《The Second Divine》2)The second Divine or not
on the first day the boys split up to look for firewood and animals to cook and eat (camping out in the mountains) after finding some firewood ryuga returns to find that there was no one there after waiting a while he remembers yukis warning and gets worried but then as soon as he was about to take out his map he remembers he forgot his compass and without it the map would be useless...
and just as soon as he started to despair the rest of the gang returned with a boar relieved to see them he started a fire and they ate their fill on the second day nothing happened on the third day ryuga woke up to find that everything around him which didnt touch him was gone (fortunately the cellphone did touch him but it was out of service range so again not so fortunate)
after waiting for a while he realized that the boys ditched him and yukis jinx came true after all and immediately took out his cellphone from his pocket (told you it was touching him) seeing it was out of service range he despaired and started to think of how to survive an hour passed and he stopped worrying and thought about how he ended up in this mess in the first place and thought about his life up until then... after 4 hours he started to lose his sanity and the day passed with him wandering through the forest looking for someone or for the road thought he didnt find someone he had found food (his bag was left... i guess they were feeling guilty and it had matches ignitors and alot of other things but no compass remember kids compasses are useful as fuck and fucks aint useful at all but are being used as a figure of speech - i dont like lewd stuff so iam denoucing fucks.... anyway continiung) and hunted a couple of squirrels (poor squirrels) and other small animals cooked them and eated them for 2 days before finding someone in a cave when he was searching from shelter from the heavy rain and by then he had lost his sanity and regained it through satisfying his urges and thinking (as they say insanity is just the first step towards enlightenment, just fyi ik you dont get enlightened in 3 days itll be explained in the future) that someone turned out to be nothing more than a tree though... with fruits hanging out... he picked a fruit off the tree and it yelled
"thats rude picking off one of my children just to eat it"
"huh?" (obviously quite confused)
"anyway i was sent to give you something but the rain started and i already had plenty of water and dont want to wither away so i took shelter"
"that doesnt explain why your talking and what were you supposed to give me"
"death" (the tree said in a serious tone)
"ok death... a talking tree wants to kill me... ok iam waking up now"
ryuga pinches his cheeks but doesnt wake up (ofcourse he doesnt it isnt a dream after all)
"so not a dream and a talking tree wants to kill me... am i hullucinating?"
"ohh you misunderstood me human.. by death i meant a new life"
"i see how you made a mistake.. i mean they are practically the same thing arent they"
"when you have immortality you see no difference"
"the divine tree provided me with the gift of immortality so long that i obey him iam from an ancient race of trees"
"the divine-what? race of trees? make sense please"
"well all will be explained by the tree iam just here to give you its gift.. the potion of awakening"
"so iam dreaming after all.. ok give it to me"
without a second though he drinks the potion (even though he gave up on it being a dream and knew that it wouldnt be so convenient he still gave it a try after all if a talking tree gave you a potion with the name "potion of awakening" wouldnt you consider it a potion to wake you up from the dream?)
"hey, iam not waking up"
"foolish human this is not a dream.. this potion was meant awaken your divinity"
ryuga starts to feel sleepy...
"but its making me... sll..ee.py"
ryuga falls on the ground and the tree picks him up using a branch and puts him in his canopy (the tree was big the cave was huge)
in the dream the tree explains everything that happened before he was born he tells him that
Once upon a time there was nothing in existence. There were no humans planets or even universes.All there was, was a tree a giant tree as big as a universe even though there was no light its leaves were green, even though there was no soil it still lived, the tree had a gift the gift of divinity what it wished for happen and what it didn't wish for didn't happen even with this gift the tree never wished for anything but one day it blossomed and gave all its divinity to two fruits and withered.One of the fruits had no form while the other was like a giant apple
one had the gift of life and and hence become god since he was the only choice the tree had for its heir hence it became divine. eventually god became bored with his life as he had nothing to do nothing to see just exist so he decided to create other life for his amusement hence he made every universe in existence and kept making enough for mortals to think them uncountable and thus infinite he then created life on different planets spread out across the entire every planet in existence and finally he created man as the most fragile sentient being in existence fragile enough that god thought he had to protect them and hence make a safe place known as heaven for them around that tree and lived with them treating them like fragile children forgetting about the lifeless fruit which had a secret gift only the tree knew of one day man stumbled upon the withered tree and wondered why was such a huge withered tree in such a paradise but then as though a mysterious force was calling him man was drawn to the giant apple and out of curiosity took a bite from it. the apple turned to light and infused itself with man changing his body from a weak and weary sight to a race with an equal might to every other species and a voice revealed "behold creation of the fruit with life thou now have the power of command. with it thou can commandeth the creations of the fruit with life and create thy own life as thou art chosen for my divinity use it as you seem fit" with that man thought for the first time felt for the first time and as the word power echoes within his ears he grew greedy and wanted more eventually confronting its own creator and devouring god when power surged within its body it wanted more and more eventually conquering all of that which exists but still wanting more and thus the withered tree grew weary of mans arrogance and decided to take away its power but having made a promise that he may use its powers as it pleased it could not do anything to man itself but thought of a way too diminish its power he told man "thou art the conqueror of all that exists is there something else thou desires?" the man replied "even though i have conquered all.. seen all... heard all... have all... all the sentient beings worship me and those who don not are either in agony or in a place i call hell with unimaginable torturous and treacherous contraptions and land made of fire but i still lack something" the tree replied "does thou not have a companion to rule with thee?" knowing the answer it quickly added "then thou are missing a companion to share your kingdom with" and thus man created a companion
the two eventually gave birth to a child and with that the tree sealed the power inside them while stealing some for itself.
