《No Matter What, I Will Get Back Home!》(4) New Beginnings
-Four months later
I was once again awoken by the sound of a rooster crowing loudly to signify the morning time. That demon bird has woken me up again in the most annoying fashion. All I just wanted to do was sleep until the afternoon, but I was stolen from that opportunity by that monster.
The groaning from the kids and the yawns let me know that I wasn't the only one suffering. They were in pain too, from being woken up too early. I understood their anguish, and I knew what I needed to do in the future.
One day, I swear, I am going to strangle that annoying bird to death. To bring mercy to this household once more, and grant them the sleep they deserve.
Of course, the day went on as normal. The kids and the parents started to eat breakfast, with Alise going out of her way to pick me up and feed me the meal with a spoon. Thankfully, at this point, I was growing some teeth, so I was able to actually chew and swallow my food.
Then, she'd go back and set me down in the crib, before finishing her meal and getting ready to do her duties. The rest of the kids would go out and head to the fields with father, and diligently take care of the crops and make sure things were growing well.
However, today was going to be a throw-off from my usual schedule. The reasoning for this was because the crops were all ready and ripe for the picking. It was the day of harvesting, which is why the meal was rather large today.
"Oy, Terry, hurry up, there's no way we'll be able to get ready for the harvest today if you're late!" Nellie screamed as she started to head out of the house. I could hear the eldest son chuckle with these thin walls as he started to race out, and the laughter that ensued left a bitter pang in my heart.
I really, really wished I was able to go out and run like them. I want to be able to run around, exercise my body, not be stuck in this situation with nothing left to do.
Then again, I didn't want to go out and work all day with the rest of my family. Alise and my stepmother were the only people left in the house, primarily because of their duties.
Alise was young and a little too weak to go outside and help with the harvest, so she was stuck in the house taking care of me and doing the household duties with my stepmother. Currently, stepmother was busy sweeping up the floor while my older sister was cleaning up the dishes and storing them all away.
I wonder if Alise wanted to be out there with Nellie, her older sister, and have fun outside. She always had a sad and forlorn look on her face whenever she took care of me. Either that, or she didn't like me. Could be both, actually.
"Ah, mama, should I go get water from the well? We're almost completely out of stew, there won't be enough for dinner tonight." Seems like she was trying to find a way to get outside, and her excuse was a great way to get outside at the least.
"No, I will. You're still not strong enough to pull the bucket yet. Make sure the fire's going strong and start cutting up some of the food we have while I do so." I could hear someone leave, and the sound of chopping began.
I was now almost alone, Alise was still here. Though, if I whispered softly enough, she probably wouldn't notice me. Great, time to practice moving around and talking again, like every other day.
I have been as careful as possible to avoid the fact that I knew how to talk from my new family. After all, it's really surprising and downright concerning if a baby knew how to speak normally after eight months of being born, right?
I forced myself to use all the muscle memory from my young age and started to move. After months and months of practice, crawling around was really easy now. I found myself being able to do so relatively simple.
The hard part was trying to actually stand up and move around. I got the standing part down to a notch. The walking, that was where I was more or less weakened at.
I couldn't exactly talk that much either. A lack of teeth and the lack of adaptiveness to such a young body made it nigh impossible to say much besides crying and babble words.
However, my teeth should help me talk now. Though, the first thing I did want to do was walk around.
Mustering all the strength I had in such a tiny body, I forced myself once more to a standing position and wholeheartedly took the first step once more, like I had been doing every day so far.
I fell down, as to be expected. I got up again, and did the same thing, before finding myself getting some kind of leverage, before falling again.
I refused to let these failures deter me. I continued with my path until finally, I was able to make steps easily, almost as if I was a normal human being again.
Yatta! I let myself fall face front in relief and joy. I could move around now, without the need of just crawling and making myself feel bad about myself. I could walk around like anyone else! The first big step to progress, which meant that I could probably go and get over the crib now!
... ah, but I felt rather tired. I guess a baby's stamina wasn't all that much, meaning that my exhaustion rate was higher than a teenager's. Not only that, but I could already feel my muscles scream in pain, and my stomach growled a little, reminding me that I needed more nourishment.
I can't wait to grow up, so I could do things besides just being a waste of space. I needed to get strong and skilled so that I could beat this game already. But for now, this age will have to do.
