《3 Hearts》You Died


The day of my execution is finally here. The waiting, without being able to sleep and no one to talk with, almost turned me insane. Maybe it did.

No, it definitely did.

I do not feel any fear, instead, there is this deep anger for everyone and everything, but especially against the teacher, the fucking hypocritic priest. I want to rip him apart for what he'll do to me.

And there he is coming, right to my cell. I wish I could just kill him right here, but there are guards, MANY guards. At least 20 of them.

They open the door while I keep standing there, right in the middle of the room, just glaring deeply at the teacher. But he just smiles back at me like this is the day he waited his whole life for. Like he belittles me.

The guards handcuff me, while I just let them do, as all I can think of, is him, the teacher, who is standing right in front of me.

But I still follow their orders and follow them along out of the jail to the central place, which is located in the middle of the city and is usually used as a market.

Today this place is decorated everywhere with shining mana crystals and magic stones, (which are just refined mana crystals), that give off light in every colour of the rainbow.

they are all in a party mood and everyone who sees me just gratulates me for being able to fulfil this act of great honour. I would get really mad at this, but I don't, as my attention is still fixed on the teacher, so I don' even notice them. He leads me up to a huge stage, which has giant magic crystals the size of two grown men standing on top of each other, in each of the five corners.


In the middle there is something on the floor, I recognize as a magic circle. So they really want to fill me up with mana. This is just too great. I just hope I am going to explode and maybe one of my bones flies in the right way to split the head of this, oh so great, teacher.

The Guards guide me to the middle of the platform and make me kneel down on the floor, where my knees seem to get stuck, so I can't even move a single bit. And all this time I keep glaring at him.

Then he positions himself a few metres away, in front of me and starts preaching.

"In honour of our Gods who guide us to our future, our ancestors, who created our future, and our brave warriors, who defend our future, I Sol Astics, who taught you the way to our future, will now sacrifice a stray, but lucky child, to guide him and also us back onto the way our gods predetermined for us!

To guide all of us back onto the right path! The path our gods want us to go!

May the festivities begin!"

And like this, he stepped down from the stage to make space, and one higher ranking guard approaches each mana crystal and starts chanting something I can't understand. Although I do not even care what they are saying, as I already know the result of it, my death.

First I see some kind of invisible barrier building itself around the area, so they thought about flying body parts, damn it.

As the crystals start glowing brighter over time I sense some tingling feeling on my skin.

Slowly this vague feeling starts to grow stronger and clearer and just when I think it can't get stronger, it happens. It penetrated my skin and it felt like many tiny, but hot needles are slowly pushed under my skin and into my flesh until I start screaming, or at least try to, because I can't produce a single noise.


But just when I think I would explode for sure, because it reaches my lungs, brain and heart, something in the middle of my chest starts to suck the mana, ever so slightly into it.

I have no idea, what is happening, but the pain lessened at least a tiny bit with that.

And then suddenly, the whole town starts shaking again, but this is on a completely different level than before.

This stage is located at the bottom floor of the town and from everywhere above us debris starts falling down onto us.

Quickly people start casting shields above them, but one especially large piece hits the stage in a corner, which forms a crack, that is way too small to be noticed by anyone in this situation, and that interrupts the magic circle around me just a tiny bit, so for a short moment, a bit of the mana surrounding me shoots straight up into the roof of the cave.

Then the rumbling stops abruptly. And silence falls onto the crowd, as almost everyone can feel something coming. Something strong.

Many fall onto their knees and start praying, while the guards who were pushing mana into me, just desperately trying to finish off what they started, or in other words kill me as fast as they can, with all the mana they can move.

But I don't even care about that, because I can feel something as well, but something different from the other people.

I feel like something locked onto me, and I don't know why, but I can tell, whatever is coming from up there, is coming for me. And it is coming fast.


Just a few seconds later, that felt like years to me, the roof, and almost half of the city gets blasted away from above and I can see them.

Two figures, that seem to be teleporting across the air, rapidly fall from the top of the cave.

I can't tell what they are, I can just tell they aren't humans, although they have humanoid silhouettes.

They are insanely fast, I can't follow them even a bit with my eyes.

All I know is, they suddenly disappear from the air.

When I look down I see one of them infront of me and as I turn my head, I can see one behind me.

They keep standing there for at least a minute, in which they do not pay any attention to the people around them, and of the people, in turn, no one dares to move even a single finger.

Meanwhile, I get still pumped with mana, which by now feels more painful than ever before.

Until suddenly, the sucking power in my chest increases manyfold.

As if the two came to a silent agreement both of the mighty existences turn their gazes down to the floor, in my direction.

Almost in the same moment, both of them simultaneously form a huge intricate magic circle in front of them, that points at me.

Then I feel this almighty power in my body, and the possibility, to finally take my revenge on the teacher, who never once left my mind, but right there I can see a red blinking message in front of me.

#You died#

After that my memory just cuts off.

And I wake up in a cave, where two guys and one lady are discussing something.

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