《One Step At A Time》15. The Beast With Many A Back
Karisa stopped caressing Keagan almost instantly.
Catalina’s eyes shook as she wondered what Keagan meant.
“Mmm… this isn’t good at all. My dog has eaten chocolate which is clearly a problem and yet it isn’t dying.” Keagan sang.
Catalina panicked.
She honestly didn’t know what Keagan wanted her to do, even though his instruction was so clear.
Keagan then got up and walked over to her. He looked down at her with his cold, dark eyes as he placed his hands on her shoulders.
“Oh, dear. What ever shall l do?” Keagan said as he slid his hands up her shoulders towards her neck. He then applied a small amount of pressure at the sides, taking care not to squeeze the larynx.
Catalina’s eyes opened as wide as they could as Keagan continuously applied pressure to her neck.
His mind went blank as she choked beneath him.
But then he realized that she wasn’t resisting.
Her arms frantically spasmed around, but she didn’t try to kick him off or push him away.
Keagan then realized that no matter what he did, he could never get rid of her without satisfying her sick fantasies.
He let go off her and watched as she fell backwards.
Tears ran down her eyes, but he knew that she wasn’t crying because she was sad or hurt.
Keagan crawled over her twitching body and looked into her teary eyes. He lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers, but to his surprise, Catalina received his kiss openly.
Actually, she kissed him back passionately which shocked Keagan. He then decided to kick all logic and reason in the balls.
He slid down his pants as his tongue danced with Catalina’s.
His heart raced as he frantically kicked off his pants. He then pressed his body against Catalina’s.
“I-" Keagan tried speaking, but he couldn’t form any words nor sentences. All he could do was act on his desire to take Catalina once and for all. Although it wasn’t clear who’s victory that would be.
Catalina smiled as she pulled Keagan’s head into her bosom, she made sure that he could hear her dancing heart.
Then, Keagan moved her panties to the side and he slid into her with everyone ounce of strength he had.
Karisa gasped upon witnessing Keagan and Catalina as they became one.
She couldn’t help but let out pained moan as Keagan gave Catalina his undivided attention.
She watched as Catalina held Keagan so tight, it looked as though she was afraid he’d suddenly stop and leave her.
Karisa’s body begged for her to join them, but she knew better than to interrupt Keagan.
But then again-
Keagan wrapped his arms around Catalina’s back as he thrust into her with all his might, which wasn’t easy considering the fact that his pain medication had worn off completely at this point.
He could feel Catalina gratefully accept him with every thrust.
Catalina’s moans filled the apartment and her body became a hot sweaty mass as she tightly clung to Keagan.
Catalina must have realized that Keagan was reaching his climax and so she forcefully rubbed her hands down his bruised back.
This made him fuck her even harder and faster, so much so that her eyes crossed, but she wasn’t done.
She then slid her arms across his back again, but this time upwards towards his neck as she too reached her peak.
Keagan let out several grunts as he came into Catalina, who pulled at his hair as her legs flew into the air.
The room quickly fell silent as Keagan and Catalina caught their breaths.
Keagan got off Catalina and watched as she convulsed with pleasure.
He then heard movement behind him.
He turned to look and found a completely naked Karisa. She erotically fondled her breasts as her eyes beckoned him.
Keagan got up and used Karisa’s shoulders to press her into the bed. He then lowered his head to kiss her, but she teasingly tilted her head and kissed him on the cheek.
Keagan the pressed his forehead against hers and applied generous amounts of pressure momentarily.
She got the message and kissed him, gently at first, but once his body came into full contact with hers, Karisa abandon all restraint and kissed Keagan with all she had.
Keagan accepted her his as he fondled her breasts. They were so soft and felt so delicate that Keagan felt as though his hands would disappear into them.
Keagan then turned his attention towards the rest of her body.
Unlike Catalina, who’s body was relatively fit, Karisa was softer and slightly bigger.