One thing I could do before I fell completely asleep was to figure out what kind of cheat that bastard God gave me. Since he threw me in here without an instruction notebook or even a little hint, besides the demon eclipse, I was stuck without an inkling of an idea of what to.
Now, according to all those isekai stories and other such light novels, they were able to gain the abilities to see what their status was by simply saying the word. Granted, I would have to whisper to not get the attention of my new older sister, but that's not much to sacrifice.
Since in all isekai stories, they had a huge amount of cheat abilities and were capable of figuring out their power levels and such, maybe I could do the same thing here.
"Menu. Stats. Abilities. Inventory. Perks. Quests. Party. Help." I managed to say these phrases quite easily, surprisingly enough. I think that my grown in teeth helped me speak out, along with all the past muscle memory and my current teenager mind. However, those words didn't give me anything.
Damn it, don't tell me it's some stupid version of the words? I refuse to give up on this venture. I needed some kind of level ground, otherwise, I'd be mucking through a blind area. "Options. Status."
As it turns out, status was the keyword I needed to launch the chance to see what I could do. Instead of a random window or a box, my mind instantly knew what I was talking about within a split second. I was given all the information like a computer analyzing a document, all within a short period of time, and getting full and perfect understanding of it.
[Level 1]
[HP 6/6]
[MP 0/0]
[Strength 3]
[Endurance 2]
[Intelligence 7]
[Wisdom 6]
[Agility 5]
[Dexterity 4]
[EXP Points: 10]
... wow, my stats were really bad. Then again, I am a newborn of four months so that is to be expected after all. However, I'm confused by the EXP Points. When did I obtain ten EXP points? I don't recall doing anything big to warrant having any at all.
Rather, how much points did I need to even level up? Hrmm, maybe I could get more if I figure something out.
Recalling my light novel information, I looked at Alise. Obviously, there were no status windows or knowledge blocks for me to see, but maybe a codeword was the situation?
"Observe. Analyze. Perception." Nope, none of those worked. Couldn't see any hidden identities or anything for Alise. I should see what my skills were. Maybe that could help.
"Skills." Once again, information flooded my head, and I knew full well what abilities I had.
[Storage: Lvl 1]
[Self-Analysis: Lvl Max]
[Skills Crafting: Lvl Max]
[Minor Pain Resistance (Passive): Lvl Max]
[To see skills, say the skill name, then 'help'. To level up a skill, state 'level', then the title of the skill you wish to empower. To upgrade a skill, utter the word 'upgrade', then the skill that you wish to upgrade.]
A full list was nice, considering the fact that I didn't really know much about what I could even do. Not only that, but the tutorial was able to let me gain some important details that would actually allow me to utilize the list to use them after all! With that tidbit there, I could figure out more and more about myself! The possibilities were endless!
Hmmm, this 'Storage' skill seemed to be the most promising ventures. I needed to know what this did. After all, any info was better than none.
"Storage help," I whispered, and all the information I needed gathered in my mind. Everything was explained well, so much so that even someone like me could understand it.
[Storage: A dimensional inventory space that is capable of holding items that the user desires. To put something into this rift, one must state the word 'Stash' and have the idea of stashing the object in question into the cache. In order to retrieve an object from the portal, one must say the word 'Reclaim' with the thought process of getting that item back. The user will always know what is in this dimension. At its current level, Storage is only capable of keeping one item inside its containers.]
However, I couldn't help but feel incredibly disappointed by the skill. Only one object at level one? That was really weak! That would need to be fixed in the future, but for now... this was okay. That was a free cheat option, so I couldn't get too mad.
Alright, time to go down the list and see what these skills could do. I'm especially curious about the skill 'Minor Pain Resistance' since I have never seen that in the game before. Then again, this wasn't exactly the game completely, I couldn't see levels, health bars, or mp bars of the people I was seeing right now.
[Self-Analysis: The capability to understand oneself's abilities and crafts. In order to activate this skill, one merely needs to say the word 'Status', with the intent to look into one's mind and soul. This cannot be used on others, as it is a self-reflection of one own's being. This skill cannot be leveled up anymore.]
[Skills Crafting: The power to create skills and magic spells with creativity, ideas, and/or with some materials. This ability is incredibly expensive, as you must sacrifice EXP points, levels, money, or crafting materials to be able to create skills. The user is able to set up a miniature interface mentally, and figure out how to create the new skills from there. This skill cannot be leveled up anymore.]
