《A Nation of Distances (possibly a dystopian love story)》12 A first Date is too early to Start a Revolution?
‘Hey, someone else is coming.’ Megan pointed at a boy their age that was walking through the park with a bag of groceries.
‘Of all people it had to be Rafael.’ Michael sighed.
His former classmate had already recognised him, and was walking up to them. They had been in the same class for years, until they both had chosen completely different subjects and ended up on different campuses. The boy looked rather uneasy with the girls present, but Michael acted as if there wasn’t anything special going on.
‘Rafael, this is Megan, my Wife School fiancée, and her chaperone, Eliza.’
Rafael looked at Megan, and then at Eliza in astonishment, but didn’t seem to be able to say something. After a while Michael thought it wiser to interrupt the silence, before Eliza would do something weird again or go into her full-on anti-male berserk mode.
‘You can talk to them, Rafael, they are human beings, intelligent and sentient creatures. They speak our language and all. I think I can safely say that these two are some kind of undercover brainies even.’
Rafael only slowly regained his ability to speak.
‘Eh, hello, girls. How you doing?’ He stuttered.
‘Doing just fine, my friend. Wanna have a double date with me while Michael hangs out with Megan? You can get the prettier one of us two!’
Eliza waved her crazy messed-up hair around in a fake sensual pose and winked at him. He just stood there nailed to the ground, staring in horror from her weird oversized stained shirt to her hair, and then just away from her eyes, a bit like the other boy had done too.
‘Eh, no, thanks.’ He muttered.
Michael decided to intervene. ‘Don’t mind Eliza, she’s just messing with you.’
Megan chuckled. This new boy was even further away from the Real Man stereotype as her fiance, being so shy and afraid of girls that it was almost endearing. She’d never seen such a thing. But Michael didn’t want his friend to cringe.
‘Come on, girls, leave my friend alone. He can’t help it that he never had any practice in talking to girls. And it seems you’re really scaring him, Eliza.’
‘I’m just practising my skills in talking to the other sex now that I finally have the occasion. Is that not allowed anymore? I know someone who’s doing exactly the same thing today.’ she said innocently.
‘There are probably other ways to talk to the other sex than aggression or flirting, or even a combination of both.’ Megan tried tactfully.’
‘Ah, but there’s no fun in that. And I want to have fun today.’
‘I give up.’ Michael put his hands in the air and turned to Rafael.
‘The irony is that actually you two are alike in so many ways. It’s not like you’re John or Don or Instructor Jack or so. In a normal world there would be a way for you both to arrive at a conversation about electronics or higher algebra. But with all these barriers between the sexes in our world that won’t work now.’
Rafael looked at him, unsure, and Megan protested. ‘Hey, this is my date today, and I’m definitely not talking about algebra. I love math but not now!’
Rafael looked from Michael to Megan.
‘Nevermind. I’m off. My mum is sick and needs the groceries before my dad arrives. And he’d better not see me doing women jobs again or he will yell at me for not being manly enough. Good luck with your date and, eh, have a good day, girls.’
Rafael tried to smile at Megan and Eliza and then disappeared quickly.
‘Oh boy…’ Michael muttered. ‘Poor Rafael. If there’s any boy left who’s shy and harmless and naive in this Nation, even more than me, it has to be him. Please don’t traumatise the last great innocent left on the male side of The Nation.’
‘It’ll be a learning experience for him. First time is never easy.’ Eliza shrugged.
‘Yes, and one day they’ll force him to get a wife on the C-floor. He’ll have to choose on how she looks in a bikini, and will just panic like I did, probably with a much worse outcome. The chance of him ending up with a girl that he can talk about science with is nihil, even though you two are probably not the only ones with secret study habits. He doesn’t have the sense of navigating a Wife School to find the outsider that I had. And in the end he’ll be married for life to someone he doesn’t like and who doesn’t really like or understand him, like most adults. And since he does have some sense of honour, he won’t be divorcing anyone either. And because he can’t be dominant he’ll probably be losing every argument he ever has with his wife in a miserable marriage for life.’
