《Vampire Vixens From Planet X!》16: Bad Feeling
“Okay. This is exactly what I expected when you said Rick invited us to a cool party,” Anna said.
“Tell me about it,” Michael said. “This is just sad.”
The only thing that could be said for the party was it was taking place in a nice suite. Other than that, it was exactly what Michael said: sad.
“I don’t remember the mighty Thor having a gut like that in any of the Avengers movies,” Olivia said.
Liam turned and stared.
“Seriously? Did you not see Endgame?”
“Oh, well I suppose he did have the gut there, but… You know what I meant.”
He grinned and shook his head. “I know what you meant, but I couldn’t resist giving you some shit.”
“Are there even any women at this party?” Olivia asked, looking around.
Liam took in the room. Sure enough, there wasn’t a single woman in sight. Other than Anna and Olivia, of course, both of whom were getting interested looks from the dorks in the room.
“Even Rick can’t possibly be this blind,” Liam said. “What the hell was he smoking when he said there were hotties here?”
Though he was starting to get a sneaking suspicion what kind of hotties might’ve been at the party when Rick got here. The fact that he couldn’t see Rick was proof enough of that. He couldn’t get rid of the nagging feeling there was something dangerous going on here.
“You’re totally right,” Tori said. “I’m detecting something weird in this room, but everything is fuzzy. You probably ought to get out of there while you can.”
Liam shook his head. It didn’t help hearing voices in that head, and when he glanced to Olivia she looked even more worried.
“Tori says this place is bad news,” he whispered.
She nodded, glancing around the room like she was trying to find the danger as well. But it was just a room full of dudes. No vampires in sight.
“I think that person over there on the other side of the room might be a woman,” Anna said, pointing to a person sitting in the corner with a Nintendo DS in hand. Liam could hear the familiar strains of a Pokémon game filtering across the room.
Which was totally cool. People could do whatever the fuck they wanted at a convention. Though he’d always figured if he was paying a bunch of money to have a good time with his friends then it seemed like a waste to spend that time playing a videogame he could play anywhere. Literally, in the case of the DS version.
“I’m pretty sure that’s a guy,” Michael said, squinting. “That’s definitely a five o’clock shadow.”
“Talk about a terrible party,” Liam said, looking around the room at all the dudes sitting around like they were waiting for something. “And where the fuck is Rick?”
Again there was that nagging pinging danger sense in the back of his mind. Rick had been here. Rick had seen hotties. Rick wasn’t here anymore. The hotties weren’t here anymore.
What if those hotties had taken Rick somewhere? What if he was being tortured and drained of all his blood while they were standing around looking for him?
He glanced at Olivia, and from the nervous look she hit him with she was thinking along the same lines.
“I’m telling you, get out of there,” Tori hissed in his head. “I’m getting a vague picture of something bad there, but it’s not clear. Trying to fix that.”
“It’s weird. This place looks like somebody spent a lot of money for this party,” Michael said, giving the room another once over.
The place was a huge suite, bigger than the last room they’d been in, even, but it’s not like it was so big that Rick could hide. Only no matter how much Liam looked, Rick was nowhere to be found.
“It’s sad that someone spent so much money to get this place and this is the party they’re throwing,” Anna said.
“You know, you could start your own career as a pickup artist guru here,” Michael said, elbowing Liam in the side. “This seems like a crowd that would be receptive to that kind of message.”
“How do you figure?” Liam asked.
“Come on,” Michael said, gesturing around the room. “A bunch of disaffected geeky dudes who’re angry they don’t have women throwing themselves at them? They’re exactly the kind of people looking for a guru to tell them exactly why they’re so oppressed and help them pick up women.”
Liam rolled his eyes. “I don’t want to get into that right now. I hear that bullshit enough from Rick.”
“If guys like that spent half the energy trying to get laid that they did bitching about things like the all women Ghostbusters movie on the Internet then they’d be gold,” Anna muttered under her breath.
