《The Hereafter》Swift Time, Part 2
Llram sighed, rubbing his scalp, then tapping it. "Generally, fighting styles focus on strikes and protection, which is great but not applicable to every fight. Sometimes, you'll be outmatched in weight, height, and even experience." He clarified, rubbing his chin. "The fighting style you'll use is one from Khausfall. It's a fundamental approach towards seizing time and movement. So if this combat style doesn't rely on its hits, what does it rely on?"
Raising my hand and pointing my finger towards him, I questioned. "Defense?"
Llram grabbed my arm, tightening his grip. "Opportunity!" He added, letting go of me. "Speed and pressure are the critical aspects of the style. If you possess the quickness and apply enough pressure, you'll seize the opportunity."
Blinking at the teen, I tilted my head. "I understand speed and pressure are important, but if the style isn't reliant on strikes, how would one win...?"
Llram neared me, face to face. "Well, it's pretty simple, grappling." Staring at me, he smirked. "Most amateur fights always end up having individuals on the floor scuffling. So, why not learn how to fight while grappling?"
"You're right?" I questioned with a blank expression, thinking about my time in the den. 'Most of my fights in the den would end up on the floor...'
Nodding his head, he backed off. "In theory, you should have five months to train. We will be going over hand-to-hand combat, then weapon usage." Closing his eyes, he shrugged. "Honestly, why you need to go over all this is beyond me, and frankly, I'm just here to train you..."
'Why was I doing all this?' I bit my lip, looking at Llram. Shaking my head, I remembered. 'A better life for myself...'
Llram seamlessly stepped forward, swiping his left leg, causing me to lift off the ground. Falling to the floor, I closed my eyes, hitting the ground. My head banged on the floor while Llram wrapped his arm around my neck and his legs encompassed my leg and waist.
Tapping the grass floor, I begged. "S-S-Stop!"
Llram loosened his grip, laughing. "It's been a while since I had a fistfight."
"You didn't even use your fists," I panted, glaring at the teen.
"That's true..." He shrugged, standing up. "You'll learn how to incorporate other styles of fighting with Khausfall later."
Llram looked down on me, extending his hand. I grabbed it, standing up.
He hummed and snapped, creating sound from his mouth and hands. "Now that you got a taste of what the style is. Let me guide you with words before we commence physical action."
Looking away from him, I wrinkled my nose. "You could have done that before."
Ignoring me, he spoke. "Leverage, angles, and pressure are features for the style. These three aspects tie in with the timing. Once you perfect your timing, mastering the other aspects is natural." Llram specified, nodding. "The floor is your friend since once your opponent is on the floor, manipulating who triumphs depends on your moves."
"What?" I gazed around, closing my eyes. "That doesn't even make sense."
I opened my eyes, noticing Llram taking a deep breath. "You can go for an explosive movement, dynamic action, and even a pressure-based isometric: pulling, pushing, and holding. The choices are endless, considering you can manipulate stances for the various scenarios on the floor."
"What the hell are you talking about?" I blinked, staring at Llram. "What are you-"
Llram grabbed my arm, startling me. "Let's begin with the basics, arm movement."
Around two months had passed. Over that time, I learned movement on the floor was a critical aspect — one wrong move could be devastating. Explosiveness, dynamic movements, and pressure-based tactics were pivotal for the Khausfallian style.
To enhance movement, one would have to predict their opponent. Being steps ahead of your opponent was advantageous. A regular person fighting on the floor, the prediction would be obvious. But Llram, a professional, well... He didn't make it an easy task.
Instead, he was always three steps ahead of me, as he knew every move I would perform.
There were so many instances where Llram beat me... Even when I incorporated the different methods. No matter which methods I used together or separately, it would result in the same outcome.
He always found a way to reverse the situation. Every day was another beat down after beat down, but fruition occurred. My moves became more fluid, replicating Llram helped. Still...
I wasn't nearly as proficient as Llram as I needed more practice. Though the defeats made me ponder my situation, so I slightly rebelled.
I always thought it was counterintuitive to avoid learning magic. So every night, I would practice magic in my bathroom. I could encompass lighting around my body a little better, and specifically, it wasn't as rabid. The best way to explain it: the lightning around me had been like an ocean, but now it was like a stationary body of water. The actual lightning didn't spatter like it used to.
I was still working unwaveringly on my perception, but still, I couldn't quite grasp how to use my magic sight effectively... Surprisingly, I managed to form miniature balls — smaller than beads — of lightning. Whenever I clasped my hands and let out grunts, I would let go once I felt like shit, causing lighting to appear. Though mentally, I would imagine a ball, and eventually, balls would form. The process took around one month but considering my lack of knowledge... It was impressive.
It was also noteworthy because I constantly feared for my reputation... Specifically, it was awkward when Tehla once came into my room and heard me grunting in the bathroom... I still vividly remember her face when I came out and saw her disgusted expression. I entirely contemplated my life... That type of mental damage is something any child should ever go through!