Keagan could feel himself getting lost in her embrace. Her rapid, but subtle heartbeat called out to Keagan who had long since lost his pants, so after a little alignment, he was ready indulge in Karisa’s body.
He crudely forced his dick into her with the same amount of passion as he did with Catalina, but Karisa let pained moans rather than Catalina’s animalistic cries.
Keagan looked into Karisa’s eyes and saw tears fall from her eyes as Catalina joined them on the bed.
Keagan ignored her and focused on Karisa.
“Are you ok?” He asked, his voice full of genuine concern.
Karisa smiled as tears continuously ran down her face.
“It’s ok. I’m just so very happy.” She said before Keagan thrust into her again. Her cries of pain gradually turning into desperate moans. She wanted Keagan to give her what he had given Catalina.
Keagan continued to explore Karisa’s body, but she couldn’t help but feel like he was holding back.
Karisa held Keagan’s head in place.
“Go ahead. You don’t have to worry about me-"
“Oh, I’m not. I was taking a little break!” Keagan said as he fucked Karisa’s brains out. He abandon his reasoning and even after Karisa orgasmed herself into a semi conscious state, Keagan continued to ravage her body until he too drowned in intense pleasure.
Keagan collapsed on top of Karisa, who slowly regained consciousness.
Catalina moved in closer to them as they laid bare on the bed.
“I love you Keagan.” Catalina said.
Keagan’s already fatigued heart began racing as he heard Catalina call him by his name for the first time.
“I love you too.” Karisa said weakly.
Keagan was too tired to yell at them about how much he hated them and how they were terrible human beings.
“I… love you too.” Keagan said as the two coiled themselves around him.
Keagan’s eyes slowly closed and he eventually slept.
Keagan was awoken by the sweat smell of coffee.
There was something about coffee that Keagan couldn’t help but love. The more of it you had, the more you wanted.
Taking a sip was satisfying in itself, but drinking a whole cup was bliss. Then you'd realize that it was all gone and make another. A beautiful cycle.
Keagan opened his eyes and found a semi dressed Catalina and Karisa as they prepared something in the kitchen.
He smiled subconsciously as he rose.
His entire body stung like crazy so he quickly took one of the pills Dr. Xander had given him.
Keagan also realized that Dr. Xander had done so much for him and he was yet to thank him.
He brushed that thought aside as Catalina offered him a cup of coffee.
She bashfully smiled before joining Karisa for breakfast.
The morning went by uneventfully.
Keagan wished all of his days were like this, but then he heard a knock on the door.
His heart sank as he wondered who it was.
He cautiously approached the door.
“Who is it?” He asked.
“It’s Mercy. I just wanted to check in on you.” Mercy said.
Keagan opened the door and welcomed Mercy in.
“You seem to be doing ok. Seems like I was worried for nothing-“ Mercy stopped talking as soon as she saw two barely dressed women in Keagan’s kitchen.
“Oh- umm…” Keagan stuttered as he looked between Karisa, Catalina and Mercy.
“Keagan… are you doing some weird role playing things?” Mercy asked as she placed the basket in her hand on the table.
“Nope. That’s just the way they are and you two, get dressed.” Keagan instructed as he sat on the couch.
“Still though… Karisa Astali. She’s like a super model.” Mercy said as though Karisa wasn’t there.
“I don’t care. Anyway, enough about them. How are you doing?” Keagan asked.
“I don’t know why, but Dan hasn’t called me in a while. I should be fine if Andre moves on.” Mercy said as Karisa and Catalina joined Keagan on the couch.
“So… Karisa Astali… you’re Keagan’s…?” Mercy asked.
“Can I be completely honest with you?” Karisa asked, her voice calm and composed.
“Yeah, sure."
“Keagan is our heart. Our soul. Keagan is everything we want and so much more. We love him and he’s our master.” Karisa said as she gleefully smiled. Her face was beet red. So much so that Mercy could almost see the blood circulating beneath her skin.
“Oh- is that so? You really have it rough, huh?” Mercy said as she gave Keagan an awkward smile.
