《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 19: The Zwolennicy Magii


“Welcome to the group of humans that supports mages. We’re called the Zwolennicy Magii.” Tagarth introduced us. “Your friend Welon, or Khel should I say, told me that you two are both mages, and Kajun is-”

“Why do you call yourselves the Zwolennicy Magii?” I interrupted.

“Well,” Tagarth explained, “We call ourselves that because around 1,000 years ago, there was a group called the Protivodeystviye Magii. They were devoted to destroying all but the evilest magical creatures and mages. We call ourselves the Zwolennicy Magii because it means “supporters of magic.” Protivodeystviye Magii, however, means “counteracting magic.” Also, Zwolennicy was the name of the island the ancient Dragon Riders lived on. Zwolennicy Island was sadly destroyed by the Protivodeystviye. As for what happened to the Protivodeystviye Magii, they were stopped by Tyronius and his dragon Thiro, but the details are unknown by most.”

“As I was saying before that,” Tagarth said before I could ask another question, “Your friend Welon, or Khel should I say, told me that you two are actually both mages, and Kajun is too.

We had already been studying you guys to see if you could be part of our group. We were considering recruiting you until you got ‘abducted.’” Tagarth informed me. “Anyways, you can let go of Logarth now.”

As soon as I let go of Logarth, he started running like a madman towards the door as he continuously started pulling out his hair.

Soon enough, he crashed into the transparent door, as he thought there was no door. OOF!!! Logarth crashed onto the floor as he tripped.

I guess I had a worried expression painted on my face, as Tagarth stated, “Don’t worry; he trips or falls at least 10 times a day. It’s like he’s built up an immune system to protect him from falling! Anyways, can you and your friend Khel do a magical demonstration? I’ve gotten everyone excited for it.”

“I like how you said demonstration instead of show. Okay, but we have to get Khel to agree.” I responded.


Khel was surprisingly easy to convince, and we set up a stage to demonstrate our abilities.

“Oi, can we start the demonstration already?” A person from the crowd yelled.

“Okay, what do you want to see?” I asked.

“On the right of your seat is a pad,” Logarth, who had already recovered, announced, “tap which choice you want these images here to demonstrate.”

A few minutes later, the results came in. 66.9% of the people wanted to see summoning, 23.1% wanted to see the elemental attacks, not including Firestorm and Hurricane, 5.2% wanted to see teleporting, and 4.8% wanted to see shapeshifting.

“Alright, so from noon to 1:10 will be summoning. Then we will rest until 1:30 to start showing our elemental attacks. Then, we will take another break and at 2:00, I will start teleporting until 2:15. 2:30 to 3:15 will be shapeshifting.” I read off my planned schedule. “This schedule will be printed out on fliers that you can give out to others that are interested in real magic.

Khel blew the fliers using his wind magic to everyone in the room.

Khel and I went backstage to prepare our magic. “Are you ready?”I asked him.

“Sounds like you’ll be doing a lot of work, so I’m gonna ask you: are you ready?” Khel responded with a question.

I let in a deep breath. “I guess I have to be.”

We planned our entrance, until, at 12:55, Tagarth yelled back to us, “Hey, you guys get ready. Do your magic preparation stuff or something. You’ll be coming on in 15 minutes.”

“We don’t need to prepare!” I called back at him, then cracked my knuckles. “Khel, ready for the plan?”

“You bet I am!!!” Khel chuckled.

I quickly teleported to get Iris, who shrank herself to be able to fit in my pocket. Then, Khel summoned an ostrich that I sort of infused with the ability to run on walls.


“You’re up, boys!!” Tagarth yelled. “Oh boy, I’m excited for this!”

I entered, floating on a reversed forcefield, and the crowd gasped. “Whoa!!!!”

Then someone called out, “Where’s the other boy; Khul, was it?”

“It’s Khel!!!!” Khel yelled as his ostrich ran on the ceiling. His arms hung limply as he enjoyed his upside-down ride.

“Huh???? Where is he?” The crowd chimed.

Khel began running on the walls. “Look at the walls!!!”

He raced all around the room on the walls as he waved. Some people caught a glimpse and waved back. Suddenly, Khel and his ostrich shrunk, due to the precast shrinking spell, courtesy of Iris. Now everyone was even more confused.

Khel and his ostrich hopped between a person’s legs, who was thoroughly surprised. “Everyone!!! Khel and his ostrich just hopped between my legs!!!!”

Khel and his ostrich kept running, undeterred. They ran up a person’s leg, who screamed. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!”

Khel jumped off onto the person’s head, and then grabbed a normal-sized milk bottle and dumped it on that person’s head.

Then, he and his ostrich jumped to the side and turned back to normal size. Meanwhile, the victim of his milk bottle was wiping milk off of his face.

“Ha! Interesting introduction demonstration!” Tagarth laughed, and soon the crowd was howling with laughter, even the victim of Khel.

“Alright, everyone! Khel and I are going to start our demonstration with a summoning.” I announced. “As you can see, Khel summoned an ostrich to the show. However, I’m going to bring out something that will increase my magical strength by a great margin; but please do not panic.”

“Whoo!!! Show us!!!” Someone called.

“All right. But don’t say that I didn’t warn you!!!” I grabbed Iris, and then whispered, “Remember, this is for allies.” I tossed Iris into the air, and then she expanded to a size in between her actual size and her tiny size. She filled up approximately 1/16 of the whole area, even though her actual size could engulf 1/2 of the whole area. Iris then expanded up to 1/8 of the area, then to 1/32 of the area.

“What is that? A beast who can change size?” Someone asked.

All right Iris, use your magically projected voice to speak to everyone in the crowd and Tagarth, Logarth, and Khel. I told Iris.

Okay, I’m gonna have some serious fun messing with them!!! She rubbed her mental hands together.

Hello, everyone gathered here! Iris began.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! What’s that voice in my head??? Get out of here, you silly voice!!!!” Someone screamed and started hitting her head against her chair.

Relax, it’s me, that ‘beast’ that’s changing size. However, although I may be qualified as a beast, I am a royal beast. I am a dragon that is bonded to Mensal. Iris continued.

“Wait, where’s your proof? Mensal, is this dragon actually your bond, and is it actually a dragon? It’s… small compared to what I thought.” Logarth commented.

“Yes, yes, and my dragon is not expanding to her maximum size. If she did, some of you would be pulverized. If you want to see it…” I teleported in short bursts to get to the portal which brought me back to our room. Then, I summoned a peregrine falcon to ride on, as I was afraid I would not be able to teleport into wherever the headmaster's house was due to wards.

After some searching, I found Headmaster Cerri’s house. He sat by the window and looked surprised when I flew past.

“Canwebringagroupofnonmagesthatsupportmagichereokaythanksbye!!!” I yelled as I rushed by the headmaster.

He looked confused and just waved, but I was already long gone. As soon as I got back to the human world, I announced, “Those who want to enter the magical realm of Yadurige, you’re in luck. Follow me! There is a portal that will bring us there.”

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