‘Hey, those were my prospects too more or less, except that we can’t even get a divorce as a woman, and then there’s the whole sex thing being forced on you.’ Megan said.
Eliza looked thoughtful. ‘Ah, but indeed, there are more brainie girls as you’d call them who’d be happy with a man like that. There’s a whole black market for study books, especially in the E and D floor, not mentioning Annabelle herself who smuggles her books to everyone from the C-floor. But there is at least one A-grade girl who’s studying Einstein and 21st century quantum physics. I’ve seen a traders list recently. Most of the black market were just adult romance books and stuff about sex and boring things like that, but the brainie stuff also has its own niche in every Wife School and even on every floor.’
‘There should be a way to connect the boys who don’t want to choose their wife on bikini looks to find girls based on other interests and qualities.’ Michael mused.
‘But the problem is that communication between the sexes is impossible. Boys and girls can never talk. It’s indecent and impossible, and dangerous too. Look at how we are conspiring now.’ Megan said.
Eliza’s eyes lit up. ‘I have an idea. You are a boy after all, Michael. And even though we’re on a date we’re talking about this, and not about engagement plans or hanky-panky. But you still are part of male society, and of the brainie school where boys like that Rafael dude are. Not that I’m particularly impressed by him, but he’s the opposite of everything most of my friends fear in a boy, so by our standards he would definitely be a decent husband when combined with the right girl. I never thought I would see two of those in one lifetime, let alone on one day. So if we could make an alternative communication system for boys and girls to get to know each other based on interests and stuff like that some of your hopeless brainies could get matched with girls they have more in common with, and a more friendship-like and respectful relationship with than the “you’re married now, have sex and serve your husband” scenario in which two people who don’t know each other act out a toxic scenario that they both never knew had alternatives.’
‘How, how, isn’t that going too far? That’ll never work.’ Michael said, but Eliza was only starting.
‘And we could open the communication through the black market traders. We could help those who don’t like the system to exchange information and find matches based on better things than their looks in their bikini. The cost will be high though if we want to open communication lines like that.’
‘Eliza, you’re getting ahead of yourself. One afternoon with a boy and you’re planning a whole communication system already. You’re going way too fast. Didn’t they tell you that a first date is too early to overthrow the government.’
‘Ew, I’m not dating anyone. That’s your thing. And I promise you I won’t write down that you and him planned to overthrow the government on Greystone’s dull papers.’
‘There is no government, girls. Governments lead to chaos, remember.’
‘Ah, then we will overthrow the Central Computer itself. I’d say that we all know that that experiment has failed a century ago already. And the officials that represent the CC are a bunch of incapable idiots too.’
‘Eliza, don’t say those things so casually.’ Michael said.
‘Are we getting afraid now of a bit of radical realism about the state of our Nation's politics, big boy?’
‘Not afraid. But like Megan says, you’re going way too fast. I’m only getting used to talking to girls and you already want to end segregation between the sexes with a whole new communication system, overthrow the century-old rule of the CC, and God knows what more on the first serious talk we ever have. It’s a bit too much for my poor heart and for my brains.’
‘Ah, the brainie boy has reached his limits already… I thought you were class one specimen?’
‘Eliza, don’t tease him so much! You know he’s right. Nothing against any of your plans, but you’re going too fast, and we were actually just hanging out on a date to get to know each other. My date by the way, not yours! Maybe we can keep the revolution for a later day, when we have thought out things a bit more, and talked to some people about it? And just have fun today.’
‘Okay, okay. Don’t forget that you are the one that’s having a date, and that I am the bored chaperone. But I’ll respect the fact that it’s your day today, and not mine. Go ahead and smooch and do all the couple stuff you want with your fiancée and I will look the other way when it gets too indecent…’
‘You can be so irritating sometimes, Liz!’
