《The Hereafter》Swift Time, Part 3
LAWRME conveyed a message! I needed to inform Elinos.
I hurriedly yet stealthily walked through the prison. 'How... HOW!'
Grinding my teeth and lowering my eyebrows, I gaped at the prison's entrance. I clenched my fists, fuming at the thought. 'WRYN RADCLIFFE!'
Stomping forward, I shook my head. 'Those impudent fools dared mock our efforts.' My face boiled, sweat forming under my armor. 'INSOLENT FIENDS! THEY ALL WILL DIE! JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL.'
"State your status and purpose for duty!" A guard yelled, slamming his spear onto the ground.
"Fighic Redhand, status checker! Under Commander Kelflayer, I will be undergoing mandatory maintenance of section number 23.8!" I yelled, stomping my foot onto the cobble.
The soldier allowed me passage, placing his spear upright. "You may enter!"
Saluting, I walked forward, entering the prison.
"AHHHHH, let me out, let me out," an impertinent prisoner screamed.
Nearing my hand toward my waist, I grabbed my whip.
I began whipping the prisoner, lashing his back. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
Another prisoner banged the wall, hollering. "I"LL KILL YOU, DAMN GUARDS."
Blood dripping down my whip, I stopped, keeping my composure. I examined each chamber for any suspicious materials or tampering of anti-magic chains.
The prisoners remained solitary in their chamber. Each prisoner was attached to anti-magic chains — hindering them from using magic. They were attached to the back of the wall, meaning they were forced to sleep on the floor.
The chains allowed only enough movement for meals and restroom use. Over the existence of Almacantar of Gicz, zero prisoners have escaped.
Partially due to the competence of the guards, but mostly the defeating environment of Almacantar. Once one enters Almacantar, you'd never remain the same — guards and prisoners alike.
Peering into one of the chambers, I whispered. "Law has sent a message: three years."
"Keep it down," Elinos spoke, placing two fingers on his face, remaining expressionless. "Did you confirm the status of this so-called successful experiment?"
"Yes, Law was right! They somehow completed our project. His name is Wryn Radcliffe," I whispered, peering into the hallways for other guards.
"A few more years," Elinos quietly laughed. "A few more years..."
Taking off my headgear, I murmured. "Can we trust Law?"
"Trust is but an issue of the past." Elinos stared me dead into my eyes, growing a smile. "I, Elinos Mitu, shall swear upon the death of that damned boy."
"Move!" I yelled, whipping Elinos.
Turning my head, I looked to the right. The other guard stood still, watching from afar as I repeatedly struck Elinos.
We both remained in eye contact until the guard turned around, strolling away.
I stopped stroking Elinos, putting my whip away. Kicking the bars, I clenched my eyes. "I'm sorry."
Elinos ignored me, licking the blood off his lips and grinning. "How's my old friend Alren?"
I slid into stance, using the dulled daggers as a defense. Sweat poured down my forehead, dripping down my chin.
Llram extended his sword, bringing it near me, but I fended it, blocking it with my right dagger. "That's not enough."
Llram stuck his sword again, but I blocked it using my other dagger. He continued hitting, slowly breaking my defense, but I was enduring, blocking each attack.
"Not enough," he laughed, launching a sturdy attack, forcing me to drop my dagger.
Stepping backward, I kicked Llram's ankle but missed.
He stepped backward and smiled. "Good try, but it's time for me to end this."
Llram accelerated, hurling his sword up, maintaining it towards my shoulder.
Moving away from the attack wasn't an option — I was too slow.
The blade hit my shoulder, forcing me to fall, causing my face to smother against the grass.
Grabbing my shoulder, I throbbed in pain, sprawling on the floor.
Llram, on the other hand, held the dagger I dropped. He looked unfazed, almost like he didn't try.
Gasping for air, I used my arms, pushing myself up. "How long until you take me seriously."
Llram shook his head. "It's only been four months, hotshot." He scowled, shaking his head. "Don't put the cart before the horse."
He closed his eyes, shaking his head and throwing the dagger towards me.
"Yeah, whatever," I tensed my face, catching the dagger.
I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. Opening my eyes, I re-positioned myself and plodded near a relaxed Llram.
Llram indifferently straightened his sword. With a blank gaze, he remained in eye contact.
