《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 20: Living Arrangements


When we left the dome, I made Iris cloak us. Khel led the group of people following, which consisted of 12 people. Many did not come because of their personal interests or lives.

“Okay, everyone! Here is a permanent portal to Yadurige that I activated. Come through and you will appear near Khel and I’s room. I think I could construct a shelter for you to live in my room.” I directed the group to the portal.

“I have a question,” Logarth raised his hand. “How will all of us fit in yours and Khel’s room? I’m pretty sure 14 people will not fit in one room.”

“Khel, are you willing to take half of them?” I asked. He nodded, so I continued, “6 of you will come into my room. The other 6 of you will go with Khel. I will help construct shelter for both groups. Trust me, we will have more than enough space for all of you.”

I led Tagarth, Logarth, and 4 other people into my room. I made a lot of flax plants grow and then got linseed oil from them. Then, I grew some trees and bamboo plants to use as building materials. Meanwhile, I chatted with the others.

Other than Tagarth and Logarth, the one other boy was named Ted, and the girls were named Laura, Raina, and Hope. After the waiting was over, I summoned something to levitate the bamboo and wood into positions where I could use the linseed oil to glue them together. I cut them where I needed to, and I ended up with a 7 story house with one giant room on each floor except the bottom. Each room had a bed, a bathroom, a TV, and a button that would teleport them to the bottom floor (I linked my Teleport ability to it), which would be like the lobby in a hotel.


“OK, here is your new home,” I gestured at the building I had just constructed. “The bottom floor has 6 buttons that will teleport you to your floor. There is a paper sheet next to it allowing you to choose which floor you want. Alright, now I’m exhausted, so I’m going to my place to meditate because I have to do this over in Khel’s room too. See you in a while!”

After some deep breathing and relaxation exercises, I rebuilt my magical strength. Gee, I wish I could copy & paste what I just built…

I headed to the exit of my room and into the entrance of Khel’s room. I saw a giant sign that appeared to be a leaderboard saying:

Phoenix Storm Umbra Khel Shanida Lantor Lani

Then I saw people riding horses around in an arena below me. It became apparent that the giant sign was saying the places of the horse riders. Phoenix, Storm, Lantor, and Khel(obviously) were all boys. Umbra, Shanida, and Lania were girls.

Phoenix was leading the group by a lot, but Storm was barely hanging on to 2nd place, Umbra closing in on him. Khel and Shanida were neck-to-neck, while Lantor seemed to be losing the 6th place spot.

Lani was riding like the wind, so I was assuming that they had already raced once, with Lani winning by a lot, meaning that this race had just started and Lani let the others get a head start.

Soon enough, Lani overtook Lantor, Shanida, and Khel and Umbra overtook Storm, so now Phoenix was 1st, Umbra was 2nd, Storm was 3rd, Lani was 4th, Khel was 5th, Shanida was 6th, and Lantor was in dead last. Phoenix, who was ahead by a lot, won the race, bursting through the finishing ribbon. Umbra ran through a few moments later, followed by Lani who had overtaken Storm.


Somehow, Khel made a comeback to beat Storm and ended up as 4th. Storm then passed through a few seconds later. Shanida and Lantor were neck-to-neck as they ran through, but a holographic sign that gave live up-close footage showed Shanida beating Lantor.

“I guess I gave you too much of a head start, didn’t I?!” Lani laughed.

“As always, I’m bad at horse-riding…” Lantor chuckled.

“So now Phoenix has 8 points, Lani has 6 points, Umbra has 4 points, and the rest have no points!”Khel announced. “Wait, is that you Mensal?” He glanced up at me.

“Yes, it’s me. I’m here to construct a shelter. Where do you want it?” I responded.

After lots of discussion, Khel informed me, “Right in the center of the racing track!”

So I got to work, growing the trees, bamboo, and flax plants. Then I used them to construct the same shelter as before. “Hey Khel, do you want to live in this shelter too or do you live somewhere else?”

“I’ll live there too,” Khel responded.

I added the 8th floor, then added in the beds, TVs, bathrooms, etc. “Voila. Everyone, this is your new home!” I gestured at the building I had just constructed. “The bottom floor has 7 buttons that will teleport you to your floor. There is a paper sheet next to it allowing you to choose which floor you want.”

Everyone nodded in understanding, and everyone except Khel went into their room to get settled in.

“Hey Mensal, I just want to thank you for building this shelter for me and my new friends. I know you're probably tired, so go back to your room and get some rest. Seeya!” Khel thanked me, then guided me to the door. I walked through, walked through my door, then collapsed in Yuiops’s cave, then fell into a well-deserved slumber.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” I awoke with a start to an ear-piercing shriek. When I walked out of the cave, I discovered that Yuiops had made an appearance with Tagarth, Logarth, Ted, Laura, Raina, and Hope. Laura and Raina were cowering behind a rock, and Tagarth and Logarth had picked up small rocks to put in their slingshots to attempt to fire on Yuiops. Meanwhile, Hope was nowhere to be seen.

“Mensal! There you are! We need your help with this dragon!” Tagarth yelled.

I sighed deeply, then spoke to Yuiops, “Yuiops, what is the meaning of this?”

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