《Heart Of A Servant》Chapter 22 : Darkness Incarnate


The bulky Magus God then started flexing his muscles. He said, "I, Johnny, will fight you." He then turned to the other Magus Gods saying, "Everybody support me."

Red lightning enveloped Johnny. It seemed to be a Variant Law of the Prime Law of Lightning.

One of the triplets still pouring mana into the copper ring, Zayn, said to Johnny, "Hurry up and deal with that Vampire. The ring is about to be destroyed and we'll need your lightning to deal with the ghost."

The Shadow then laughed and then launched itself towards the Magus Gods only to be intercepted midway by Johnny.

A fist enveloped by red Lightning punched towards the Shadow's chest.

As the punch made contact with the Shadow's body of Darkness, it went through as if it had touched empty air...But Johnny seemed to have foreseen it and then released the Lightning enveloping his fist. The berserk energy contained in the lightning was let go like a bomb and then rampaged in the Darkness body making it disappear into a puff of black smoke.

Johnny then triumphantly laughed, "He's dead now...not much to look at after all."

As if time was reversed, the scattering black smoke then converged together to form the same body of darkness from before.

The Shadow smirked as it said, "You should really learn not to trust your visions of the future because all you really see are just possibilities...and they are just that... possibilities...not the real future. For the future possibility to come true is just like winning the lottery. That's why I should say that the power that your Variant Law gives you is flawed." The Shadow stopped talking probably to make sure that all the Magus Gods were listening and then continued, " Now...I know that each of you can see up to a dozen possibilities or even more if you push your soul to age faster. The possible futures may be different or some of them may be identical to some degree and the future that appears that multiplies itself in your visions, the future that has the most chances to pass, is the future that you rely on to predict the future. I also know that when you all look into the future at the same time and then share your visions through your shared space, you do the same thing and can pinpoint what the future will look like more accurately...but there's a limit to what you can see because you do not dare to push your souls to the limit and see more possible futures...you want to live a little longer...and that's a pity... that's why I say that your Runic Law is flawed when it could be more...so much more..."


The Magus Gods were now flabbergasted and a little bit afraid. I could see it through their eyes that had no more schadenfreude.

The old Magus God then said with a quivering voice, "How...how do you know all of that? How could you possibly know?"

The Shadow started laughing. After he was finished laughing, he said, "Well, because I stole your power. Your Runic Law is mine to use now...and let me let you in on something: I can see infinite futures and my soul doesn't need to pay any price."

It was now that the Magus Gods finally thought they had heard a good joke and then it was their turn to give an exaggerated laugh. It seemed as if they had been unburdened of the tension they felt from hearing the Shadow say everything that was a secret for everybody except for them.

Even I was puzzled trying to understand the cryptic meaning of the Shadow's words. Could it really be as he simply said or was he playing around with the Magus Gods? I believe the Magus Gods believed that he was playing around with them. Stealing a Variant Law wasn't so simple.

The Shadow's face had long turned serious, watching the Magus Gods laugh in his face. I could tell he was just starting to get frustrated.

The Shadow then said, "Oh you don't believe me...Well then have a look... Feast with your eyes at what being Darkness Incarnate really means!"

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