‘I think I need more Nation-Coke. Are you girls coming with me?’ Michael said, standing up. ‘Good idea. Keep ourselves drugged. Still a pity we can’t just sit on the café terraces and order a drink. It would be perfect for a date.’ Megan said.
‘I know, I know,’ Michael said. ‘But that’s for another day. Hanging around is enough for now. We start the revolution another time when we’re not having a first date.’
‘I’ll make sure that we do that.’ Eliza said.
‘Hey, it’s still my date. You’re taking over again.’ Megan said.
‘I’m sorry, getting out of that Wife School made me a bit too euphoric I think.’
‘So, is it true that you girls can’t get out of school, that you’re completely locked-up there?’ Michael asked to try to change the subject.
‘Almost. Not 100%. With a permit we can visit our family every now and then, at least in theory, and we can visit the girls on the other floor sometimes.’ Megan said.
‘That’s still within the Wife School, Megan. And neither of us ever sees our family.’
‘The other floors feel like another world already. I’m always jealous that Christina can bring stuff to every floor.’
‘The other floors are not so interesting, believe me. You should know that.’ Eliza said.
‘And it’s sad how most of the girls on the C-floor have forgotten us when we left there.’
‘Ah, you two used o be C-class.’ Michael asked.
‘Yes, we’re pretty and smart and have a lot of talents. Don’t you see? Should have been B or higher actually, but they select high-rate Wives on the wrong criteria for that. We’re smarter than any B-girl probably, but Real Men don’t want a wife that knows things they don’t understand…’
‘I avoided the C- and B-floor, so I can’t compare.’ Michael said.
‘But let’s say that there was a certain incident where we were too rebellious for our teachers on the C-floor. And then you lose your score quite fast. Yo may not have noticed, but some people consider us a bad influence’
‘You two, a bad influence? No…’ He said sarcastically.
Megan grinned. ‘Actual skills don’t matter as much as being submissive. And we both have a bad record when it comes to that. Wife School is one big exercise in losing your own will so you can give it up to your husband. Or to any man. And to be honest, the woman teachers are not less dominant than the men they want us to obey, even with all the talk about how submissive women should be, they still are quite the bossy type in an absolute way. If one of them has a Rafael for a man then he’ll be more an example of a submissive slave than any woman I’ve ever seen could be.’
‘That’s worse than brainie school for boys then. But at least they don’t yell that Be a Man stuff at you every morning while torturing you with those stupid military exercises that actually are roughed-up gymnastic exercises.’
‘One misery point for the boys. That makes 1 for you and 100 for us.’ Eliza said.
‘I didn’t want to compare misery. I know your life sucks. Mine sucks too. We shouldn’t compete, but work together, and make it better for everyone.’
‘Yadda, yadda, yadda. Sing songs around the campfire and everything and the world will be unicorns and rainbows.’ Eliza said, ‘And I’m just amazed that I actually believe that you mean it. You’re really a unique specimen, Loverboy.’
‘Sorry, Megan.’
‘I still need a drink; and maybe it’s your turn to buy the drinks, ladies.’ Michael said. ‘Want some money?’
‘Are you trying to buy us with your money, Sir Adams?’
‘Sure, give me all the Megan and Eliza I can get for these 3 dollars…’
‘Watch out, boy, you’re on dangerous terrain.’ Megan said.
‘I’m not bribing anyone, I only just remembered that girls can’t have money, and I want more drinks. So I give you the money.’
‘We can have money, they just don’t give it to us if we’re in Wife School. And we can’t have student jobs and our family usually doesn’t really help either. But if we go in that store and pay with it no-one will say a word. Because they will assume we’re buying it for our father or husband or so. It’s very shameful when a woman has to make her own money, you know. Indecent again…’
‘I know, I know. I just want things to be simple, so here’s some money for drinks. Choose what you want, I want another Nation-Coke.’
