《Avaritia》Prologue : For my king


Prologue : For my king

Daybreak approaches and a thunderous roar can be heard on the horizon. The sound of drums getting louder and louder, *BOOM !! DU-DUMM!! BOOM!!* The rhythm was heart pounding. *BOOOM!! DUM!!!* Figures started to form. Banners rising. Hundreds turned to thousands as they march east towards the last free city of Lumen. It was located at the center of the eastern continent of Norin. The great walled city some calls it, for surrounding the city where walls as thick as 3 grand cathedrals placed side by side and built so high that the tallest giants would not be able to jump over in a single leap.

The monstrous army. Six hundred thousand strong composed of the foulest demi-human races, orcs, black nagas, and dune goblins are among the few examples of the numerous races who answered the Dark lord's summons.

In front of the marching army. Riding on giant horse like creatures with blue flames on their hooves. Two figures can be seen talking.

"Ahh.. Such a magnificent sight to behold indeed. Certainly a testament to human engineering , they say that in last five hundred years since the founding of Lumen no army was able to break through its impregnable defence." Said the large Azuma Man as he admired the great walled city of Lumen. Azuma's are a race of demi-humans who resembled reptiles. Known for their green scaled skins, snake like eyes and are said to be ruthlessly cunning.

"Lucious, Lucious, Lucious my dear slimy friend." A malicious smile came out of the mouth of a voluptuous silver haired woman. "Since when did our master ever failed in such endeavours?" Her black eyes focused on the prize before them. "Impregnable huh? we shall see to that." She smiled seductively. Teasing Lucious.

Lucious did not comment on the woman's teasing.

"By the way Nessera. Where is Cain?" Asked Lucious.

"He must be with master discussing last minute preparations for the siege." She answered while looking up towards a large beast with what it seems to be a small fortress on its back.

Nessera was definitely a sight to behold for her beauty surpasses other succubi her age and among the army of thousands in the battlefield you can easily distinguish Nessera for her flowing silver hair, two ivory horns and brilliant obsidian black wings.

The beast she was staring at earlier was called Mastodon. Gigantic demonic beasts with 3 large horns protruding on its forehead and large shell on its back, where it was possible to build structures or in this case a fortress.

And sitting on the throne placed at the balcony. located on the highest level of the fortress was the Dark lord. Garren Zeke Ligier was his birth name, With blue oceanic eyes, His silver hair just long enough to barely cover his eyes. At the age of 18 he's now marching an army towards the last free city of man.

Silently observing the progress of the march from his balcony view. The noise of war drums as they are endlessly beaten grow ever louder. Thousands of demi-humans banging swords, spears, axe and maces against their shields. Getting pumped up. Bloodlust on their eyes. War machines like catapults being placed in position. Battering rams pulled by one eyed armoured giants called cyclops. Looking up towards the skies he spotted his wyvern riders in formation ready to assault just waiting for his word.

"The last one." He muttered.

A man approached the throne. Knelt and then spoke.

"Master, everything is set. Should we start?" Informed the man.


"Very well Cain, sound the trumpets." He answered without looking at the man called Cain. Just raising his left hand to signify that he heard him.

Cain is a human necromancer with brown hair and a distinguishable scar on his left jaw.

The Dark lord's army does not only compose of demi-humans, there were also a few human clans as well. Those who chose to side with him. That's why it's really not that surprising that one of his great generals was human.

Only the strongest, wisest and most skilled of his subordinates were given the opportunity to become generals and currently he has three. Lucious the Azuma, Nessera the succubus and Cain the human necromancer.

As Cain stood up after kneeling he signaled his acolyte.

"Sound the horns." He said.

The acolyte nodded and proceeded to the edge of the balcony and waved a red flag.



War trumpets started to blow signalling the start of the siege.


Earlier in the throne room of the city of Lumen

"My king, the Dark army had already started to advance from the west!!" A young knight rushed inside the throne room.

"So he's finally here." Muttered the old king.

The current ruler of the kingdom of Lumen is a man named Alderman Fons Talcred. Long locks of hair grey with age. Lines on his face more visible due to stress. He was crowned king on the age of 22 and was currently serving the kingdom as its king for 40 years.

Inside the throne room the faint sounds of the war drums can be heard. Getting louder and louder each minute that pass by.

The king was surrounded by his trusted generals and advisers drawing battle plans for the upcoming battle.

"Sire, our force is five hundred thousand strong. 10 legions in total. Each legion consist of 50,000 strong men all prep up and ready." Said one of his generals.

"The first, second and third legion are already position on the ramparts. The remaining legions except the 10th legion would intercept the ground troops of the enemy as you have wished." another general added.

Just imagine how wide the walls are. To fit 3 legion's on the ramparts. It's not called the great walled city for nothing.

Initially the kingdom of Lumen can only muster two hundred thousand men, but due to the fact that Lumen was the last Kingdom to suffer the onslaught of the Demon Lord. The surviving forces from other kingdoms and Empires sought refuge in Lumen and now are the combined forces of all the free men amounting to 500,000 soldiers.

"Let's not forget our elf brethren's who offered 200,000 of their finest rangers and with 150,000 of the mountain dwarves that swore to aid. We have an army 850,000 strong." Another man added.

