《Twist of fate》Chapter 21 - Team


The gray aura began to appear around him, breaking out of his body and manifesting in the air around him.

The runed on the wall and the floor shined, stopping the energy from spreading further.

The aura began to circle Ullach, making a sphere around him, totally hiding his body inside of it.

After 40 minutes, the cocoon of gray mist slowly vanished and Ullach appeared from inside. The air around him was heavier, even looking at him would cause the impression of awe. Of course, this aura could only affect mortals, someone who was already introduced into the world of magic could easily dismiss his aura.

He began to investigate the uses of his domain, and a grin appeared on his face after some time.

The domain allowed him to project it in a radius of 30 meters with him as the center, and all the attacks using the concept of death would be enhanced, and more, after entering the domain, a decaying effect would appear on the enemy forcing him to shield himself using some energy.

The effects of the domain were pretty powerful, and better, it almost didn't spend any energy, all that was required were sufficient insights on the concept.

He went back to the bedroom and ordered a meal. Although he was eating rations these last few days, nothing could compare to a hot meal.

I waited for a bit and heard a knock on the door. I got up from the bed and went toward. Opening the door, I saw the Clerk that attended me behind a cart.

She smiled at me and said. "Food delivery."

I opened the door further and allowed her to enter the room. She pushed the cart to the table while swaying her bountiful hip, showing all of her curves.

She picked the plates from the cart and organized them on the table. While she was doing it, she bowed forward and showed her cleavage, making her boobs almost jump from it.

After staying alone for three weeks, a man would naturally feel lonely. Although I still had Hannah in my mind, a fire of desire began to burn inside of me.

I wanted to possess this woman, to make her feel pleasure under me. I began to get hard, and a noticeable bulge appeared on my pants.

The woman prepared the table while giving furtive glances at me, and when she saw my look of desire, she gave me an even sweater smile, while softly biting her lower lips.

After setting the table, she pushed the cart forward and slowly approached me. I stared at her with my fervent eyes, and couldn't hold my desire.


She stopped the cart beside me and slowly asked. "Are the things on the table enough for you to have a heart meal? Or do you want to eat something else?"

I couldn't hold myself after this stunt of hers. My instincts were telling me to push her on the bed and fuck her like there was no tomorrow.

And I did exactly that.


Morning arrived and was already awaken. A strange woman whose name I didn't even know was laying on my bed, dead tired after "exercising" for the whole night.

I looked at the enchanted window and looked at the horizon. A forest could be seen far away, thriving and creating new life. Seeing this pure and yet beautiful thing, my heart was filled with warmth and my mind calmed down.

I enjoyed the night with the woman, it was full of joy. However, morning came, and my instincts calmed down.

I regret doing it with her. Although I and Hannah never talked about having a serious relationship, I knew that there was something deeper between us, even looked at her eyes calmed me down.

Although I felt a little guilty about having slept with this woman, what bothered me was the way my instincts possessed me and made me do this without even thinking.

It was the same kind of feeling I had on these last few weeks on the underworld, a feeling that drives me to do something, and when something like this appeared, it was very hard to control it.

I knew that I still wasn't controlled by these instincts, because I had a centered mind, even after experiencing all these struggles during my life.

Holding on in a situation like this was not easy, mainly when you were left alone, without any family, without any friends….

I decided in my heart, I must stop these feelings, and take control of my life.

Being free was a gift that few truly have, and I wanted to possess it.

Hannah for example had struggled her whole life to get rid of the shackles that were her clan. She struggled and eventually escaped from them, however, they came after her and the end was like that.

Her example made me value freedom even more.

The woman woke up after some time, and said sorry for leaving so hurriedly, she said she was late for work.

saw her quickly leaving the room and the feeling of loneliness assaulted me even harder. My heartfelt conflicted by this emotion. I wanted to be sufficient for myself, but being alone was not always good.

My emotional state was very fragile right now, and I truly needed some help.


After thinking for a while I decided finding a team for me. In this way, I would have someone to fight by myself, and could maybe find some friends.

I looked at the booklet and saw there was a place where teams recruited new members. I was excited by this information and decided to head there immediately.

Although I could try to break through to the Domain level with my other concepts, I knew that doing it would not be so hard. It was only possible to do it with death because it was present everywhere, you should only know where to look.

Making this decision to solidify the concepts first, I left the room and went toward the recruitment area.


Looking around, I could see many people coming and going to the various clerks that were attending inline on a balcony.

There were five lines to be attended. I waited in one of them and soon my time arrived.

"Hello there. What can I help you with?" Asked a young man.

"I need a team to work with," I answered.

"Ok, and on what floor do you intend to work?"

"I wish to work on the fourth floor."

"There are some teams that have some available spots. Here are the teams, the way to contact them is at the end of the pamphlet." He said while giving me some papers. "Have a good day."

"Thanks." I said and turned around to leave.

I seated on a bench and skimmed through the pamphlets, reading the requirements and how many members the team already had.

Most of the papers were of teams that wanted to expand, to dive from the third to the fourth floor. Only some of them were already veterans on the fourth floor.

I dismissed all the pamphlets of team that didn't require a close distance fighter, and of teams that were already veterans on the fourth floor.

The reason why I excluded them, was because those veterans were already seasoned in that floor, and wouldn't have much challenge in it. I intended to create bonds, and what better way then to go through hard situations together.

Many would consider my motive to pick a team foolish. "You are powerful enough to challenge the floor alone" many would say, or "Stop being a city and toughen up man!"

But I knew my limitations and would work on them.

There were two options left on the team, one of them was recruiting a mage and a close distance fighter, and the other only a fighter.

I picked these two and read the locations where the teams could be found and when. I memorized the location and kept the pamphlets.

I saw that one of the teams would be available by now, and went to find them.

Their requirements were of an attacker, because according to the pamphlet, the team only had one main attacker, and was lacking a bit in this aspect.

It was natural that some aspects began to lack in teams when they descended on some floors. Maybe, this team strength was enough for the third floor, but for the fourth, they needed extra hands to help with the job.


Leaving the elevator, I arrived on a floor where many villas could seem. Most houses were big and had courtyards.

I walked down the streets, using the signs that were everywhere, and finally arrived in front of the villa. The place had a 6 meters tall wall, completely white and with two lions beside the big wooden gate. one at each side.

I followed the instructions and entered the villa. There was a big garden that could be seen, and a house far away. I realized that the villa was enchanted with space magic, to make the inside much bigger than the outside. "This team must have quite a background."

I slowly walked through the garden, and after some minutes arrived at the house. the house had an old style. It was completely made of black diamond wood and looked quite robust. The laughs came from the back of the house.

I circled the house and saw that the team was seated on the grass while eating meat and drinking. they were sitting on a circle and some of them had their backs to me.

I was surprised and my spirit was lifted. If this team could seat behind the house and enjoy while they were waiting for recruits, maybe they were the team for me.

When I saw them, the ones that were facing my direction were shocked. I wondered why their reactions were like this, weren't they waiting for recruits?

Then, one of the people that had their back to me said in a hateful voice.

"Hey, guys, what is it with that face of yours? Did a recruit arrived?" I instantly recognized the voice.

It was a voice that haunted me every day, making me remember the humiliation and near-death experience that I had.

The man turned around and looked at me. It was the fierce man!

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