《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 23: A Time For Reflection
Vedra wakes up to the sound of raining 6 hours later, and slowly gets out of Ryan’s Arms.
She Thinks about Ryan’s Last day alive she watched in her dream and walks outside her little home into the Rain.
“Damn, Kid has been through a lot” She said as she walks to towards the back of the island.
She thinks hard about her hard times, and what shes been through, and where she is now. She Skims through all the sad memories and Suddenly she smiles when a happy thought came through her head.
“On the bright side I get to Go on a date with a man for once. My first date in 430 years. I hope I My date doesnt turn into the last one, and I end up dying again” She thought to herself with a smile on her pale face.
She finds some Orange Trees and pulls down 2 Oranges, then she walks toward the middle of the woods and finds a Giant Yellow jacket Hive that was burrowed into the ground. A few of the Wasps were on the ground guarding the Colony. Vedra walks up to one and places her hands on the abdomen of the Insect and closes her eyes.
The Wasp takes off Flying, and she walks over to a Banana Tree and takes 2 off of it.
She then walks back to her little house.
The house was built into the ground like a Basement. This was so she wouldn’t have to worry about windows letting sunlight in. When she arrives at her home that Yellow jacket came Flying back with a Red Drum Fish on its stinger. It drops it by her feet and Flies away back to its’s nest.
She picks up the fish and takes it inside. She takes some firewood that Liz chopped up the other day and starts her Wood fire stove. She cuts the fish up, and takes some spices including Garlic, and Sprinkles Them into the meat and then places it in a pan and starts baking it.
She walks outside with the Scraps of meat that she was not cooking and walks toward the ocean. She throws the fish remains in the ocean and wash’s her hands.
Also, in her hands was a bar of soap and some shampoo. She takes off her dress and walks into the Ocean. She Floats on her back, and smiles in joy at the Rain clouds above her. She then Walks out and precedes to lathers herself up with soap and puts shampoo in her hair. She then Walks back to the house naked with her Dress in her hand and walks to a special tree.
This Tree had a focus point of leaf’s where falling rain would focus into a single point and fall down in a thick stream like a waterfall. Vedra Walks under this stream and rinses herself off.
After she is satisfied, she walks back into her house Naked and Ryan was still dead asleep on her bed. She puts on a Red Dress and tends to the Dinner she is cooking him.
She is excited that she has a Man she can take care of, and maybe start dating again. She thinks hard about her last day alive. She remembers Cancelling all her plans for a date with a Man she really liked that day.
She pulls out the Fish and Flips it over and lets it back for 20 more minutes.
She slips back into Ryan’s arms and hugs him tight and slowly and lightly rubs his back. She Thinks about her life and wonders what Lindsay is doing right now. She smiles at a few pictures that were around her room that she drew of them together.
She daydreams and Can’t wait for her first date in a very long time. She Laughs a little bit about the fact they are doing the whole “Go on a Date, then Have sex” thing backwards. But she realizes effort is effort. She wonders why this dude is so damn affectionate. Most guys have a heart of stone and are to manly to show how they feel. She knows he has had a fucked-up life. But at the same time everyone is unique in their own little way. This was kind of cute to her. She knows she comes on as a cold-Hearted bitch at times, but deep down shes extreamly caring when you get to know her.
She gets out of his arms again and pulls his dinner out of the stove. She was happy at how it turned out. She was just a little sad she couldn’t eat it with him. She’s a little dead inside because of this fact. She wants to cry honestly. She never asked to become this little Demon that men feared that only He found attractive.
She leaves it on counter and hops back in bed with him and hugs him. Shes going to let him sleep for 5 more minutes.
But in the meantime, she thinks hard about the music he has. This place was set in a different time and a lot of the music was just plain. Mainly Piano, Flutes, Harps, and drums. Some of His music he would accidently blast on Global was music was from a different time, and the sounds were addicting and interesting to her. There was one song that stuck out though to her. As soon as Ryan would land on her island, He would play it. Then play a whole bunch of other songs. She puts her hand on his head and scans for that song. She finds the Song she was looking for. “In the Dark”.
