《Return of the Soldier King》Chapter 22 Shattering Bricks


Two big bricks cut through the air, flying towards Qin Xiaomeng's face.

Qin Xiaomeng closed her eyes and screamed.

Even though she was afraid, she wanted to save Ye Fei, even if she barely knew him.


There was a strange sound. She slowly opened her eyes, and found that Ye Fei had stopped the bricks with his fists.

These were hard, tough bricks, but somehow Ye Fei’s fists shattered them into fragments.

A brick shattering from a punch? It was unheard of.

The three men were left stunned, staring at Ye Fei incredulously. They had never seen anything like this outside of TV shows.

They had heard of martial arts masters breaking through big piles of bricks with their hands, but they didn't expect to see anything like that today.

"Are you hurt?" Qin Xiaomong said worriedly.

"I’m fine, but you... I've never met a girl like you," Ye Fei marveled, shaking his head.

He was really amazed. How many people would actually stand up for others in times of crisis?

Ye Fei knew there were not many people who would do that. Even soldiers would want to save themselves first in a crisis, it was the courage and self-confidence brought by training that helped soldiers overcome this human weakness.

Qin Xiaomeng was different. She was naturally inclined to helping and protecting others. People like that were almost nonexistent in modern society.

To be honest, because of Chu Mo's attitude, Ye Fei hadn’t really wanted to help her. However, he was moved by Qin Xiaomeng’s courage, and that’s why he intervened back on the bus.

"Damn it, this guy knows Kung Fu! Brothers, let’s teach him a lesson!" the boss shouted, pulling a knife out from his pocket. The three men surrounded Ye Fei.

Seeing the boss make a move, Ye Fei smiled coldly. He stuck out his index and middle fingers and quickly smacked the boss's wrist. The boss's arm went numb, causing the knife he was holding to fall towards to the ground.


Not giving anyone a chance to react, Ye Fei kicked the knife into the other man’s leg. The man who got stabbed fell screaming to the ground, blood pouring from his wound.

These three men had no chance at beating Ye Fei.

The last man was in a daze. Ye Fei swung out his hand and the blade he’d taken out of the man’s mouth earlier buried itself in his arm, damaging his nerves and paralyzing the limb. The man lost consciousness.

The three heinous men were beaten by Ye Fei in an instant. He paid no more attention to them, but turned around to Qin Xiaomeng.

She was amazed. She didn't expect Ye Fei to be able to beat them all on his own. "That was incredible!" she blurted out.

"Hey, why are you still here? Don't you have class?" Ye Fei patted Qin Xiaomeng’s shoulder.

"Right, I do." Qin Xiaomeng remembered she still had a lesson to go to and hastily ran toward the campus.

"That girl is really kindhearted." Ye Fei smiled. He had gotten a very good impression of Qin Xiaomeng.

When she had gone far enough, Ye Fei walked over to the three men on the ground and squatted down in front of them.

"Brother... Please let us go. Don't call the police."

The boss wanted to kill Ye Fei, but he knew he couldn't even touch him, so he could only beg for mercy.

"I don’t think you’re ordinary thieves. You know a little Kung Fu." Ye Fei had an indifferent expression.

"I learned a little Kung Fu from my master, named Old Li in Hebei. My name is Li Bin. I taught my brothers Kung Fu," Li Bin hurriedly said.

"Your master would be rolling in his grave if he knew you were a common thief."


The thief’s master was also a thief, but he stole money specifically from corrupt officials and gave it to the poor. He had a code and morals.

Li Bin's face turned red. He tried to defend himself, "But my master was a thief too!"

"If you think your master was a common thief, then I have nothing else to say to you. The nails on your right hand are longer and the nails on your left hand are short and neat, so I’m guessing you’re left-handed. I have just cut off the meridians on your left hand. Rest assured, it will not significantly affect your life, but your left hand won’t be as flexible, so it will be impossible for you to perform your switching trick anymore. I won’t take you to the cops this time; you can go." Ye Fei waved them away.

Li Bin could feel his left hand was noticeably weaker and freaked out. "You destroyed my hand?!"

With his left hand damaged, he couldn't steal anything anymore.

A thief who could not steal was a thief without a job.

Li Bin immediately became as angry as a mad bull. He wanted to slap Ye Fei to death, but he couldn’t even lay a hand on him. Li Bin thought for a while and decided it was wiser to retreat. "Let's go!"

Li Bin decided to go to the hospital immediately and get an X-ray. Modern medicine was so advanced that there was still a chance to save his hand.

He limped away with his two brothers.

Ye Fei looked at Li Bin’s back and sneered, "I’m letting you go this time. If there is a next time, you won’t be so lucky!"

With this matter dealt with, Ye Fei decided to eat out. He went to KFC and took a bucket of fried chicken with him back to Purple Apartments.

When he returned, the living room was quiet. Lin Qingwan and Murong were still fast asleep.

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