[Minor Pain Resistance: A passive ability that deadens the nerves that mitigate the effects of pain and other such negative effects. Can not be used to heal or actually endure any type of damage, can only be used as a mental outlet to mitigate the traumatic effects of injuries. Can not be leveled up, but may be upgraded to Pain Resistance.]
I froze at the skill 'Minor Pain Resistance', and couldn't help but feel a little angry. That bastard of a God... did he see how anguished and pained I was while I was dying in the car crash and made this ability to just to spite me? That bastard!
I yelled accidentally, which translated into crying for my baby form. I heard the chopping noises stop, and Alise was right next to me, picking me up and rocking me back and forth.
"There, there. It's all right, you can calm down now." She said as softly and kindly, almost as if her words were honey that was so sweet that you would get a cavity from a simple taste.
Unfortunately, that much of relaxing wasn't enough. I couldn't stop crying in anger at this shitty goddamn God who looked at me and my mother as mere tools for enjoyment, nothing but paper dolls to rip apart and bask in their destruction. I can't calm down when I know that my mother's out there, probably stuck in an endless hell from witnessing my death over and over again.
But, but, but! My efforts weren't enough right now, even when I tried my best! Despite my four months of effort, I only had basic reflexes to show for such trial and error! Some isekai novels had their characters become Gods when they were born, where was I? I wasn't anyone but a simple fucking NPC!
I started to cry, and I could feel Alise start patting me over the head as she pulled me in closer, her body warmth making me calm down a little more.
"Relax, Feliza. I'm here. I'll calm you down." I could feel myself feeling ashamed. I can't believe I have to rely on someone just to feel better. I really didn't learn, did I?
No. I had to do something. If I remember from my anime binging moments and all those novels I read, a lot of exercise and training montages were good activities to become stronger and overpowered. If that was mostly what I needed to do... then that's exactly what I will do.
I think I felt Alise trembling. Was she stressed from the fact that she couldn't go out and be free with the rest of her siblings, or the fact that she was really too weak to do anything, like stepmother always said? Did she not want to take care of me at all? Well, because you helped me calm down, I shall do the same for you too.
Equivalent exchange is the way for people to gain empathy, at least from what I remembered reading in some of my books and anime.
"Alise!" I said as I put my left hand on her right arm, rubbing it to try to make her feel better. After all, everyone felt better when you gave them some symbol of sympathy, right?
Alise looked at me in such shock and surprise that I myself was surprised. Not only that, but she seemed to have started crying a good bit.
Did... did I make her sad or something? Was she depressed because she came to the realization that she'd have to take care of me forever or something?
"Squeeeeee!" In a manner that I did not expect, my older sister then started to hug me intensely, not to the point where I was dying, but enough that I felt a little uncomfortable. "My baby sister's first word was my name! I can't believe it! My heart's melting already!"
Eh? Why was she happy? I only said her name, right?
That was when she kissed me on the forehead, and set me down gently onto the crib, before twirling in joy. She looked like she was on cloud nine, as though she got a wish granted from a genie, as happy as my mother when she and I went out for a walk in the night.
It was too bright for me, as she rushed out the house with such speed and happiness that even I was shocked. She never had that amount of stamina before, where'd that all come from?
"Mama! Mama! Feliza said her first word, and it was my name! She said my name first!" I could hear the wind blow from the complete silence, as well as something heavy dropping.
"Whattttt! Wait, really?" Before I knew it, both my stepmother and Alise were running towards me and looking right at my face. Alise then gave me a grin so bright that it felt like the sun was bearing on me directly, before holding me up.
"Feliza, Feliza, who am I? Do you know who I am?" Of course I know who you are, you're my new older sister Alise who is acting really weird. But, I'll entertain her again.
"Alise!" I saw my stepmother gape in shock as Alise put me down again, before seeming like she was basking in joy. At this point, I realized to my horror why the both of them were acting like this.
My first baby word was Alise. She must've won some unspoken contest between all the family members to get me to say their name first, meaning she has obtained a victory that none of the others can ever obtain.
Ah, I see I may have caused some problems in the household. Well, time to go to sleep.
I want no part in the aftermath that was to come.
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