《A Nation of Distances (possibly a dystopian love story)》18 Too late for Warnings
‘You’ve been meeting that boy again? Both of you?’
It was a few weeks later, and Pamela had been cooking for the non-Wives of her building, and she was still a bit worried about her two young friends.
‘Only once every few weeks or so. He is on the good side, Pam. And last time he was with his Wife School fiancée and that Eliza girl again. His unsegregated spot on Square Plaza has taken off and is active every day now, even without him. Some of the WAH girls use it too, now, as some kind of statement, but most are quite uneasy about it. It’s a bit ironic: he’s just doing in his own way what the Women are Human activists want to do from the other side.’
‘He’s a man. You’ve brought Samantha to meet an actual man, Angela. That alone! How can you find that a good idea?’
‘He’s just a human who can be a friend. He’s completely not seducible, Pam. And very much taken already.’
Samantha frowned. ‘Hey, I’m an adult. I can meet people whenever I want, women or men. But I’m afraid Angela is right about Michael: as a man he’s hopeless indeed. Quite cute but too naive to be alive, and those two Wife School chicks are a bad influence on him. Especially Eliza.’
‘I like them. They’re friendly and smart. They don’t discriminate against anyone. They’re not even jealous if he talks to other women.’
‘They still want to keep him monogamous and they keep him for themselves. Harmless men should be free for everyone.’ Samantha said.
‘Only if they’re interested in you, so in your dreams, Sam!’ Angela said.
‘What man are you talking about?’ Pamela’s roommate Karen had walked in mid-conversation, and seemed rather confused.
‘Angela here is trying to befriend some kind of young Gamma-1 dude that she met at the Women are Human protest a few weeks ago.’
‘An actual man at the Women are Human protest? Must be a strange specimen’
‘He was interested in the pamphlet and then asked me how we were going to accomplish equality and stuff like that. And afterwards he opened up what he called the unsegregated spot at Square Plaza to talk things through with me. He’s still in school and all.’
‘And they let him do that?’
‘Yes, the boss didn’t seem to mind, and it’s still there. We were there today with his Wife School fiancée. We all sat around the same table, girls and boys as if it was a normal thing. It seems to get accepted in a weird “don’t ask don’t see” way, even though some people are giving dirty looks.’
‘And all of that just because he read the pamphlet? All those years of activism have finally convinced one whole man. Speaking of efficiency…’
‘One who is actually doing things. One who wants to be a friend of women. Even if it’s mostly just because he says that he needs to learn how to be natural with girls before he can even think of marrying. But he’s quite adamant that our sex segregation is evil.’
‘You think it’s fun and all, but it’s actually mad and dangerous. You shouldn’t mix men and women. It won’t be safe.’ Pamela interjected.
‘It would be good to have reliable men on our side. And to have more contact with the male world. If only for some practical things.’ Karen said.
‘That’s what Eliza said too.’
‘Eliza who?’
‘The other Wife School girl. Officially she was only the chaperone but she seems quite close with him too. Plus from what I heard she seems to be a big name on the black market too.’
‘Interesting, so you mean that the black market traders have finally established contact with the male world through a Wife School couple, of which the boy is trying in his way to eradicate the segregation of the sexes? And they are taking active steps to do that?’ Karen asked.
‘Eh, basically, yes. If they haven’t done that already, that’s what they are planning.’
‘It’ll be interesting to see how that plays out.’
‘Come, the rice noodles are getting cold. I managed to get real chicken meat for today, so let’s eat now.’ Pamela said.
‘Affordable chicken meat? From the Ghost Town squatters?’ Karen asked.
‘Yes, they’ve started a new farm project where they will try to have more than vegetables. They even asked me if I knew anyone who was looking for a job.’
‘A job? From the squatters? But they don’t have money to pay?’
‘They don’t have bank accounts. They’d mostly pay in food and materials and other stuff, plus you can also get a home in the Ghost Town. I said we need Nation money to live here and don’t want to move out, but they said if we pool our money for rent and stuff they can take care of the rest if one more more from us would want to work on the farm instead of in the trash sorting centre.’
‘Oh, wow. That’s unexpected. But I’m not ready for that.’