“Rick was bitching about that again?” Liam asked.
“You missed that after we peaced out of the hotel bar when that fight started,” Michael said, frowning. “Like it was years ago. Fucking let it go, man!”
“Come to think of it, where were you during that weird fight?” Anna asked. “Tables started flying and we got out of there, but I didn’t see you running.”
“So we gave this party a try, and there’s nothing saying we need to stick around for the sausage fest,” Liam said, slapping his hands together and trying to avoid answering that particular line of questioning. He didn’t want his friends to think he’d lost it, and he didn’t want to get into what’d really happened in the hotel bar with a crowd watching. “There are plenty of other parties we can check out, or we could even head back to our rooms and call it a night if you want.”
If they were going to other parties then he’d have more chances to find Katie. The more he saw of the creepiness going on at the hotel tonight, the more he thought he needed to find somebody who had a blaster that could disintegrate any vampires that came at them.
He looked at them hopefully, though Michael and Anna hit him with stares that said there wasn’t a chance they were calling it a night.
“We can try other parties,” Michael said. “Why the hell would you want to go back to your room this early?”
“Seriously,” Anna said. “What happened to the party animal who could go from room to room all night long and be bright eyed and bushy tailed the next morning ready to do it all again?”
“That guy sounds like a lot of fun,” Olivia said, winking.
Liam opened his mouth and was on the verge of telling them that what had changed was there were real vampires in the hotel threatening everybody, but a door near the back of the suite slid open with a hiss that sounded like something from the sound design of Back to the Future.
A woman stepped into the room, and she was a stunner. Like an eleven out of ten. Liam froze as she moved through the room pulling the attention of every guy in there, because she was the realization of all those bad feelings that’d been pinging in the back of his mind. All those whispers from Tori telling him he was in danger.
That eleven out of ten was yet another fucking vampire.
She looked around the room with a predatory gleam in her eye. Not the kind of predatory gleam someone would expect from, say, Pepe le Pew when he was looking at a particularly fetching feline who’d accidentally had a white stripe painted down her otherwise black back leading to some very unfortunately rapey themes in what was supposed to be a children’s cartoon.
No, she stared around the room with the same kind of hunger Rick exhibited when he was examining a Twinkie. Like a commemorative giant Twinkie that hit around the same time as that aforementioned lady Ghostbusters movie he hated so much.
“Holy shit,” Michael whispered. “Who is she?”
“Easy there big boy,” Anna said.
“Weren’t there some ladies dressed like that at the other party?” Michael asked, sounding confused.
“We need to get the hell out of here,” Liam said.
“Like right fucking now,” Olivia said.
“What are you talking about?” Michael asked. “It looks to me like the party just started!”
“I agree with Liam,” Anna said. “I have a bad feeling about this.”
Though she sounded more like she was annoyed that a beautiful woman had walked into the room and caught her boyfriend’s attention. Not that she was worried she was staring at a fucking vampire who would likely try to kill them before the night was through.
“That woman is bad news,” Liam hissed. “There’s something really wrong here. Trust me.”
He didn’t want to say the v-word out loud. He figured they’d laugh and blow off his concerns. Tell him he was making shit up. He really didn’t want to get into that and cause a scene. Not when the vampire might see that scene and choose to investigate.
“What could possibly be wrong about a girl like that at a party like this?” Michael asked, sounding seriously confused. “Weren’t you just complaining that this was a sausage fest?”
“They were also at that pickup artist party,” Anna said. “Are they like a group of models or something?”
“Yeah, they were probably getting paid to be at that party,” Michael said. “It’s also possible that lady is being paid to be here at this sausage fest.”
More vampires stepped into the room. Shit.
“Seriously,” Liam said. “We need to get the fuck out of here, and we need to get the fuck out of here now!”
