《Bloodlain》Chapter 0: Prologue


The ground shook at the reverberating sound of thunder in the clouds. Countless lifeless body lay on the ground from the final battle that was to decide the fate of the two kingdoms. At the time, it was clear who the victors were. Though the bloodied battlefield was filled with the bodies of both humans and vampires alike, the vampires were annihilated. The Lord of the vampires, Elric D'Rudolf, stood at the top of the tower looking at the disgusting scene before him. Their Homeland had been turned into a land of death, the kingdom of Peria which was once great and powerful had fallen. He wondered to himself how this could have happened. Vampires were stronger, faster, they were loved by the plasma force and could use revised plasma. The innate plasma the humans used was powerful, but it was not enough to cause the total annihilation of his people. Even as these thoughts crossed his mind, he knew how this had happened, he knew the power that had done this. This destruction was caused by one person, this person single handedly tipped the scales of battle in favor of the humans. Anger boiled in him as he seeked revenge against the bloodlord.

Standing on the tower, he could feel the monstrous aura and plasma force of the bloodlord. He jumped from the tower and landed on the battlefield with a huge thud. The bloodlord turned to face the Lord of the vampires who had landed behind her. She could feel the killing intent radiating off of the Lord. She didn't blame him though, she could understand his anger. If someone appeared and annihilated her whole race she would be enraged, and even go on a rampage. In his black leather dress and a cape that covered him, there was hardly anything that symbolized Lord Elric as the Lord of the vampires except the raging power he emanated.


"I never thought we would meet like this, Lord Elric". The bloodlord said, bowing briefly.

Lord Elric stared coolly at the young girl bowing before him. An eighteen year old girl who held such power. His eyes flickered to her bloodied sword that had cut down so many of his people. He gazed in her blue eyes, and saw the sincerity of the girl. She didn't want this, she didn't want to be used as a tool for murder. Her silver armour which had streaks of gold creaked, probably from fighting continuously for three days, as she straightened her self up.

"So you are the legendary bloodlord of the humans, Cassandra Litch. We have no time for pleasantries. Let us end this. Now!."

Rumble! Rumble!. The entire battlefield shook from the release of the Lord's plasma force. Aura so strong it was almost tangible. Humans on the battlefield began to collapse from the sheer force of his aura.

"If you want to survive this encounter with me, you better not play with me the way you had with my people. Release your seal, open your eyes, or you will DIE."

Cassandra was taking aback, she didn't expect the Lord to know why she always kept her eyes shut. But then she should have expected this. He was millions of years older than her. She sighed and then opened her eyes.

Immediately she opened her eyes, Lord Elric could feel plasma force so fierce and powerful, the color drained from him. There were no eyes in her eye sockets, just a pure blue aura of plasma force emanating from her eye sockets. Her aura wasn't just powerful, it was monstrous. So much so that it suppressed that of the Lord's.

"It seems you are much more powerful than the rumors say"


Cassandra gave a dry laugh.

"Let us begin then" she said.

With unimaginable speed, Cassandra jumped towards Lord Elric with her sword raised high above her head, Lord Elric raised his hands in defense, creating a plasma shield around him.


The rain fell heavily on Cassandra. She was on her knees exhausted from the battle with the Lord of the vampires. I didn't know he was this powerful, if his plasma force didn't get depleted just a bit earlier than mine, I would have died here today. Cassandra forced her self up with the help from her sword. She stared down at the body of Lord Elric. She raised her head to the sky and sighed. The droplets of rain slid down her face. Why do we continue to kill each other, what use is all this suffering, she thought. She turned and begun to walk away but then stopped short. She could feel a weird plasma force emanating from something behind the rock. She walked towards it. As she got closer she could her sobs. She turned around the boulder only to find a small boy who looked around eight years.

"What are you doing here little one?"

He lifted his hand to the dead body of Lord Elric as he continued to cry.

"M.. hic.. My father told me to wait here"

Father?! What did the boy mean? How could Elric be his father. He had no features of a vampire. He didn't have the pointed ears of vampires, neither their red eyes. He looked like a normal human. Blue eyes with jet black hair. She suddenly realized, the boy looked human but his plasma force was weird. It was as if he had little to none but the little he had was too dense to be human. Could he be half-human?. No! That couldn't be possible. She had not heard of any such thing in history. But what other explanation could there be?. She looked down at the boy and then guilt suddenly rushed through her. She had taken the little boy's father away from him and she hated herself for that. She was truly disgusted at what she had become to protect her nation.

"What is your name?"

The boy stared up at her.

"I don't have one"

The rain poured around them as they stared at each other. Cassandra's blond her was now deep red from the blood of those she had slaughtered. She turned and begun to walk away.

"Get up and follow me. From this day forward, you will be known as Rain Azaro D'Rudolf"

The boy stared at Cassandra in awe, then got up and followed her.

10 years later.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in" Cassandra called from her desk. The door opened to reveal Rain standing in the doorway. He entered and bowed.

"M'lady, you called for me".

Cassandra looked at Rain. She was busy sorting out papers regarding the administration of her country in her office.

"Yes. I have news for you.

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