《Avaritia》Chapter 6: Nessera


Chapter 6: Nessera

Garren spent the night in the orc encampment, and on the next day he ordered the camp to pack up and move out. The orc's were hesitant at first to leave, but had no choice but to follow their chief's orders.

"Were going to move to a new location, there we shall build our fort! Gather all your weapons and anything useful!" He commanded.

The orc clan had manage to tame four legged beasts called umbra's. Large pig like creatures that can be used as mounts or pack mule's. As the orc's began to salvage whatever they can from their camp, Garren sat on the largest umbra previously owned by the now dead Ogmar.

After awhile. One of the orc's named Surgug approached him. "Chief we ready!" The orc reported.

Surgug was Ogmar's second in command. So Garren just retained his position for convinience.

A huge iron war axe was attached to Surgug's back and wore a bone chest armor on top of his leather garments.

"Good, now follow me! We march east through the forest, our destination is Sifon glade!"

His clan consists of 70 strong male orc warriors, 40 females, 10 elders and 8 younglings. So as you can see they were quite many, it would be best not to pass near Hansel in order to avoid unwanted attention. He thought.

This was the orc's first time to hear of the place, they were just hunting around the Pylai ruins since they had established their camp, so they were not able to explore much outside their territory.

The Darkpath clan began marching, with Garren in front riding on the umbra. Not long after passing through the hills and planes they reached the western edges of the forest.

As they entered Midgard. The clan would occasionally come across low levelled monsters like Dedra's, large two headed vipers, and Urs's bearlike creatures with silver fur. Garren would allow the orc's to engage them, for it would provide them with food, and at the same time the orc's would obtain battle experience. It's like hitting two birds with one stone.


Eventually the clan reached the path that leads to sifon, and proceeded to march forward to their new home. Upon entering the glade, some of the orc women commented on how pretty the flowers are, while some of the male's admired the tower.

"So they can appreciate beauty as well huh, I thought they were just a bunch of war crazed freaks." Garren said to himself.

The clan halted near the entrance of the tower. Dropped down their equipments on the ground and started to unpack their belongings mounted on the umbra's.

It was already dark, and they have not eaten yet since their departure from Pylai. Garren instructed the clan to start making fire pits and cook the meat they have obtained from the monster's so they could eat.

"Eat your fill. You guys will need all your strength, the fun starts tomorrow." He muttered with a grin.

After the clan had properly eaten, the orc's started pitching their tents around the watch tower. The numerous bonfires illuminated the once dark glade. Garren instructed a couple of orc's to build him a bed at the third floor of the tower, in the room where he had awaken.

There was a big fire pit built in the middle of the glade, where Garren ordered the clan to gather around.

Garren then started to speak. His tone cold but commanding.

"This will be your new home! This place will be the birth of a new empire! An empire that will swallow all of the others! It will be called NESSERA! A name they will soon know to fear! And know that the Darkpath clan had the honor to be the first to become part of this empire! For blood!!"

Once again the orc's cheered and roared.

"For blood!!!"


"Warchief!!! Warchief!!! Warchief!!!"

"They do love speeches huh." Garren said to himself, then proceeded to walk towards his tower. Roars can still be heard as he entered the tower.


The night was peaceful, the clan chatting down below, as Garren observed them from one of the windows on the third level of the tower. Then he looked towards the horizon, his blue eyes showed a hint of loneliness as the bright moon shone on them.


Morning came. Garren went down from his tower and was greeted by a couple of orc's.

"Chief! Here we catch!" The orc in front said, while presenting his right hand holding a couple of rabbits by the ears.

In orchish tradition, it was customary that with every hunt a portion would be given to the chief. Garren told the orc's to cook them first, with a bit of annoyance. "Do you expect me to eat them raw? If you're going to offer me something, make it right." He mumbled to himself.

Once breakfast was done, he assembled the clan.

"Today we shall start building up the base! We shall build defences and fortify this place to defend ourselves from our enemies, who will soon be after us!" Garren said in a loud voice to make sure everyone hears.

The orc's were then ordered to start cutting down the trees around Nessera to provide lumber in making sturdier housing and walls. He also would like to expand the area of his territory so cutting the tree's around the glade was really necessary. Garren did not allow the large vesper tree near the pond to be cut though.

While the orc's started cutting down trees, he ordered five orc warriors to scout and perhaps they can locate another source of water. The pond will not be enough to provide them all, and it would also be crucial if he wishes to increase his forces in the future.

A group of women orc's hunted in the forest for food. Orc women are also capable warriors and can be counted on.

Their day consisted of those tasks. A good amount of wood have already been gathered and slowly the area around the recently proclaimed Nessera began to expand.


The next day, the orc's were still doing each of their assigned tasks cutting trees, hunting, and such. From the wood that were already gathered, some orc's started to build housings as instructed by Garren. He made sure that the design was sturdy. Wood is good enough for now as we don't have a good supply of other building materials yet. It was decided to build lodgings first because the expansion of area around Nessera had not yet been completed, once Garren was satisfied on how big the territory was, he would then start the construction of walls.

Mid afternoon. The orc's Garren assigned to scout had come back, they reported that they found a river located east, not far from Nessera. They decided not to come right back for they wish to scout further. It seems that they have also located a path that leads up to the mountains.

Garren commended the orc's and ordered them to continue their duties after resting and resupplying, which they are happy to comply.

The day ended without problems, and a significant amount of work had been accomplished. Sturdy houses started to be built, a new water source found, and the expansion is on track. Although he thought he really needs more workers. "I'll figure something out." Garren said.

He slept comfortably in his room that night


Garren was awaken by someone yelling.

"Chief! Chief!" Surgug yelled as the orc entered his quarters.

"What is it!? I was still sleeping!" In an annoyed tone.

"S-sorry chief, but we caught human! What we do?" Surgug replied.

Garren had a bad feeling from what orc just said, because something tells him he knows who the "Human" Surgug was talking about.

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