This song was amazing, and somehow had a strong connection to her the first time she heard it. She liked the instruments and the how the song sounded but at the same time the lyrics spoke to her for some reason.
She pulls out his phone and reads his mind on how to use it. Then Opens it up and She finds 2 songs on his phone in the playlist.
“In the dark (Ft.Halsey) and the base song “In the Dark” By Bring me The Horizon. She knows by what she read the Halsey version will play on global, but she doesn’t want to wake him up. She wants to hear the Other version. She wonders what it will sound like.
She Taps on the Base version of the song and listens to the song while Cuddling with him.
She starts singing along with the song, and since the song was playing on loudspeaker, it wakes Ryan up anyway.
He wakes up to her laying over him singing the song and enjoying it. He wakes up in a panic and checks to make sure the buff slider was off. He then leans back and smiles at her.
“Hey cutie” He said while hugging her.
“I don’t know why I love this song!” She said while singing the song.
Still drowsy, He stretches his legs, and Smiles at her. He then Lays his head in the middle of her breasts and decides to sing the song with her. Happy and feeling a little joy she runs her hands through his hair.
While Singing the song, in her head she daydreams and Thinks about her last date when she was alive. She remembers her mom, Her dad, and her 2 sisters. She Remembers finishing up in her Intermediate Ice magic course and going back home to see her mother making her Roast for the family to celebrate her graduation. She remembers telling her mom she won’t be attending the Feast due to having a date with somone. She remembers going to a Restaurant and waiting to for her date. She remembers swirling her glass of water with her finger and Predicting the future off the reflection. She remembers seeing a Black Skull and blood image in the Reflection. She remembers getting stood up on her date and remembers walking home in shame and crying. She also remembers Seeing the guy she was supposed to have date with that night making out with a Spoiled Nobel girl who she always hated. She remembers breaking down and running home sobbing and running into the middle of a Surprise attack on her town from Yuleeian Forces. She remembers seeing her house burning, Bunnellian soldiers fighting a losing battle and also remembers joining the fight to avenge her family. She remembers getting shot by a Hunter’s arrow and remembers fighting through the rage and pain to stay in the fight. She remembers Firing a Clear shot at Yulee, and her attack being ineffective against the Evil Goddess. She Remembers Yulee walking up to her, choking her with her bare hands and pulling the Arrow out of her chest, and Biting her. She remembers being turned into a Vampire by her and suffering in massive pain. She also remembers running away from the battle in pain, agony, and ashamed she couldn’t save her town. She remembers her first sunrise and how painful it was to her, and her adapting to a new lifestyle of living alone, and in the dark. She remembers Attacking towns to make her feel better, and to get blood. She remembers the countless faces she has slaughtered over the 4 centuries shes been alive and also remembers saving a little girl who was lost. She remembers wanting to Snack on this girl but decides to escort this 8-year-old home. She remembers that girl’s mother being terrified when she was escorted home by her, and her mother begging to spare them. She remembers her mom giving her a Phoenix egg as a Peace offering. She remembers taking it and Raising Daytona. She remembers the peace contract with Staug city and being given her own little island. She remembers meeting 3 troubled woman she helped turn their lives around, and then she remembers Liz. This song is making her want to cry, but her being a vampire she is unable to. All she can do is sing along while Ryan cuddles with her.
Then she thinks about reading Ryan’s last day on earth and how he killed himself. She gets angry at him and squeezes his arm hard. Ryan unaware of why shes putting the death grip on his arm rubs her leg.
In her mind He threw his life away after a bad day and refused to fix it. When she had a horrible day, she stood her ground and fought and ended up losing and forced to Endure torment for over 450 years. Shes upset at him for this unfair comparison of Fate, and yet is a little jealous that he could end his own suffering at his own hand, she could not. She was immortal and cursed to walk this earth alone.
She smiles at the irony that compared to her struggles, shes taking this Pussy on a date tonight. But Shes just going to enjoy his company and will straighten him up for the real world. She hugs him and kiss’s him again on the cheek.