“But the party is just getting interesting,” Michael said, then glanced nervously towards Anna. “I mean…”
Liam blinked. For a surprise Anna hadn’t smacked Michael. Because both of them were swaying from side to side. Both of them wore goofy grins that said they were both enjoying looking at those alien vampires.
“What’s wrong with you?” Liam asked.
“You know what’s wrong with them,” Olivia said.
Michael turned to Liam and frowned. Like he didn’t care for him interrupting the ogling.
Anna shook her head. She stared at the vampires like she was confused about what was going on. Then she looked at her boyfriend who was still staring at them with that same goofy look.
“He’s got a point,” Anna said, her anger overcoming the vampire mojo. “Why are you staring at those women like you think you have a chance?”
“What’s wrong with me?” Michael said, talking in a monotone. “What’s wrong with you? Some hotties finally show up, Rick did something right for a change, and all you want to do is get out of here when we should be talking to them?”
“We do need to get the hell out of here,” Anna said, though Michael didn’t seem to be paying attention. He’d fallen totally under the vampire spell.
“Look, I can’t explain it. All I can tell you is we need to go. Now,” Liam said.
“What’s going on?” Anna asked, sounding worried for the first time that night. “There’s something weird going on. This feels like back in college the one time someone slipped something into my drink.”
Liam snorted. Thankfully he’d been there to keep a watchful eye on things, and he and Michael had sorted things out when they got that asshole alone in an alley behind the bar. Though it had involved a trip to the ER for Anna.
It’d probably involved a trip to the ER for that dude, too, but they hadn’t stuck around after sorting him out.
“You need to go. Now,” Tori said in his head.
“That’s what I’m saying,” he said. “We need to get out of here!”
“Who are you talking to?” Anna asked.
“The voice in his head,” Olivia said.
“The what?” Anna asked.
“I don’t mean you need to get out of here. You need to go through that door and find me!” Tori said.
“Wait, what?”
“Their ship is on the other side, and that’s where they’re holding me!”
“What’s up?” Olivia asked.
“She says their ship is on the other side of that door,” Liam said.
“Wait, their ship is on the other side of that door?” Olivia said. “This is bad. This is really fucking bad!”
“What ship?” Anna asked. “Liam, I’m seriously starting to think you’re losing it!”
“No time to explain,” Liam said.
“You’re overreacting,” Michael said, still staring at the vampires with that goofy grin.
“He’s overreacting?” Anna said, turning her attention back to her boyfriend who was still ignoring her. “What about your girlfriend saying we need to get out of here? Does that mean anything to you?”
“Look around,” Liam hissed, following his own advice and looking around the room.
As he looked that strange heads-up display thing appeared again. He could see all sorts of things hidden behind an alien projector cleverly hidden in a potted plant, and then just like that the illusion dropped.
For him, at least. Judging by the way no one else in the room reacted he figured they were still seeing a hotel suite.
“Holy shit,” Olivia whispered.
Okay, maybe Olivia was seeing it too. Which made sense considering she seemed to be getting the same info he was getting from whatever Tori was pulling to drop the illusion.
“Wait, what’s going on here?” Anna asked, squinting. “It almost feels like…”
Only Liam was too busy staring all around to bother with what Anna might or might not be able to see. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
All the hotel stuff had fallen away. He could see the projector sending out the image to make this place look like an oversized suite at the hotel, sure, but now that something was allowing him to see through the illusion it didn’t look anything like a suite at a hotel.
None of the suites were this big, for one. He knew because he’d been to the largest suites a couple of times for convention parties past.
There was always someone with more money than sense willing to rent out one of the big boys for a weekend so they could party with some of their best friends and a bunch of strangers who were inevitably drawn to the parties in the big suites, drawn by the siren call of free booze.
What remained after the illusion fell away was a room on a spaceship with exposed piping that took the whole grungy lived-in future aesthetic to extremes. Jets of glowing steam blew out of some of those pipes, though they were high enough that they didn’t hit anybody down below. There were glowing panels all around. And there were the vampires standing in the middle of the room surveying their domain.
