《Bloodlain》Chapter 1


Cassandra looked up from her desk to stare at Rain. In only ten years, Rain had developed drastically but still somehow retained the youth of an eight year old. The only reason she could think of for this occurrence was the vampires unique ability to remain in their prime no matter the age. If a vampire actually looked old, then he was probably millions of years old, and really powerful. Rain stood in front of Cassandra in his usual outfit, a white tunic and black hose, because he considered himself to be Cassandra's personal servant. This bothered her. She cared for Rain and wanted him to treat her as his sister at the very least.

During the first few years as they lived together, she considered their relationship to be that of siblings, but as time went on she lost herself. Now she didn't even know what she felt for him anymore. She sighed as all these thoughts raced through her head.

"I have news for you. I would like you to join Finah's special ops unit"

"You mean th-"

"Yes. The special ops unit made from the most capable and promising youths in the kingdom of Finah. Since the special ops unit is directly under the command of the king and the elders, a ranking tournament will be hosted to form the various special ops unit according to rankings"

"And you want me to participate in this."


"Do I have a choice?"


"Then no"


"Why should I use the power I struggled so had to obtain to help this nation. A bunch of people who treat me like trash. I serve you, not them"

Cassandra took a deep breath.

"And I'm asking you to do this"

Rain stared at her. Serving the kingdom of Finah was the last thing he wanted to do. The king, Cassandra's father, and the elders all wanted to get rid of him ever since Cassandra took him in. But the last thing he wanted to do was disrespect his benefactor.


"Alright. I'll do it."

"Good, the ranking tournament is taking place next week. You can leave"

Rain turned to leave.

"Oh! and Rain, No plasma force during the contest. I don't want any casualties, and most importantly, no one must know what you are capable of. You know what might happen if they do."

Rain bowed and left. Cassandra sat back in her chair. She was doing all this for Rain's sake but he didn't seem to understand. Rain new nothing apart from hatred and revenge. Even in his homeland the vampires treated him as trash, because he was different. He was a slave in Lord Elric's castle and didn't know a parent's love.

When she took him in, she couldn't give him what he needed the most. Acceptance. Not because she didn't want to, but she herself didn't know what it meant to be loved and accepted. She was worshiped as Finah's most powerful warrior but not accepted for who she was as a person. All she could do was train him to become the monster he is now, and because of this she tried to find ways to get him to live a happy life. And this was the closest thing she could find. The only way he could learn what happiness was, was to be surrounded by dependable people. And those people were comrades. Those you face life and death with. If he joined a unit in the special ops, he would have this.

Rain walked to his room still thinking about what Cassandra had told him. He wanted nothing to do with the human race. To him they were all scum. When he was with the vampires, at least they had a somewhat valid reason for their dislike of him. But these human scum, they treated him like trash because the elders had ordered it. It wasn't publicly announced, but he knew it was their doing.


Since at the time he had no control over his power, anytime Cassandra was out on an expedition the servants and royal guards in the mansion picked on him. At times he would be saved by Keziah, Cassandra's little sister, but even that was rare. It wasn't until Cassandra taught him to fully harness the true potential of his plasma force that he felt truly whole. She taught him all forms of combat to the point where his skill was almost unparalleled among those his age. He opened his door and entered his room.

"Next week huh?." He smirked

"Now I have to play with kids"

. . . . .

It was night time, and the whole kingdom of Finah was shrouded in darkness, plasma beast dominated the night. Seven hooded figures roamed in the dark. By this time, the people of Finah were asleep. But not these people. They walked into an alley with a dead end. As they walked to the end, the leader amongst them lifted an arm and chanted. The wall shimmered away and revealed a door.

Knock! Knock!

A small portion of the door slid open.

"The code?" The figure behind the door called out.

"We are the light of Delaric. We slaughter the darkness". The seven hooded figures recited this at the same time.

The door opened to pave way for them. The seven figures entered the room and sat at the round table. The room was dimly lit with red candles. Weapons hanged on the walls of the cabin and the heads of plasma beasts were used to decorate the cabin.

"It seems Cassandra has decided to let that pig participate in the tournament". One hooded figure said.

"This is our time to strike. We have been preparing for this for years. This is our opportunity" another one added.

"No, it's still to soon. We can not rush this. The king must die. And it must be by Rain's hands."


The whole place rumbled.

"We will wait until I decide otherwise. Do you understand?"

"Yes, master!" The others said in unison.

The one they called master smirked and his eyes sparkled in the dimly lit room.

"Let the games begin".

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