《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 14: "Some Times Your The Hammer..."
NOUN: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
Ryan Looked up this word on his phone. Its kind of Ironic this man was talking about this word.
Since He has first came here its been challenge, after challenge. Highs, Lows, and something random just happening to him.
Ryan looks outside and notices the wind is blowing. Before he died, he used to live near the beach. He remembered surfing as a kid, skate boarding, hell he even took up Kiteboarding during the summer.
He walks over on the City’s fort wall and looks out over on the horizon again. He sees those 2 islands
“Man, I wish I could go kiteboarding!” He told himself.
He walks down the city and notices a Fabric merchant. He looks at tall the material this lady had, and she had a tone of thin cloth. He pulls out his phone and does a quick search of “Power kites”.
He looks at images of this thing and realizes this lady had enough material to make a 3 square meter airfoil kite.
“Hello” he says to the young blonde lady wearing a black and white dress.
‘Why hello! There what can I get you.” She asked him.
“How much would it cost for me to buy all of this material from you?” He asked while pointing at 2 rolls of Blue and Red Material that looked like nylon.
“Ahh Yes that stuff is quite expensive. It’s called “Dera -Cloth” She said to him.
“May I feel it?” He asked her.
She pulls out a small amount off the roll and hands it to him; He feels it. This stuff is exactly like Nylon.
“Yes, out Alchemists just discovered this material the other month. It doesn’t have any uses except it makes a really good blanket.”
Ryan pushes the material together and tries to snap it apart. This stuff was solid.
“This is like Ripstop Nylon” He says while being amazed.
“Never heard of that material” she replies.
How much for all this stuff? I want to make something out of it.”
$3k for my 3 rolls.
Him thinking this is pretty expensive, doesn’t care. He wants to Kiteboard again.
“I will be right back” He said as he runs down the street to the back.
Another Teenager runs past him: screaming: ”[Shockwave, Mriya’s Dagger of Hidden Shame]!”
Suddenly another Merchant Beside him said: Did somone say ”[Shockwave, Mriya’s Dagger of Hidden Shame]?
Suddenly the Female deputy that was in Warrens office starts chasing after the kid.
“Get back here you little Shit!” She said as she chases him down the road.
“Oh my god I love it here!” Ryan said while falling on the floor Laughing.
Ryan goes into his bank and talks to Garrison.
“Hey I need 4k. I already have a purchase I want to make. He tells him.
“Ok then?” He said in a confused tone. He Walks over to the bank vault and pulls out a Presorted bag of $2k. He hands him 2 of these bags.
He takes the bags and signs a Form stating this is him making the Withdraw.
He walks back over to the Lady merchant stall and notices the Kid was caught and put in the stocks. He had his head and his arms put through these 2 boards and he was leaning over.
“It was worth it!” The kid screamed as the Lady officer was slapping her hands together getting dirt off them.
Ryan puts the 2 bags on the table and smiles the merchant. She looked at the bags and saw they had the banks signature on them, so she took them without counting them.
She smiles at Ryan as she hands him the rolls of material.
Ryan carries these Rolls into Starks shack.
“Greetings!” Stark said as Ryan walked through the door with materials in hand.
“Hey, can you help me make something?” He askes as he puts the rolls Dera-cloth down.
“Absolutely!” he said with excitement.
“It’s a Device you guys may have never seen before, but I know what it is. It’s a Device that captures wind and helps pull you forward” He told him as he puts his phone down in front of him.
The old man looks at it and shrugs his shoulders, but is interested
“It called a Power kite, more specifically it’s called an Airfoil Kite” He tells him.
“Ok, I’ll help you make it” the man said seeming excited to try something new.
Ryan pulls up the blueprints of one off his offline internet and They cut the cloth out with scissors and then start making Ribs for the Air chambers. They Make a 3-meter bottom later, then sew in the ribs. Then they take a top 3-meter piece and sew it on top and seal the trailing edge of the kite back. They then take the cloth Ribs and then make Bridal to connect the Stings to. The man had some thick string that was pretty strong, and they used this for the 3 strings. The left control bridal, the Flag line, and the Right Control Bridal.
“Now I need some string to fly this thing with” He told the man.
“Ahh, I got what you need upstairs. He told Ryan.
The two go up the Squeaky stairs and in that room was a huge amount of string. The roll weighed about 80 pounds.
“How much do you need” the man asked Ryan.
“About 60 meters worth” Ryan said.