“I made you dinner” She told him while she kiss’s his ear.
“What time is it?” He asked her. He looks at his phone and notices it is 4:30.
“I Slept for 6 hours?” He asked her.
“Yes, I took quite a lot of blood from you during sex, at the same time judging by the Amount of “Stress” you shot into me your body is recovering those lost fluids, and your hormones natural induce sleep. I’m not judging you. Its not like we could do anything during the day anyway” She told him.
“Oh alright” he said as he sat up. He then smells her.
“You smell nice” He says.
“Oh, thank you. I took a shower outside. I love it when it rains. I can go outside during the day and get things done” she said.
“I love it when it rains too” Ryan replied.
She pulls his arm and leads him off the bed. She pulls him into the kitchen, and he sits down at a table. She brings out the cooked fish and gives him some fruit. She goes outside with a glass and fills it up with rainwater coming off a Palm tree leaf.
She puts the glass down in front of him and sits at the other end of the table and smiles at him.
“Eat up, you need to regenerate your blood for me” She told him.
Ryan smiles at her and takes a bite at the fish she just cooked. He notices a distinct taste of garlic in the meat.
“Did you use Garlic on this?” he asked sarcastically.
“Yes, I did” She replied.
“I thought vampires hated this stuff” He said as he took another bite. He liked this meal. Her cooking was amazing.
“Yes, it’s annoying, but It’s not a weakness like everyone thinks it is. Liz loved the stuff. I got used to the Smell. Hell, that drawing over there of that deer is Liz’s little blind baby deer she raised here. She named that cute thing “Garlic”. I love him He eats up all the garlic plants around here, since the boars don’t seem like the stuff. But she would just teleport to the mainland and bring back garlic plants anyway. She was a pain, but I still loved her.” She told him while she places her elbows on the table and supports her chin while smiling at Ryan.
Suddenly Ryan feels a Dark regretful shame feeling shoot down his spine. He flinches in regret and feels bad about that deer he killed now. He shakes a little bit and hopes she doesn’t know what he did.
He just smiles at her because he knows shes watching him.
“That’s Cute!” he said with a Genuinely interested tone While he closes his legs tight.
“So, it’s going to rain for the next 2 hours. Want to do something until it clears up? Also, what do you have planned for me and you?” She asked him while smiling at him.
“I want to take you Landboarding” He told her.
“What is that?” She asked him.
“I’ll show you tonight” He told her. He finishes his Fish and smiles at her.
“This was amazing cooking!” He told her while he peels an orange.
“I Used to be a great cook 400 years ago. It really sucks I can’t eat anything I cook now, but at the same time I been cooking for my servants and they all say the same thing” She told him with an Evil smile.
“Tell you what, I know what I want to do for the next hour.” She said as she gets up and picks his plate up.
She goes outside and rinses off the plate under that same palm leaf she used to fill his glass.
She sees something in the reflection of the water on the plate. She smiles and her mood is changes. Shes extreamly happy.
She then enters back into her candle lit home and puts the dish on the counter. She grabs his arm and pulls him into the living room. She pushes him on the ground and gives him an excited look. He takes a bite of the orange and she runs her finger down his chest.
“Your going to give me an exciting date, tonight right?” She asked him.
“Of course, I am Vedra” He replied while sucking the juice out of the Fruit.
“Well then, Lets have some more excitement in the meantime. I always wanted to do this so don’t judge me if I suck at it” She told him while she unzips his pants.
“Wait what are we doing?” He asked her.
“Oh, something I never done before” she told him with a Horny tone.
Meanwhile back on the mainland….
Zephyr was running through the rain in a thick raincoat and runs into Ernie’s blacksmith shop.
“Good evening” Zephyr said to Ernie.
“Dear your back! How was your trip home?” He asked her.
“It wasn’t great, my family still treats me like shit. Hey, I need an enchanted spell blade” She asked him.
“What for?” He asked.
“Look I need something coated with silver” She asks him.
“The last Spell blade I had that had a Silver Coating on it I sold to Ryan. Its sad about what happened to him” He said while placing his hand on her shoulder.