‘I wouldn’t be a good farmer.’ Samantha said.
‘Just keep it in mind. It might be a good idea to have some people in the house work there.’ Pamela said.
‘Just as it is a good idea to have some people involved in the revolution. I think keeping an eye on that guy is a good idea too. This feels like change on more fronts, and I don’t want anyone of my house to miss out on it.’ Karen said. ‘This isn’t your house, Karen, it’s property of The Nation. Of the men of the Central Computer.’
‘This is my group of women, and I think we should look out for better times and not miss the boat if would there ever be one that comes along.’ Karen said.
‘There haven’t been boats in 150 years, no fuel and stuff like that. A planet with depletion of resources, remember…’ Samantha said sarcastically. ‘Well, maybe we will find new boats or at least new motors. And new fuel. I’m tired of being hopeless…’
Samantha took her first bite of the meat.
‘This chicken meat is quite good. If that’s what they pay you for working in the new squat farm in the abandoned village it’s worth considering.’
‘They don’t slaughter them every day. It was a special occasion. But indeed, I can’t remember how long it has been since we had actual animal meat, and good meat at that.’
‘Maybe we need to frequent the Ghost Town more often.’ Karen said.
‘So on one side we’re fraternising with men, and on the other side we’re getting closer to the women who live completely apart from the system of men? Things are going to get interesting indeed. And that asks for some wine.’ Pamela said.
She had given up on warning against Michael for now. Her friends were technically adults indeed, and the future would bring what it would bring… Their place in the state house for women was safe for now, but their situation was still unstable, and it wouldn’t be wrong to have some more allies. And both the Ghost Town squatters and the male world were powers that you better watch out for, if they turned against you you would be in grave trouble…
‘Are you sure this is okay?’ Megan asked, slightly nervous, ‘I haven’t been formally introduced to your family yet.’
She stood with Michael and Eliza at the front door of his house to pick up some of his old books.
‘To be honest, I don’t want them to meet you at all if possible. Ever. My father is beyond horrible to women. But he’s working at the moment, so it’s only my mother. She’s just silent and avoidant, and not helpful at all since I’ve become an adult and a level one male. She’s more distant than ever and just waiting for me to boss her around or so, which I don’t, so there’s not much interaction. I'm not playing the Real Man part, so it doesn't work between us.’
‘I see.’ Megan said, while Michael opened the door.
Eliza had been uncharacteristically silent and just tagged on.
The trio met his mother in the living room.
‘Hey mom, I’m just picking up some books.’ He said, as casually as possible. Megan looked at the big house, slightly intimidated by the size of everything while Eliza was just motionlessly investigating every detail with careful eyes. His mother didn’t show any surprise, or any other emotion at all when they came in, just as he had expected.
‘Hello Michael. And, oh, hello. You must be Megan I suppose? My future daughter-in-law.’
She turned to Megan, who nodded. ‘That’s me.’
‘I had expected Michael to introduce you sooner, but it seems that he’s a bit shy about his family.’
‘Nice meeting you, Mrs Adams.’ Megan said, bowing a little.
The eyes of Maria Adams went from Megan to Eliza, who waved at her with half-played awkwardness.
‘And I see they still have the chaperone tradition too at Wife School. Don’t do anything indecent, will you.’ His mother said to no-one in particular.
‘You think that? Especially with Eliza on my heels? Come one. I’m just lending them some of my school books. You know how hard it is to get a serious book in Wife School.’ His mother stared at him, as if the combination of her son and her memories of Seventh City Wife Factory gave an error in her head. Wrong, boys weren’t supposed to explain the complications Wife School experience to their mothers… That just wasn't right!
He left his mother in the living room and went upstairs to his bedroom, followed by two very silent girls, who were still impressed by the Alpha-house.
‘Oh wow, boy’s rooms are so much fun.’ Eliza said, falling on Michael’s bed.
‘Eliza, behave yourself for once. You’re a guest at my fiancée’s house.’ Megan whispered, more amused than offended.
