《Anaraknakrium: The Cursid》Wisp Extermination
Ch 2.2
Wisp Extermination and Experimentation
As my internal clock kicked in and let me know its time to wake up I felt a sudden and sharp pain in the back of my throat, at first I was panicking thinking I got some type of dieses from the goblins but after my episode I realized that the silver rock I had picked up was still inside my mouth and was pulsating sending massive amount of pain into my body.
I attempted to spit it out but that didn’t work so I kept trying and nothing I did was working from, force puking, ramming one of my legs into my mouth to wedge it out, trying to chew it and head-butting the rocks to knock it loose but it feels like there are strands forming around it and spanning out gripping everywhere it can be holding it in place.
As I came to realization it wasn’t going anywhere while the pain kept increasing and not being able to eat in the future I went back into a full on panic episode. Thrashing about and breaking pillars around me in further attempt to remove the rock praying for it to let me go.
After an unknown amount of time the pain started to recede and along with it the rock had dissolved transferring a weird liquid into my veins through the strands, with it I felt a massive enhancement that was almost pushing me into a berserk state. Slowly I calmed myself and tried to pull up my notifications. [Notifications]
Through killing minor intelligent beings and eating them you have gained +10 wisdom
Due to actions taken and discovering [Eroding Darkness]
You gain this skill
For eating your prey whole, you have received the trait [Quick eater]
By eating unknown foreign object intelligence and wisdom is reduced by -3
Unknown foreign object has started to assimilate itself with host body
Unknown repercussions stand by for further information.
Foreign object has begun altering host genetic buildup currently unknown.
Host has survived alteration, through further gained information due to characteristics of foreign object it has been identified as [Eye of the fallen]
Host is granted +500 to every stat for surviving the assimilation as well gained the ability.
[ Eyes of the fallen]
After looking at my notification I decided never to ingest a foreign object again, I seriously could have fucking died just now. I mean sure I got some great boosts from it but for the price not really.
Deciding I have brooded over it for to long I decide to pull up the new traits and ability I received from this whole ordeal.
[Eroding Darkness]
This skill allows the user to turn its own organs and fluid into an acidic sludge that upon contact will not do anything until the target moves stimulating the chemical reaction. Upon activation it will reach temperatures of over 2,000 degrees along with a corrosive potency enough to melt through solid steel.
Damage is based off of how much substance is supplied.
If user sacrifices their entirety=(Dot= 2,000 Celsius X Acidic CP ^750= 1,500,000 sec/( couldn’t find an actual measurement so for the story anything over 500 can corrode steel)
Okay now I am officially broken but still I have to use my own body parts and fluid to activate the skill
If I’m not careful I can easily kill myself in attempt to fight enemy’s. for now, I will not use it until I have tested it carefully to get a measurement of the conversion’s needed moving on.
[Eyes of the fallen]
Not much is known about parts that came from the fallen god Kreiton who was once known as the high god of plagues. All that is known about Kreiton is that he was betrayed and cast out of heaven, striped of his immortality and then ripped apart by the gods feral’s to be scattered across the world.
Through assimilating kreiton’s eye you have received the ability’s.
[God’s Identify]
[Gods’ vision]
[Plague caster]
I take back what I said about the price not being fare it granted me some ridiculous ability’s along with a massive stat boost but for now I am on the verge of passing out due to hunger. I am not going to go back down Boneway for a meal so I have to decide on something else to fill me up. Smacking myself mentally across the head I had completely forgotten the [Cavern Wisps] from the day I hatched.
As I looked around my safe heaven hoping my little outburst didn’t scare the wisps away I was relieved to see they were still just bobbing around not realizing there about to be breakfast.
Not really caring for playing it safe after taking on two higher level goblins these wisps are nothing more than worms to me now, instead of shaping myself into a spear again I just brake out into a full on sprint slashing at the wisps one by one with godlike precision that I think is due to [Gods Vision].
Not really delving much on the thought I move forward and continue killing them in the dozens.
Coming to a stop breathing in and out due to exhaustion I realized these things just won’t stop spawning I mean I know I have easily killed a couple hundred but it doesn’t even dent their population.
While taking my breather I decide to figure out where the fuck they keep coming from and after a quick look around I spot it, they are spawning from the crystal pillar at the far right corner of the cavern.
Not really sure if I should destroy it or not I decide to gather my spoils and eat them before I continue, while I was enjoying my appetizers I quickly realized that as long as they keep spawning I have an endless food supply as well as test subject for [Eroding Darkness].
