《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 24: A Date In The Dark
For 10 minutes Vedra enjoyed being rough and in control. She was Happy and Satisfied.
Ryan gets up and looks at himself in the mirror and Notices he has bruises and marks all over his body. From her slamming him against the wall and biting him without drawing blood. He smiles at her.
“That was surprisingly fun” He tells her.
“Hope you’re not sore, I got a little carried away with myself” she told him as she puts on Black and Purple gothic dress.
“You are fine. I don’t know why, but that was fun! These marks you left all over me is Sexy in my eyes. It reminds me that you own me” He said as he walks away and grabs a banana from the counter.
“Liz loved this when she turned 18. She loved it a little bit too much, she lived with me for 1 year, but I kept her happy and didn’t judge her” Vedra said while putting her boots on.
“You really miss her don’t you” He said while hugging her from behind.
“In a way I do. But I know shes going to be fine without me” she said while smiling at him.
Ryan goes outside the room and grabs his board, Kite and bar and brings it back inside her room.
“So now that the sun has set, Lets have some fun. You can ride on my shoulders, while we get pulled on this”, He told her while showing her the board.
“What is that? Some sort of tiny carriage?” She asked him while spinning one of the wheels.
“In a way, yes” He said while putting his shoes on.
“Okay, I’m excited to see this “Kiteboarding thing” you speak of” She said as she puts on her Spiked Tierra.
She then walks out of the room and kiss’s his cheek and holds Ryan’s Hand. She blows out all the candles in her room, and then Sees Ryan put on his sword.
“What are you doing Hun?” She said as she started blowing out all the other candles around the house.
“Just grabbing my Sword in case, we encounter Ghouls” He replied ash the room got extreamly dark.
“There isn’t really any need. My Unholy Aura Keeps the demons away so we should be fine” She said as she blows out the last candle in the house.
The whole house is pitch black, and Ryan can’t see anything. She Grabs his hand and leads him outside.
“I’m just going to keep it on me incase I need to cut my kite lines if something bad happens” He told her as he walks out the door with her.
Outside the house the stars were out and there seemed to be another thunderstorm coming from the ocean about 50 miles away. The sun just went down, and the faint glow of Staug City’s Shield could be seen to the west.
“Hey Ryan, I have a question” She asked him while reaching into his pocket and pulling out his cellphone
“What is it Vedra” He asked while watching her hold his phone.
“So, this device I never seen it before, but how does this magical device Broadcast such loud music all over the place?” She asked him as she looks for the Song “In the Dark” again.
“I don’t know. I think it was never meant to be brought into this world. It might be glitching the system or something on some songs” He replied to her.
“what is a glitch?” She asked him while finding the song.
Not really knowing how to explain it to her, He just smiles at her.
“Let’s just call it dark magic” He tells her as he Lays down his board.
“I want to hear that one song again. Can I play it?” She asked him.
“Sure, go ahead and play it” He tells her as he unrolls his kite.
She puts on the Base version of “In the Dark” By Bring me the horizon again and she sings the song with Ryan as he sets up kite lines.
When the song was half-way through, she hugs him and lays her head over her heart and sings to him. She seemed sad. They keep singing the song and Ryan just sways back and forth with her while rubbing her back.
After the song ended Vedra smiled at him.
“Whats wrong?” He asked her.
“Before I was turned into a vampire, I was supposed to go on a date with a Man I liked. I ended up getting stood up and ended up walking into the middle of a warzone in my village. I’m a little tormented and heartbroken about what happened that day. Its hard to explain to you what happened that day, but I am just happy to have a guy take me out again after all these times I been this “Monster” that all men fear” She told him leaning her head on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry, I don’t judge. You’re a Beautiful woman that I am so glad to have been thrown into the hands of. I promise you I will give you the perfect date. Get on my shoulders Honey” He told her.
She smiles at him and hops on.
“Hey, I have another question. In that song there is a Line that says “Deathblow, look at you go
Brought a T-62 to a Rodeo” What is a T-62?” She asked him as he carried her over to the other end of his control bar.
“Where I come from It’s a Medium Russian Tank” He explained to her.
“Oh, so it’s like a Warrior or a Crusader?” She asked seeming interested.
“No, it’s a War machine. But yes, it’s kind of like one of those” He told her as he picks up his bar.
“Oh alright. Its just So catchy” She said as she held on as he leaned down.
Ryan picks up his bar and steps back and pulls back hard. The kite fills up with air and starts to take off.
“What is that!” She asked seeming amazed.
“It’s a Power kite. Its like your own little flying sail” He explained as he put his board on his foot.
“What are you going to do now?” She asked. He looks up at the Moon that was coming out of the storm clouds and smiles.
“Good thing its Friday night, It’s the best night for a date! Just hold on.” He told her as he puts both feet in the straps of the board. He balances and takes his phone from her and puts on the song “Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F)” By Katy Perry
With the Kite flying high the song plays on Global. She smiles at him and then he dives the Kite. The two-start rolling forward and take a Ride to the front of the island.