‘Ow, sorry, Miss Adams-to-be. You want to have the bed alone with him then? I can find another room here in this villa to study for hours with these books’
‘Nevermind.’ Megan sighed, looking away from her and then scanning the room. Michael went to a closet and took out a big cardboard box.
‘So, here, all my old books. If you want something, just take it. And if you see something that someone else you know might like, let me know it too. It’s just gathering dust here. He took a few books to look at them and read the titles out loud.
‘”Advanced calculus part one”, hmm, and “the principles of John Manfred’s political genius”’
Megan took the math book, but rejected the history book. ‘No thanks. I’ve had enough of that nonsense.’
‘Here, for Eliza, “The history of Artificial Intelligence.”’
She looked at the book, and then gave it back. ‘Too late, I already studied that one, but I’m interested in “Robot kinetic theory” over there.’ He gave her the robotics book, and took out some others.
‘Anyone who wants “An introduction to 4000 years of philosophy” or “Lonesome George’s lonely hearts club band”?’
‘The famous classic about extinction? Give me both.’ Megan said.
Half an hour later each girl had a whole pile of books for themselves.
‘And I think the rest can be handy as a start-up capital for project Pen Pal.’
‘Project what?’ Megan asked.
‘Didn’t you girls say that there should be a way to connect the boys who don’t want to choose their wife on bikini looks with girls based on other interests and qualities. If we set up such a thing we need some capital to start a new black market version of a postal service.’
She looked at him for a while. ‘Oh wow, you’re really planning on doing that?’
‘Why else would I take Eliza the black market VIP here to see my secret stash of books… You think I take her into my bedroom for her pretty eyes and witty remarks?’
‘Hmm. Now that’s an idea. Some of these are worth a lot indeed. And it will take a lot to convince the black market girls and boys to unite.’
‘I have my plans, but I need you for them.’ He said.
A knock on the door announced the entrance of his mother, who brought lemonade and cupcakes.
‘So you really are trading books with the girls?’ She said, putting the plate on his bed.
‘What else do you think I would be doing? Thanks for the cupcakes by the way.’
His mother looked from her son to the girl who was supposed to be her future daughter in law on the couch, reading an advanced math book.
‘And when will you finally introduce your young woman to your father?’ She said, suddenly with a tired sound in her voice.
‘If possible, never.’ He mumbled.
‘Michael, what’s your problem? You can’t keep her away from your family.’
‘I don’t have a problem, he does! He doesn’t like women and he’s an entitled Alpha. He only intimidates them and he likes that. Why would I expose any girl that I care about to that. You’ve seen Natasha. She probably told me much more about both him and Sam than I as a naive boy will ever believe possible about how she’s been treated by my male family members. I won’t let that happen to her, not in a million years!’
‘You shouldn’t talk like that, Michael!’
‘Screw what I should do. If I am supposed to love her, I’m supposed to protect her against anything that could do harm when possible.’
‘Oh, man, I’m glad I’ll never have to marry anyone. Men just bring bad luck.’ Eliza said, and fell on the bed again with her arms and legs spread out in all directions.
‘And what is this shameless young woman doing here.’ Maria Adams looked more tired than ever.
‘I’m doing some quality chaperoning, madam. Making sure that young Megan and your son keep their things decent. It’s not really the hardest job if I’m honest, so mostly I’m killing time by studying advanced applied robotics. You might have noticed that his school has some stuff that the good old Wife School lacks, so having male friends can come in handy sometimes.’
He saw his mother flinch. ‘It’s okay, Mom. There really isn’t anything else going on here except for me giving some old books to my Wife School friends.’
‘Wife School friends? Michael. A boy doesn’t have Wife School friends.
‘I’ve had enough of everything that I can and cannot do as a man or boy or whatever. Do you girls object to me calling you my Wife School friends? No. Then I’m a boy with Wife School friends.’
‘Your father…’
‘Yes, he wouldn’t like it. I’ve noticed so much. So be nice and don’t tell him.’
‘But he’s… I can’t…’
‘He’s your husband, and you can keep a secret from him. You probably have a lot of secrets, seeing how apart you two live. And I’m quite sure Natasha told you a lot of things that neither he or Sam will ever know. I might be a boy, I’m not stupid about how the woman world works.’
