《One Step At A Time》14. Skýlos
Tears began welling up in both Mercy and Catalina’s eyes as they bore witness to the sheer amount of damage Keagan had taken. His breathes were short as to minimize the amount of pain breathing caused.
Catalina moved in to touch him, but Mercy knew what Catalina had done to Keagan before.
“Get away from him!” Mercy yelled, prompting Catalina to step away.
“If you’re going to do anything, call an ambulance or something.” Mercy said as she slipped Keagan back into his jacket.
The ambulance eventually arrived and Keagan was taken to the nearest hospital.
However, a few minutes later, he was transferred to a hospital in Cynosure. Not that Keagan could tell, because he was half asleep for most of the time.
Keagan felt his mind return to him slowly. Someone had given him some really potent medicine and it was really working. He opened his eyes to find an entire crowd of people around him.
He checked and saw that he was in a hospital bed inside a private hospital room and sitting around his bed was Mercy, Catalina, Karisa, Silvia and Roy.
“W- what-" Keagan tried speaking but his throat was dry and his lips didn’t move when he wanted them to.
“Shh. Don’t talk. Just rest for now.” Mercy said.
“You poor thing.” Silvia said.
Karisa and Catalina remained silent
Roy, on the other hand, held onto Keagan’s hand tightly.
Keagan didn’t enjoy this feeling.
The feeling of being weak, fragile. So much so that all the people in front of him would look at him with such eyes. He missed the days when his life was in his control, but maybe that control was destined to be short lived.
“The doctor said you should take some time off. So you’ll rest up for a week or so. Depending on future developments. Your injuries weren’t too had, you’ll be discharged tomorrow, but we’ve all decided that it would be best if you were as close to the hospital as possible, so we’ve rented out an apartment just down the road from here. Roy is going to help you with whatever you need. He’ll still have to go to work though.” Mercy said with a smile.
Keagan looked at Roy who still held his hand tightly.
“Th- thank you, but I’ll be-"
“No, Keagan. We’re keeping you safe whether you like it or not. It’s painful, you know. Watching you suffer. It’s hard on us when all you ever do is give us your best.” Mercy said.
“Yeah, she has a point. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay you for your help, so let us take care of this one.” Roy said.
“And what kind of mother would I be if I didn’t repay my daughter's master for his help.” Silvia said.
I KNEW IT! Keagan cursed internally, but everyone seemingly ignored her ludacris statement.
“Thank you. Oh- Mercy, tell Dan that there’s a possibility the guys who attacked me will be looking for the production sites next.” Keagan said.
“Mmm? That’s impossible. Only a high level-"
“I know. Just tell him to keep his guard up.” Keagan said before passing out.
Keagan was eventually discharged the next day and Mercy and Roy took him to the apartment they’d all rented out for him.
It was spacious and it was located in a secure location.
Well, everywhere in Cynosure was secure since the government had declared Cynosure a green zone. This meant that the police and justice system were all top of the shelf, premium stuff where no expense was spared.
Keagan sat in his temporary bed and breathed easily knowing that he wouldn’t be randomly attacked.
Roy and the others prepared the apartment to Keagan’s specifications.
Keagan could even smell coffee in the air.
He turned to find Karisa in the Kitchen area.
The apartment was open planned, so all of the sections weren’t separated by walls.
Well, except the bathroom.
The bedroom was literally one step away from the living room, even though they both had tonnes of space. Actually, this all reminded Keagan of his apartment back in Acan.
Karisa handed Keagan a cup of coffee before everyone gathered around him.
“Ok, we’re off now. Everyone, make sure to give Keagan the space he needs ok?” Mercy said.
Everyone agreed before leaving.
Keagan stopped Roy for a moment before he left.
“Umm… did you tell your brother about this place?” Keagan asked.
There was a suspicion he couldn’t shake off.
“Mmm? Nope. Hey, I know more than anyone that my brother is or was a criminal. If he were to set foot in Cynosure, he’d have a field day. But, onto more important business...” Roy said as his eyes narrowed.
“Why didn’t you tell me you have a harem of assorted babes?” Roy asked with a tinge of hatred in his voice.
“Firstly, they are not my harem. Secondly, all but one of them are completely available, if you feel like taking your chance.” Keagan said while dismissively waving his hand.
“Oh, you can’t lie to me about this. You should've have seen them when the doctor explained how badly beat you were. They broke down into tears and everything. Girls only ever do that if a guy they like in pain.” Roy said.
“Oh? And you learnt this where?” Keagan asked with a smile.
“Umm… life’s a great teacher. Now, as your best friend and business partner. I expect- no. I demand that you share a percentage of your stocks.” Roy said.
“You’ve been watching too much reality TV again, haven’t you.” Keagan droned.
“Anyway, get outa here. I wanna take a nap and your face isn’t helping.” Keagan teased.
“So that’s how it is… hehehe. Luckily I have a trump card that will leave you begging for my company.” Roy said as he walked towards the door.
“What do you mean?” Keagan asked, half scared Md half curious.
“Oh, you’ll see.” Roy said with an evil smile as he left.
