《Villager C & The Princess》Chapter 1, Part 3: A Conversation With a Panther(?).


It was early in the morning, and there infront of a deserted building stood two people; a girl in her late teens, she had long blonde hair that reaches her lower back, her eyes were blue and she had a beautiful face. And the other one was a young man in his late teens, he had a short pulled-back black hair, his eyes were dark brown, his face was average, to the degree of being forgettable, but it wasn't thanks to the two small scars on his left eyebrow.

The young man, Panther,was smiling in a carefree manner, trying to look fiendly, but it was counterproductive.

The girl, Lydia, was slightly shivering in fear, terrified of the young man infront of her who easily took out to armed gangster and now was evilly grinning(?) While staring at her with his cold, emotionless eyes.

"Yo! Princess what are you doing in such a place?"

Asked Tomas with an energetic and friendly voice.

Lydia on the other hand was still afraid, but managed to squeeze out a these words.

"I-I W-was Looking for medicine for m-my mother… but I was tricked by that damned Taxi driver and ended up here."

"The Princess of 'M' high was tricked by these type of f**kers… excuse my vulgar luanguege your highness, but may I humbly comment that you are just book smart after all."

Exclaimed Tomas casually. But on the other hand Lydia got even more terrified, he knew her nick name and the school she attends, she had doubts when he said princess, but she thought that maybe he calls out to girls that way.

"H-how did you know?"

Asked Lydia while stuttering, she clearly looked afraid.

"Oi! Calm down, I'm not a bad guy... Geez, I feel offended. Do I look like a petty thug to you?"


Asked Tomas while glaring at Lydia, terrified of invoking his anger, nodded Lydia while trembling.

"You completely do!!"

Yelled Tomas.

I'm doomed, thought Lydia.

"You just thought 'I'm doomed', didn't you?!"

He can read minds!!, thought Lydia.

"No, I can't."

Replied Tomas.

He difently can!, thought Lydia.

"I said I can't, well whatever... Because I'm kind, I'll give two clues to why I know these things about you, firstly I'm not a stalker... Secondly, I go to the same high school as you, but I keep a low profile... I am like villager C, quite forgettable."

Said Tomas looking proud.

To such a statement, Lydia searched through her memories, but she couldn't remember seeing him anywhere.

"Give me your phone."

Said Tomas as if it was an order.

"I knew you wanted something! But, bad luck for you, I don't have it on me."

Said Lydia feeling victorious for some reason.

"Where did the terrified puppy went to. But bad luck for me, huh. If you don't have a cellphone then how are going to call the police?"

Asked Tomas while grinning happily... Lydia returned to her terrified puppy mode.

"Then give me your hand."


Lydia outetreched her left hand while trembeling with fear.

Tomas grabbed her hand gently, and took out a marker from his left pocket and wrote something on her palm, it was an adress. And then he let go of her hand.

Lydia was looking at her palm with a confused face, when Tomas explained.

"That an address of a 24/7 pharmacy, It's not here though... I'll call for a Taxi now, don't worry it's a guy I trust, so stay still. Good Bye."

Said tomas as he walked away toward the alley he came from while drawing his cellphone.

Lydia stood there not understanding what happened for a ehile , and then she understood that she was saved.

After two minute or so a Taxi arrived in front of her.

She told the driver the address, bought the medicine and went back home. And gave it to her mother.

And that how she and

her mother were saved by a suspicious person called Panther.

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