《Avaritia》Chapter 5: The Darkpath's


Chapter 5: The Darkpath's

Upon exiting the northern gate of the town, he felt the heavy gaze of the old guard he had met yesterday.

"Not now old man, I'm not in the mood. Do you want to die?" He muttered to himself.

Luckily the old town guard did not dare bother him. He was also able to sense that the young man was in a foul mood, but that did not stop him from staring at Garren as he pass by.

Garren started walking in the path that leads to Sifon glade. His blood still boiling from what he had just learned. "Damn bastards." From time to time he would curse Cain and Lucious.

The forest was beaming with life. Sometimes a rabbit would cross his path. He thought of catching one to eat, but he was too busy contemplating that it would eventually run away before he decided to take action. Leaves from the overgrowth would occasionally fall on the path before him like confetti. It would seem like he was a returning hero being welcomed by the forest.

Walking halfway towards Sifon. Garren was still pondering on what would be his next move.

It would be unwise to start rampaging without a plan. Taking on and bringing down an entire empire was easier said than done. He's smart enough to understand this. Even if he can't use his full strength at the moment Garren was still insanely strong. But underestimating the capabilities of his enemies would be a fatal mistake. The last time he got blindsided, he ended up having two blades in his chest. He promised he would never again show such weakness.

Garren was almost at Sifon. Still deep in thought. After much consideration, words finally came out of his mouth.

"I need to rebuild my army." He needed meat shields , was what he really meant.

But where can I get soldiers. Once again in deep thought. Hiring a mercenary army is not an option. Those lot will side to the highest bidder and It's not like I even have the wealth to spend yet. Then he remembered. I vile grin on his face.

"They mentioned about an orc base." He was referring to the locals in the tavern.

Before, among the first races to submit to his cause were the orc's. Demi-humans who looked much like humans but a lot bigger, with dark brown skin and huge canine teeth's. They have average intelligence but they do serve as fine grunts because they have absolute loyalty towards the one they call chief. In order to become an orc chieftane you need to be the strongest in the tribe. If the chief was challenged by one of his subordinates and was defeated the challenger would become the new chief. That was their law. For orc's, only the strongest was fit to lead.

If he would start to build an army, orc's would be pretty useful in securing his base and could provide as foot soldiers. It's a start. He thought.


Garren tried to recall the locals conversations.

"Due west. Caves in Pylai ruins." He muttered.

Sifon was located north from town. I just need to cut through the forest and eventually I'll arrive at Pylai ruins. Garren thought.

Without second thoughts Garren left the path and entered the forest. He jumped from tree to tree with amazing speed. He would spot low level monsters on the forest floor but decided not to waste his time with them at the moment. Garren has bigger fish to catch.

After some time Garren eventually saw the light from the distance. He was almost out of the forest and based from his travel direction he should be west by now.

Exiting the forest. He arrived at a grassy plane. But no orc's or ruins in sight. It must be further west. He concluded.

Garren continued his journey, running swiftly across the hill's. After a considerable amount of distance, he heard noises from beyond the next hill.

"Uggh, me hungry." Voice 1

"Stop complaining or chief bash head again kishi kishi!" Voice 2

"We no got food here, why we stay?" Voice 1

Garren crept forward to investigate the voices. Finally he was able to put faces on them. Two orc's standing at the base of the hill. They seem to be lookouts. They were both wearing horned helmets, but one was holding a spear while the other an axe.

"Ask chief! no ask me! kishi kishi." spear orc

"Ugggg.. No mind, me not like head bash." axe orc

Garren unlatched Nessera's whips from his belt and jumped down while extending the right whip to latch on the spear orc's neck and with a powerful pull detached the head from its neck.

The spear orc collapsed with a thud, dark blood spurted from its neck tainting the ground.

Axe orc had no time to react. Garren using the left whip targeted the orc's axe that he was holding and manage to disarm the orc. Dazed by the sudden attacks made by the intruder, the orc just stood there mouth wide open.

"Take me to your chief." Garren said coldly, emitting his bloodlust.

"C-cc-chief?" The orc was stammering.

Garren kicked the orc's stomach. Making it kneel in agony. "Yes! chief! Don't make me repeat myself!" while looking down on the orc.

"Uggh.. n-no hurt more! I take chief." The orc said while holding his stomach, caressing it.

Axe orc slowly stood up, its legs wobbling. "Dis way, I take chief." The orc walked forward its hands still caressing its stomach.

Garren followed the orc as they walked across the hills and planes. The orc would from time to time look back at him with resentful eyes, but did not act aggressively . Perhaps knowing it was no match to its human captor and attacking him will result in sure death. They continue to walk this way for the past hour.