After deciding on my plan I begin to wipe out all of the wisps farther away from the crystal obelisk and proceed to work my way in. Hopefully after I get them rounded up I may find some way to keep them inside and around the obelisk so I can farm them. After about three hours I finish up exterminating all the wisps that are over 100 ft away.
Oh yeah forgot to tell you guys but I can now see the time it’s semitransparent and kinds stays in the upper right corner of my peripheral vision. It’s also not my internal time either it’s the actual worlds time based on your positon and as of right now it is 4:45 pm.
But back on track after rounding them all up I proceed to gather up all the cores from the hundreds or maybe thousand I killed not sure really i will check up on that later, with all of the cores set aside near my crevice or more of a miniature cave now, I look around trying to find something I can use to trap them inside the 100 ft radios of the crystal. After looking around for an hour and with no luck there wasn’t the slightest thing usable to build a fence.
While I lay down pondering trying to find something that will help me in my fragmented memories a quick zap strikes me and I remembered some primitive cultures use bones for fencing.
Even though I vowed never to go back to Boneway I need those bones for my future development and survival so i start my venture back.
Knowing what dangers lurk down Boneway I traverse the path carefully working my way near the bend where the goblins came from, why that far in simple this is where the larger bones of animals and beasts are. Slowly I start to gather the bones while I keep a watchful eye on the path for the slightest change so I can escape as quickly as possible. After gathering about a dozen on my back it’s about time to get back home and start preparing the fencing.
Knowing that the amount I currently have isn’t enough I work with what I have before going back for more, with the twelve or so bones I was only able to seal off a couple of feet, luckily the wisps are dumb and avoid that area so at least I know it will work once it’s done. For the next 5 hours I sneak back and forth with bones slowly building more and more fencing and by the last trip I was able to finish it.
It’s now a little past 10 pm but I don’t feel any fatigue from all the work today, probably due to the massive stat boost and an endless supply of grub, so instead of calling it a night I start my preparations to find useful measurements for [Eroding Darkness].
Waiting for a wisp to spawn I start gathering about a cup of goo in my mouth testing the effects of a reassembly safe dosage for me to throughout, after about 3 mins it pops out and I immediately spit the black sludge that use to be green goo right onto the wisp before it has a chance to bob away, I watch as the sludge sticks all over the wisp stopping its bobbing motion for a sec and as soon as it moved I watched as it exploded everywhere.
Shocked as all hell wondering what happened I pull up my notifications and view the new entry.
Through correctly using [Eroding Darkness] on [Cavern Wisp] with the Dot= 15 Celsius X 15 ACP= 225/s
Because of the dot being more then targets max hp along with [Eroding Darkness] being instantly applied upon motion it caused a severe combustive reaction on the wisp’s body causing it to explode.
Well hot damn that explains it, so now I at least know I have a measurement of:
1 cup of Goo= Dot of 225/s=( 15 C x 15 ACP)
Well now were in business even though every time I cast it on a wisp it will explode I will still be notified of the dps caused by [ED] upon activation. Now though I have an almost instant kill that I can use on the goblins without causing myself to die from expending to much fluids.
As I meet stronger creatures il just have to increase the dosage to maximize damage without expending too much and getting more efficient. Hopefully the more I use [ED] the conversion will reduce so I won’t need to use as much goo to power the damn thing because as of now I am probably caring around 1.5 gallons of usable goo but can only use is 24 times tell I drop dead and only 5-6 safely that’s
Horribly inconvenient not counting the fact the target has to move.
With that weighing on my head heavily I start to get curious and want to quickly explore the right path way before the day’s end, Heading back towards the split off pondering what could happen I can only hope it is something I can manage, as soon I a reach my destination I immediate start heading right keeping my body low and my pace quite, For the next 2 hours nothing strange happens just that the vegetation continues to get denser the further I head inwards.
After I hit the three hour mark the pathway opens up into a large circular dome with plants growing everywhere from inside the small creek, from the ceiling, and along the giant mound that is centered in the middle of the underground garden. Being wary I kept scanning over and over again for the slightest movement hostile or not to bolt back home, as nothing seems to be here I move further in heading straight for the mound to get a birds eye view of the surrounding area.