“This is Amazing!” She screams as they start rolling faster.
“This is what I did when I landed here. I would do this and Kill all the Mobs that would chase after me. They hate it when I play songs on Global” He said while pulling the kite even lower in the wind window. The Kite really starts to pull them hard.
“Oh my god this is so fun!” She screamed as they go even faster.
Ryan sees that Sand ramp from the other day ahead of him and Aims for it.
He hits it just right and the Two of them get launched 15 feet into the Air.
This scares Vedra and she starts screaming and grabs on tight and then Ryan brings them down slowly back to the ground.
“I wish you could teach me this!” She screams in excitement.
“Oh, in time I will! I always wanted to take a girl Kiteboarding with me, this is like My Fantasy of a first date come true! I also wanted to do this with somone!” He told her with a smile.
They sail all the way to the end of the island and stop.
They get off the board and kiss, and Ryan grabs her arm and takes off his clothes and she follows his lead. They run into the water, and He instructs her to hold onto his back. They then Body drag out 400 feet out into the Ocean naked while being pulled by the kite.
“Oh my God This is so exciting Ryan! Its like sailing without the boat!” She screamed as they get dragged through the water.
“You’re the best kidnapper I ever had Vedra!” He screamed with a smile
“So far you’re the best hostage I ever had” She replied back with a smile and kissing his cheek
“Hold on We are about to catch a Wave!” He screamed as he pulled them parallel of the shore. He then speeds them up and matches a wave’s speed and turns them toward the shore. They start Body surfing the wave as the Kite provides them ample speed.
The two Body surf on the wave for 45 seconds and then when they can stand up in shallow water, they run toward the shore holding hands while Ryan Flies his kite with one hand. Then while naked they Pick up their clothes and throw them over there shoulders get back on the board still naked and head back to the other end is the island.
Meanwhile in the middle of the water….
Zephyr and Breanna were swimming in the water and Zephyr was pissed off and paranoid.
“I Told you to keep Hover refreshed on me!” She screamed over the music coming from the island while splashing Breanna.
“I’m sorry I was daydreaming to this song and accidently let the Spell wear off! Can we please head back that way Toward the city? I really don’t want to do this. I heard if you become her pet, you will never be the same. I really don’t want to go to the dark side Zephyr!” She said seeming scared.
“Bitch you Joined a cult! You Already aren’t the same, and you already went to the dark side. You’re not getting out of this! Zephyr screamed while grabbing her shirt and pulling Breanna toward her.
Breanna was holding onto her staff and trying to cast the [Hover] spell on Herself but couldn’t.
“Get us out of the water!” Zephyr screamed.
“I can’t!” I’m just so scared right now to focus. Let’s go back!” She told her.
Zephyr gives her a disappointed face and grabs her and starts pulling her toward the island.
“Fine We will Swim!” She screamed.
“NO!!! I WANT TO GO BACK!” Breanna Cried while being Dragged by Zephyr.
Back on the Mainland Ryan and Vedra just sailed to the other end of the island and got off the board. They were laying on top of each other making out.
10 minutes of bonding they sit in silence and hug each other tight.
“That Awkward Silence” Ryan Said with a Smile.
“Oh, that was exciting! I can’t believe how fun that was. You did that in your past life?” She asked him while sucking on his ear.
Ryan gets up and gets dressed. She does the same.
“Most of this, Yes. Not the skinny dipping or the Streaking though. There was a Law against that but, everything else Yes. This was fun hobby to do on a windy day” He told her while pulling off her tierra. He runs his hands through her hair.
She just smiles at him.
“So, tell me about yourself Vedra, what happened to you. Why are you a Vampire” He asked her.
Feeling like he has earned her trust she opens up.
“A long, Long, Time ago I got caught up in a War. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I Should have been at home and protected my family, instead of gong to a date I would get stood up on. I lost everything that day” She said as she looked up at the storm clouds rolling in.
“Yuleeian forces burned my town down, and I helped fight with Bunnellian soldiers to avenge my family. My fighting efforts were in vain thought, I ended up taking an arrow in the chest and we were losing badly. I Saw Yulee, and thought “Hey you know what I should do? I should attack her before I die”. Well that attack just tickled her and ended up killing one of her Generals that was standing behind her. This pissed her off, and she wouldn’t grant me a clean death. She pulled the Arrow out of me and bit me. She turned me into this monster. I hate her so much, but at the same time I hate myself more because I abandoned my family, for a guy I like that didn’t even like me back.” She told him in a calm tone.
“Wow, that’s fucked up” He told her while hugging her.
“It was, Life has been hard and unfair to me for a very long time. I hate myself for what I did, and what she did to me. You don’t know how scared I was every morning after I was turned. I had to stay in the shade or Face agony. This curse made it so I couldn’t die, and with me killing Yulee’s Boytoy she made damn sure I would suffer. It’s just not fair. No one should ever have to live like this!” She said with an Angry and Crying like tone.
