《The Hereafter》Reality of Science, Part 2
"Doctor Walker, is that the specimen?" A scientist adjusted his glasses, observing me.
Another came closer, shuffling papers. "Doctor Walker, when will we begin experimentation on the circuits?"
Many other scientists intruded. "Doctor-", "Doctor-", "Doctor-", "Doc-"
"Shut up!" Alren furrowed his eyebrows, shoving the scientists out of his way.
Not paying attention to the disarray, I looked around at the magnificent sight. We resided on the top floor of the facility, making the view downwards jaw-dropping at the least.
Nearing the railing, I looked around at the multiple experimental rooms — clear glass enclosures. One of the cubicles contained a man strapped to a bed, while another facilitated a crazed beast. There were countless additional divided cubicles, and what I observed so far was simply a glimpse.
Alren yelled, signing papers handed to him by scientists. "Wryn, walk faster!"
"Doctor Walker, the examination will occur in section 1.61." A scientist winced in fear.
Alren kept pushing his way through, but he shook his head, stopping. He threw his pen on the ground, gaping at all the scientists. "If I get another damn paper to sign, I will kill whoever gives it to me." He added, grabbing me. "If you walk any slower, I will lose my mind."
Pushing me forward, Alren cleared his throat. "The specimen's magic-core, circuits, and orbitals will be conducted in the examination."
"We can't possibly do all those today," a scientist pleaded. "We will lose the details needed for further-"
Alren waved his hand, forming a tight-lipped smile. "Loss of detail won't be the only thing lost." He marched, dragging me along. "Complain once more, and we will see what else you will lose."
'Yikes,' I glanced at the terrified scientist, maintaining pace with Alren.
"Doctor," a scientist stated, standing tall in front of Alren's way. "We have discovered remarkable success with Project Extraction."
Alren smiled, stopping. "See, all I ask from you guys is a simple thing called success." He created eye contact with the scientist. "See to it Project Extraction is compatible with non-mages."
"Will do, Doctor!" The blushing scientist nodded.
Alren pulled me near him. "Whoever was working on Project Xedious, come here."
Two scientists approached us, standing in front of Alren.
"Good, that project is now canceled," Alren shook his head, pressing a button to the left. He turned his head, looking at all the others. "The rest of you get back to work."
Suddenly the floor shook as we steadily moved downwards. The platform we resided on descended into a cubical.
The cubicle — unlike the upper view — was not transparent anymore. Inside the cubicle stood a metallic bed with slight cushioning. There was also a table for notes and miscellaneous materials.
Alren sat on a chair near the table, tapping his fingers on the table.
The almost silent environment spoke volumes.
The other two scientists stood still: a male and female.
The male scientist had his hands tightly gripped onto an object as he closed his eyes in fear. The female scientist — on the other hand — was calmly breathing in and out, hands behind her back.
"Failure," Alren muttered, rotating his chair towards the scientists. "Failure is a process, yet how much is acceptable?"
"Sir, we-" the male scientist tried to speak.
Alren interjected, slamming the desk. "HOW MUCH!?" He grabbed a clipboard, throwing it at the female scientist. The clipboard grazed her cheek, bashing onto the wall and breaking. "How much?"
"We're sorry," the female scientist winced, closing her eyes.
"Did I ask if you're sorry?" Alren stood up, extending a wide smile. "I don't give two flying shits if you're sorry."
The male scientist clenched his fists in irritation while the female began to tear up.
"If you'd like to keep your jobs, then make sure to take adequate records with analysis of the specimen," Alren walked towards the platform, rubbing his scalp. "Two fucking years for a project, and no results... Don't screw this one up." Alren went up the platform, staring down at the scientists.
Once Alren left, the male scientist broke the pencil in his hand. Looking down at me, he sniffed. "Get on the bed."
The female wiped her tears, grabbing a long cloth from the cupboard. "Put this on." Looking away, she handed me the loose clothing.
Scratching my head, I asked. "Is this necessary?"
"If we want to keep our occupations, then yes," the male said, grabbing a clipboard and looking in another direction.
I took off my upper garments and lower clothing, wearing the loose scrub-like material.
"Lay down on the bed," the male scientist gritted his teeth, moving near the bed.
I laid down on the hard bed, shrugging. "What now?"
The male placed his hand above my head, and seconds later, I became somnolent.
Blinking, I tried muttering words... But I simply couldn't. Everything went numb. 'What did he do to me?'
The female scientist placed her hand near my chest, peering at my body. "What a weird child, sleeping with his eyes open."
'I'm not sleeping,' I tried yelling but to no avail.
"We will test his orbitals first," the male scientist murmured. "That's the easiest part."
The female placed a greater force onto my chest, replying. "Three orbitals."
The male scientist sighed. "Now comes the hard part."
The female scientist nodded her head, releasing the force she had on me. "First, we will distinguish the core. Then we will proceed with the circuits."
The female scientist uncovered the top part of my garment — the chest area.
"Time for you to use that flashy divergent magic of yours," the male scientist mocked.