Zephyr starts crying a little bit, but smiles. She remembers seeing Ryan get teleported away while wearing a different sword.
“Was it like black and Orangish?” She asked him.
“Yep That sword was called “Nightfire” He told her.
“Thank you, Ernie.” She told him while wiping off her tears.
“Hey, I like your new Hairstyle! Blonde and black is pretty cute on you” He told her as She walks away.
She doesn’t say anything back to him and and then heads to the Inn.
She walks inside the Inn and finds a Woman passed out under a table with a big huge hickey on her neck. Zephyr ignores her and then sees Breanna and walks up to her.
“Whats up sis!” Breanna said while giving Zephyr who was soaking wet a hug.
“You owe me a favor. Cancle your plans tonight. And give me some of your phoenix feather. I need 5 of them” She told her.
“Um alrighty?” She said seeming confused. She walks behind her counter and pulls out 5 phoenix feathers and hands them to her.
Zephyr took the feathers and put some of them in her hair and Hung the rest on her dream catcher Earrings she just bought.
“We are leaving now, get someone to watch the place for you we may be out all night” She told her.
“What are we doing?” Breanna asked her.
“Don’t ask questions, just come with me” She told her seeming angry.
“Oh alright? Can you help me get that woman that’s passed out to her room? She seemed to have had some bad date or something. She came in here angry and Screaming and started drinking her heart out” Breanna said while feeling sorry for Kannell.
“Fine” She said while running over to the table and Trying to lift up Kannell.
“Damn this Woman is Huge!” She screamed while struggling to lift Her up on her shoulders.
She manages to get her up on her shoulder and then gets her on her back. Breanna helps support her while she gets her on her back.
“Damn this Bitch has huge knockers!” What type of asshole Rejected her! It looks like she just got herself some though, Look at this Hickey on her neck. She most likely scored something. He really tore in her. It’s like worse than the one I left On Ryan before I left” She said while giggling as she climbs up the stairs with her. Breanna stands back and follows her up the stairs. She then enters a Room with a huge bed and drops her on the bed and walks away.
Zephyr Then grabs Breanna’s arm and pulls her downstairs.
“Caitlyn You’re in charge till I get back!” She screams as she grabs her Staff and a raincoat from the side of the door. Then Zephyr yanks her arm and drags her out of the door. The two run out of the city while it was raining and then walk to the edge of the water line.
“What are we doing?” Breanna asked her while seeming confused.
“We are Saving my Baby! Cast Hover on me!” She demanded. Breanna Casts [Hover] on her and she floats above the ground.
“How exactly are we going to do that? He’s in Vedra’s hands. There isn’t anything we can do” She told her calmly.
“Theres nothing we can do my Ass!” She screamed. The picks up Breanna and puts her on her back.
“Hold on!” She screamed as she started sprinting off toward the island a mile away.
“I’m Coming Baby! I won’t let her hurt you!” She screams as she starts running across the water.
“Oh My god Zephyr you’re going to get us killed!” Breanna screamed as she sees the city’s Shield activate behind them.
Suddenly the song “Yo, ho!” From Blood on The Dancefloor starts blasting from the Island.
“No, we aren’t! That’s why Brought a Healer with Me!” She screams.
“I swear to god if I becomes that bitch’s Sex slave because of you I am going to kill you in your sleep!” Breanna Yelled while Zephyr runs with her.
“Shut up and Keep Hover Refreshed on me! Like I said you owe me this. I saved your ass from that Cult you joined so be quiet and pay your dues” Zephyr Said while Running toward the island.
“Can’t I just Run at my own pace?” She asked Zephyr.
“You run? Don’t make me laugh” Zephyr said while giggling.
“Where is that music coming from?” Breanna asked.
“It’s coming from the Island. Ryan is in trouble. I think it’s a Distress signal! She screamed.
Meanwhile back on the island….
Ryan just received something amazing from Vedra but decided to keep her from finishing. Bored and turned on, they start having sex again to this song That Ryan randomly puts on. Vedra feeling excited and adventurous Decides to be extreamly Rough with him.
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