Using my right leg, hopping off the ground. I extended my right hand, gripping the blade even harder. Llram's blade met mine, creating an ear-piercing sound.
I staggered backward, creating distance between myself and Llram. I took a few deep breaths, sweat pouring down my face and splattering onto the floor.
I closed my eyes, recovering the momentum I had lost. Quickly opening them, I began exchanging strikes.
My right blade met with Llram's blade, causing an impact. Using my left blade, I spun, bumping Llram's wrist — effectively making him drop his sword.
Letting go of my blades, I pounced onto Llram, grappling him. The grass scraped my face as we both fell.
Using my left leg, I constricted Llram's legs. My right arm locked around his waist while my left one reached his neck.
I had him restrained...
With one swift motion, Llram twisted his body. Flipping me over, Llram pushed against my chest.
"AHHH," I yelled, trying to free myself.
While squirming, I gripped Llram's wrists — releasing them from my chest. Flipping over Llram as he did to me, I clenched my teeth. "Got you!"
"I win..." I gaped at Llram, making sure to restrict any movement. Waiting a couple of seconds, I got off him, sitting on the slender grass.
I stared at the ceiling, smiling. "I won..."
Llram closed his eyes, laying down. "So what?"
I lowered my head, staring point-blank at him. "I finished my training?"
Llram began laughing. "You call that a win?" Getting back into composure, he added. "If you won, then tell me how?"
I looked at him, tilting my head but quickly answering. "When you flipped me over, I reversed the situation. I used the momentum from your pressure on my chest." I smirked, cracking my knuckles. "Pretty slick on my part if I do say so myself."
"Here you go," Llram stood up, throwing me a wristband.
I cocked back my head, asking. "When did you... How did you get my wristband?"
Llram shrugged. "Winning doesn't signify anything. So what? What have you gained from this? Nothing more than a self-inflated ego."
"I still beat you," I shook my head, standing up. "You stealing my wristband doesn't mean anything..."
Llram shook his head, motioning me to engage.
I advanced, slightly stepping towards my target. Both of us remained weaponless.
Llram initiated contact, pouncing towards my leg. I fell onto the ground while Llram toyed with my limbs. He manipulated my right arm towards my back — almost breaking it.
My legs remained immobile due to his weight.
I tried reversing the pressure with my left arm, but Llram's stance disabled any movement. I winced in pain, slightly closing my eyes — praying the pressure would stop.
Staring at Llram was like gazing at a bloodthirsty beast. For the first time-fighting Llram, I had felt utter fear.
I couldn't imagine him using magic while fighting...
Withdrawing off, Llram laughed. "So what? So what if I won? This, this doesn't change anything."
Llram pulled me up from the ground, glaring at me with a menacing look.
Looking at the floor, I gaped at Llram, "Are you fine...?" Llram wasn't the type of person to get overly emotional during spars. He seemed out of it...
Growing a solemn expression, Llram answered. "I'm fine." He patted me on the shoulder. "Just know, none of this matters."
I wasn't sure what Llram was implying, but It was better to leave it be. I wasn't a therapist, so why should I indulge with his business.
I smiled, shaking my head. "Let's get some food. That ought to cheer up the mood."
Llram grew a grin, replying. "Now we're talking!"
My birthday — January seventeenth.
The past months had been gruesome, tiring, but rewarding.
Learning martial arts, swordsmanship, and even magic secretly was a blessing.
I had no right to be enraged. My family was handed a pass to an easy life. I was handed a lenient job of training. Why would I need to complain? Everything was going my way.
Yet, yet, yet, would Landon be alright with this? I knew the answer: he would because I was him.
Opening my eyes and smiling, I snapped back into reality.
"Happy Birthday!" My family spoke, beaming.
The maids surrounding us also celebrated — cheering.
Llram yawned. "Let's eat already!"
Alren smiled, sitting far from everyone else. He coughed, standing up. "Usually, birthdays aren't special, but since Wryn has finished training. We might as well celebrate."
Tehla minced towards Alren, whispering. "The cake is ready."
Alren lifted his head, clapping. "Let them eat cake!"
Alren jested, winking. "Don't chicken out."
"I won't," I murmured with a touch of a smile. I added, avoiding eye contact. "It's already been five months."