"Yeah," she rolled her eyes, placing her hand on my chest.
I could slightly see my chest. My chest clearly showed a big illuminated circle, with three other circles orbiting it. I wasn't even using my peripheral magic trick, and I still could see it.
"I'm adding more magic," she wrinkled her nose, gaping at my chest.
"I'll strap him down," the male clicked his tongue, strapping me down to the bed.
My arms and legs were strapped with leather-like material, as was my waist.
"Did you get the core imagery down?" The female gritted her teeth, stretching out her lips.
"All of it is noted," he said, sighing. "Now it's time for the circuits..."
She furrowed her brows, narrowing her eyes. "Get ready." The woman released her grip, placing her hands again, moving them around in a circle.
Fire, that's all I felt. My body quaked in pain, yet they wouldn't stop. My body wailed in pain, yet all the female did was apply a constant amount of magic.
The male casually wrote down notes, as my body had its magic circuits illuminated in a bright yellow color.
As more parts illuminated, so did the burning sensation.
'How much longer?' I thought, eyes wide open at the spectacle.
Did the pain continue for seconds?
Around an hour later, she released her magic.
Closing her eyes, she smiled, letting out a deep breath. "We did it."
"I still find it peculiar that the Chief inadvertently created a mage from a non-mage," the male whispered.
"It sure does make all our hard work look rubbish," the female glanced at the floor, almost weeping.
"Whatever," the male snarled, shaking his head. "Take the results to the operation center. I'll release the specimen from the trance."
The scientist freed me from my restraints, proceeding to place his hand on my head. "Discharge."
He picked me up, making me sit upwards.
My body could freely move, but I was still exhausted. The pain seemed to be minimally prevalent as it was bearable.
Rubbing my eyes, I snickered. "Damn, my body is sore."
"You'll experience some soreness, so please do not overuse your body with physical activities until tomorrow," the incompetent scientist uttered.
I wanted to complain, but I understood it would lead to nothing except pointless banter. Ignoring the situation, I wore my old clothing — placed on the table.
"What's next?" I muttered, stretching my legs.
He replied, tapping his feet. "Examination of your data will occur, then a report to Doctor Walker," he remained a calm expression. "For now, you can remain in the resting area until the Doctor calls upon you."
We stood next to each other on the platform as we went upwards.
Guiding me towards a lounge area, the scientist pressed his lips together. "You can remain seated here. I will call you when you are needed."
"Alright," I said, yawning. Relaxed on the couch, I laid down, closing my eyes in an attempt to sleep.
Falling off the couch, I jerked awake. "Damn it."
Getting up, I shook my head, looking around. Luckily, no one saw me fall.
I wasn't sleepy anymore, so I decided to explore the cubicles. Walking out of the lounge area, I stealthily walked around the busy and frantic Scientists.
Interestingly, the first cubicle I encountered was jaw-dropping. Gaping at a giant hairy beast, I was left confused. 'What the hell is that?'
The beast possessed two heads. One extended from the left while the other extended from the right. The heads and necks of the beast were hairless and scaly.
The light brown-haired beast was comparable to a giant reptile, except this one had two heads, and the body was hairy.
Leaning against the rail, I placed my head against the glass wall. Moving closer to the right, I accidentally clicked the button near the rail.
Suddenly, the platform moved downwards, taking me with it.
'I hope no one saw that...' I thought, smacking my face. I felt slightly reassured since all the Scientists seemed too busy to notice me disappear.
The platform settled, leaving me directly in front of the beast.
I was face to face with the beast, but It didn't move. Getting closer, I stared at the beast's desolated eyes. The barren gray eyes remained open — never blinking.
At the moment, I felt despair, not for myself, but for the beast. The braindead beast was clearly put in that state by the Scientists.
Petting the half-dead beast, I looked down at its feet.
I wasn't one to sympathize with such matters, but perhaps death changed me...
"What are you doing?" A firm voice coughed.
Turning my head, I let go of the beast.
Alren stood there unamused, shaking his head. "Try not to enter rooms without permission."
"Sorry," I mumbled, staring downwards at him.
We both went back to the first floor, not saying a word to each other. When randomly, Alren lightly slapped me on the back of my head, proceeding to tug my ear. "Next time, do not enter a room without permission." He added, letting go of me. "Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, sir," I said, rubbing my head. Looking up at him, I tugged my lips. "How did you even know I was in that room?"
Alren pushed me, directing me forward. He closed his eyes, snickering. "Do you think we wouldn't have security set-up for every chamber?" He opened his eyes, sighing. "Whenever someone activates a platform, our system is notified."
"What's wrong with that beast?" I asked, tilting my head.
Alren stopped walking, proposing a deal. "If I tell you, will you behave?"
"Will do!" I assured, marching forward.
"The beast you witnessed is commonly referred to as a hydra. The one you saw, however, is unique." He continued, marching forward. "The hydra was discovered in a cave. But for some reason, a plethora of beasts remained in a braindead state even after physical interference."
"So, what caused it?" I rubbed my chin.
