《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 7: Fight Preparation


I attacked the Mukoili Yeti. Hi-yah! I leaped off of Iris’s back, then plunged the dagger Mloniks into its shoulder. I leaped back off, Iris catching me, then scrambled up its face to stab it in the eye. The Yeti fell over. I stabbed its rib cage with a sickening crunch, then plunged Mloniks through its heart. Everyone cheered. Yuiops roared in approval. I felt so heroic. I woke up, breathing hard. All of that was just a dream, but I felt an urge to hop on Iris and go destroy the Mukoili Yeti. I called Iris telepathically, telling her that I wanted to destroy the Mukoili Yeti after picking up some weapons other than my magic.

I went to my spatial bag, which was distributed by the headmaster, who teleported one to everyone. I had tripped on it right before I entered Yuiops’s cavern. I grabbed some weapons inside, trying to feel the right feeling. Kharabu longsword? Too heavy and long. Kuilos dagger? Too short. Walliop longbows? Too long-ranged. Mhureos shield? Too concentrated on defense. Hutry sword? Too concentrated on offense. Finally, I pulled out the last option, twin Julionb staffs. They were smooth, with runes engraved in them. They were completely made out of solarsilk. I spun both of them, feeling the smoothness. I could get used to this! Hmm…. what should I name them. How about Revanis and Kosmar? Of course! All right, Iris, I’m ready to go fight the Mukoili Yeti! I thought.

Hehe, not yet silly. You forgot about armor! Iris chuckled mentally.

Oh right! I thought back, feeling embarrassed. I reached into my bag, assessing my options. Gurok heavyweight armor, Korug (yes they call it that because Korug’s foundation is just Gurok’s foundation reversed) lightweight armor, Mukolin normal armor, and Tyuop mystery armor. However, for each type of armor, once you put it on, you can’t try a new one until your set breaks, which you can’t break on purpose. I didn’t want heavyweight or normal armor, so it was a decision between the lightweight and the mystery armor. I thought that the mystery armor was glowing, so I picked it.


I figured it would just reveal what it did after I put it on, but nope. I still had no idea what it did. I shrugged and hopped on Iris. Alright, Iris. Let's destroy that Mukoili Yeti!

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