“You have no idea.” Keagan said as he crossed his arms. He then turned on the TV.
[- has been reported missing. The police are investigating his disappearance and Lezzaro is seemingly sparing no expense in their attempt to find one of their top scientists.]
The reporter said.
The headline read: “Head Lezzaro Scientist Peter Cranston has gone missing”
Keagan exchanged glances with Mercy.
“This is bad.” Keagan said.
“Catalina, what rank does Peter hold among the top researchers?” Keagan asked.
Catalina gasped briefly before regaining her composure.
“He is second. Head scientist Erika Schmidt is first, but she’s in France right now.” Catalina said.
“What are you thinking?” Mercy asked as Keagan’s eyes narrowed.
“They’re going to target the production sites.” Keagan said.
“What do you mean?” Mercy asked.
“The guys who attacked me may be targeting Lezzaro’s chemical production lines.” Keagan said.
“That’s understandable, but how did they know to target the head scientists? Normally, if someone wants access to the production sites, you need to be a worker there, or be a head scientist. The guys who attacked you may have forced the information out of a worker and are planning to use the head scientist for easy access to the site. But why didn’t they let him go to work? This may have reduced suspicion, but there was also a chance that he’d run to the police.” Mercy said as she adjusted her glasses.
“Yeah. Let’s wait and see what happens. But we should… I should talk to Dan just in case.” Keagan said as he sat back into the couch.
“Anyway, you’re here. What had you planned on doing? It is Saturday after all.” Keagan asked.
“Nothing much. What were you up to before I got here?” Mercy asked as she removed her jacket.
“Umm… nothing really. Had some breakfast. You know, the usual.” Keagan said with an awkwardly loud chuckle.
“So you usually have two gorgeous babes with you everyday?” Mercy asked as she kicked off her shoes.
“Well, as you know, these two aren’t normal.” Keagan said with a nasal tone.
“I know. So, what were you going to do to them?” Mercy asked as she folded her legs.
“Who? Me? Nothing, much…” Keagan said with a sly laugh.
He knew that Mercy was trying to distract herself from her reality, but he didn’t want to involve her in Karisa and Catalina’s sick game.
“Listen… why don’t we just watch some-"
“No Keagan. I want to be with you right now. Even if it means being with… those two.” Mercy said.
“Ok, but don’t freak out.” Keagan said as he got up. He was still shirtless, so mercy could see his slightly above average chest.
“it’s ok. Besides, this will give me a chance to get close to the spokesperson himself, no?” Mercy said as her face turned red.
Mercy Evergreen. Keagan recited mentally before turning his dark eyes towards her.
“Take off your clothes.” Keagan said as the morning sun danced in the apartment.
Mercy’s eyes widened, but she did as she was told. Albeit hesitantly.
She revealed her bare self to Keagan, who honestly didn’t know why she was going along with his demands. He keenly inspected her rather smooth skin and his eyes wondered around her curly brown hair. Her green eyes and bright smile could steal the heart of any man, but Keagan respected her too much to want to harm her.
Actually, that’s exactly he was trying to show her. His goal was to embarrass Mercy to the point where she’d give up on joining in.
Keagan approached Mercy. His breaths calm. His mind focused.
Mercy wore a set of pale green underwear that complimented her fair skin.
Keagan then placed his hands on her shoulders and Mercy twitched. Keagan wasn’t sure of it was out of excitement, anticipation or perhaps even fear.
“I won’t hurt you.” Keagan said
As he leaned in towards her ear.
“Unless you want me to.” Keagan whispered as Mercy fell backwards onto the couch.
Keagan reached out towards her bra. He patiently waited for her to scream and beg that he stop, but that scream never came.
Keagan slid his hand beneath her bra and squeezed her rather modest breasts.
Mercy offered little resistance as Keagan removed her bra.
“I can stop here if you want me to.” Keagan whispered as Catalina and Karisa watched.
Mercy glanced at them and saw their sorrowful looks as Keagan explored Mercy’s body.
