《Return of the Soldier King》Chapter 21 No One Will Come to Save You


The three companions of the man in the leather jacket quietly followed Ye Fei and Qin Xiaomeng, completely unaware that their movements had already been discovered by Ye Fei.

"This is all because of that girl and her boyfriend! We would have succeeded if it weren’t for them!" growled the group’s crew cut-sporting leader.

"Boss, our two brothers were arrested by the police. There was nothing we could do!" one man whispered.

"Boss, what should we do now?" another man said anxiously. "We have to find a way to save them!"

"Of course we have to find a way to save them, but first, we need to teach these two college kids a good lesson. They’ll learn to mess with us!" the man with the crew cut said coldly.

"You’re right. We have to teach them a lesson," the other two men agreed.

The three men discussed their plan for a while, unafraid of being discovered by Qin Xiaomeng. Eventually, they walked into an alley to set their ambush. The spot was very secluded; people rarely walked through it.

Qin Xiaomeng was talking to Ye Fei, so she was not aware of the danger awaiting her. She said goodbye and ran through the alley on her way to class.

Although it was daytime, the alley was still a little gloomy.

As Qin Xiaomeng entered the alley, she looked up and saw a man standing at the other end, cruelly glaring at her.

The poor girl was scared. She had a bad feeling and hastily turned around, but two other men had appeared from behind.

"What... What are you doing?"

The three men smiled grimly. Anyone could tell that they were not good men.

"What are we doing?"

The three men slowly walked towards Qin Xiaomeng, backing her into a corner. "Because of your little intervention today, two of us were arrested. How do you think we should we settle this?"


Qin Xiaomeng remembered seeing those three men on the bus. "You... You three are working together with the two thieves! Help! Help me!” She yelled desperately.

"Hah, you can scream yourself hoarse, no one will come to save you here," the boss laughed.

He wasn’t worried at all. City people were timid these days. Even if someone did see them, they would probably just run away instead of intervening.

"No one? I beg to differ." a calm voice suddenly came from behind the three men.

It was Ye Fei. He had already been tracking the three men and had followed Qin Xiaomeng. Sure enough, he found the three men ready to attack her.

"It's you! Boy, we have a score to settle with you. I'm going to break you both in half!" the boss growled.

"You...? What are you doing here?" Qin Xiaomeng looked at Ye Fei in amazement.

Ye Fei scratched his head and told the truth. "What do you mean what am I doing here? You called for help, so I came here to save you."

"You idiot, if you heard me call for help, you should have called the police!" Qin Xiaomeng stared at Ye Fei harshly.

Even though Ye Fei’s sharp eyes could spot the two pickpockets switching the money, the gang of thieves believed in the old saying that claimed “Even a hero will struggle against two men.” They were feeling particularly cocky, since they were three.

Not to mention, Ye Fei looked rather thin. He looked like he couldn’t put up much of a fight.

"Hey, you bastard, you had your chance to get lost. Now, don’t blame us for putting you in the hospital for a few months."

The boss nodded and his two buddies picked up two bricks from the ground, ready to fight Ye Fei.


Qin Xiaomeng was beautiful and cute. If These animals managed to hit her with a brick, her face would be disfigured forever.

Ye Fei looked at them silently. Suddenly, he stepped forward and grabbed one man by the cheeks, squeezing his mouth open.

Before he could react, Ye Fei shoved two fingers into the man's mouth and took out a small blade.

The man was dumbfounded. He really didn't understand how Ye Fei could have known about the blade hidden under his tongue.

He had practiced for many years and could now speak regularly with the blade hidden in his mouth without raising any suspicion from anyone.

This hidden blade was meant to save his life in a tight spot.

The man angrily stared at Ye Fei and snapped, "How did you know there was a blade under my tongue?!"

Ye Fei had an indifferent expression. "I’ve seen this kind of Kung Fu before. You haven’t mastered it yet, so when you speak, your lips move unnaturally and your tongue is deliberately avoiding something. I could tell right away."

The man was stunned. His lips moved quickly when he spoke; how could this young man see anything amiss?

"Brothers, this guy has not only intervened with our plans, but also knows our secrets. Let’s wreck him and cut his tongue out so he can’t ever tell anyone!" The boss gave Ye Fei a murderous look.

Qin Xiaomeng knew these three men wanted to kill Ye Fei. They were obviously ruthless. "Run!” she screamed and ran out in front of Ye Fei with her arms spread wide.

Two bricks shot toward Qin Xiaomeng's face, loudly tearing through the air.

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