Ryan expects her to start crying, but she just can’t. He holds her tight.
“Look I really want to cry. But being a vampire is just a Damn curse no one should ever go through. I can’t even cry in this form. All I do is drink blood, kill people, and am Cursed to be forever alone. This damn “Date” thing is like something I always prayed for. If I was a ghost this is my Unfinished business that I been waiting for” She said with a Smile.
Suddenly her mood starts to Change.
“Ryan your such and Nice fucking guy, but I can’t believe you killed yourself because of a Bad day. I been through so much pain, so much suffering, that I can’t even kill myself if I wanted. Do you understand how angry that makes me feel!?” She said while poking his Chest really hard.
“You fucked up your life over some dumb bitch. You should of fucking walked up to her and Said, “Fuck you I deserve better” to her face and walked away, instead of Getting on that weird 2-wheel carriage horseless carriage and killing yourself!” She said while Grabbing him in a violent way and pinning him against a Tree. When She does so she causes his phone in his pocket to fall out. The phone some how starts playing “Popular Monster” From Falling in Reverse ¼ into the song on global.
“You Fucking had the world in front of you and You acting like an Emotional stupid cunt threw it all away! I should kill you for how insulting it is for me to want to fall in love with you because of that shit! You could have done great things! I saw how you were always there for your friends! Your friends were Destroyed because of your damn selfish stunt! Then when you died you thought it was funny!” She Screamed while she bashes the back of his head against a Tree. While being slammed Ryan can feel the Island shake with the Song Playing on global.
Suddenly Lightning Strikes and she Vedra’s kiss’s him.
In the shadow of the lightning flash someone could be seen.
Suddenly Ryan is charged out of Vedra’s hands. Liz is seen shoving Vedra down on her ass.
“How the Fuck do you dare Replace me with him! How dare you fucking! Kick me out and Replace me with that mother fucker! I loved you for the past 3 fucking years! How dare you fucking do this to me Master! I Fucking hate you!” Liz said as she grabs her punches her in teeth as hard as she can.
Lindsay cuts the top of her hand open wide from sliding it across her razor-sharp fang. She breaks open her fang picks her up by the Collar and looks her into the eyes.
“I Fucking hate you! You are dead to me now! I wish you were dead you fucking bitch!” She screams as she throws her down onto the sand. Then Lindsay walks away Sobbing.
“Lindsay wait! I Still love you too! I am Sorry!” Vedra said while getting up.
“No Enjoy your fucking new Sex toy! I gave you my Blood, my love, my fucking Loyalty and you kicked me out for someone better then me! Fuck Off! I mean it!!! I want you to Stay away from me and Die Alone!” Liz screamed while sobbing in pain, Rage and Distress while shooting Vedra the finger with Heavy blood loss coming out of her hand.
Suddenly Another flash of lightning Strikes and another shadow figure appears. Zephyr comes out of the shadows and Grabs Ryan’s Spell blade from his sheath and charges at Vedra. She takes the Phoenix feathers from her Dream catcher Hair Extension and holds them in front of the blade of the weapon and plunges it through Vedra’s heart.
She then stands behind her and whispers something in Russian into her ear. “ad zhdet tebya”
Feeling pain and a surge of heat coming from her heart Vedra bows her head and smiles at her.
“YA zhdal etogo, Beregi yego, nesmotrya ni na chto, ne otpuskay yego”
Suddenly another flash of lightning flashes and Ryan sees the outline of his sword through Vedras heart and Zephyr holding it in the bright white light. Zephyr Channels her all her Energy into Activating the swords power. She Meditates as she transfers all her energy reserves into the spells blade. Suddenly the sword heats up super-hot and starts glowing Orangish Blue.
Vedra Screams in pain and agony and the Phoenix feathers that were impaled through her heart Ignites and starts burning her body up on fire.
“Liz!!! I am Sorry!!! I love you! Stay strong! I have faith in you baby! Stay Strong and Never lose hope!” She screams in agony as her chest erupts into flames. Vedra takes the flames that are spilling out of her heart and holds them and smiles at ryan. Suddenly she screams again in extreme agony and explodes into ash. Her Tiera falls on the ground and lays upon her body of ashes along with Ryan’s Blade.
Zephyr Stomps into the pile of ash like a Demented victor and suddenly with her Energy Reserves reaching 0% Zephyr falls over onto her face and is unable to move.
Ryan and Liz fall on the ground Screaming in self-destruction like pain over Vedra’s Murder before Their eyes. Suddenly they hear a Demonic horn getting blown in under there feet. The Horn sounded like it was coming from another Dimension.
Ryan falls over screaming along with Lindsay. They weep and cry their hearts out showing great deal of Torment and Resentment toward Zephyr. Ryan Gets up and with Tears flowing like a river from his eyes he picks up his sword and stands on top of Zephyrs Paralyzed body.
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