She looked at her son with sad eyes.
‘Who am I to deny a Gamma-1, no matter how unusual his demands.’ She said, robotically.
‘That’s not…’
Megan came out of her couch. ‘It’s okay, Michael. I know I will have to meet them one day. You can’t shield me away from them forever. I’m not naive either. And I know that whatever happens, you’re on my side. So I’m not afraid of him.’ She took a cupcake. ‘And these are very good cupcakes indeed, Miss Adams.’
Maria looked from Megan to her son, not knowing what to think, and then walked out the room. ‘Enjoy the lemonade, girls’ she said, and she was gone.
‘Sure will,’ Eliza said.
Megan said nothing, and Michael fell into the couch himself.
‘I’m sorry. I’m a bit of a coward probably, everything has been so complicated that I can’t handle my family in combination with you now. I know that I’m not fair towards my mother in keeping you from her. But at the moment I just don’t know how to make it work with my dad and women. I’m still in shock from that visit my brother made last month.’
Megan put a hand on his shoulder. ‘We’ll find a way. We have to, we’re supposed to get married and all. Sigh…’
‘Oh, and about that I wanted to talk too…’
Before they left with the books more than an hour later, Michael made sure that he brought the plate with empty glasses and lemonade carafe to the kitchen himself. His mother wasn’t home it seemed, and it was time for the girls to get back to Seventh City Wife Factory with their bounty. There were more concrete plans now for project Pen Pal, but he was still stressed about his family and about the whole idea that within a year or so he was supposed to get married. Neither he nor Megan seemed very enthusiastic about that idea, but they didn’t know what to do either, and distractions were still more interesting than having that talk at the moment, no matter how good their communication was.
‘Ah, Rafael, good to find you. I’ve been wanting to speak to you for more than a week now. I still have a bit of a message to you from Eliza. You know, the Wife School chaperone girl you met in the park with me some weeks ago?’
Rafael looked alarmed when Michael approached him like that. It was two days after his last date with the girls, and they had reminded him to bring Eliza’s excuses over to him.
‘The one looking like a demon who tried to seduce me?’
‘Eh, not how I’d describe her, but I suppose so.’
‘If she wants a date with me, tell her no.’ He said smugly.
‘Eh, you completely misunderstand her. And she basically said to tell you she’s sorry, Rafael. She didn’t realise what impression she made on you. She had no ill intentions at all. She was just being playful.’
‘She looked pretty scary and she was clearly trying to seduce me. You can’t deny that.’
‘Eliza? Seduce anyone? The idea alone. No… She might have some issues with knowing other people’s boundaries. And she’s not really subtle. But she’s quite nice actually. But she’s not into boys like that even I think, at least not yet.’
‘If you say so…’
‘She was a bit lost in her own cosplay game, and it was her first time meeting boys ever. She went a bit overboard. She was a bit shocked afterwards herself by the effect she had on you. Keep in mind that you only were the third boy that she talked to I think, and she had always heard about men being aggressive and dominant and so, you know what I mean, Be a Man and all that. It’s drilled into the girls in Wife School too, even worse as with us. I don’t think she expected that you would be so, eh, vulnerable. They teach that men are tough and impervious. And she was trying to defend herself against potential dangers including me that afternoon… Her defences are quite peculiar to be honest. Unpredictability is a big part of them.’
Rafael looked at his friend. ‘Ah, I am the danger here? She behaved like the man-eating succubus from the cursed swamp and I am the danger in the story? And you defend her for that?’
‘In her world we’re all dangerous. Any man could be an abusive creep, that they can’t even say no to according to the rules. So I understand her. But it’s true you didn’t deserve that. Although all she did was just propose a double date, as a joke. She didn’t threaten you with anything worse than that. All she did was look at you while looking horrible. And even a real date wouldn’t be as horrible as you think, just hanging out with her is not the end of the world.’
‘Did you see her eyes, man? And she was so close to me. She was scary for sure!’?