Alren nodded his head, answering. "This is just the start to new beginnings for you. Don't get too comfortable yet!"
"You're right," I replied, scratching my head. "Where's Llram? Usually, he's here at this time."
Alren, inspecting the portal, answered. "Llram's at the academy — his ban was lifted. If he doesn't attend, he'll permanently be expelled." Alren continued. "Partially, that was one reason for the five-month training. Another is your acceptance to the scientific organization of magic and the Academy of Fech. Most importantly, however, is your acceptance as a mage. Recently, King Arthur has declared you as a full-fledged mage."
"Does that imply I can learn magic now?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.
Alren scoffed, slapping me on the back of my head. "Yeah, you no longer have to practice in the bathroom."
Looking around, I stuttered. "When did you learn I was using m-m-magic in my bathroom!?"
"You believe the other mages in the household wouldn't sense your magic? Even a fool could realize that you were up to something. However, no need to turn all frantic. Disobeying orders was all part of the plan. Frankly, if you hadn't, I would have been disappointed." Alren reassured, proceeding to hold my hand.
I sputtered, turning red. "What are you doing-"
Alren continued. "Personally speaking — creativity is an important characteristic. Creativity excels in scenarios where one is lost. Magic is the hallmark of creativity. Your situation created the perfect scenario." He lowered my arm, asking. "Let me examine what you learned over these few months?"
Alren let go of my hand, lowering his head and focusing on me.
Inhaling a deep breath, I closed my eyes and held out my hands. I imagined three medium-sized balls by rubbing my hands together and releasing them. The balls dissipated as soon as I stopped concentrating.
"I also can control the lighting around me to a higher degree," I mentioned, producing lightning around myself.
I began doing pushups, making sure the lightning stayed composed. Breathing in and out, I whispered. "With magic... I can do... many more pushups... around three times the amount... before I could only... do ten... but now I can reach ... thirty-five." Breathing loudly, I added. "My perception of magic is futile. I don't even know what I'm trying to look at..."
Being able to see the orange magic wasn't enough. I had questioned Alren about perception, and he simply told me there's more to it, and that was it...
"Well, that's expected," Alren teased, kicking me, forcing me to fall. "I'll tell you what. Why don't I teach you a little something."
I jumped up, tilting my head. "Please do."
"Perception of magic is quite intricate. Not every mage views magic the same..." He stopped, looking up then down at me. "You know what, I'll keep it simple," he said, pointing to his eyes. "What we see as mages are based on the already existing magic. Specifically, the raw ambient magic. The orange particles you see are raw magic. This certain magic helps create other types of magic — elemental, magic-relics, and even distinctive magic."
Activating my perception of magic, I asked. "I remember you mentioned there was a way of stopping seeing the orange particles. But my question is, why wouldn't one use the magic to their advantage?"
Alren took a deep breath looking at his watch. "Since we have some time until the Headmaster arrives, let me clarify. Viewing the raw ambient magic is more of a hindrance than an advantage." He grabbed my arm, healing a bruise. "I didn't need to use my perception of magic because the ambient magic is plentiful. No matter what your magic is, there will always be an equilibrium. Therefore, ensuring you an unlimited amount of magic."
Not fully understanding what he said, I blinked, staring at him. "How does the orange magic — I perceive — create other forms of magic?"
Alren, observing his watch, clarified. "The magic you see quite literally produces other magic. Theorists don't specifically know the answer, though there are two possible deductions. One, raw magic exclusively creates certain magic — pre-determined equilibrium. The other is that mages seize raw magic to create their desired magic: dictated magic. Still, raw magic will look the same no matter the theory — an orange ball with bits of magic stemming off it." He rubbed his eyes, shaking his head. "Before you ask: how can I view other forms of magic created from ambient magic? The answer is quite simple — focus on the magic. Stare at it for hours if need be. However, it will ultimately waste your time. So, I'll teach you a useful method: ignoring raw magic but still perceiving magic — magic in people, plants, animals, materials, and even premature magic attacks."
I blinked, only half-understand what he said. "Please do. I'm all ears!"
Bending down, Alren positioned his eyes in front of mine. "It's all about the input." He closed his eyes — opening them halfway. "My vision is limited — my eyelids did not open all the way. Similarly, it's up to you to find the perfect amount of magic to input into your cognition."