Man got furious that once the ruler of the universe he is now but one of the sentient beings who worshipped him as god.Slowly the stories of his reign became legends and legends became myths eventually fading out from history and every sentient being went its separate ways man settled on earth and thus began humanity. the tree felt guilty as it gave a child the power of divinity and thus awaited a rightful descendant of man who knew not of greed but took only what he knew was his right to take days turned to months which turned to years which turned to decades which turned to centuries to millenniums but no one with a pure heart and greed of only that which it needed emerged until you came ...( third personc cause you know the wise helping character junk)
exhibiting doubt ryuga looks at the tree with suspicion
"ok back up... iam no pure hearted and i have tons of things i want"
"what?" the tree looks at ryuga with confusion
"didnt you lost your worldy desire in the past days?"
"nope... i just got bored of wanting them"
"so you did.. dont give my old heart a heart attack"
"but your a tree"
"figure of speech"
(forced comedy)
"this aint a comedy routine just get to the point i need to get out of here and go back home"
"i can help you with that but until you master your powers i shall only give you a limited amount to use.. you cannot influence reality but you can increase your luck... physical strength... make illusions and other things"
"how does this help me?"
"you can change your strength and you no longer need to eat or drink or anything.. you are immortal and you body is tougher than anything in existence... not even you yourself can pierce it for now and you already have been given more power than anything in existence"
"ok... i dont need power just tell me how to use it to go home"
"very well but first you must master the powers you have been given"
(they are still in the dream) ryuga spends years mastering his powers and in the end the tree removed the limited (dream years mind you he could still wake up with only one second passed in real life) and he mastered every power a divine could have in thousands of milleniums of dream time and when he is done he was given one final gift,the trees wisdom (yeah if he gave it to him in the beginning he would still need to train... there is a difference between forced knowledge self experienced knowledge and practical use) when he wakes up he acertains the time using the position of the sun and teleports home... to his surprise yuki was in the room playing a videogame while remembering ryuga and crying who suddenly stopped and looked at ryuga with a confused and surprised look.
"what just happened? i thought i...i... i lost my first friend i made in this school... i already asked the boys and they said you had already left when they left and where did you even come out of? there was nothing there a second ago and there you are"
"stuff happened and well some tree gave me divinity"
"di-v-in-ity? this is serious you lost your mind"
"well i did come out of thin air"
"i must not have been paying attention you must have snuck inside"
realizing its pointless to argue and not not in the mood to prove it
"hehe... i was just joking around"
"how could you joke around?? i was seriously worried jerk"
she shouted while crying then suddenly embraced ryuga
"dont do that again.. i even gave you a map didnt i?"
"i didnt have a compass"
"you forgot your compass? stupid... i was seriously going to call the police and report henry if you didnt show up another day i gave the teachers an excuse i told them you were sick"
"i looked for you in the mountains for hours... where were you?" "in a cave on a tree"( a day had passed during the dream)
"in a cave?" she asked with a confused look? "nevermind all that matters is that your safe and sound all this worrying is not good for my health"
ryuga notices that she is developing a fever and cures it simply by thinking about it
"looking at you safe and sound made me feel alot better somehow"
"maybe you love me?"
