《Avaritia》Chapter 1: Where are they?


Chapter 1: Where are they?

The glade was a marvellous sight to behold.

"Sifon glade." She thought to herself, then looking at the basket she was holding. Her cheeks suddenly started to blush.

she quickened her footsteps and arrived at the clearing.

Colorful flowers were scattered across the green meadow. The sun rays shined across the plane, projecting an enchanting vibe.

At the distance she can see the old abandoned stone watch tower used by the men of old. Covered in moss and vines. like a guardian it stood watching over the glade.

Beside the watch tower was a large vesper tree rooted next to a small pond, the tree was lush with green leaves projecting a huge shadow while being hit by the light of the sun. The pond was her destination.

She skipped happily towards her goal and upon reaching it, she tilted her head left and right like she was searching for something.

"umm.." She muttered.

And then a cold voice was heard.

"what kind of a slave are you? You're late."

She looked towards the direction where the voice came from.

A boy with silver hair, sitting on a branch of the large vesper tree. Chewing on a twig. Staring at her before jumping down.


Two days ago

"Mom! I'm going! be back soon. kay?" Yelled the cheerful auburn haired girl as she rushed out the front door of their wooden house carrying a basket and in it were couple of coven bread and a small slice of cheese.

"Yuna you take care ok! come back before dinner!" Her mother responded from the kitchen while currently washing the plate's used during breakfast earlier.

"She's going there again huh. It's not that I object, but a mother can't help but worry that her 17 y/o daughter is alone going through Midgard forest to collect herb's at Sifon glade. I know she means well by trying to help by picking herbs to sell to the traders. She just makes me worry sometimes." Her mother said while rinsing a ceramic plate.

"She's already at marrying age. It's easy for her to get a husband, for my daughter is certainly the most beautiful girl her age in town." Her mother chuckled. "And of course she should thank her mother for that! ho ho ho." She added while laughing boastfully.

Yeah, yeah, I know a parent would always say that their son or daughter has exceptional looks but I'm not lying. Anyone in town could certainly see that Yuna was beautiful. With her auburn hair and brown eyes, plus she was also fairly gifted in the chest area complementing her figure.

"But with the way she keeps behaving. It's hard for suitors to approach her." Her mother muttered.

They lived in the small farming town called Hansel. It was located at the edge of Midgard forest. The houses were built around the town square where the trading post, market, small church and other small establishments were located. To serve as protection a thin wooden wall was built to surround the town and just east of the town exit were fields allocated for planting crops. A small lake can also be located south of the town.

Yuna walked across the town square. Heading to the northern exit. A couple of passerby greeted her and she respectfully replied back. Everyone in town knows who she was for she is the only daughter of the town blacksmith.


She passed her father's workshop. Observing the black smoke coming out of the chimney she understood immediately that her father had already started working. He's a busy man, being the only blacksmith in town.

So she opted not to come in and distract him. "I saw him earlier at breakfast and we'll see each other again this evening at dinner so it's fine." She muttered with a cheerful expression.

When she reached the northern exit. After passing the gate the watchman greeted her and so did she to the watchman.

At the distance she could see the path towards Midgard forest. She continued her journey. Upon entering the forest she can hear birds chirping happily. The sounds of insects. The forest was full of life.

She would occasionally pick flowers along the way, placing them inside her basket.

The forest was fairly safe. It was very rare to encounter monsters along this path and she had traversed this road multiple times before without encountering any danger so she was definitely confident even though she's travelling alone.

It was a good one and a half hour hike towards her destination.

Sifon glade it was called. Known for the stone watch tower and bountiful herbs growing there that could be used to craft potions.

Herbs could also be found in the areas nearer to the town but at this particular spot they seem to be abundant and in high quality. They say that a lot of special herbs would grow on locations where large quantity of magical energy was found.

So rumors spread that Sifon glade was haunted, but due to the fact that Yuna not once encountered any unusual occurrence in her days spent gathering herbs at Sifon, she just brushed the issue as baseless rumors spread by the locals.

Upon reaching the clearing without any problems along the hike. She reached inside the basket and pulled out her water container and drank a good amount of liquid, then sighed as a sign of refreshment.

She placed her basket on the base of a large vesper tree. This type of tree was known for its lush leaves that could even reach the ground once it matured. It was a very good spot to rest for it also provided abundant shade and beside the tree was a pond where she could easily refill her water container.

The old watch tower was a few steps away from the vesper tree. Yuna never did try to enter the said watch tower before. Indeed she admired the old stone watch tower but it has never crossed her mind to go in and explore it.

She had heard of adventurer's before who tried exploring the insides of the tower and found nothing but old books and rusted plates of armor.

I know it took guts to venture out on my own, but entering such a place is out the question. She thought.

She started gathering herbs around the glade. Carefully pulling the leave's and important sections of the plants to avoid damaging it and allow it to continue to grow.

It would not be beneficial to over exhaust her source of income. She thought.

