《In Life and In Death》Chapter 2


“What did it look like Adam?” I asked if this thing could resist all of those it must be pretty big or else they could’ve just restrained it.

“It was blood red...it had nothing but a black eye with a red iris” He ran his hand with missing fingers through his disheveled hair “it had no natural mouth but it could open its body to make a mouth” He was sweating at this point, his eyes looked like he was remembering something “it could make as many arms and legs as it wants… the arms can move in any direction and change the length... it could change any part of its body into anything except its eye” He looks at me “That might be its weak point but I’m not sure...it killed them before we could do anything...that’s all I know..im sorry” He has tears in his eyes, “Adam, I’m going to find this thing and I’m going to kill it. I promise you that” I get up to leave and I see Triston put his hand on his shoulder and said, ”Adam if you need anything just come talk to us ok?” He bobs his head up and down. We leave the guild with Gregory bowing to us, I look at Triston,” We need to talk to the team about this, this thing is extremely dangerous”

“Agreed,” He replies

(Later that day)

“Kate, get Sam, Jack, and the others,” I say, I’ve been thinking about the monster all-day. I need to think of a way to kill it, what could its weakness be? Is it the eye? Where did it come from? Is there more?


If Steel won’t work and neither does silver what will? Can gold work? Who has a gold sword? What about its strength or size adam never said.



I lookup confused

“What? Oh you guys are here, sorry I was thinking” I see Triston on my right next to him is Sam, Jack, Anna, and finally Kate on my left

“What level are you guys now? Triston you first” I ask

“Level 98 mage,” He says, I look at Sam, I think they know I’m going in a counter-clockwise order

“Level 91 Priest” I nod to Sam

“Still a damn 95 rogue,” Jack says in a sad tone, I nod in his direction

“I’m finally a Level 90 Strategist,” Anna says with a smile

“Level 99 Healer,” Kate says with a Smirk in my direction

“Ok, I got to level 99 knight a few days ago” I look at them, They can see my seriousness and stop messing around.

“Whatever we find tomorrow...it will be very very dangerous” I can see that they don’t believe me

“How bad can it be?” Jack says in a smug tone

“It killed almost everyone on Julia’s team… Adam survived but… he’s extremely injured” I can see the disbelief in his eyes. I close my eyes and see Adam’s crippled figure, his missing arm, and his fingers, but what I noticed was his eye. It was filled with fear.

“We are going to need blessings from the Gods and a minimum of 1 escape talismans per person. Sam, can you get those from the local temple?”

“Yes, We can go tomorrow to the temple,”

“Good, rest well tonight. We are going to need it for the upcoming fight,”


(Back to current times)

I get to my knees, My sword is by my side, My shield is broken and I look at that Thing. It’s uninjured, I swear I can see a faint smile under its eye but it must be just me.


“SAM ACTIVATE THE BLESSINGS NOW” I see him start chanting and then...Nothing. That was not a good sign

“SAM HURRY” I can see it turn its attention to me. I raise my sword in preparation for its attack *WOOSH**CLANG* I block its hand but it turns around and grabs me by my neck and flings me.

*CRASH* I Hit the left wall HARD.

“ALEX SOMETHING IS WRONG THE BLESSING WON’T ACTIVATE” I feel the dread fill my bones. That’s impossible, nothing can block a God’s Blessing.

“WHICH GODS DID YOU PRAY TO” I yell in desperation




“I PRAYED TO NATURE, TO DEATH, TO ORDER, TO CHAOS, I HEARD NOTHING BACK” his voice cracks at the end and I see him slump over in defeat. I see Triston sweating as he’s spending more and more mana. I see Kate knocked out and injured, I see Anna sending buffs to Jack and debuffs to the Thing. I see Jack desperately dodge and throwing knives that bounce off its body.

“SAM” He turns toward me

“ACTIVATE THE ESCAPE TALISMANS” I see hope fill his eyes, he turns toward us and I see white energy fill the talismans and then...nothing again. It failed.

“JACK, TRISTON TAKE SAM, KATE, ANNA, AND RUN I’LL COVER YOU” I see the hesitation in their eyes. Their eyes harden and then nod. As they make a beeline for the others, I run straight towards the monster, if I can stall long enough they can make it out and live.

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