‘Ooh, I can choose what I want?’ Eliza said.
‘Whatever you can get for that dollar coin. Or whatever they’ll let you have. They have rules against women buying certain things’
‘No trying to get a man beer today, Eliza, they last thing we need now is you being tipsy.’
‘Okay, okay, I get it! You’re no fun!’
He stood outside while the girls were inside the store, alone with his thoughts for a while. He liked hanging around with both of them. So much had happened today, but in a way he felt more free and more relaxed than ever with Megan and Eliza around. Weirdly enough not because he really felt like marrying or even falling in love with anyone any time soon, but because he felt more complete in an environment that had women too. As if he’d missed something all of his life that came back to him now in this way. But it seemed he was the only one for whom it worked. Poor Rafael seemed totally unready for Eliza for example, even though her chaotic straightforwardness was one of the things that made him come alive. And the older people in the park had given them very dirty looks.
It was a mystery to him what else he was supposed to do on a date with his fiance if walking around outside with a girl was already indecent, and sneaking with her into his house and bedroom was a mortal sin according to the Church. The written rules and the unwritten rules in the Nation clashed all the time, and he had no idea what was actually expected of a couple on this occasion. Or maybe everything was wrong anyway, so most people didn’t bother at all that they did the worst option of all?
‘Here’s your Coke, Loverboy!’ Eliza came out and threw his can of coke in his direction.
He was able to catch it, but only by doing a strange move.
‘Oh, you look so funny like that.’ Eliza said, but she stopped when she saw Megan's face.
‘You realise that I can’t even open this can right now, or it’ll explode in my face.’ Michael noted.
‘Oopsie, I got a bit carried away again by a fun day outside of boring normality.’ Eliza said.
‘You can have mine, I’ll take yours and wait half an hour or so.’ Megan interrupted.
‘As a bit of compensation for my feral chaperone here.’
‘Ah, well, we’ll all wait before we open our drinks.’ Eliza said diplomatically.
‘Back to the park?’ Michael asked.
‘Maybe something in the direction of Seventh City Wife Academy? It’s getting late.’ Megan proposed. ‘The smaller park with the pine trees in between the apartment blocks? It’s usually quiet too.’ ‘Why not.’
They spent the rest of the day hanging out in the smaller park and the surrounding part of Seventh City. There was nothing about the whole afternoon that made Michael think of the whole stressy idea of what a date was supposed to be in theory, but he surely had fun with his girl friends, and he learnt a lot about them, which made him like them even more. Whatever was happening between them, it seemed to work. Except for the can, which still would have exploded in Eliza’s face half an hour later if she wouldn’t have detonated it very carefully.
‘I still have half of it.’ She said, shrugging while looking at the mess she had made, and they didn’t mention it anymore.
And then the time was up.
‘So, ready to go back to the SCWF?’ Michael asked.
‘I guess…’ Megan said.
‘So there are no escape plans that I’m not aware of that you’re using me for?’ He asked.
‘No, not today, unless Eliza has something in mind that I don’t know of?’
‘Nope, Megan, I’ll start thinking of escaping when you and Shirley are gone. For now Wife School is the best place for me to be for practical reasons. And do you think I would just run away when being a chaperone on a date, leaving all my stuff behind in our dorm? My precious books? No, if I ever escape it’ll be a lot more subtle than that. You’re insulting my intelligence.’
They walked back to the building where the girls lived, big and grey, with the words “Seventh City Wife Factory” in enormous letters above the door, and the cartoonified blond girl in her bikini next to it.
‘Home sweet home. I had forgotten how it looks from the outside.’ Megan said.
‘Back to everyday reality. But I must admit that I had fun today, thanks to you.’ She looked at Michael.
‘You’re not even going to have one kiss?’ Eliza asked suddenly.
Michael and Megan stared at her, awkwardly. ‘Ehh…’ They both said nothing.