“I told you it was their ship,” Tori said in his brain.
“I believe you,” Liam said. “Even if it did take you a little while to come up with that warning.”
“Hey, I’m not operating at one hundred percent right now,” she said.
“I can’t believe it,” Olivia said, sounding equal parts terrified and astonished. “We’re actually in a spaceship!”
“Why the fuck does the room keep flickering around me?” Anna asked, looking around. “And why does it keep looking like something out of Alien when it flickers?”
“Because you’re getting bank shot interference from a ghost woman talking in my head who’s interrupting the alien signal that makes it look like this is a room at the hotel and not a room on their spaceship.”
“I want whatever you’re smoking tonight,” Anna said, shaking her head.
“Look around,” Liam hissed, pointing to the room. “This suite is bigger than anything they have at this hotel. You know this. We’ve been to this hotel plenty of times and we’ve partied in the biggest and nicest suites. And where the hell is Rick? If everything here is aboveboard then where the hell did he disappear to? Do you think there’s a chance in hell he’d leave a party like this voluntarily?”
He knew his friends were falling under the vampires’ sway, and whatever was protecting him and Olivia from their spell wasn’t protecting Michael and Anna. Though Anna didn’t seem to be getting hit quite as hard as Michael.
Michael frowned. Then he shook his head like he was trying to clear away the confusion.
“You do have a point,” he said, speaking slowly like he was trying to work through something and his brain was fogged. Liam had seen him acting like that plenty of times when he’d had a little too much to drink.
“Listen. There’s something I need to tell both of you. The women dressed as vampire vixens at the convention this weekend. They’re actually…”
“There’s Rick!” Michael said, interrupting the big reveal. “I told you he’d be here!”
“Fucking great,” Anna muttered.
Liam followed Michael’s gaze across the room. Rick stepped out of the same door the vampires had stepped out of moments ago. It looked like a blast door that led deeper into the ship, though he knew his friends would be seeing it as a cheap wooden hotel door.
Though normally cheap wooden hotel doors didn’t hiss like Doc Brown’s DeLorean when they opened.
Rick was surrounded on all sides by vampires. If Liam didn’t know any better, know the true purpose of this room, he’d almost think this was a high-price convention brothel.
Only he did know better.
“Is this like a cosplay brothel or something?” Anna asked, repeating the thoughts that’d just been running through Liam’s head.
“What?” Michael asked. “Is that even a thing?”
“That’s the only thing I can think of that would lead to Rick being surrounded by a bunch of women looking that good coming out of a private room,” Anna said.
“I didn’t think that was possible even if he was paying them,” Michael said. “Have you seen his bank account lately?”
“I haven’t,” Anna said. “He gave up trying to get a date with me by telling me how much money he had years ago. Why? Have you? Was he hitting on you and I didn’t know it?”
“Nothing like that,” Michael said. “Let’s just say I don’t think he has all that much to spend on real women after he invested all his money in that 3D printer so he could make his own figurines he downloaded off the Internet.”
“Come on,” Liam said, trying to sound more insistent. “I wasn’t kidding when I said we need to get the fuck out of here.”
Only Rick was coming over to them. Liam rolled his eyes. He didn’t want to talk to Rick under normal circumstances, and he really didn’t want to talk to the asshole at a vampire party.
“You made it,” Rick said, a creepy smile crossing his face as he spoke in a near monotone. “So good to see you.”
His voice and his expression didn’t say that it was good to see them at all. And there was that creepy smile. A smiling Rick, in Liam’s experience, was a Rick he needed to be careful around. Like the time he’d tried passing off some shitty graphics card as top-of-the-line when Liam had announced he was going to be building a new gaming PC, and promptly tried to sell it to him.
“So this is an interesting party you’ve found,” Michael said.
“Of course it’s a good party,” Rick said. “They throw the greatest parties ever.”