Ryan coming from the United States, always used a separate measurement system, but he knows the kite lines he bought when he was alive was always measured in Metric He was lucky that they used the metric system here in this world, but at the same time he’s going have to learn it.
“That’s quite a lot” The man told Ryan.
“Do you have enough?” he asked him seeming puzzled.
“Oh, I am sure I do” he told Ryan.
They take the end of the line and tie it to a Measuring device. They wrap the line around two poles that were exactly 1 meter apart. They wrap the line around it until they get to 20 meters of line. Ryan cuts the line here, and then they do it 2 more times.
They end up with 3 Lines at 20 meters long each.
“Now what?” Stark asked him seeming excited.
“I need to make a Control bar. So, you have any wood?” Ryan askes him.
The man pulls out a wooden Dowel.
“Like this?” He asked Ryan.
“Yes!” Ryan Replied
“What do you plan on doing with it?” Stark asked
“Need to Drill 3 holes in it” Ryan told him.
The man leads Ryan downstairs and shows him his Tools. He picks up a manual hand drill and hands it to Ryan.
Ryan sighs a little bit. He miss’s electricity already. He picks up the hand tool and starts cranking the handle and starts Drilling a hole. He drills 3 holes in about 15 minutes.
Ryan then takes a medium sized piece of rope and feeds it through each hole individually and ties a knot on both ends.
“Its complete!” Ryan said as Stark sits down seeming excited.
“How much do I owe you for the Sting?” Ryan asked him. Ahh just give me 10 gold, I hardly ever use the stuff, so I am not going to be missing it” He tells Ryan.
“Ahh, I see, well now I need to make myself a Board” Ryan replies. He digs into his pocket and puts 15 gold on counter.
The old man just smiles at him.
“I gave you 5 extra, Now Do you have an Any wood I can use?” Ryan asks him.
The man shows Ryan his plethora of wood behind the building.
“Take what you need!” The old man tells Ryan.
Ryan looks at the wood and finds the right thickness and length he needs to make an All-Terrain Skateboard. He finds a Small thin wide plank of balsa wood and thinks this is what he needs.
He walks inside with the plank of wood and asks him a question.
“Hey is there any type of wood you have that has this thickness and is this long? This is way to weak with what I want to use it for” He told him as he hands it to him.
“Hmm not really, take it to the mages, ask them to reinforce it with a Spell” He told him. Ryan sighs.
“Alrighty” He said as he walks outside.
When he gets outside the sun was going down. He’s been working on this kite for 6 hours. He walks across town and talks to some of the mages that were just about to close up the building.
Ryan enters the building and notices 3 mages along with Frostproof reading the newspaper.
“Hello!” Ryan said as he closes the door.
“Hello Ryan, how is your fire training going?” Frost proof said as he folds his newspaper.
“It’s going really good; I wish you told me about Mana Sickness before I left that really hurt you know” He said with a laugh.
“Ahh yes I had my mouth full of bacon and forgot to mention that. So, what brings you here?” He asked while a Woman dressed in a sky-blue dress uncrossed her legs and looked at him.
“Been doing a Project with Mr. Stark. He told me you guys can reinforce this for me?” He said as he held the piece of balsa Wood up.
“Yes, we can” The woman said as she got up. She walked over to him.
The woman was about 5 foot 8 inches (172 cm) tall, had a Large frame and long brown hair. She was had had D cup breasts that matched her frame really well and looked to be around 25 years old.
“Ahh we heard about you bringing down the “City Planning Commission” Ryan” The lady said.
“This is my Daughter Kannell” Frostproof Said while introducing her.
“Shes an arcane Mage, shes pretty Advanced for level. She will reinforce it for you” He told him.
The woman took the board and casted a spell on it. She did it 5 times and slammed it on the floor.
“Ahhh that should be good for you” She said as she handed back to him.
“Is it temporary or permanent?” He asked her.
“It’s a Permanent Reinforcement enchantment why?” She asked.
“Ahh ok. It’s supposed to be used as something I will ride on” He told Kannell.
“Enchantment is free, Thanks to you, those feathers we got from the Phoenix we can do a whole lot of Experiments tommorow. Thank you so much!” She told him while she grabbed her mug full of Beer and took a sip.
“Thank you so much!” Ryan told her while he walks out the door with it.
Ryan stops outside and looks at the time. It was 5:30 PM. Suddenly He hears somone screaming “Close the Gates!” Suddenly He hears the city gates close and looks at the mages in the building walk out and start casting a spell on a Blue Crystal in the middle of the town. Suddenly The crystal emits a loud radiating shield over the city. He watches as the mages charge this crystal for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes they walk away and head to their homes.
