《Elutheria: Adventures of a Recluse》Chapter 5


A dagger. A shortsword. A lesser healing potion. 10 silver coins. All contained within a minor bag of holding.

Was this enough to obliterate a nine year old?

I won’t go as far as stabbing him. He still needs a life to regret every choice he’s ever made. I don’t want to be chased out of town, either. I’ll try to find him for now and think about my methods later.

Miles scuttled along seedy back alleys, trying his best to retrace the steps he had taken up until the bridge. He didn’t have the best memory of the route, but fortunately for him, the place where he had met that youngster was a sort of intersection for Cantor’s northeastern block. After hazarding a few guesses, he found his way back, crouching low and hugging one of the walls as he got closer. His decision to be cautious just in case turned out to be the correct one. The boy from earlier was smack dab in the middle of the field, spinning in drunken circles.

In the same place...?

“Oh, grandpaaa,” sang the boy, “Wherever did you goooo?”

He won’t be here now if he wasn’t here before, you moron. Damn, I can see a few people walking around. I should wait until it’s more isolated to make my strike. I hope no one else offers to help him. Or worse, his old man shows up.

Commuters didn’t seem to be paying the child any heed. At the most, a pair of two brusque-looking men briefly eyed him over before walking off. It seemed a tad odd, but Miles tried not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Perhaps they were programmed not to interfere in quests such as this. At any rate, he wasn’t going to get distracted and let his mark elude him a second time. He sharpened his focus.

At that moment, the ginger lad planted his feet in the ground and halted his twirling. Though he looked a bit woozy, he took his teddy bear and outstretched both of his arms, firmly holding it above his head. “I found you, grandpa!” He then brought the bear close to his chest and nuzzled it.


Are you shitting me?

It dawned on Miles that there had probably never been a quest to collect in the first place. His thoughts blocked out various cries of “Yay!” and “I love you!” like a bug zapper exterminating mosquitoes.

Okay. That’s alright. No biggie. I’ll just cut your toy. I’m going to disembowel it right in front of your eyes. And then I’ll shove my hand inside like a puppet and make it scream, “Why did you do this to me? Whyyyy?”

The boy flashed a proud grin and placed the bear back under his arm matter-of-factly. “Alright, grandpa, let’s go on another patrol!” He began marching off in a cartoonish fashion.

Please, God, allow my meager Agility to be enough to stalk a small child. I will follow you to the ends of the earth. As long as it takes...as long as it takes...

The sun was on the verge of setting. Miles had managed to snoop far enough behind the kid to track him without arousing any suspicion. He had ventured into the outskirts of the southeastern district, which was practically a shantytown. The stream from up north had narrowed into a piddling creek that marked the border between civilization and a vast plain. Silhouettes of players could be seen far in the distance fighting what looked to be small creatures.

I really have to question the supervision of whoever’s looking after this runt. Maybe he’s an orphan? He looks pretty healthy...

Miles was propped up behind a shed, taking furtive glances at his surroundings. By this hour everyone was going inside their ramshackle homes. The boy was watching fireflies dance in the air with a gloomy sort of wonder on his face. After a while longer, he picked himself up and turned to head north. No one else was around.

This is my chance! Say your prayers, fucker!

Miles tensed up and prepared to spring from his hiding place like a malicious jack-in-the-box. Suddenly, two other boys walked out from the opposite end of the cul de sac. They were clearly older, though still in their tweens. Their confident smiles were equally matched by the younger boy’s grimace.


“Aww, it’s crybaby Willam,” the taller one jeered. “All alone, too. Did you get lost? Shouldn’t you be with that shitty old man?”

Willam took a step back. “Y-yeah. Gideon is with me right now, you just can’t see him...and if - if I shout, he’s gonna come running over and you’re gonna get it!”

The other bully balled up both of his hands. “Not true, you liar! He’s out of town right now! You better shut up and do what we say! Cause...cause if not, you’re gonna...! You had better do it, alright!”

“We’re gonna take your stuffed animal, Willam. You should do like Armond says and let us.”

“NOT IN A MILLION YEARS! DUMB STUPID IDIOTS!” Willam’s voice cracked as he hugged his bear in a vice grip.

The taller boy’s expression darkened. “Hey, keep it down...!” He started to walk forward, but paused and glanced to his side. Armond was reaching into his pocket.

“This is...this is serious, Willam. We’re serious. Give it. Or else.” Armond produced a worn dagger with trembling hands.

“Wait-“ the other boy barely had time to reprimand him before Willam stumbled backwards and turned tail at the sight of the weapon. Even with that head start, he couldn’t outmatch the gait of the taller bully who had sprinted after him, and he was tackled almost instantly. Willam suffered a few punches to the face before the bear was wrestled from his grasp. The two young assailants darted off the moment they acquired it. Willam tried to give pursuit, but his balance gave way and he faceplanted into the dirt. Tears welled up in his eyes. He grabbed at his head and pulled his hair, trembling and panting, before throwing his head up in preparation for a full-blown wail. He was stopped by the sight of Miles standing in front of him.

“Someone’s in trouble, huh?” Miles said disinterestedly. He started picking his nose before remembering that he didn’t have boogers in this world.

Willam scrunched his face up in a defiant look for all of two seconds before breaking down into sobs. “P-Please,” he managed in between sniffling, “Zach and Armond...my stuffie. Grandpa - hic - he’sh gone abd I jush can’d....my....bwaaauuuuughhh!!!”

Unique Rare Quest: Grand Theft Plushie

Willam’s favorite toy has been bearnapped by a couple of ruffians. See to its rescue before it’s too late.

Time remaining - 23:59:44

Are you for real?! Unique, doesn’t that mean I’ll get an amazing reward? I can’t believe my luck! My suffering was worth it after all! Thank you, God! Looks like I have a day to retrieve his bear...I can’t waste any time!

Miles bent down on one knee and put on a gentle smile. “It sounds like you know those boys, right? Do you have any idea where they live? I’ll teach them a lesson and get your stuffie back in no time.”

Willam’s crying quieted a little as he took a more relaxed sitting position. “T...they don’t really live anywhere. They usually hang out around here. Or they try to scam people by the tavern. But they - they’ve never done something like this before!”

“Don’t worry about that, just leave it to me!”

Willam’s eyes shifted downwards. “Mister...why do you wanna help me?”

“Why? Uh, well, it’s like I told you. I’m a hero who helps others in need!”


“Yes, really! Cough - for real, I mean it. I’ll beat up anything that gets in my way, too. No matter what it is.” Miles flexed his arm as a triumphant display and set his other hand on his bicep. “That’s a promise!”

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