Luckily it was safe to say: she would never come into my room without knocking.
Over the two months, I had eaten an overabundance of food as the training was gruesome and tiring. When I'd take breaks, Llram would take out stored food from his ring. The expression — I was a growing boy — was never more prevalent. On top of the extra food during training, I would also eat meals with my family, Llram, and occasionally Alren.
Eating in abundance did help me bulk up, but It wasn't anything noticeable. But, It did show during training — specifically, stamina and raw power.
Eventually, at the three-month mark, I was fairly able against Llram as It felt like he was only two steps ahead of me. That being said, he still dominated me...
"Damn it," I tried escaping Llram's grip, but he enveloped my body. Tightening my face, I pleaded, tapping the ground. "I concede."
"He's ready," Llram smiled, letting go of me.
"Not yet," Alren replied, lowering his eyebrows, growing a smile. "Well, not until I give Wryn his new gift."
"Gift," I raised my eyebrows, standing up.
"Your very own weapon," he shook his head. "How would one accomplish combat without a weapon."
Alren rolled his eyes, taking what seemed like two daggers out of thin air. "These are yours."
He handed me the weapons with scabbards attached to them. Placing one on the floor, I undressed one dagger. Meticulously examining the dagger, I gaped at the intricate design.
The blade bore a circular curve near the edge and had a white leather-like grip. The grip was adhesive, almost like if I let go — I would still hold the dagger. The curved side of the blade contained unusual writings: white patterns of some sort.
The dagger was simple yet complex, and personally, I liked them a lot.
"Thank you," I fangirled, jittering out of excitement. I quickly placed the dagger back into its cover. I stored the daggers into my bracelet, smiling towards Alren.
Alren had taught me how to use my bracelet after tons of requests...
Alren coughed. "Once you're allowed to use magic, these daggers will assist you to a great degree."
"Does this mean I finally get to practice weapon combat!?" I grew a smile, tilting my head,
"For today, no, but soon," he answered, yawning. "The materials for your spar should be ready soon. We shouldn't start you off with actual weaponry. The mock weapons and armor should be ready in a couple of days. For now, take a break — your body needs rest. You've been training non-stop for three months..."
Llram gained a smile. "Can I also take a b-"
Alren interjected, hitting Llram on the head. "I need you for work! Follow me."
"You could just ask next time..." Llram rubbed his head.
"Yeah, and you could help by not causing problems! Because of you, I have to deal with the Headmaster complaining about the forest. Now, I have to find the cause of the occurrence." Alren scoffed, shaking his head.
Alren and Llram both exited through the portal, but before doing so, Alren yelled. "Go rest! Trust me, you'll need it."
I nodded my head. "Yes, sir!" Nearing the exit of the training room, I pressed my hand against the wall. I inserted a minute amount of magic, causing the door to open.
Llram had taught me how to open the door, which wasn't really hard. But still, it was cool to do.
Walking up the stairs, I saw Tehla with her hands remaining behind her back — typical maid posture. I continued stepping towards her, getting into close proximity.
"Sir, you need to take a shower. It's getting late," she whispered.
"What time is it?" I asked, yawning.
Tehla answered, ushering me to start walking. "Around ten post meridiem."
"Ah, that's why I'm tired," I yawned, scratching my chest. "You reckon my father is still awake?"
Tehla pursed her lips, answering. "Probably, your parents just went to bed."
"Thank you, I'll handle everything by myself." Mocking her accent, I muttered. "And don't say your standard line: I must intrude because it's my job..."
"As you desire, Sir," she stopped following me, standing still.
I stood there, eyes wide open, genuinely surprised. I thought Tehla would insist on helping, but I guess I was wrong...
Reaching my parent's room, I knocked on the door. "Are you guys awake?"
"Who is it?" My father scuffed out.
"It's me... I mean, it's Wryn," I whispered with my mouth facing the door's crack.
The door creaked open, causing me to fall inside the room onto my father.
"Shhh, your mother is asleep. Don't be loud — that's a death wish. Waking up a beast from slumber isn't smart," he quietly laughed. "What do you need, son?"
I nodded in approval, lowering my volume. "Is it okay if I come with you to work? I'm taking a break from practice and was wondering if-"
"Sure, let's go tomorrow," he immediately answered.
Gaping at him, I was shocked by his compliance. I nodded, smiling and tip-toeing towards the exit.
"Goodnight, son," he said, closing the door. Once the door closed, I walked away, but I could hear an anger-struck voice.
"Who did you say was a beast?!" My mother sarcastically laughed.
"Shit," I whispered, running to my room and slamming the door shut. "Good luck, father, you'll need it."
Taking a deep breath, I followed my usual routine — bathing, changing, practicing magic, and going to sleep. After a good sleep, I woke up, changing into a picked-out outfit by Tehla. I also ate breakfast with my family, but my mother was looking at me weirdly...
