《Im a Kobold, So what》Chapter 21 The Great Stick ExcaliBam


We make our way down to the eleventh floor. Once we reach the bottom we find ourselves in a lush green forest. [How is a freaking forest growing in the dungeon]? {Magic}. [HOW DOES THAT EXPLAIN ANYTHING] While we argue a large ape about twice the size of me sarts eating a fruit. I decided to try out my new weapon. I sneak up behind it raising my staff.

[EXCALI]! -BAM- I smash my staff into the skull of the dire ape. {Why did you just shout Excali}? [Cause that's what I'm naming my weapon Excalibam] {Why Excalibam}? [For you see in the old days when gods walked the earth the god of magic tripped on a stick and brought Devine judgment upon it. However, it was proven innocent and obtained some of the god's powers. The stick than fell from the heavens and stuck into a nearby rock, but was found by a stupid slime and brought to this dungeon]. {Basically your mad that you got a stick instead of a sword right}. [Yeah pretty much].

(Title Acquired: Terrible Namer)

After a short rest, we continue as we're walking down a long corridor I let out a depressed sigh. {What's wrong master}. [It's just... I'm lonely]. {Wait what}? [YOU USELESS GODS WHERES THE HEROINE IN THIS STORY ALL THE HEROES IVE HEARD OF EVEN HAVE THEIR OWN HAREM WHAT DO I GET HUH]. I lean on the wall to calm my self down but as I do I accidentally push a stone in. -RUMBLE RUMBLE- The wall rises up revealing a secret passage. My heart speeds up. [What are we waiting for let's go]. {No patience as usual} Rushing in I come across a large golden chest. My eyes glimmer as I open it [what could it be what could it be wait.... WHAT THE HELL IS THIS]!?


(Name: Body Pillow from another world)

(Description: Some who never found love might satisfy their desires by using these)

-FWOOM- (Skill Activated: Fire Spark)

We stood there in silence for a good while. [We didn't see anything]. {Agreed}. After that traumatizing experience, we continue down the dungeon finally reaching the fifteenth floor.

We reached the fifteenth floor by now and we start looking around. We manage to find a couple of traps and ropers. I happily let Max do all the work. Then we encounter a Salamander, like the one I summoned earlier so I did what any person would do in this situation.

I proceeded to summon another Salamander and me and Max placed bets on who would win. Of course, I bet on my own Salamander. -SKRIRRR- [NOOOO]! My Salamander dispersed as the mini-boss let out a victory cry. {As agreed I get to spend half of your savings}. He had a proud and amused look on his face which pissed me off. [Yeah fine let's kill this thing]. It was a hard battle but we managed to take it out from Max's ice magic. [Wait what's this] I pick up an item strapped around the arm of the Salamander

(Name: Giants Bracer)

(Effect: Strength +50)

No wonder I lost it had this thing on. [This is now mine since it had this thing you cheated]. {What are you talking about that won't even fit you how about I give you back your savings for it}. [mmm fine]. After strapping it to Max he now has to boosts one for Vitality and the other for strength. *Why does he get all the cool items and I get nothing but this stick. {Why don't we stop here and get some sleep}? [YES PLEASE]!

We started setting up camp on the fifteenth floor. I take out some chicken out of the magic bag and start eating happily. {What's our plan going forward}? [You should be the vanguard and I'll be the support I guess]. {I don't like that idea}. [Why not it seems that's what we're best suited for]. {Because I am not about to be lit on fire again}. [Well at least I had fun]. [Alright how about this then I'll hold off on magic until it's necessary deal]? {You will use magic when I say it's necisarry}. *Crap he caught on*. [For now, I guess I'll fight with this staff than]. {Didn't it have a transformation feature why not try that out}? [Oh yeah might as well I guess a ranged weapon would be nice].


(Transformation skilled activated: Crossbow)

The staff changes morphs and changes shapes into a crossbow. [This is actually pretty cool now how to I use it]? {First, you pull back the string than load a bolt and finally pull the trigger}. [And if you don't have bolts what would happen]? {Than it's useless}. [Well that's disappointing I might as well give it a try anyway]. I pull back the string to the crossbow -Click- I heard the clicking sound and point it at the wall now all I got to do is pull the trigger]. As I put my finger on the trigger I could feel the Mana being pulled out of me. [Wait what's going on]? An arrow of fire appears in the crossbow ready to fire and it startled me. [WHAT THE HELL]! Accidentally pulling the trigger the arrow is let loose -CHING- it makes contact with the wall.

The wall on my right that is somehow it curved right for no reason. [Wait what]? {Wow, you're worse at this than you are at coming up with oneliners}. [Oh shut up]. I was mad because I knew he was right. [Let me try again while actually aiming this time]. Max carves a target into the wall for me to shoot at. [Alright let's do this]! Taking aim with my crossbow I let the air loose and it goes straight towards the target. For about five feet that is then it suddenly shot downwards.

[HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK]! Max is laughing his ass off while behind me. I transform the crossbow to a Dagger which I'm more used to. [Let's head on without wasting any more time here]. {HEHE aye-aye deadeye}. *I swear I'm going to get back at him for this*. We March to the sixteenth floor curious about what awaits us next.

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