“I bet they do,” Liam muttered, looking at the vampires.
“You don’t like the party I found?” Rick asked, hitting Liam with a sharp look.
“What would give you that idea?” Liam asked.
“I can tell from your tone,” Rick said. “I found a totally awesome party, and you’re going to shit on it because that’s what you do when I find something totally awesome.”
“Hold on,” Liam said. “I don’t shit on everything just because it’s something you do. I usually shit on it because the stuff you do is fucking stupid.”
Like tricking them into going to a party full of vampires. Which might account for why Liam was feeling a little more blunt with Rick than usual.
“You’re doing it again!” Rick snapped, not sounding at all like his usual self. Not even sounding like his self from a couple of minutes ago with that creepy smile plastered on his face. “Every time I find something nice you shit on it and tell me why it’s terrible.”
“To be fair, a lot of the decisions you make are pretty fucking terrible,” Michael said.
“This one included,” Olivia said, glancing around at the room in general and at those vampires in particular.
“This is what I’m talking about! Even the new girl is getting in on it!” Rick said. “But I’ve found something way more amazing than anything you’re ever going to find at one of these conventions, and I don’t care if you’re shitting all over it. You’ll see soon enough!”
That sounded vaguely threatening. Liam didn’t like vaguely threatening. Vaguely threatening seemed like the kind of thing that happened right before Rick, acting as the dutiful little thrall he probably was at this point, put their collective cocks on the chopping block and let his new vampire lady friends have a taste.
Normally Liam wouldn’t be against letting a woman as beautiful as those vampires have a little taste, but under the circumstances that seemed like a monumentally bad idea.
“I should’ve known you’d shit all over something amazing I found,” Rick muttered. “She said you would.”
“Who said what?” Anna asked.
Anna looked around the room and frowned like she was picking up on the negative vibe. She looked nervous. Like the mojo these vampire vixens were working on the men in the room wasn’t working on the female of the species.
Or maybe it was that flickering interference she was getting from Tori telling her something bad was going down here.
Meanwhile Liam figured Rick had just been drawn into the mother of all abusive relationships. A relationship where he was going to be led to his doom like cattle to the slaughter.
He also knew the more time he spent here, the more likely it was he was going to end up being one of those cattle being led to the slaughter right along with Rick. He really didn’t want to stick around for that.
“You need to stick around to save me!” Tori hissed.
“I’m working on it,” he muttered, trying to talk low enough that Anna wouldn’t overhear him talking to the voice in his head.
Liam watched one of the vampires break off from the main group and walk over to one of the men at the other end of the room. The guy looked like a kid in a candy store. Like he’d just come downstairs on Christmas and found a massive box in the shape of the videogame system he’d been begging his parents to get him for the past six months.
Basically he looked like he was getting everything he’d ever wanted by having a beautiful woman chatting him up.
Liam couldn’t hear the conversation, but it looked like the vampire was inviting the dude back into that room that was likely a slaughterhouse on their spaceship. And it looked like the poor bastard was shy enough that he was having some trouble believing a woman would be interested in him, let alone inviting him back to her room.
Eventually, though, the vampire got the guy to follow her. He had a big goofy grin plastered on his face, like he didn’t have any idea he was being led to his certain doom like the lamb to the proverbial slaughter.
A moment later the guy disappeared through those doors which slammed shut with a hiss and a clang. Another vampire moved across the room and grabbed Thor with his mighty paunch. Like the only six pack that would ever be on that guy was the spray-painted variety.
Liam knew he was being uncharitable, but he couldn’t help it. He was annoyed with Rick, by this whole situation, and by extension he was annoyed with everyone in the room standing around with those goofy grins waiting to be led to their deaths. He didn’t want to stay here any longer than he absolutely had to. All he gave a fuck about was getting out of there as quickly as he could.
