《The Immortalai》A Kings Love


Its the day after the creatures first attacked Linra and the other guards, Reinlas had left the castle and went down to the town to see if anyone needed help he saw Linra coming out of Cykarts blacksmith still clearly in a lot of pain and has a limp from some of the pain but she has her armour repaired. Reinlas goes over to her.

"Linra are you heading to your guard post?" Reinlas asks

"O-oh my king I am heading there now I had just asked Cykart to repair my armour and he weirdly didn't ask to be paid even when I offered to pay him" Linra says

"That's Cykart he once told me that if the person was a good friend, the monarch or the guards he'd do the work for free and my guess is the guar part but also considering what happened yesterday you were injured defending the city from those creatures you deserve what you need and speaking of..." Reinlas says

"Speaking of? what do you mean?" Linra asks

"As I can see you are still in a bit of pain and limping so I think its better for you to guard up in the castle its easier up there and most of the guards just sit down while guarding so you can rest" Reinlas says

"But what about the area I usually guard it cant be left unguarded" Linra says

"I never said it would I'll arrange for someone else to guard the area you need rest and if you do want to guard do it somewhere easier for you to guard during the time the pain leaves you" Reinlas says

"Thank you my king I accept" Linra says

Reinlas goes to the castle with Linra and he asks for one of the guards there to take Linra's place down at her usual post. One of the guards agree as he knew what had happened and wanted to help in some way, Reinlas thanked him and Linra did too. Reinlas brought Linra to the post of that guard and she sat down.


"Really I must thank you again my king for this" Linra says

"You need not Linra and call me Reinlas" Reinlas says

"Of coarse Reinlas" Linra says

Reinlas left after this and proceeded to go to the royal garden to sit for a while until he was needed there he did a little training but mainly he was there to sit and watch nature and occasionally sing. Linra had gotten up after a while and left the other guards after talking with them, she wanted to find Reinlas and comes across another guard.

"Hello there" Linra says

"Oh hello, wait aren't you Linra?" The guards says

"Um yes why do you ask? Who are you?" Linra asks

"Oh sorry I got ahead of myself, I am Laraka one of the guards here obviously and I asked because I like many others wanted to thank you for what you had done yesterday and Reinlas said if you wanted to find him he's in the royal garden" Laraka says

"Oh thank you Laraka I was actually looking for him" linra says

Linra leaves Laraka and heads to the royal garden and as she reaches the garden she can hear Reinlas singing as he sits on a bench in the garden. She starts walking over.

"You are a great singer Reinlas" Linra says

Reinlas turns around a bit shocked.

"O-oh Linra thank you, I usually sing among doing other things here as it is rather peaceful and beautiful" Reinlas says

"It is indeed just like your singing voice" Linra says

She sits on the bench next to Reinlas while he seems a little shocked

"Don't let me stop you from singing" Linra says with a smile

"It seems another beautiful thing has come to this garden" Reinlas says looking at Linra

Reinlas begins to sing and Linra rests her head on Reinlas' shoulder as he continues to sing. Soon enough they are looking at each other and Reinlas puts his hand on her face and leans in for a kiss and she does the same. Soon their lips part.


"Reinlas..." Linra says

"What is it Linra?" Reinlas says in a soft voice

"Is this ok? I mean you're a king and I-"

Reinlas cuts her off

"You are someone I care for and love so me being king does not matter Linra" Reinlas says

Reinlas and Linra hug while sitting on the bench and stay there for a while.

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