“Keep going. I know this is sudden, but-"
“No, it’s ok. Sorry for testing you. Girls! Get dressed and leave. Mercy and I have some catching up to do. Oh and Catalina, keep an eye on Dan. I’m not sure, but he’s definitely up to something.” Keagan instructed and the girls dressed up and left without question.
Keagan then got off Mercy and took a deep breath, before letting out a sigh.
“Have you had lunch yet? Let’s eat, take a shower then we’ll talk.” Keagan said as he walked over to the kitchen area.
“How are you always so level headed? I just tried tempting you and yet you led me by the nose and observed my reactions… are you a psychopath?” Mercy asked as she slipped back into her pants. She wore her shirt as well, without any underwear beneath.
“Mmm… no. I’m just afraid. Afraid of getting hurt. So I watch. I’ve been hurt so much in such a short amount of time, it’d be foolish of me not to carefully observe my environment. Whether or not this “skill" ends up being useful is up to the universe.” Keagan said as he prepared some microwaveable meals for Mercy and himself.
Mercy watched as Keagan served her a steaming hot meal.
They both ate away and in a matter of minutes, they were done.
“I’m going to shower.” Keagan said as he slipped into the shower. He was surprised by Mercy’s sudden entrance.
“Oh? You’re really serious about this. Mmm… I wonder what Tommy would think of this? Or Catalina and Karisa.” Keagan playfully wondered, but Mercy’s face darkened as she undressed.
“Those two hurt you so badly and yet- I wonder if I will ever be able to forgive Dan and Mr. Astali for what they did.”
“Who says I’ve forgiven them?” Keagan asked, his voice low.
Mercy looked into Keagan’s black eyes and she could see all the hatred and pain he felt, but that didn’t explain any he was sleeping with his enemy.
“But-" Mercy tried saying as Keagan entered the shower.
“It’s complicated. I can’t explain how it works, but I definitely haven’t forgiven them and you shouldn’t forgive Dan either. The reason I do anything I do, my goal is to reestablish a sense of normalcy to my life. A routine. Whether or not Karisa and Catalina are in that routine is up for debate, but I’ll see all this through. Then one day, I’ll sit back on my chair as I play my games without fear. The fear of being drugged. The fear of assault. I even feared for you and I still do. I want all of that to disappear, but in order for that to happen, I need to establish what I want in my new routine. Understand?” Keagan asked as he turned on the water.
Mercy nodded her head slightly, even though all she saw was the movement of Keagan’s lips and the black fire in his eyes.
The two bathed rather slowly before emerging from the bathroom.
Keagan plopped onto his bed and wondered when he’d get to eat some of Roy’s famous stew.
Mercy crawled onto Keagan’s bed and fiddled with her hair as Keagan completely ignored her.
His thoughts swam in the vast dreamscape that was Roy’s stew. Beefy or porky, thick, heavenly goodness!
Mercy tried reaching out to him, but hesitated as she thought about what he said.
Keagan wanted to return to his normal and predictable life. She wondered if she had a place in his world.
“Umm… Keagan-"
“You know, I always thought you and Tommy would make a great couple.” Keagan said rather bluntly.
Mercy’s heart sank.
“Is that so? I dunno. He seems clingy, possessive and insecure.” Mercy said harshly.
“Oh? Then I guess he’s not the one.” Keagan said with a sigh before turning to face Mercy.
“I know what you want, but all being with me guarantees is pain, fear and a sprinkle of misery.” Keagan said.
“But that’s not all there is to you. You’re caring, to me at least. You’re smart. Slightly handsome.” Mercy said as tears rolled down her face.
“Mmm… I’ll take those as compliments.” Keagan droned.
“I want you to hold me.”
Keagan’s eyes narrowed which made Mercy’s tremble slightly. He then spread his arms and Mercy instantly fell into them. He could feel her desperation, her fear and her anxiety.
She probably worried that Keagan would reject her, but Keagan held her tightly.
“Ok, fine. But don’t ditch me when the shit inevitably hits the fan.”
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