It’s not like shouting to the room that these were vampires would do anything but get him killed. Not when he didn’t have a Galactic Enforcer in the room to save his ass. He was in the den of the beasts, literally, and he wanted to get out of there before he became one of the lovely bony decorations that always seemed to lurk around an apex predator’s den.
“You’re always like this,” Rick said, not realizing that Liam was distracted and not even paying attention to where the one-sided conversation had gone.
“Would you shut the fuck up, Rick?” Liam snapped. “You’re not as fucking smart as you think you are. Especially if you’re too stupid to realize that what’s going on here isn’t what’s actually going on here!”
“What are you talking about?” Rick asked. “It’s just a bunch of ladies trying to have good time with their friends. What’s wrong with that?”
“They’re not ladies trying to have fun with their friends,” Liam said. “They’re…”
He stopped and thought about what he was about to say. Because he didn’t think he was going to convince Rick of anything by telling him the truth. Rick had always had a passing acquaintance with reality on the best of days, but maybe he could come at it from a different angle.
“Look around you,” Liam said. “Do you really think there’s nothing at all odd about the way these women are paying attention to these guys?”
“No,” Rick said with a deluded sniff.
“Come on,” Liam said. “There’s no fucking way any of these women would be interested in any of these men under normal circumstances!”
“You don’t have to be insulting,” Rick said.
Liam could feel the dirty looks from the other men in the room he bank shot insulted them. Okay then. Maybe he’d raised his voice a little too much there.
“I think you just said the quiet part loud,” Michael whispered.
“You’re damn straight,” Liam hissed, his irritation overriding any embarrassment he might’ve felt. “We need to get out of here. Now. All these idiots need to get out of here. Now. Our lives are in danger!”
“Their wallets are probably in danger,” Anna muttered. “I don’t know about their lives, though.”
“I’m not going,” Rick said.
“What?” Liam asked.
“You heard me,” he said, raising his chin. “I’m not going!”
“We’re not leaving without you,” Liam said.
“Who said anything about leaving?” Michael asked, still looking around with that goofy grin that said the vampire mojo was still working on him.
“Like hell you’re not leaving without me,” Rick said. “I don’t need you assholes here harshing my vibe anymore! I’m doing something cool here, and you can fuck off.”
That really pissed Liam off. Here he was genuinely trying to save his friend’s life, for certain definitions of friend, and he was being told to fuck off.
He opened his mouth to tell Rick exactly what he thought. That he was getting sick and fucking tired of his constant bullshit. It was going to be glorious. He was finally going to tell Rick everything he’d ever thought of him.
Only he never got the opportunity. No, no sooner had he opened his mouth to lay into Rick than he was interrupted by a vampire who could’ve been a carbon copy of every other beautiful woman in the room coming up and tapping him on the shoulder.
“Hey!” he said, jumping. Then his eyes narrowed when he realized he was face-to-face with a vampire. His pulse picked up, and it had nothing to do with the beautiful woman standing before him and everything to do with the things he knew were lurking just under the surface. Like fangs she could use to drain all his blood. “What do you want?”
He was a little more deferential when he asked what she wanted. He figured being polite could go a long way when dealing with a bunch of dangerous vampires without the comfort of a blaster.
“You are upsetting our… guests,” she said. “You need to leave.”
The vampire’s body glowed purple as she was surrounded by an information overlay. He got a readout on her vital systems, a value hovering over her head with a bar below it that looked for all the world like hit points, a readout of all her vulnerable areas, and what he’d need to do to take her out.
He also knew, instinctively with that information dump, that he didn’t have anything approaching what it would take to take her out. He was hopelessly outmatched in a fight.
“Fucking great,” Michael said. “You’re getting us kicked out of another party. That’s gotta be some kind of record.”
“I knew you assholes couldn’t hang,” Rick said, hitting them with a smarmy triumphant smile.