"Isn't there a secret amount or something?" I sneered, placing my hand on my head.
Alren ignored me, gazing at his watch. "It seems he's here."
Alren turned his head towards the portal, gazing at the area.
Emerging out of the portal, a towering man came out — a force to be reckoned.
The man possessed thick black hair extending to his shoulders, trimmed facial hair, and a scabbard attached to his belt. He wore silver armor-tailored leggings and a black shirt with silver pauldrons. Though, the one thing he retained from our last encounter was his exultant persona.
"Neat idea," the Headmaster nodded, observing the portal.
Alren impatiently tapped his foot against the floor. "What's the important message?"
"Before we get to that, let me examine the spec... Wryn." The Headmaster ordered, looking down upon me. "Alren, you mentioned he can use magic on his own accord. But I don't see a significant amount of magic in him," he said, narrowing his eyes.
I activated magic into my system, displaying my magic.
Alren looked at me, nodding his head. "Wryn is able-"
The Headmaster, interjecting, held my hand. "He's able to insert magic into his system." He added, examining my hand. "Keep your magic system intact, don't deliberately leak your magic."
"Yes, sir," I said, unsuccessfully pulling my hand from his grip.
My hand remained in the Headmaster's grip. The Headmaster created eye contact with me, his eyes bulging. "Alren, have you conveyed the news to Wryn?"
Alren replied, leaning against the wall. "Yes."
The Headmaster let go of my hand, imploring. "Wryn, are you eager? Are you hungry for success?"
Making eye contact, I affirmed. "I've been ready." Looking down at the floor, I questioned myself. 'Am I lying?'
"Excellent, your academic life and research will commence tomorrow," the Headmaster declared. "Additionally, Alren, you no longer need to supervise Wryn. You must effectively resume your position as chief scientist."
Alren appeared exasperated, but that wasn't out of the norm, so I didn't question it.
"How, where, and what will I be doing at the academy and this so-called research?" I urged, pursing my lips.
"I have already informed the staff at this residence," Alren comforted, walking towards the entrance.
"Very well then," the Headmaster spoke, nearing the portal. "I wish you luck."
The Headmaster entered the portal, causing the relic to retract into the wall once he left.
After an awkward dinner with myself and Alren, a noise was finally made. "You'll do just fine in the academy," Alren nodded his head, standing up from his chair. "As for the research... I'll make sure nothing harmful occurs to you. After all, I will be the one conducting the experimentations."
"Thank you," I smiled, standing up and dismissing myself. Nearing my room, I closed the lights and stared out the window.
Sitting near my room's window, I observed the graceful scenery.
I assured myself. 'If the night is allowed illumination by diminutive stars... Then who's to say my life can't be illuminated with the provisions I've received.'
"What a stupid analogy," I whispered, cringing at it.
I couldn't sleep, and sulking wasn't a reasonable option for me. I decided to practice Alren's teachings. I chose not to delve into what stemmed from the ambient magic but instead learn how to disregard the ambient magic.
"Less is more, less is more, less is more," I repeated, focusing on the input.
Opening my eyes, I could no longer witness the ambient magic. Instead, I could distinctively locate that I possessed magic. The magic I sensed wasn't as visual but more aureole. Moreover, I could discern another presence.
"Who's there," I asked, sitting up from my bed and standing up.
The shadowy figure neared me. "Sir, it's almost morning."
"Oh, it's you, Tehla." I eased, sitting back on my bed.
Tehla made eye contact, asking. "Can't sleep?"
"Yeah," I answered, rubbing my eyes.
"Anything you wish to speak about, sir? You seem distressed." Tehla stared at me.
I assured her, yawning. "Just a little anxious for tomorrow."
"Don't worry," she placed her hand on my shoulder. "I'll make sure you won't have any hardships. All the small details have been explained to me, so please don't worry about them."
Laying down, I asked. "It's just that I don't even know what I'll be doing, where I'll be going, or even how."
Tehla neared my room's door, ensuring. "I have everything settled. Just relax and sleep. I'll wake you up in four hours; you need the rest." She teased, closing the door. "You need it unless you want to stay short!"
"Good night," I whispered, staring at the gray wall as it slowly turned black — I fell asleep.
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