‘Come on, it was just an act, just like her clothes and hair. Normally she doesn’t look bad at all, I’d even say she’s quite pretty. She was just being playful and she didn’t really want anything from you at all, was just trying out things. It was her first time being with a boy and she was experimenting, and now you treat her like she’s a seasoned man-eater. She has accepted by now that we are persons that can be friends, and technically she likes boys, but she’s not into marriage, and even less into other things. She never expected you to believe her act.’
‘Okay, okay, I was just overwhelmed. If you say I misunderstood her and that she is safe I will believe you. I must say I’m still afraid of the moment my parents will tell me to go to Wife School to pick out a girl like you did. I’d just get a panic attack. You have picked a good one, but I have no idea how to do that from a line of girls in a bikini.’
‘Yeah, I just was lucky actually with Megan. My approach to choosing a Wife was pure madness and It could have ended quite differently. You’re right that there should be another way to communicate with girls and try to get to know each other before the Ceremony of Partner choice. That was one of the things I was talking about with the girls that afternoon, and our plans are getting more concrete. With the black market systems that both sides have connected we can bring boys and girls together as pen pals.’
‘You mean, writing letters? As friends?’
‘Yes, the last idea was that someone looks for all the boys or girls in a department, and then they all give a short description of themselves, and then we smuggle it to the other side, and then they can write some letters to everyone they like, in the hope that conversations start. And then maybe people can find someone to choose at Ceremony night. Or at least know how to talk to the other sex or so. We don’t know yet how it’s going to work.’
‘So you mean writing letters with girls like whatsername cosplaymonster, without explicit romantic expectations, just to learn to get to know them as friends?’
‘That’s the idea. I’m not sure how it will work with Eliza. But you can always try to write to her. She’s quite approachable if you’re not behaving like an entitled alpha, and she knows how to be a friend. And I don’t think she’d have a problem crossing boundaries when she can think before she writes things down. She’s just a bit impulsive, especially with new things…’
‘Isn’t it unmanly to write letters to girls?’
‘Who cares? It’s manly to be horrible to people and have a marriage that looks like hell. We should have other standards. Treat people like you’d want to be treated, respect everyone as a person, all that. Liberty and freedom for all men, and women!’
‘So it's true what they whisper. That you’ve become a revolutionary?’
‘Who says that?’
‘I don’t know. I’ve heard the boys say it. People have been talking about you since your Gamma-one rating, and this will only make them notice you more.’
‘I can’t go back. And I know it probably won’t work for most boys and girls in The Nation now, but I want to be able to give those who can do something with it that chance. I would have loved to write letters to girls when I was younger too.’
‘How, you want to start younger?’
‘Yes, for all teenagers from Wife School age when possible at least.’
‘You’re really a revolutionary, you know.’
‘Not at all. I’ve said before that I just want a quiet life, and this rotten Nation never makes that an option. Everything that seems to make things normal and healthy to me turns out to be revolutionary…
- In Serial122 Chapters
It's been a while hasn't it? Since I disappeared. Sorry this couldn't be under better circumstances, but let's just agree that it's better late than never. I've been finding my way back since then, traveling across worlds of magic, science, even eldritch locations. I've seen things you wouldn't believe, and some I'd prefer you didn't. I'll tell you everything, even what I became in the dark. A long, long time ago, hahah... Never mind. Let's just start. My intention is to explore every. single. world I can think of from scifi to high fantasy, hopefully forming an overarching storyline along the way. I hope to be able to explore most of the settings, most of the tropes, and play with them in multiple different ways. However, this also means that many of the tags will only apply for specific sections of the story... As the first arc is now completed, chapter titles will be slowly edited to include the world involved, and then any relevant tags. Also exists on wordpress here, will update both sides simultaneously. Constructive criticism welcome and much appreciated. 20/3/2018. Previous cover courtesy of Archmage Naoki, also Bobb on the Discord RRL server.26/3/2018. Current cover courtesy of ssddx. Thanks for the cover.