Alren patted me on the shoulder, shaking his head. "I can't tell you everything. You need to earn it."
"Sure..." I shrugged.
We reached the start of the facility — the portal.
"You're fine walking home by yourself?" Alren sighed, adding. "Or do you need someone to walk you there..."
Shaking my head, I answered. "I'll be fine." Winking at him, I gave him a thumbs-up. "I can handle walking home by myself."
Alren marched backward, raising his hand in the air.
Near the portal, a guard stood, demanding. "Proof of identification."
Taking the identification card out of my wristband, I handed it to the guard. "Here you go." Walking into the portal as he gave the card back, the guard stood tall, saluting. "Have a good day."
In an instant, I was at the portal near my house.
"Identification!" One of the guards announced.
I lifted my card, showing the guard my identification.
"Thank you, have a great day."
Putting the card back into my wristband, I sauntered towards my residence. Slightly slouching, I smirked, getting lost in thought.
'Isn't this nice,' I thought, relaxing, almost as if all my worries disappeared.
Arriving at my house, Tehla greeted me. "Welcome home."
Rubbing my stomach, I yawned. "I sure am hungry!"
"I am sure you are," Teha closed the door.
Tilting my head, I questioned. "What's for dinner?"
"Food," Tehla scoffed, walking into the kitchen.
Shrugging, I thought nothing of her attitude.
"Wryn!" My mother shouted.
Standing up from the dinner table, both my parents staggered towards me.
"How could you," my father snickered.
My mother raised her hand near my face, extending it. I winced at the thought of getting slapped by her. Instead, I was greeted with a hug. "Did you at least win…?"
Tilting my head, I stuttered. "W-w-what are you talking about?"
My father paced around me. "Tehla informed us you got into a scuffle with fellow students." He continued, scratching his head. "This is unacceptable! Do you know how much trouble you could have got into?"
Tehla, adding gasoline to the fire, snickered. "You're lucky the administration batted an eye and let your actions slide."
My father placed his hand on my head, rubbing it. "Don't do anything stupid again, alright, son?"
"Sure thing," I murmured, narrowing my eyes. 'How did the admin know?'
Dinner was typical other than the fact: I got scolded before it.
My mother and father dismissed themselves, leaving myself, Tehla, and the occasional maids entering and exiting the kitchen alone at the dining room.
"You didn't have to tell my parents..." I clicked my tongue, gaping at Tehla.
Tehla laughed, shaking her head. "Oh, but I did." She continued, walking out of the kitchen. "I told you to behave, and you didn't. Every action has a consequence, and yours was simply a negative one."
She waved, looking backward. "Goodnight, Wryn, go get some sleep."
"Goodnight," I whispered, forming a fake smile.
Entering my room, I changed into nightwear. I unwound, laying down. "Ahhh, this feels good."
'I'll skip practicing my perception... I'm too tired,' I yawned, stretching my legs outwards.
Jolting up, I rubbed my eyes and tiptoed to the door.
"Who is it?" I whispered.
"It's me, Wryn," the feminine voice murmured.
Opening the door, my mother dove for a hug.
"Why are you here?" I released myself from her grip. Placing my hand over my face, I laid down back on my bed.
Sitting down on my bed, my mother grazed her fingers through my hair. She kissed me on the forehead. "I'm your mom. Why shouldn't I be here?"
"Good point," I replied, scratching my face.
She continued to graze her fingers through my hair, smirking. "You think I wouldn't know?"
Lowering my eyebrow, I muttered. "What?"
"Wryn, we all have secrets. Your secret is something we share," she comforted me, patting my head.
Startled, I quickly sat upwards. My mouth remained open as I gaped at her. "What do you mean?"
"The past is something we don't want to talk about, and for us... that's even more prevalent," she responded, looking me in the eyes. "This new life isn't something we can just get used to."
Turning my head, I gawked at my mother.
"It's okay, Wryn. Unlike your father, I understand a new life of luxury is something much different than our former fashion." She smiled, letting out a sigh. "I understand the other children at your school must be brats, and they probably deserved to be humbled. That's why I won't lecture you about what you did."
Relaxing, I grew an uneasy smile.
"Did you win?" She winked, smirking.
Shaking my head, I chuckled. "No, but I could have if I wanted to. I didn't want to beat those little children up too badly!"
Rubbing my head, my mother rebutted. "My father had a motto: if you do something, then do it to the greatest extent, even if it is going through the pits of hell."
"I don't think that's the best piece of advice for a mother to give to her innocent child," I jested, grinning.
Smiling, my mother stood up and waved, walking towards the exit. "Goodnight, sweetheart." She whispered, closing the door. "Don't worry too much about the small things, just live life. You're too young to stress out!"
"Goodnight," I yawned, closing my eyes.
'My mother almost gave me a heart attack,' I scratched my head, pulling the blanket over my head.
'Still... What could she possibly know about my stress?!’ I bit my lips, clenching my fists.
I breathed in and out, pushing out the once furious red rage within. Easing into the darkness of slumber — I slept.
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