckled. “It seems like I'd be disappointing someone if I declined, so I think I'll accept your offer. Thanks for having me.”
Luna flashed a wide grin and looked up at Ryan until she saw Stella suppressing a laugh so Luna hid again. Stella smirked and picked up the bags once more. “It'll be some time yet, so why don't you two watch a movie or something 'till then?”
* * *
“That was delicious, thank you. The movie was pretty good as well.” Ryan acknowledged and placed his empty plate down on the coffee table.
“I'm glad you liked it.” Stella replied.
Ryan started to push himself up onto his feet when something fell into his shoulder. He inspected to find Luna fast asleep, leaning against him.
“It's been a long time since I've seen her look so peaceful while sleeping.” Stella commented. “She's been having a lot of nightmares lately as well as rough nights. It's been rough for her.”
“Is that so?” He responded and felt guilt building in his chest as his eyes landed on her eye patch.
“Perhaps being around other people her age -that she tolerates- has done her quite a bit of good. Not that she'll ever admit it of course. She likes to think she can do anything and everything herself.”
“I won't let her feel alone ever again.”
“Don't jump the gun buck-o. For now just focus on being a pillar of support. That 'never alone' stuff can wait until you're standing on the altar.”
He blushed and stuttered, “I didn't mean it quite like that.” He then gently pushed Luna away, laid her down on the couch, and cleared his throat. “I should be going. The rain appears to have stopped and I never warned my dad that I wasn't coming straight home. He's probably passed out drunk somewhere and hasn't even thought about eating anything yet.”
“Sounds tough.”
“Well, he's gotten a lot better over the years. Anyhow, thank you again for having me. Give Luna my regards when she wakes up.”
“Certainly.” Stella held her hand out towards him again. He gripped it, winced, and squealed as she crushed it like a vice. “Just so we're clear, her father entrusted us to watch over her in his absence. I hope you realize what that means.”
His hand popped, urging him to grunt, “Crystal clear.”
Aileen grabbed his shoulder and whispered innocently into his ear, “If you have any aspirations to get under that skirt anytime soon, I may have to perform a 'complex' circumcision on you. Ah, but no need to worry. I've only been known to miss with the scalpel a few times in the past.”
They both released their grip and Ryan nervously stumbled away, slipping on the wet grass several times. “I'll, uh... I'll be careful.” He stated and made a motion like he was putting on a safety belt at an amusement park. “Chastity belt is on and I've already thrown away the key. All the cool kids these days hold on to their virginity for as long as they can anyway so I'll fit right in.”
“We'll hold you to that.” Stella smirked again and closed her eyes. Ryan gasped as she opened them again and they were glowing purple. He turned to Aileen, whose eyes were glowing aqua green. They slowly shut the door, cutting them off from view and leaving Ryan in shock following their final farewell. “Come visit us again, Greed.”
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