Liam looked to Rick, and then to the vampire. He wanted to stand up to her, but there was that readout that told him he didn’t have a chance. He figured that was Tori doing him another solid preventing him from getting in over his head. He also figured if the vampire was giving him an out then it was time to move on, whether or not they could get Rick to come along with.
“Fine,” Liam said. “If you want to be a prick then have your fun with your new friends. I don’t give a fuck. Let your brain get sucked out or your blood drained.”
“What are you talking about?” Anna asked, though the vampire was giving Liam a considering look now.
He probably shouldn’t have given that much away. Oops.
“Later,” Olivia said.
“Oh I’m going to get something drained all right!” Rick said, demonstrating the complete and utter lack of tact that should’ve made it impossible for him to get the attention of any of these women in the first place. He reached down and grabbed his crotch just in case there was any doubt what he was hoping to get drained before the night was through.
Liam figured the surest sign there was something terribly wrong here was that the pretty girl trying to push him out didn’t react to Rick’s crass comment. Any normal woman would’ve gotten pissed off. This one just continued smiling that blank vacant smile.
She was also ridiculously strong, as he found out when she grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the door. Like he would’ve thought she was the fucking Terminator or something under all that hotness if he didn’t know what she really was.
He looked over his shoulder and breathed a sigh of relief that at least Michael, Anna, and Olivia were following. Rick stood rooted to the spot grinning like he was somehow scoring a point by having his new vampire BFF roughing Liam up.
“You will leave now,” she said. “You are not welcome at our gathering, but do not worry. We’ll find a use for you before this is all done.”
“You stay the fuck away from me!” Liam said. “And I’m walking! You don’t have to… Ow! Motherfuckers!”
The girl gave him an especially vigorous shove towards the door. It was only by lurching to the side at the last moment that he avoided having his nose smashed against the doorframe.
“What the fuck is your problem?” he shouted.
“There’s no problem now that you’re no longer in the room,” the vampire said, still smiling that empty smile. “Don’t worry. Your friend will be cared for, and he will fare far better than most at this convention, yourself included. I can promise you that.”
That sounded ominous. Though it wasn’t anything compared to the ominous feeling he got when she smiled. It wasn’t a pleasant smile. It wasn’t a sexy smile.
No, he was looking at a predator eyeing prey. And there were the fangs, of course. He turned to Michael and Anna who stared at the girl and her fangs, and wondered if now would be a good time to reveal everything.
“We need to…”
The vampire slammed the door in his face.
“At least they didn’t recognize us from earlier,” Olivia muttered.
“Why would they recognize you from earlier?” Michael asked.
“Wait, were those…” Anna said, trailing off.
“Vampires? Yup,” Liam said.
“Holy shit,” Michael breathed.
- In Serial127 Chapters
Eleknar's Heir, The Infernal Prince (Demonic LitRPG)
A LitRPG and Epic Fantasy adventure: The son of a mafia boss finds himself abruptly plunged into an alternate world where he must find a way to survive the horrors of a realm called Oblivion, make pacts with demons, form unnatural friendships, and figure out what the hell is going on – all while dealing with the depressing reality of his past. An artificial intelligence has ascended into godhood and has thrown Trey’s home into Chaos, pulling millions of people into an enchanted new life... or, in Trey's case, a violent nightmare. As far as he can tell, he is locked into what the system prompts call a ‘Death Game.’ Here, artificial reality is manufactured for the enjoyment of a being called the All Spirit, and he has a very real chance of truly dying. Just how real is this place though? Is it merely a simulation, a realistic game of life and death… or is it something much more? Elves, dwarves, undead, and other races only thought to exist in fairy tales are now a reality. Black magics, pantheons of gods at odds with one another, predatory symbiotes, and an unholy calling, the significance of which he has yet to grasp, are all entangled with his fate. ============================================ ============================================ Some things to expect when reading this book series: - Brutal storyline where no character is safe and choices have real consequences. Heavy on action, survival, and