"ofcourse i do your like a brother to me" (i must mention she doesnt have a brother and was never really this close with any males before ryuga)
"dont make me worry like that again"
"ok... sorry... the truth is i am very relieved to see you again too" "to return home"
"anyway sleep for today you have school tommorrow and heres the notes i took them for you"
"thank you very much" (he could have thought them into existence)
after she goes away ryuga puts a limiter on his powers to 4 things
"strength" "wisedom/intelligence (i know they are not the same)","teleportation" and the ability to slow down time ( about the same as the final form of slow time shout wont mention the game cause its a famous rpg and copyright would chew me twice)
and slept... next day he makes it to class and henry and his henchmen + the smart one look at him with a confused look. he greets them with a huge smile which obviously isnot enough to mask his dark aura and since hes a god their instincts make them a bit afraid of ryuga.. after class he goes to the boys and says
"that was not a nice prank.. i wonder how i should take my revenge"
"we do this every year... we help the new students learn how to survive in the wild... we were going to come and get you after classes but you already returned... good job" obviously afraid of the malic henry puts on a fake smile
"ohh so that was it? i did learn how to survive... as thanks i would like to treat you to something please come with me"
surprised at how easy it was to trick ryuga the boys follow him to a restaurant
"please dont hesitate todays meal is on me"
after eating their fill henry takes the bill and heads towards the counter slowly... waiting for when no one was looking (the restaurant had few customers and was a high class restaurant where they got their own small walled eating area) and teleported out. noticing they havent paied their bills the staff(ryuga had already added the power to portray illusions in his arsenal and made the staff think he was never there)the police (the bill was of about 100$ in a country where the average pay is about the same) henry put the plates on his lap and teleported the food without anyone noticing but henry and the smart one getting suspicious of how quickly he ate thats why the bill was so high. after returning home he treated yuki to dinner comprising of the expensive food he teleported from the restaurant to his fridge and had his fill as well. next day the boys didnt show up to class (ofcourse they didnt.. jail doesnt work that way) and ryuga immediately told the teacher about it when he asked why they were not present (leaving the details about his involvement and said that he saw them being taken away) after a week they appeared in class and everyone started avoiding them thinking they were some sort of delinquents when classes ended they ganged up on ryuga to try and tried to teach him a lesson. ryuga replied
"i was returning the favor by giving you all a day off from school"
"no one asked for it punk.. come here"
the stupid one swung his fist and hit ryuga
and they are started to hit ryuga and when they all moved away
they realized that they had been hitting henry all along and ryuga was already gone (illusions rock dont that) vowing to pay him back they all returned home as well
tightening the limiter ryuga went to sleep in the dream the tree appeared
"why did you take revenge? did you not gain these powers because of them? and do you not know that revenge is meaningless?"
"it wasnot revenge i just thought about having some fun besides if i wanted revenge i would have done the same to them"
"true very well i will overlook your actions this once"
waking up he saw yuki looking over him with a smile on her face.
reminding her it was sunday ryuga told her to let him sleep (ofcourse he doesnt need to but its relaxing)
"well i wanted to go shopping so take me"
"later i want to sleep right now"
"ok then i will sleep with you if you dont wake up"
"be my guest"
"iam serious.. i will sleep with you if you dont wake up"
"like i said as long as i get to sleep"
pushing him to a side she layed down next to him. there was a knock at the door and it opened... it was the owner of the apartment who came to ask about how he was doing since he had been missing for so long who saw yuki on the bed next to ryuga and closed the door saying
"excuse me"
(layed back besides ryuga registered two people since his parents told him they might send someone to look after him and the second one was registered with out a name)
a blushing yuki immediately got out of the bed
"fine if you are not coming i will go by myself"
"ok ok... no need to get angry ill come"
after getting dressed they went to the mall and yuki chose a few clothes and tried them on.
"how do i look"
"cute.." while scratching his cheeks
"ok then i will not get this one"
"hey!! do you really hate me that much?"
"ofcourse not i was joking"
after looking for clothes they go out to eat and ryuga pays for the meal and they talk about things
"you really have changed while you were on the mountains"
"not really. just the same old me"
"maybe its just my imagination"
"probably... anyway is the food yummy?"
"yes thank you. but i could have payed for it myself you know"
while returning home ryuga and yuki meet henry and his group henry getting jealous tries to tease ryuga
"you both already a couple? shes too good for scum like you"
"scum? i think ryuga is very nice thank you very much"
"i could have fought back you know" while looking towards yuki and making a long face to express his words (cant put it in words)
"ditch this guy and come hang out with us yuki this" the stupid one
"i dont like "hanging out with" perverts"
"Oii.. that hurt... say your sorries" normal one (who turns out to be quite the delinquent)
"i dont need to apologize to scum come lets go ryuga"
having nothing to do or say he replies
the group blocks their way and the stupid one grabs yukis arms
"your coming with us"
"ryuga hel..."
before she could complete the sentence she found herself with all her things (the ones she was holding) in her room
"how.. did... i get here?"
"like i said before i got some sort of divinity from a old tree"
having seen it in works she believes him
"its too much for me to take... wait a second i need to pick myself up"
ryuga wondered whether the tree would object to his use this time and whether he would tell him off for revealing the secret of birth to yuki... while he's thinking, yuki replies
"explain from the beginning"
paying attention to her
"well it goes like this.... *this this.. that that*"
"so your the heir to the power of a divine? and you can change and remake everything in existence on a whim?"
"pretty much"
"promise me you wont abuse it or remake anything"
"sure.. i never intended to anyway iam happy with things right now"
"good.. by the way did you change anything up until now?"
"well i kind of pinned henrys group for a dine and dash"
"they deserved it... though its a bit overboard"
"well it wasnt for revenge(thinks about his conversation with the tree)... i just wanted to anyway lets go to sleep. iam tired psychologically from all this explaining" (he got real lazy during his "trip")
yuki went back to her apartment and ryuga fell asleep
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