Keagan sighed as he sank into his bed. His eyes fell and he eventually found sleep.
Keagan was awoken by the sounds of knocking and so he sluggishly walked towards the door.
It was around seven in the evening, so it wasn’t late enough to warrant excessive paranoia.
“Who is it?” Keagan called out, just I case.
If no one answered, but still knocked, he’d call the police.
“It’s Silvia.”
Crap. Keagan cursed internally. He wanted to ignore her, but she was Andre Astali’s wife. Even if he wasn’t directly rude to her, it would still mean trouble.
Keagan opened the door to find Silvia, Catalina and Karisa.
Catalina and Karisa were dressed in coats, but winter was fast approaching so Keagan paid it no mind.
“Hi?” Keagan greeted.
“Good evening, Keagan. Oh, how I like that name. Anyway, my daughter and Catalina would like to apologize for all the trouble they’ve caused you.” Silvia said as Keagan led them inside.
They all sat down on the couch.
“Mmm… there’s no need for an apology. We’ve already-“ Keagan narrowed his eye’s as he internally glared at Karisa and Catalina.
“-Sorted things out.” Keagan said.
“Oh, my. I just love that look. You have beautiful eyes, you know?” Silvia said.
“You’ve said so before. But I’m really nothing more than a man who really wants to sleep. In silence. By himself.” Keagan made sure to emphasize his words.
“My- such… awesomeness!” Silvia exclaimed out loud.
This freaked out Keagan a little bit.
“Ok. I understand that you may have made up with the girls, but I feel like I should apologize to you as Karisa’s mother and Catalina’s mother figure. Girls?” Silvia said.
Karisa and Catalina stood up and removed their coats, revealing that they were wearing lingerie.
This also exposed some of the markings Keagan had left on their bodies.
Keagan looked at Silvia, but she continued smiling, except this time it was a different… hungrier smile.
Keagan’s eyes widened as Karisa and Catalina approached him.
They then sat next to him and held both of his arms.
Keagan then shot a glare at Silvia and she gasped.
“If you keep looking at me like that- I’ll…” Keagan could see blood accumulating in Silvia’s face as she got more and more flustered.
“I think it would be best if you all left and besides. Aren’t you married, point one. Also, your daughter is almost naked right in front of you, point two.” Keagan said without paying any attention to the Karisa or Catalina.
“I know. I know I’m a horrible mother, but look what that has led to. My daughter has found the perfect man to serve forever.” Silvia said.
“Just what the fuck is wrong with you?” Keagan asked, his face twisted into a frown.
“What did you do to you daughter, so much so that you ended up turning into... that?” Keagan asked.
Silvia lowered her head.
“I tried to give her normal life, but Andre didn’t make it easy.”
“I don’t care.” Keagan said as he got up.
“So, are you going to leave soon, cause I’m gonna take a nap. My head hurts.” Keagan said as he snuck into his blankets.
Karisa and Catalina followed him and sat next to him on the bed.
Silvia joined them as well.
“Come on. The least you could do is listen, no?” Silvia said as Catalina and Karisa joined him in the blankets.
“Anyway, I married Andre quite some time ago, but even then. There wasn’t a spark or something magical that one expects when getting married. No, I married a boring business man. Anyway…”
Keagan blocked her voice out as she spoke and it took about five minutes before she realised that Keagan wasn’t listening.
“Aww. You’re so mean!” Silvia said. With every passing second, her character devolved from a proud woman to what was more akin to an annoying brat.
“We know mother. Isn’t he wonderful?” Karisa whispered.
I HATE ALL OF YOU. Keagan thought, but there was an upside to all of this.
“Mmm… so you’re saying that as an apology, you’d like to give me Karisa and Catalina?” Keagan asked.
Silvia’s eyes lit up.
“Then you are mistaken. I already posses these two, thus you have nothing to offer and no, I do not want money.” Keagan said.
Yes I do. I want a lot of it, but not from you. Keagan thought.
“Oh…” Silvia made a pained sound as Keagan grabbed Karisa and Catalina with both his arms.
“Now, I’d like to punish these two for being trash, so could you please excuse us?” Keagan said, partially hoping that she’d be too embarrassed to stay as he fondled her daughter right in front of her.
He was mistaken.
“Why? I have to witness this.” Silvia said as drool ran down her mouth.
Keagan snapped.
Fuck it.
Keagan sat up and looked into Silvia’s eyes.
She was several years older than him, but Keagan could see beauty in her. She was smaller than Karisa, meaning that Karisa got more of her father in her.
Keagan reached out his right hand.
“What- what do you think you’re doing?” She asked. Her chest rapidly moving in and out. She was nervous and excited.
“I want something… something special. Something exquisite.” Keagan said. His muscles ached, but the pills he had taken were still working their magic.
He wondered what would happen if he even laid a hand on Silvia Tannin Astali and so he did. He gently held her making her gasp.
“I won’t do anything you don’t want to. Girls, go to the couch.” Keagan instructed and the two left.
Leaving Keagan and Silvia alone on the bed.