The scenery changed. On some of the hills he observed that there were cave entrances and large stone boulders of collapsed structures were scattered across the once grassy plane. Just ahead Garren can also spot the orc encampment. Wooden barricades with human skulls affix to it were placed beside some of the collapsed buildings. Huts made of wood encircled the large fire pit in the middle.

"I guess this is Pylai ruins." He muttered.

As they drew closer to the orc camp. The other orc's in the area began to be aware of his presence but did not immediately attack, maybe they too are wondering what the hell is going on. Why is a human casually walking into their camp being led by one of their clan. Doesn't he fear death?

A group of orc warriors began to flock around him. towering beings about 7 ft in height. Some wearing bone accessories that was clearly part of a live man once. Veins showing in their muscles while holding war axes and spears ready to strike at any given moment.

"Blech. Human stink!"

"Puny white headed man!"

"Ugluk u bagrok!"

"Good to eat"

Garren can hear their grunts and insults, some in orc tongue but he remained composed.

The axe orc who was leading him sudden dashed forward screaming. "C-chiief!" Then disappeared after entering one of the caves.

A loud roar can be heard echoing through the cave. Then something came out. Wearing the skull of a small wyvern as a helmet, heavy leather chest armor, arms covered in metal gauntlets and holding a huge war hammer with a black gem imbued on it. The orc chief was as tall as the troll he had killed. Huge canine teeth's with golden rings attached to them.

The chief spoke in a loud brutish tone.

"Hugh Hugh Hugh! Puny white hair man, wish to die? Tiny man must have problem in head coming to orc base alone! I am Ogmar Hammer Fall! Chief of Doomseeker clan! Ogmar will pick teeth with bone of tiny man after eating tiny man!" The chief spoke.

"What tiny man go do with strings against Ogmar's mighty hammer!" Mocked the chief, seeing that Garren only brought iron whips as his weapon.

The orc's around Garren jeered and laughed with their chief's statement.

"This tiny man will shove Ogmar's skull down his throat for being too noisy." Garren spoke while mimicking the orc's tone.

"Hugh Hugh Hugh! let tiny human try!" Ogmar then launched himself forward, holding the war hammer with two hands.

Garren evaded the hammer easily, skipping backwards.

The orc's surrounding Garren earlier backed off and made a huge circle around him and their chief. They did not try to interfere either because it would bring dishonor towards their chief for this was a one on one match.

"Human stop running!" Ogmar bellowed. Swinging the massive hammer again.

Garren jump upwards. Uncoiled the whips towards the orc, targeting the war hammer. It was able to latch on it preventing Ogmar to keep swinging.

Ogmar tried pulling his weapon away with all his strength to break free from the bond, but to no avail. "Why tiny man so strong!!? Tiny man cheat!" Ogmar thought to himself.

Garren getting tired with this petty duel, pulled the whips towards him along with Ogmar who was not willing to part with his hammer. The Chief was sent flying towards him due to the force of the pull. To recieve the flying Ogmar. Garren streched his hand forward and grasped the chief's head and shoved it down his throat in a swift motion.

Ogmar's body knelt before him. The Head tightly tucked inside the body.

Garren using his left hand, tapped the huge orc's body to let it drop to the ground.

The look of disbelief are painted on the faces of the remaining orc's. They could not comprehend how quickly the fight ended. Ogmar was their strongest warrior, the reason he became chief of their clan.

The tiny human in front of them in a matter of seconds turned their mightiest warrior into a bloody lump of meat.

Fear and Admiration was on their eyes. The orcs were a race who thrilled for combat. To witness such brutality and power. Garren was able to gain their respect as a worthy adversary.

Garren turned towards them. "Listen all of you! From now on, I am your chief!" His voice resonating in orc's ears.

"Those who choose not to follow will be next one to die!" He continued while staring at them coldly.

Garren was choosing his words carefully so that they could understand.

"Now bow down if you accept your new chief!!" He roared.

There was silence


Then one by one the orc's started getting down on their knees to bow down.

When he saw that all the orc's were already on their knees.

"Good, now stand up all of you!" In a dominant tone.

All the orc's immediately stood up.

"Let me ask you all!" He then continued.

"Do you want more food!?" He asked the orc's.

Some responded.


"Yes!! Food!"

"Do you want to fight and kill!!?" He asked once again

This time more orc's responded.




"Do you want war!!?" He said in a more powerful voice, letting out his blood lust.

All the orc's responded.


"Good! Very good!! The Doomseeker clan is no more! From this day forward you will be called the Darkpath clan!! and I, Garren Zeke Ligier. Is your warchief!! And together we shall bathe in the blood of our enemies!!!"

Roars and cheers errupted.

"Warchief!! Warchief!! Warchief!!" Raising their axe and spears to the air.

While a visible grin can be seen on the face of the new warchief.

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