‘So much for the traditions. You two are the cutest couple ever, so pure and innocent as they shouldn’t exist anymore in this day and age. Probably because they died out since they never arrived at procreation at all. But can you at least give each other a hug? If you want to be with girls you’ll have to learn how to touch them to at a certain point, Michael.’
‘Eh, sure.’ Michael said. Megan suddenly wrapped her arms around him.
‘Okay. I can hug a boy, Eliza. It’s not so different from hugging a girl, only slightly more awkward and it feels different.’
He let go of her and he stood there, confused.
‘Girls hug each other all the time, and boys don’t. We learn to never have feelings, to never cry, and to never touch anyone. That’s what a Real Man does.’
‘Boys never hug each other? Boy friends never touch each other?’ Eliza asked.
‘No, that’s indecent too, you know.’
'Oh,’ Megan just said, rather shocked.
‘Man, it must be lonely being a boy.’ Eliza said, and she suddenly hugged him too.
‘Hey, what are you doing? He’s mine.’
‘For kissing and hanky-panky he’s all yours. Do what you want with him and don’t forget to dump the chaperone when needed. But we have decided that he’s my friend too, and he looks lonely. And lonely friends need a hug!’
Michael tried to escape from Eliza’s arms and took a step away from both girls.
‘I have nothing against you both being friends with me, but now you’re both going too fast for me. I like you both but even the just friends part is going to make my heart explode if you’re too physical with me too soon. I’m not the one here who’s living in a dorm where people are very close and hug each other all the time, I live all alone in my room and only have superficial talks with the people I meet at school. No-one ever hugs me at all, not even my mother. And I’m not even supposed to have feelings as a boy, remember.’
‘Yeah, now we live together as close friends in our Wife School dorms, but don’t forget that all of that ends when we move in with our husband, so don’t be too jealous of us.’ Eliza said.
‘We did make promises, Eliza, you, me and Shirley, to keep in contact no matter what.’
‘Yes, and that’s extreme rebellion already, and not done for most people.’
Michael looked at the girls. ‘Wait. I’ve never thought of it that way. But you girls live very close now in those dorms, and then the moment you marry you have to leave all your old friends behind, and most girls are not even able to keep contact as married women, even if they were best friends?’
‘More or less. You’re fast at understanding our situation I must say.’
‘Wow. Marriage must be such a trauma for a woman.’
Eliza turned to him. ‘It won’t be like that for Megan, or she’ll end up a young and happy widow. I’ll personally take care of that. Cute as you are, I wouldn’t forgive you if you hurt her.’
Megan placed herself in between Eliza and Michael. ‘I think you’ve had enough boys for today, Eliza, if you’re going from flirting to death threats in 5 minutes.’
‘I can handle her, Megan. It’s just little Lizzie grown older. But please no unexpected hugs without checking it’s it’s okay beforehand, okay Eliza?’
‘Okay,’ Eliza finally said, reluctantly.
They entered the building, and Michael followed the girls to the E-section. Official Greystone sat behind his desk.
‘Here are your papers, my dear man.’ Michael said, and then he turned to Megan, doing a little curtsy while taking her hand.
‘It was my pleasure to have this date with you, young Lady Megan. And I must say, you’re the prettiest lady I’ve ever been with in my whole life.’
He kissed her hand, and Megan turned red, but official Geystone remained as impassible as a Buddha statue.
‘I look forward to spending more time with you, and am honoured that I can still be pleasing to you, oh honourable wife-to-be of mine.’
Then he turned to Eliza, and high-fived her. ‘Thanks for being our chaperone for today, old friend Lizzie. I’m sure that you kept us from being indecent and other abominations, and all that.’
‘It was my pleasure, Mike All,’ she said, and smiled again.
Slowly he walked home by himself. This had been a day that he wouldn’t ever forget, even if he would live for over a hundred years.
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