《Star Wars: The Twisted Force》Chapter Twenty-Nine: Aftermath


"Citizens of the New Republic – my name is Erathe'dev'enn, junior lieutenant under Admiral Tyllius. I speak to you on behalf of the First Order in regards to a recent disaster that has brutalized both of our peoples. I know we have had our tensions in the past, but after a much-needed change in leadership, the First Order was prepared to retreat from our previously proactive stance, carve out a new lifestyle, and ultimately reconsider our place in the galaxy after the dizzying political shifts of the last few decades.

"In the pursuit of this goal, we found an uninhabited planet near the edge of Republic space, unclaimed but habitable, and poured a great deal of time and resources into building a stable community there. To further ease relations between ourselves and the rest of the galaxy, and prove ourselves a viable business partner, the First Order employed hundreds of companies to aid in the construction effort, including dozens from within the New Republic. All of this was done legally according to the laws of the Republic, and the company records themselves will back up these events.

"Unfortunately, one force in the galaxy was unwilling to give the First Order a chance at peace. The Resistance, a rogue military organization the New Republic has so wisely refused to sanction, invaded our space without warning or attempt to negotiate, and interrupted a solar-draw meant to test the power demands of the planet at high-capacity. This unwarranted attack caused a breakdown of the test and sparked a collapse of our star, resulting in a supernova that destroyed the planet, those of our ships that were in orbit, the hostile Resistance fleet, and almost half of the solar system, including three uninhabitable worlds, ten uninhabitable moons, and three moons capable of sustaining life.

"Millions of Republic citizens were lost in the destruction of the planet, not including the loss of our own people and the independents from worlds outside Republic influence. Many of you do not care for the First Order, but this was not an attack on my people alone. The Resistance risked, and then snuffed out, the lives of New Republic innocents for the chance to strike us where we were weakest. It was a cowardly, underhanded attack, and the First Order calls for the New Republic to finally officially recognize the Resistance as what they are – terrorists and criminals, ruthless in their hatred of all that remains of a conquered, powerless society.


"To all those Republic citizens who have lost family in this brutal attack, the leaders of the First Order send their sincere and heartfelt condolences. I myself hope that this shared tragedy will not be forgotten, but that we can work together to avenge our brothers and sisters against the common enemy of the criminal Resistance.

"In the pursuit of peace for the First Order and for the Republic, thank you."


Ked the New Alderaanian demolitionist cursed, flicking a smokestick nub through the flickering holographic figure frozen - paused - in the middle of the room.

"What a load of stinking rubbish. No one is actually going to fall for this."

"They don't have to fall for it," someone else replied. "All it has to do is make someone wonder, and the damage is done."

"It will be made more or less effective depending on how strongly the Republic suppresses it early on. If the Resistance gets their explanation out quickly and the Republic supports their message over this one, that's it. First Order propaganda debunked."

"Intentions don't change reality! A lot of New Republic citizens were killed, and their families will be looking for someone to blame. By striking first, the Order has a brief window of uncontested explanation, which will create sympathizers."

"But they were the aggressors!"

"Doesn't matter. The Resistance did the bombing."

The conversation erupted. Everyone in the room had something to say, an idea or a counter. The open council - people from the city, the strike force, and the sanctuary on the mountainside – became an open argument.

Leia, alone, said nothing. She quietly moved to step outside, and one of her scholars noticed and followed.

"Master Leia?"

The raised voices behind them were only quieted by the closed door. Leia listened for a while, then sighed heavily.

"I'm not sure. Find Liam. And then we need to talk with the Resistance."

"The pilot? Why him?"

"Because I have a feeling New Alderaan is no longer the Order's first target, and I don't know why. We need to know why."

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