adventure - An isekai. The main character struggles to find himself, repeatedly crossing the line between good and evil as other important characters influence his life - Harem (explicit), though this only starts about 180k words in. - Good amounts of crafting, town building, and guild building later on - Good amounts of fantasy-related LitRPG stats, rank ups, and evolutions. Heavy focus on demons and black magics - There will be many points of view, but there is only one primary/main character that takes up 90% of the POV - A long storyline. Currently (as of 7/26/2021) I have about 1500k words written, though much of it will have to be heavily edited and re-written. I also plan to go far beyond 1500k words if people like the story (A lot of it is also in the 'backstories' book that explores the guildmates, the link is below) - Chapters will have an average of about 4k-5k words, a little longer than most other books on RR, though there will be exceptions for more and less. I just didn't like posting chapters that didn't feel complete, and 2k words often felt like too little. - If you like super-heroic and goody-goody characters, this story is not for you. ***Updated once a week***
8 309 - In Serial6 Chapters
The Parasite
Henry is a normal teenager. However, one night, when his brother, Max, disappears in the woods, Henry goes to find him, but finds a sinister secret instead. Henry, along with his three friends, go after what was thought to be a urban legend, but find out its more deadly than they expect. Now after 7 relics, they have to find the relics before it finds them. Remember, The Wolf is always watching...(The Parasite Cover belongs to Illystria and can be used nowhere else except this book)
8 123 - In Serial7 Chapters
The Worlds We Leave Behind (GameLit Novellette)
Some days are better than others for Holly. Today is one of the good ones, one of the ones where the crushing grief of losing her son eases back a little, and she's able to face the memories of who her son was, maybe even the potential of who he could have been. She feels like she's made tangible progress over the past three weeks, having progressed from crying on the couch to crying on her son's bed, in the room that he spent so much of his time. When it all finally threatens to overwhelm her again, she stands to leave, bumping his chair and awakening his computer. The voices filtering through the illuminted virtual reality headset are from three of David's best friends. Seperated by thousands of miles in the real world, they had come together inside of the virtual world of Silenia to quest for fame and fortune. At first she is unable to face them, unsure how to tell them that their friend is gone. Once she enters Silenia herself, she discovers that the virtual friendships David forged are as strong as any in reality.
8 221 - In Serial59 Chapters
(previously titled The Vampires Human)"Awe pretty baby, look how cute you look all tied up and crying for us," he softly stroked my face, but the smirk on his lips made me shiver. He turned to look at them, "What should we do with you now?" He asked, lowering himself to my face. I stared at him wide eyed, listening to the others circle around me like lions ready to pray on a lamb. I can't hide my arousal from them, they can sense it, even if I lie, they'll call my bluff. I bit my lip, staring into his red eyes. "Punish me?" ~•~This book contains sexual content, age gaps, light bdsm, and second hand embarrassment. If you don't like submissive female leads, this isn't the book for you.READ THE DISCLAIMER.(cover by @asweetprincess )
7.63 98388 - In Serial50 Chapters
The Lone Survivor
"You sure he's here?""Yeah, I'm sure. Can't you smell him? And haven't you heard about the young leopard shifter who's been spotted around these parts? Talk is that he's the lone survivor, and he's going to be ours"~~~My name is Fabian Davies, and I am a rogue leopard shifter. But it wasn't always this way.I used to have a family, a leap. We all lived in a huge house in the forest together, and we were one of the strongest leaps of our kind. Now, I live alone, scared to let go of the past or venture far from the house that I used to call my home. My leap disappeared five years ago, leaving me with nothing, no trace of where they went. Not even a note.Zion and Chase. The twins who stumbled upon my home and changed my life for good. They seem to know something about my pack, but without knowing their intentions, how can I possibly trust them?I am a rogue leopard shifter, cast aside by everyone I meet. I am the lone survivor.
8 227 - In Serial49 Chapters
the go-getter||nba youngboy
read and see pls :) i promise you'll like it.
8 175