As soon as I get within 400 ft of the mound my instincts start screaming danger, almost as soon as it does what I though was a mound was in truth a giant mother fucking tortoise but not a normal one this fucker had rows of razor sharp teeth and skin that was made of rock and crystal, before I could even think the bastard shot boulders from its shell straight at me, as I tried to avoid them as best as possible but these things where massive creating craters everywhere they drop.
Barely hanging on to my life it didn’t hit me tell now but he had pushed me away from the exit and kept leading me closer to him, with no choice left I decided to run straight at him hoping to outrun what I hope is a slow giant and finding a way out of here. As quickly as possible I charge the lumbering fuck and brake left dodging an incoming leg that couldn’t even be called anything but a shredder.
While in the process of dodging his attacks I am quickly glimpsing around trying to find a new way out after the way I came got shut in, with no luck only seeing walls of green with no way to tell the difference I even lost track of my way into this mess. As those thought sink in I start to lose hope and lose strength welcoming death due to my stupidity.
Stopping dead in my tracks and welcoming death the giants ceases to bombard me with boulder sized cannon balls and instead starts to slowly approach me opening its giant maw ready to swallow its well-deserved goo cup. As I watch helplessly of my impending doom a reflection of light hits me in the eyes making me look away, as I try to find the source I see what looks like an icy patch of coverage.
Not thinking much of it at the moment I just randomly decide to test [God’s identify] on the damn thing to pass the time before I die because it was the only thing that didn’t fit the environment.
As soon as I target it and active the ability I wave of relief and torrent of fire rage in me all at once because of one simple message blinking in my face:
[Identified guarded crystalized stairs of the Crystal backed tortoise]
Guarded for thousands of years never seen before by any being for the guardian never moves from its position, you are the first to see a long forgotten stair case that will lead to [Acrain Forest] for achieving the feat of moving the guardian you will be granted the passive ability [Crystalized Diamond Body]
Not even sparing a second to finish looking at the notification I book it straight for the stairs, not caring of the possibility the fucker will sit on me I run right underneath him getting closer and closer to the exit before all of a sudden whack hit me only moment’s away from me leaving, looking back he used his tail to swat me like a fly.
Coming to realization that this asshole one let me just walk out without a fight I focus all of my mind and instinct on this one moment of life and death, noticing he is only approaching me without bombarding me I smile(metaphorically) this asshat ran out. With my luck finally turning around I identify the colossal while he slowly walks towards me.
[Giant Crystal backed tortoise]
Hp(10,560) | Mp(4,350)
Highly resistant to physical and magical attacks due to being completely incased in crystal.
Well fucking great got a walking fortress, being completely pissed I decide to dump 14 cups of goo into [ED] pushing it a little but if I don’t kill him in one go I’m fucking dead anyways with this hopefully I can recover before going into shock and dying of organ failure.
As I fill my gut full of goo slowly churning it into the black tar like substance, I keep my distance as much as possible buying me time, luckily the fuck head is Hela slow. As more and more goo gets dumped inside my stomach I can feel the dizziness and headache kicking in as the final cup of goo gets added I almost fainted and barely hung on for the life of me.
Staggering to keep my distance I finally can’t take it anymore and stop moving watching as he gets closer and closer but when he is about 80 ft away my body lets me know that [ED] is ready. I Force myself to stand and get as stable of a stance I can and aim right for him launching the tar straight for his fat fucking face. Time slowed down for me as I watch him move his head at a ridiculous speed and dodge the oncoming tar then looking at me with victory in its eyes. As I watch it miss all my hope and will dies with it, and as soon as it it hit the ground I knew I was dead.
With that on my heart time returns back to normal and I prepare myself to be eaten, as I soullessly stare into my oncoming killer I decide to look over my notification one last time.
Through using [ED] on [Devils Weed] in overabundance a massive explosion will occur in a 80 ft vicinity causing The original Dot of 3,150/sec for 20 sec to combine in one implosion dealing 63,000 dmg in 5 sec please get to safety.
With barely anytime I force myself behind the boulders he had launched at me and hope I will survive the blast and as soon as I finished that thought, (Bo00000om) everything around me became chaos plants being uprooted and thrown around, the ground cracking then launching everywhere and the wind cutting into me from the sheer force.
All of it happened in a matter of seconds and as soon as it came it left, once everything calmed down I decided to look over the boulder to see what the outcome was and in my disbelief the giant was gone and nothing but dirt and shredded vegetation and blood remained. Finally, the relief, exhaustion and goo loss kicked in and I passed out right there not knowing what may happen or if the explosion attracted other beasts leaving me defenseless and easy prey.
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