“Well? This twisted game is reaching it’s midpoint and I wonder what’s in store for me. More pain? Sinister pleasures? I guess it’s time to find out.” Keagan said as he crawled out of the bed.
“Oh, my. Is this how you captured my daughter’s heart?” Silvia asked, her face red.
“No. I hate your daughter. You on the other hand…” Keagan said he could even see her considering every word he said.
Keagan leaned in towards her, but then he noticed that her expression changed.
She sighed and got off the bed.
“Ahem! I must say, Keagan. You… you truly are special. But I like the way I am now. Although I am married to Andre, my heart belongs to no man. Although you may have stolen a piece of mine. I’m going to go home now and I'm going to regret not accepting you and falling deep in love with you. I’ll live out the rest of my days wondering what might have been.” Silvia said as she grabbed her purse.
“You say it like that’s what you want. The pain that comes with you walking away from me.” Keagan said as he sat back down.
“That’s it precisely. I want to painfully torture myself before I sleep as I fantasize about all the cruel things you could have said and done to me.” Silvia said as she walked to the door.
“You’re crazy.” Keagan said.
“I know.” Silvia said before leaving.
The apartment went silent as the minutes ticked by.
Keagan had originally wanted to use Silvia to get to Andre, but that was out the window.
Catalina and Karisa crawled back into bed with him.
“What are you doing?” Keagan asked coldly.
“It’s- it’s been a while since we- you know.” Catalina whispered.
Karisa’s eyes widened.
“Did you-?” Karisa gasped.
“Hehe, no. We didn’t. Unfortunately, at that time you guys were happily drugging me so…” Keagan said as he rested his head on his pillow.
Keagan slipped his arms underneath Karisa and Catalina’s rather warm body’s. He then squeezed their breasts gently, taking care not to hurt them in the process.
“You know, not matter how hard I try. I’ll never enjoy being with you. Actually, if Mercy was open to it, I’d rather be with her. She’s nice and smart. The complete opposite of you two.” Keagan said with a sigh.
“But here I am.” He said as he looked into their eyes. In them, he saw nothing but hunger and sickness.
Keagan then squeezed their breasts again, but he put a little more effort into it this time, this made Karisa and Catalina moan softly.
Keagan looked at the discoloured spots on their once perfect skin. He felt kinda bad. It was really a shame that two perfect bodies belong to such sick monsters.
Keagan then remembered something from a while back.
“Mmm… shortly after we met, you sent me an email with pictures of your naked self. But the name you used was weird. What was it again?” Keagan asked Catalina as she placed her head on Keagan’s chest.
“Skýlos.” Catalina whispered.
“And that means?”
“D- dog." Catalina said and Keagan’s face twisted.
“I’m pretty sure dogs are supposed to be man's best friend. So why are you so horrible?” Keagan asked.
“Sorry.” Catalina apologized.
“Oh? That’s a first. What are you apologizing for? For being a bad dog or for being a bad human?” Keagan asked. His face expressionless.
“Get off.” Keagan said and Catalina got off the bed.
“Let’s see. Since you fancy yourself a dog, I expect more lycan like behaviour. Assume the begging pose. Dog version.” Keagan instructed as he walked towards the kitchen. He then got a pack of cereal and returned to the bed where he sat.
Catalina was on her tip toes, while bending her knees.
“Look, I have a snack. Don’t you want it?” Keagan asked as Karisa placed her head on Keagan’s back.
“Yes!” Catalina cried.
“I don’t believe dogs can speak English. You’re going to have to try a lot harder. Karisa, my belt. I’m pretty sure my pants are somewhere around there.” Keagan said as an intense amount of anger welled up inside him.
“Arf! Arf!” Catalina made a barking noise.
Keagan’s eyes shot open as he was perplexed by her commitment to her sick role.
Karisa handed Keagan his belt and he placed it beside him, before tossing a single cereal at Catalina.
The cereal landed in her mouth.
“Would you look at that. She’s not such a bad dog after all.” Keagan said as an undeniably evil thought crossed his mind.
“Ok. So you can beg. But…” Keagan rummaged through the basket he had gotten when he was discharged from the hospital. He found what he was looking for and waved it in front of Catalina.
“I’m looking for the true immersive dog owning experience and one of the fears all dog owners have is that one day, their little pet may end up eating a piece of chocolate by accident. Come.” Keagan instructed.
Catalina’s expression was one of concern and actual fear, but she crawled towards him regardless.
Keagan removed the wrapper from the chocolate bar and pointed it at Catalina’s mouth.
“Oh no. My dog has accidentally eaten some chocolate.” Keagan said in a monotone voice.
Catalina looked at Keagan with confused eyes.
“Well? You heard me.” Keagan said. His eyes narrow and dark.
Catalina took a bite of the chocolate and smiled weakly at Keagan.
“Mmm… no. Not enough. A dog wouldn’t show such restraint. Eat all of it.” Keagan said. His voice low and his heart calm.
Catalina looked at Karisa, but she was too busy caressing Keagan to care.
Catalina then ate the whole chocolate bar, which made Keagan smile brightly.
“Good. Now die.”
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