《In Life and In Death》Chapter 3


I swing my sword at its head, the side of its face splits open and *CHOMP* it bit my sword in half. I look at it with fear, dread, wonder, and anxiety. Its right side exploded and a swarm of arms comes rushing out and in...my direction “SHIT” I dodge as fast as I can *BOOM* I turn around and I see it collapsing the cave entrance. I feel numb but also glad. I’ve saved my friend’s lives but then the fear creeps up on me. I’m stuck in here. My death will be to that thing, no friends by my side, no kids, no beautiful villa I can rest in for the end of my days.

“Come you stupid piece of shit,” I say in a shockingly calm and cold tone. As I run towards it I try to slash its midsection but nothing happens. It raises a leg and kicks me. I felt my ribs breaking and my head smashes into the wall. I’m going to die

I don’t want to die

I lay there defeated, waiting for death to come to take me

The Monster Starts running toward me

Time seems to freeze

“Do you want to live?”

Of course I do, who doesn’t? Why is it not moving?

“Do you want power?”

I want to kill that thing so it can’t hurt anyone, I must be losing it to make up voices in my head

“Oh I’m not a voice in your head, well no, I am but I’m not JUST a voice in your head”

What are you then?

I am what you call a GOD

Liar, Gods aren’t here, if they were, the blessings would’ve activated and the talismans would’ve worked

Well I’m not one of the Gods you humans follow


I’m much much older than those kids

And I can give you power

I can seal that thing

I can make sure it never hurts anyone ever again

I feel my eyes narrow, what do you want?

A contract, a Deal

If I seal the Ақырет

And give you power

Then you shall guard my dungeon

You shall guard the door to the Ақырет, if Adventurers or this world’s “Hunters” Beat you and release it, then it becomes free again

With triple the strength

I feel a chill run down my spine. Triple the strength? That monster? No one can kill that thing now, who's going to be able to kill it with triple the strength?

So Deal?

I can feel the smirk, that smug feeling, What’s your name?

That’s not something you should know but I’ll make an exception, you can call me The Morning Star

The Morning star? There are no stars that shine during the day

So do you accept the Deal?

I nod my head yes, there’s no other choice. If I can just guard this thing it’ll never be free until I die

Then say “I, Alex Torres, bind my life, soul, and name to the contract, I shall fulfill what the contract states. I do this of my free will, I have not been threatened or forced into this contract. This contract ends on the day of my last breath”

“I, Alex Torres, bind my life, soul, and name to the contract, I shall fulfill what the contract states. I do this of my free will, I have not been threatened or forced into this contract. This contract ends on the day of my last breath”

I feel a cold shackle lock itself around my heart and something else, and then it leaves as if it was never there in the first place


I can see Time restart, the thing starts running again but suddenly stops running and starts …shivering? My eyes grow wide as it tries to run away. I can see it trying to move its legs backward but it’s stuck like something is tieing it down. It opens a mouth and bellows, a horrid sound comes out and pain flashes in my ear.

Before it can do anything else it gets condensed into the size of a pebble. It shines with a bloody crimson light for a brief moment and becomes a small red ruby. All of that fighting for it to be sealed instantly. I stare at the ceiling of the cave. What the hell did I just bind my soul to?

Darkness takes over and I pass out.

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