My mother would look down at her food, then up to me, repeating the movements. When we finished eating, my mother stood up, approaching me. She lightly smacked me on the head, pinching my ear. "Hey, Wryn. The beast has awoken."
I winced, grabbing my chair. "I wasn't even the one who said that!"
"Hey, son, let's not blame one singular person," my father said, avoiding eye contact.
"When will you troublemakers be back?" My mother asked, letting go of my ear.
My father stood up, exiting the dining area, signaling his hand for me to follow. "Around the usual time: seven."
My father and I arrived at the entrance, going through, waving at my mother, who somewhat waved back. We both turned around, facing the outside.
We both descended the stairs, arriving into view of all the commotion.
I gawked, blinking to make sure I wasn't dreaming. A jam-packed city-like area with many people walking and riding carriages. The experience made me feel normal. It had been a while since I saw something as mundane as a group of people doing ordinary activities.
My father stopped, asking. "Do you want to walk, or shall we get a ride?" He added. "It's only a ten-minute walk, so don't fret."
"Let's walk."
Following my father, we began walking towards wherever he'd take me.
I finally gained the opportunity to ask the plethora of questions I had, so there was no way I could waste it. Many years of not knowing simple things really bothered me. But I knew even if I learned them, nothing would change. Still, I just want to know... I want to know simple things about this new world.
Looking around, I continued following my father. "How do you buy stuff?" I coughed, glancing up at him. "How does money work?"
My father rubbed his chin, glancing at me confused, but he quickly shook his head up and down. "Nirmel is the currency used in Fech." He stopped talking, moving forward.
Staring at him, I blinked. "Any more information?
He laughed, rubbing my head. "I forgot you never even touched money."
With a blank expression, I grew a frown, avoiding eye contact. 'I wonder who's at fault.'
We stopped moving, taking a turn, persisting onward.
My father added as soon as we made the turn. "The currency consists of paper and coins. High-cost items are generally paid with paper currency: 1000, 500, 250, 100, 50, and 25. Low-cost items are paid with coins or governmental reasons: 20, 10, 5, and 1."
"What?" I furrowed my brow, creating eye contact. "What do you mean by governmental reasons?'
My father scratched his head. "Fech's government values coins, but not out of their genuine worth. Coins help with economic stability. For example, your birth — we gave coins. Coins are used for situations where governmental paid jobs occur. If you use coins for a government-paid job, you'll receive a discount per se." He rubbed his chin. "Honestly, it's quite complicated, but coins are not discounted with non-governmental jobs."
Before my father spoke more, I narrowed my eyes, waving my hands in the air. "Forget I even asked."
Growing a sly smile, my father enthusiastically spoke. "Are you ready for the portal?"
Tilting my head, I avoided eye contact. "Portal?!"
It was best if I acted cluelessly. After all, I wasn't supposed to know about the one in my home.
We came into view, witnessing a line of people waiting to enter the portal. We were about to enter the line when someone shoved my father.
"Watch it," the random man growled, cutting us in the line.
My father calmly dismissed the situation, lowering his head, whispering. "Sorry."
Clicking my tongue, I avoided looking at the scene. Instead, I glimpsed at my father, noticing him take some type of card out of his pocket.
Pointing at the card, I asked. "What's that?"
My father smiled. "It's a form of identification used for portals. With this, I'm allowed to use the relic." My father enthusiastically spoke. "All I have to do is give the card to the guard. They'll place the card against the portal. I tell them where I want to go, and that's about it. It's an efficient and easy process!"
After around three minutes, it was our turn, and as my father said — the guards did the same process.
That was until one of the guards questioned. "Who is that boy?"
My father smiled, patting my head. "This is my son."
The guard affirmed. "Please show his identification."
"I don't currently have that." My father narrowed his eyes. "I thought minors could go through with their parents?"
Coughing, the guard lightly spoke. "We've lately attained some issues with the portal system. The agency also seems to be more stringent. I won't deny you access this time, but please get identification next time."
"Will do," my father thanked, bowing to the soldiers. I, on the other hand, just waved at the soldiers.
My father, holding my hand, smiled. "You'll be fine. I do this every day."
We both stepped into the purple luminescent portal, and in a blink of an eye, we were already on the other side.
"This is where I work," my father puffed out his chest, ushering me towards his colleagues. After being introduced to all his colleagues, I shadowed their work. The rest of the day was mostly an excessive nuisance, but some beneficial information came out of the visit.
Firstly, my father was an engineer — he came up with ideas for mages to create. Secondly, mages created structures with magic. Thirdly, I might have been stereotyping, but there were many dwarves in this field...
Overall, it wasn't a bad day, and honestly, a much well-deserved break. I would need it for the upcoming months as my training would become much more formidable.
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