8 254 - In Serial29 Chapters
Welcome to Anarchy: A BNHA (MHA) Fanfic
'I've already experienced one omnipotent being flinging me from one Universe to another...I didn't need another one to destroy what I had just achieved and fling me off into the next' Charlotte Syrup, former Sweet Commander of the Big Mom Pirates, flung into the world of My Hero Academia with no clue what anything is. Quirks? Heroes? Buttcheek clenching superpower? The only thing that comforts me is the fact that this does remind me of 'Earth'...right? Watch as the Overpowered Pirate and her love Portugas D. Ace wreck havoc across the world of heroes and villains. Loser: 'You've got to choose a side!' Heroes or Villains? Me: Well, we're Pirates so...fuck you both Loser 2: What kind of Pirate owns a megacorporation?? Me: My bad...*cough* We're filthy rich Pirates. Wanna sign up? Welcome to the Charlotte Group. Take advantage of a racist world? Check. Take advantage of the oppressive laws people are under? Check. Take advantage of quirks? Triple Check. Still hate governments? Absolutely A story about the conflict between the ideals Peace and Justice against Freedom and Privacy. The realization of the impossibility of Total freedom and the lengths she goes to see it done. Just add massive explosions, lots of swearing, and comedy to the mix. This will be a 2 Part story. First part: PARADISE (A.N): If someone sends me a better title, I will use that. Deal is still up as well :D) Disclaimers: It is to my great displeasure and sadness that I do not own One Piece or My Hero Academia. Hints of Undertale as well...I don't own that either. That is just really really sad. Nor do I own the cover art...but it's pretty close to how I envision Syrup in her late teen years :) On the flip side, I do own Charlotte Syrup, my OC and a couple more extras in the story. Note: This is the sequel to 'Welcome to the Charlotte Family' but while it is recommended to read it before, it is not needed. Separate Universe, different characters and story. But remember, heavily OP MC! But I try to keep it interesting. Give it a try and enjoy!
8 231 - In Serial280 Chapters
Era: Dawn of the New Gods
Concise Synopsis: This is a post-apocalyptic story about the origins of various powerful figures that appeared after the apocalypse event. During the apocalypse monsters appeared possessing powers and constitution beyond the limits of human understanding. They ravaged the world and brought down all governments. The first part of the story follows Jade, a terrorist that was ravaging the world before the monsters arrived. Dramatic Synopsis: The New Gods, the most feared and revered beings on the planet. They are forces capable of absolute destruction and creation. The Council of Branches Hayley, the Living Lie (if that is her real name) Chao Feng, the Prince of Stars Lara, the Mother of Heroes The Great City of Tver Gog, the Ever Losing War The Unkillable Freak Dave, the Flow Demon Avatari, (only the name is known) Satoshi, the Gentle Hurricane As Impactful as they are no one knew their origin, they are called the New Gods so there must be Old Gods. I and my collegues dedicated our lives to finding their origins only to find out that the beings we fear and adore were once like us, average, mortal and weak... at least most of them were. *It is a sort of reverse RPG as no one knows anything either skills, abilities or how the system works but they find out on their own or develop their own skills or abilites. *The story has many protagonists and point of views but it paints a beatiful story of survival in a world of endless perils for both the humans and the monsters(some monsters are protagonists). *There is a system but it is very limited (not overpowered) and treats everyone equally, monster or human. The system is very different from regular systems; no exp, levels and system items. *The story is a world building story where overall, the world is the true main character. The cover image photo is credited to Angel David *For now it's one chapter a day
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Something sinister is brewing but can I uncover the plot before it's too late?
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"Every word that he says is a dagger in me." Those ten words that changed everything. Marius wasn't meant to overhear them. Those words were supposed to just be for her ears. But he heard them. And then Eponine's life changed forever.
8 195 - In Serial45 Chapters
Captured By The King
Felicity Lowell is part of the royal family. She was raised to be a queen. Every human being looked up to her and expected highly of her.There was one thing that disgusted Felicity, she hated how her people enslaved vampires. She's disgusted by their hatred to these supernatural creatures, she promised herself that if she is crowned queen, she would wipe out all vampire slavery. She thought they deserved better.What happens if things go the other way around? As soon as the vampires were free, they got hold of the humans. They were all helpless, they all became slaves. Vampires vowed to themselves that they would make humans go through what they experienced under their power.Felicity Lowell, she became a slave to the King. In this story, the Queen shall never bow to her King.
8 246