"What of our griffon riders?" The king asked an elderly male who's face was covered by a cloak. He seems to be the court magician. The griffon riders are the 10th legion.

"The mage guild have already started chanting protection buffs on them sire and during the battle the mages will scatter across the battlefield to provide whatever support they can offer." The magician answered.

Unlike the other legions the 10th legion consists of the most powerful knights of the kingdom, thus they are prioritized with what protection buffs the mage's can provide.

"How about the preparations made by the church?" The king directed his question to man wearing a white robe.

"Each legion has a company of healers assigned to them sire. Majority of the healers would be on top of the ramparts to provide a vantage point to heal the one's fighting bellow" Answered the man in robes.


"Very well. I guess everything seems to be in order." Said the king.




The sounds of war trumpets rang

"The moment has come!!" Shouted the king. "Ring the bells!!" He added.

"let's hope they keep their end of the deal." He muttered to himself while biting his lip.


The Dark lord Garren looked down upon the battlefield

Battle cries roared. Huge boulders were sent flying towards the walls. Smashing into bits as they collided but the wall seemed undeterred, still the barrage did not stop it kept coming and coming. A boulder would sometimes hit a good chunk of soldiers located the top of the wall and would send them flying, but Lumen's war machine's located inside the walls would also counter attack sending their own barrage of boulders towards the Dark lord's army squishing those unlucky enough to be hit.

The Dark army continued to rush forward. Shrieks, roars, yells came out of the frenzied demi-humans.

The battlefield was a like blur. Everywhere you look you can see the Dark lord's warriors clashing their weapons with enemy soldiers.

It was chaotic. Arrows fired. Bolts of magic shot in every direction. Screams of pain and the silence of death.

He saw Nessera flying over the battlefield using her iron whips to smite the enemy defenders. Screaming to her troops to push forward.

Because Nessera was able to fly. She reached the top of the ramparts with a couple of her succubi brethren.

Where are Lucious and Cain? He thought.

The battlefield was huge. They must be somewhere engaging with their own battles. He concluded.

The giant Cyclops troops started pushing a massive battering ram towards the huge iron gates between the wall. A rain of arrows from human and elven archers on top of the ramparts were shot to try and stop or at least slow down the Cyclops troops. 2 cyclops did go down after receiving fatal blows from the knights fighting on the ground, but still the battering ram inch by inch crawled forward.

Up above. Knights riding on griffons battled his wyvern riders. Flames and flashes of light erupted on the skies.

"Well I guess It's time for me to join as well." Garren said with an evil grin.

Garren pulled his great sword to his side and jumped down from the ledge of his balcony and landed at the feet of the gigantic demon beast he was riding,

The moment he entered the battlefield he projected his aura. His troops looked back to his direction and suddenly felt an incredible urge to go berserk. Roars erupted as his troops surge forward.

The enemy troops could also feel the huge killing intent projected, but what drives them to continue fighting was knowing that if they fail. There would be no future.

Garren dashed forward slicing the air. A wave formed and ripped an entire row of soldiers to pieces.

He swayed his great sword in a different direction and once again another batch of soldiers were torn to pieces by the shock wave.

Suddenly a green flash of light shined across the battlefield. Garren was caught off guard.

A barren field..

His ground forces are nowhere in sight. Not just his men. The soldiers from Lumen were gone as well.

And on the ground a gigantic ritual circle with different runes and symbols etched.

"what the hell is this!?" He roared. Then he noticed that he can't move his body.

Nessera who was fighting on the ramparts shocked to the sight that an entire army gone in an instant immediately rushed to her master. Flying as fast as she can.

Then what she saw was more shocking than losing the entire army.

Behind Garren two figures stood.

"We had to sacrifice about a million living souls just to bind you master. Your strength surely is out of this world."

He knows that voice.

"Cain... why!??" Garren spoke grinning his teeth in anger.

"Why?.. Well you see master since you got rid of all the rest of the empires and kingdoms. The new world is up for grabs and certainly we could not pass up on such an opportunity to become our own rulers." Cain answered coldly.

"We!?.." Because Garren was frozen in his place he can't look back and was not aware that there was someone else with Cain.

"Yes, we.." Lucious spoke. "It's our time now master. We've made a deal with the king of Lumen. We know just using our forces would not be enough for the binding so with the additional sacrifices provided by the king's forces it would certainly possible to bind you. We waited until you stepped on the battlefied to activate the seal."

"Traitors!! Cowards!! I will make sure you suffer for this!!" Garren yelled.

But the two did not mind Garren's taunts.

"Right, so with regards to that said deal" Cain spoke. "Lucious, shall we?" He added.

Two Jagged blades burst from Garren's chest. Blood dripping on the ground where he stood.

In an instant iron whips stretched towards Garren's assailants, but could hit nothing since they stepped back immediately.

"What have you done!!!?" Nessera screamed. "Lucious!! Cain!!! What have you done to master!!?" Her eyes full of anger towards her master's aggressors.

She landed infront of Garren. Her master staring at her with a blank expressions. The light in his cold blue eyes are gone.

