《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 5: Encountering Yuiops


After feeling the bizarre feeling of teleporting again, we arrived back at our room, room 416. Once I entered again, I saw that there were two rooms inside the room. I went into the room marked “Mensal”. An automated voice announced, “Hello, new trainee. The MLD, sifting through your memories, has created one of the best rooms for your room. Please step through this portal to arrive.” I stepped through the portal. I closed my eyes, then opened them to see... an absolute paradise!

I was standing on a floating island, with fountains of gentle, clear water flowing everywhere. Birds chirped, dragons circled, and there even was a floating island on the floating island! Light shone brightly, casting away the darkness. It was beautiful in a scary way, as wild animals prowled the beach, forest, and mountain tops. The automated voice spoke, “My name is Klopros. I have noticed you love sleeping under the stars. I have placed your bed in a suitable position where you have comfort and can see the stars. Be careful, this is not a simulation. It is reality. Some things out of the parameters may happen. Have fun!”

As I considered the automated voice’s, I mean Klopros’s words, I accidentally walked into a cave. Bang! I tripped on a stone and blacked out.

Bang! Bang!! Bang!!! “Where am I?”I wondered out loud.

“Good question. Where are you?” A silvery voice hissed. “I’ll tell you, invading magic territory, human scum! I am the great dragon Yuiops, only answering to Ghandeev.”

“W-wh-what? I’m a human, yes, but I have magic. G-Gh-Ghandeev himself took me as one of his disciples. I-i mean you no harm.” I stuttered.

“Ah, that’s what everyone says. Ghandeev hasn’t taken a disciple in two dragon years. Why should I trust you?”


“U-umm… Sense my magic. If you can detect a trace of Ghandeev.” *sniff* *sniff* Yuiops sniffed me, still out of sight, and sighed,

“How do I know that you are Ghandeev’s disciple and not Ghandeev’s murderer? Besides, Ghandeev has been dead for a dragon year! Plus, you’re too puny for his disciple.”

“Um… How can you answer to Ghandeev if he’s dead? Plus, I know he is alive. Can you please come out now?” I begged Yuiops.

“Fine.” A mighty green dragon with blue lining the tips of his wings and crisscrossing across his back walked out. He had a few scars on his legs and tail. His face, however, was a different story.

“Your face, it’s so… baby-ish!!!”I laughed. “And I bet that your name isn’t Yuiops and that you answer to people other than Ghandeev.”

“I am Yuiops, but yes, I answer to my birth-mother and birth-father, other than Ghandeev, of course.”

“Okay. Fess up. Why do you want people to stay away from your cavern?”

“Fine.” Yuiops sighed. “One of my hatchlings is dying, and I’m too busy trying to find a cure. Their mother died defending them from a Mukoili Yeti.”

“What’s a Mukoili Yeti?”

“An abomination; a monstrosity, a hairy, milky gray, killer beast that is over 324 feet tall and it spits venom from its mouth, has claws that are sharper than mijon, and can use a roar that shatters everything in its path.”

“Okay. Can I see the hatchling, see if I can heal…”I trailed off, not sure which gender the hatchling was.

“Her,” Yuiops responded. “Her name is Kuperos.” I walked over to Kuperos, then realized that she had contracted the disease of guroting. Guroting attacks the bones of one's body by sucking out the marrow, which leaves all of your bones useless, while not breaking them. Luckily, I had been taught how to treat guroting.


“Yuiops, I have to say, Kuperos is pretty resistant. It looks like the guroting has lasted over 3 months, yet the results only seem like it has been a week.''I marveled as I looked closely at Kuperos’s bones with my X-Ray goggles. Looks like Kuperos can still last at least another year with guroting even without treatment!

I brought out the materials needed to treat guroting: marrow vials, zasderop tubes, ground-up bagnorilin scales, and Pinx Jianmed intestine(ew). I used the zasderop tubes to transport the marrow from the marrow vials into Kuperos’s bones. Then, I used the bagnorilin scales to dot the inside of the Pinx Jianmed intestine, then told Yuiops to help me make Kuperos eat it (this medication was specially designed in secret by Kajun for dragons while on break time in school).

Suddenly, Kuperos’s eyes filled with life. Chirrup! Chirrup! Chirrup! Kuperos chirped. Suddenly, Kuperos bounded out of the cavern and started jumping off trees like a lunatic.

“What’s she doing?” I chuckled as I watched Kuperos jump up and off trees.

“She’s trying to start flying again, which is what newborn, recently recovered, and old dragons do to get their wings started.” Yuiops’s eyes followed Kuperos’s path. Kuperos leaped off of a medonia yuter tree, gliding down safely. Then, she spread her wings, flapped them a few times, then lifted into the air. The evening sunlight glinting off her multi-hued scales, creating a beautiful color. She nodded her head at me as if beckoning me to come over to her.

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