《Godling》Chapter 6


"Hey Mike, mom told me that the are doctors have you stay with mom for a week or two until you get better...so I just wanted to leave this voice mail to tell you that I'm borrowing your laptop you keep hidden under your bed, thanks!"

His eyes twitched ever so slightly as he finished listening to his little sister's voicemail.

"Hey mom, Julie said that next time she's here to remind her she has to do the chores list she has on her desk!"

'I'm sure she wouldn't mind doing a couple chores right, maybe do the dished, clean the toilets, sweep and mop the floor.'

~{<> <>}~

"Yawn. Hey mom, any news on...that?"

After being hospitalized for overworking myself I was now being forced to "take it easy" for a week or two before "jumping back into things". 

"No honey, doctors said it'd be about a week before the tests come back."

My mom was the strongest person I know in my life, when my little sister was born my dad ended up dying about a year after leaving my mom to do her best to no only make money so we could live, but also find time to greeve without us knowing.

"...Do you think...its the same thing that killed dad?"

Mom stood frozen with a basket of laundry in her hands before turning away from me and heading towards the laundry room, she decided to ignore the question.

~{<> <>}~


After years of floating in space, it got close enough to let gravity do its job, as it breached the atmosphere its inky black fur caught on fire.

During its free fall it got a good look at where it would crash, rolling hills and peaceful forests, a river flowed through the hills before collecting at the base of a large mountain forming a picturesque lake.


It crash-landed near the lake leveling the surrounding area, the rolling hills became flat ground, the peaceful forest was destroyed by the rocks sent flying from impact, the lake was flowing into the crater it made destroying the picturesque scene from before.

It looked around in excitement, after years of living off its own energy it could enjoy the taste of blood again. Exiting the crater it formed it headed towards the destroyed forest, there was bound to be food for it there.

Many bodies lay sprawled on the ground, the flying stones killed quite the number of animals allowing the beast to feast. After three days and four nights, it returned to the crater to rest for a while. During the impact it ended up opening a couple of old wounds causing blood to flow from them, it ignored the pain and laid at the center of the crater.


It was woken up by the sound of movement close by, an old habit it formed after living within the plain of chaos.

During its sleep, the crater became full of water, on the edge of the crater, there was an animal drinking from the crater while totally unaware that it was staring at it.

Instead of killing the thing it decided to go back to sleep, it was too lazy to get up from such a comfortable place.


The lion left the lake without even realizing that it could have been killed without even knowing how. This wasn't the first time it drank from the lake, a lot of animals fought over the lake with its pride claiming ownership of the lake.

Those who drank from the lake changed over time, their size grew, and along with with it their strength. Those who drank enough from the lake were even able to do unimaginable feats that would never have been possible before.


The lake they worshiped was actually a byproduct of the chaos beat's blood and the lake water mixing, the fact that it decided to stay submerged inside the lake water for so long also had an effect on the lake water. It was a so process but those animals who drank from the lake slowly changed.


The effects of the lake gave a new meaning to diversity, as the offspring of those animals who drank from the lake did the same, and so to did their offspring they

Their connection to mana deepened and by the fourth generation of animals drinking from the lake they grasp over mana was absolute. They could use their mana in ways never done before with their affinity heavily influencing the type of mana available to them.

Their mana capacity relied heavily on their blood, the older a magical beast the greater their mana capacity. And in turns the greater mana capacity the smarter a magical beast is.

But every good has a bad, their is no separating the two sides of the same coin. These...Magical Beasts were now heavily reliant on mana, they could travel through mana less areas but they could not stay in one for fear of mana exhaustion. A magical beast has a low chance of producing an offspring that carries their bloodline, and at certain ages their experience mana tribulations, when their mana lashes back at the magical beast, and if they can't make it through then they perish while the surrounding area is overloaded with mana.


The chaos beast was deep in slumber, it was very similar to the current state of the crimson dragon but instead of changing the beast slowly faded. As the chaos beast completely faded balls of light escaped from its body and flew into the sky before forming a constellation resembling the beast.

All magical beasts looked up at the constellation at the same time, deep down they knew that this constellation represented them, the originator of magical beasts. During full moons, the light from the constellation would focus on one point, the lake.

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