"It's too late Nessera. He's dead." Cain spoke calmly.

"Impossible!! h-h-how could master die? h-he's master!" She rebutted.

"The binding that was performed on master was a very ancient spell that bind's the target's magic flow or the ability to use magic, but in exchange it requires living souls that amounts to the targets mana" Cain explained. "So master's godlike defence and ability to auto regenerate were nullified due to his inability to access his mana pool. In order to reverse the binding you need to provide souls once again and th-" Cain was interrupted by Lucious.

"There's no need to explain everything to her Cain. It's not like she can do anything about it now. He's dead."

Nessera unable to accept what has just transpired. Her master. The man she offered her undying loyalty and love. Stood frozen. Dead.

Tears began flowing down her cheeks. Kneeling in front of Garren. Looking at them with bloodshot eyes. She slowly stood up.

"Someday..you will pay for this treachery with your blood." Her words full of hate.

And with that she grabbed Garren's lifeless body and immediately flew as fast as her wings could carry her.

Lucious tried casting a couple of spells to bring her down but she evaded them easily. She did not become one of the Dark lord's general's for nothing.

"It's ok, what could she possibly hope to achieve? let her mourn that's the only thing she could do. The Dark army's gone. The remaining few that were able to avoid getting sacrificed surrendered as soon as they sensed master's life force end." Cain spoke.

Cain was referring to the troops fighting in the skies.

"You're right, I'm just a little bit worried." Lucious muttered.

"What's there to be worried about? Hey, were going to be kings of the new age!" Cain said in an arrogant tone while grabbing Lucious's shoulders. The two of them then started walking towards the walled city.


Nessera had been flying non-stop for two days now. Deciding not to take any chances.

But even with her monstrous will power her wings are getting tired. She decided to take a breather the next time she would come across a spot suitable for hiding.

From her flight pattern she should be at the north eastern part of the continent by now.

After a couple more hours of flying she came across a stone tower. Once she was sure the area was clear she laid Garren on a stone table located in one of the rooms on the third floor of the tower.

Garren's body lifeless body had not yet started to decompose because Nessera casted a spell on it to slow down the process of decomposition, but she needed to act fast for she knows this was only temporary.

"Master, I'm sorry. If I had only known what those two were plotting against you. I could have prevented this." Laying her head on his chest as she spoke. Her tears keep flowing.

Recalling the first time she met Garren. She was wandering around the demon city of Qur'gos. Without a home she used to sleep on the side of the streets, then the Dark army came and took control of the city and there he was at the head of the marching army. He stopped at the middle of the city square and announced that anyone who wishes to fight for him will be well provided. I joined his army initially because I wanted to survive, but as time passed by I began to admire master more and more. His strength, his determination to unite all kingdoms in a single banner. I decided that I will do everything that I can so that he would notice me. So I worked hard, harder than any of my companions. Each promotion I had received brought me closer to him. When I was given the honour to become one of his general's. Master provided me with a gift. Two iron whips imbued with magic. An artifact he had obtained in one of his conquest's. With each kill by the whips I would be able to acquire the victims life force immediately, there was no need for me to manually obtain it.

Then suddenly she remembered something.

"Cain said that the only way to reverse the binding was to provide souls. The number of souls required to release master is an absurd amount, but is it possible? It might be.." Nessera is in deep thought.

After a couple of minutes she finally decided.

"There is only one way to find out." She said to herself. Confident in her decision she walked towards Garren's lifeless body and positioned herself so that her face would be opposite of Garren's. Then she kissed him.

Succubi are a race of demons who collected the souls of their victims, but only known to some they are also able to give back the life force they have taken if they wished. So in theory due to her multiple battlefield experience with her master she must have quite a number of souls inside her.

So while kissing Garren. Nessera continued to feed her master the soul's she had accumulated.

After a good two hours of soul transfer by kissing. Nessera stopped. A glow in her eyes. She could feel it. However faint it was. She could feel her master's mana leaking out of the seal. Though the miniscule leak was not able to trigger Garren's auto regen ability she knows there is indeed hope.

But looking at her appearance right now you would never believe she was the voluptuous succubus earlier. Her skin had shrunken clinging to her bones. Her eyes sunken. Bones are visible on her once perky cheeks. The more soul's she transferred the weaker she becomes.

Nessera already made her decision. There's no turning back now. All for master's sake. Even if she needs to sacrifice her own life. She would.

She grabbed her treasured twin whips and placed them before her master's feet, then she casted [PETRIFY] to turn Garren's body to stone. She thought that if master's power would return one day he could easily break out of her spell. Nessera also chanted a spell to block the room's entrance with stones. Anyone who would pass by would not suspect that behind stone wall there would be a hidden room.

After she made sure that Garren was completely turned to stone. She kissed his stone lips to transfer her remaining souls and before she lost consciousness. She felt it. Master's auto regen had been triggered. Although it was not the full power of master's innate ability. She could feel Garren's body repairing itself one cell at a time. No matter how long it takes, she knows that one day. Her beloved king would once again rise. The thought of her master conquering kingdoms and empires brought a smile to her face. Her lips finally parted with his before she turned into dust and was scattered through the wind.

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