So she carefully selected herbs that were already matured. She learned to properly harvest herbs through her experience and also with the guidance of the town's herbalist/potion maker in which majority of her harvest were sold to.


At noon she decided to take a break. She drank from her water container. Pulled out a piece of coven bread and applied a thin layer of cheese to provide flavor.

She admired the serenity of the glade while enjoying her humble meal. Once she was done, she leaned towards the pond. Refilled her container and decided to continue scavenging herbs, for nightfall will soon come and she promised that she would be back before dinner.

So she continue to diligently collect herbs

Time passed by when a flutter of wings was heard at the eastern boarder of the glade. Bird's flew out of their nests and can be heard chirping wildly.

She immediately looked at the source of the ruckus and with the shaking tree branches what came out brought chills to her spine.

A horrific figure. Holding a giant club full of spiky metal pieces embedded on it. A towering figure around 8ft in height. Bulging mass of muscles. Dark green skin. Wearing only a piece of cloth to cover it's privates and two sharp teeth sprung upward from the corners of the creatures mouth. As it breaths, mist formed around its mouth. With no doubt it was a mountain troll.

"Did it see me??" She was shaking from head to foot. she trying her best to stay still to avoid attracting its attention.

"BWWRAAAAAAHHHH!!!" And with a thunderous roar she confirmed it. It has.

The Sifon glade and the old watch tower was located near the foot of the Beyruit mountains. The watch tower was said to be have constructed here long ago in ancient times to provide as a first line of defence against the barbarian tribes who used to live on the Beyruit mountains, but those said tribes are long gone and the beings who claimed the Beyruit mountains as their home were the green skinned monster's. One must have strayed too far from their boundaries in search of food.

A feeling of dread seeped through her. "I-I'm gonna die" She said in a tone of someone in the brink of crying.

Trolls are usually common monsters and are easily killed by surrounding it and quickly hitting the vital organs, for its movements were slow and easily avoided. A mountain troll is different. Bigger than its counterparts and more ferocious by nature.

The troll started to move. The ground shook with each step. Clutching its club, foam dripping from its disgusting mouth.

Yuna was trying to compose herself. "What am gonna do?" She looked at her surroundings. "run back towards town? No. I can't." knowing that the mountain troll could easily overpower the town's militia and wreak havoc. She would never allow such a thing to happen and as if she could outrun such a beast she would be dead before reaching town.

"Do nothing and be eaten?"

"N-no.. I want to live." Her voice trembling.

And with her resolve she stood up and ran as fast as she could towards the watch tower.

This was her only option. She thought. Maybe I could lose it inside the tower and manage to escape.

Seeing her run towards the tower the troll quickened. Still howling, flailing the huge club.

She was almost at the entrance. The troll hot in pursuit.

Upon entering the tower she saw a flight of stairs to the right. She immediately scaled the stairs.

almost at the second floor. She heard something burst.

The troll entered the tower destroying the entrance.

The creature with its exceptional sense of smell could instantly determine where Yuna was. Jumping towards the stairs it started to ascend quickly.

Yuna upon reaching the second level continued to climb towards the third, but horror filled her eyes. As soon as she reached the third floor, she discovered that the stairs leading up to the forth level had already collapsed.

"I'm t-trapped!" Her mouth shaking.

she stood frozen at the hall. The huge figure of the troll emerged as it ascended from the second floor. Still holding its giant club. Looking at her while licking the corner of its mouth.

The troll lunged at her swinging his club vertically.

Barely missing Yuna. She was able to evade it somehow as she stumbled back the moment the troll swung his club. On the floor a large crack can be seen.

Without a moment to relax the club was raised and was swung horizontally. Luckily Yuna was able to duck and roll. It just missed her.

She lifted her head and saw that the wall that was stricken by the mighty blow had collapsed. Yuna then crawled towards it.

She noticed a stone table was at the center of the room and on top of it a stone figure lay. Normally her curiosity would get the better of her, but now was not the time.

As she managed to regain her balance and run forward the troll once again released an ear shattering roar.

"BWRAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" It rushed towards her.

Swinging its club aimed at Yuna. She jumped over the stone table. The troll's club barely missed her again and in turn hit the statue on the table.

Due to the force of the swing the stone statue cracked like the stone wall that was easily destroyed by the troll earlier. What would you expect a statue would become after being hit by such force.

"This is it." She thought. I'm gonna die.. "Mom, Dad. I'm sorry for being such a foolish daughter."

Grabbing the small knife tucked in her waist used to collect the herbs. She decided this will be her last stand. If she was going to die. She will not go out without a fight.

As she stood up ready for her last battle. Her jaw dropped. Her knife fell to the floor.

The wall was plastered with dark red blood.

Pieces of meat was on the floor.

And on the center the room. A boy standing in silence. The same dark blood dripping from his clenched right fist. He was gritting his teeth like a ferocious animal. His blue eyes glaring towards her direction. More terrifying than the troll's.

Only one line was spoken.

"Where are they?"

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