《3 Hearts》It's Gonna Hit Like A Brick!



{Oho, look at that! Our little sleepy princess is finally awake,

how was your little nap, after you satisfied yourself?}

Right this moment it hits me like a brick, and I remember something...

I was in something like a trance, and my confusion and anger filled mind only knew one thing after I got this huge power. KILL.

"I..., I... killed them all...."

{Oh, but isn't that what you wanted? I could tell, revenge was all that was still in your mind. And this other thing inside you could also tell.}

She said while sounding in a weird way playful and concerned at the same time.

While I'm still stuck in these memories where I rip people apart as if they were paper.

I can still feel it, the warm blood on my hands, and it makes me sick, I feel like I could vomit, but somehow I just can't.

"How long was I out?"

{Oh, just a week or so, just enough time to let the chicken and the lizard over there calm down.}

A week, huh, that explains why I feel like shit. I didn't drink anything and didn't ea.....

No, I did eat something, something unspeakable. And as I remembered THAT, I really vomited on the floor, while almost crying from the feeling of their flesh in my mouth.

When I finally, after a few minutes calmed down I listened to them again.

/Hmm, our friend here doesn't seem to only have a weak body, but also a weak mind! How could I end up with someone like HIM?/

[The worst thing are the impurities caused by you two! I could have taken over with ease, but you had to interfere!]

{I don't know if you didn't notice, but I am in here a fair bit longer and do I look to you like I was able to take over? If I can't do that, then no one can!}

/So you weakling want to say, that you're stronger than me?/

[So you impure beast want to say, that you're stronger than me?]



I yelled as loud as I could, because I couldn't endure any more of their childish rambling in this situation, and surprisingly it worked.

"Where are you? I can't even see you!"

{Oh, so you didn't even notice so far? We are exactly here}

And while saying that my hand starts moving on its own and points at my chest.

"How did you do this," I asked stunned and confused.

/Do you still not understand, you fool? We're talking in your mind! On top of that, you got the heart of each one of us in your chest! Just try and feel their heartbeats/

And I could indeed feel multiply heartbeats coming from my chest.

"That's impossible. I mean how can there be multiple hearts in one body? That's not the way how our bodies work!"

[Exactly, you're right you can't live like that, you should be dead. Maybe it has something to do with this weird "System", that

showed a message telling you, you died.]

"What do you mean by system?"

{We don't know what this system is either, we just know, it introduced itself like this, while you were asleep.}

Even more confused than before, the only thing I can still think about is asking again.

"But you still, how can I be alive!? Yes, I remember a message, telling me I died, but I AM here so that can't be a complete truth!"

After a period of silence, the female voice answered again.

{To be honest, I do not know myself why you are living, but there are a few things, I DO know. And I am going to be completely honest with you about all of this.

You should have died the moment I got in your body, or in other words 2 weeks ago, but I somehow couldn't kill although I tried very hard. I even ripped your heart out of your chest and replaced it with mine, but you somehow managed to just live off of my heart, which shouldn't even be possible!

It should be similar to the other two. We all came into your body to take control over it, but we can't, no matter what we do. And we can't leave anymore.}



[I can confirm..]

"So you are saying to me I am stuck with 3 maniacs, who tried to take over my body and probably WILL take over my body, as soon as they can? Great. Just great."

{But you know, we...}

"Shut up! Please... just... let me think for a moment."

/If you have to.../

{It's OK for me}

[I don't care.]

And like this, a bit of time passed while I ordered my mind.


"I am ready to talk again, but first there are a few questions I want to ask you three.

First, who are you? Introduce yourself to me, else this whole conversation thing is going to be difficult, as I do not want to call you Voice 1, Voice 2 and Voice 3."

/I will start of course, as I am the Almighty, fearsome and.../

"Quit it. I do not want to know this stuff, just tell me your names, titles and affiliations, OK?"

/Hmpf, slowpoke. My name is Dorminil and I am the Dragon King, monarch of the dragons. are you satisfied?/

" OK now I got even more questions, but these can wait. Now the other male-sounding one, it's your turn."

[Then I'll keep it short. My name is Gabriel and I am the Archangel, the ruler of Angels, or heavens army.]

"Well, OK, this is getting weirder and weirder, and somehow I think I already have an idea of who the last one could be."

{Well, you probably really could guess this, but yes, I am the Demon Queen Zabula.}

" Now I'd really like to hear the story, how ALL of the great evils that attacked our world ended up INSIDE of me. And don't tell me you slipped! But that can wait, first I want to ask you something else."

The next question I'll ask rather carefully.

"Why do you listen to me, when I yell at you, although you three are obviously in a way higher position than me. Why?"

{You somehow just seem like an interesting guy and it really feels good, listening to you!}

/You just seem like someone really strong who is worthy to be commanding me!/

[You are just such a pure being, far better than me]

What the...

"You guys can drop this act towards me! You are even contradicting the words, you just said a few minutes ago! You guys are ridiculous! It's not even a good act! Do you really think you can get me to trust you like that?"

/Wait... now that you said it, I notice it as well! But I also feel like I didn't lie!/

{Now that you are saying it, I can tell as well. Something is wrong here...}

[Hmm, inferring from what they said, it is the same for every one of us. Something is really wrong, but I can tell I really didn't act right now, somehow there is something in the back of my mind, and it makes me want to like you. Normally, such magic loses its effect if you know about it, but the more I think about it... the more... I think... it's a good thing!]

"So you are telling me, I cast magic, strong enough to influence all of you, the strongest beings ever to exist on this planet, to make you like me? So am I god or something? Haha, you are just insane!"

{No, but I think I figured something out! It came to all of this because every one of us thought you would be a good target to take over! and on top of that, there was this thing inside of you. And it was strong. Way stronger than me. I think, this thing could be the reason, we got attracted to you, trapped inside of you, and why we have to follow your commands!}

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