He walks back to the inn and notices the black smith was still working. He was making a longsword.
He stops by and walks inside.
“Good Evening Ernie” Ryan said as he enters the door.
“Hello my Racist-hero friend! What can I do for you!” Ernie said while hammering the last few hits on the longsword.
“I’m Not really Racist, but I was wondering if you can make me something” He said as he Draws something down on a piece of paper.
He draws some Skateboard trucks and gives him some measurements.
“They are supposed to be small axels for something I am making can you craft these?” Ryan asked him.
“Sure Can!” Ernie said with excitement.
“How much?” Ryan asked.
“Hmm” Ernie said while scratching his beard.
“I can sand cast these real quick. I can have them done for 500 gold and have them ready for you by the afternoon” He told Ryan.
“Oh, that’s Great!” He said while smiling at him.
“Where is Zephyr at? I wanted to thank her for Taking down those demons. Now My helpers can go into the woods and grab supplies and I don’t have to worry about getting their ass Seduced and killed” He asked Ryan.
“She went home. She said Something about Grabbing Armor and talking to her parents about something that bothered her or something” Ryan replied.
“You didn’t hurt her, did you?” He said while pointing a Red glowing hot sword at his neck.
Ryan jumps back in Fear. And remembers making out with the Succubus and enjoying it in front of her.
“Kind of, but when she gets back, I am going to apologize” Ryan told him.
“You better! That is a very nice girl. Don’t you go and hurt her you hear me!” He said while threatening Ryan with the sword.”
“Yes sir, I promise I will make this right with her” He told him.
“That’s good to hear, she is like a Daughter to me and Stark. I heard you been doing a project with him all day today” He said as he continues hammering the sword.
“Yes, its supposed to be something I can use for fun, hey I have one last question for you” Ryan said as he draws something down on that same piece of paper.
“Can you make me 4 small metal wheel rims? Something like this” He said as he hands him the paper.
“I guess I can. That will be another 500 gold though. I can Throw these into the Sand mold of those other things I am making for you” He told them.
“Thank you! I will be back in the afternoon to get them” Ryan said with excitement
“Ok I will start making the mold for them right now” Ernie said while Ryan walks out the door.
Ryan goes into the Inn and sits down and Breanna Approaches him.
“So, I heard about you being a hero and such to the town, Here eat up” She said as she puts down a plate of Bird meat. Ryan takes a bite of the meat is it tastes really good. It had like a Natural Spicy flavor to it and melted in his mouth like butter.
“Is this phoenix meat?” Ryan said while enjoying the juicy flavor of what he was eating.
“Bet your ass it is. Thank you so much. It’s our most popular dish tonight and its selling like crazy. Hey, I have to tell you something” She said while pouring Ryan a pint of beer.
“what is it?” Ryan said as he takes another bite of bird meat.
“So, your room situation is going to be a little awkward tonight. I booked someone in your room by mistake, I know Zephyr booked a room tonight, and you told me she will be gone for a little while, so I assumed you were going to occupy the paid room tonight. At the same time, I promised Professor Frostproof a room for his daughter who’s going to be in town for a little while. Do you mind if I put her in your room?” she said as she touches Ryan’s Hickey on his neck.
“I don’t mind” He tells her.
“Good, because when your done eating you need to carry her upstairs” She said while pointing at a girl across the room in a blue Dress, who is passed out drunk under a table. 5 men were ignoring her and playing Cards on the table over her.
“Hang on, I just saw her less then 30 minutes ago. Shes already Shit faced?” Ryan asked in a Shocked tone.
“Ya, she drank like 5 guys under the table, after she helped charge the towns Crystal. She won a bet or something like that. Shes pretty fun if you ask me” Brenna said.
Ryan looks down at the Beer she poured next to him. Him being 18, he’s never drank before. IN the United states where he was from, the drinking age was 21. But since he was in a whole different world, he couldn’t help but try it. He kind of really needed it. The Almost getting killed by a bear, Meeting Zephyr, Zephyr almost letting him die unless he kissed her, The encounter with the Shades and the ghouls, The boss fight with Daytona, The succubus’s, The mana Sickness syndrome, and of course the emotional Rollercoaster in the bath today.
Ryan took that beer in front of him and Chugged that bitch.
“What the hell?” Breanna asked while seeming amazed.
“Look no questions asked give me 2 more” He said while eating his meal.
“Alrighty” she said. She picks up the pint glass and pour him another one.
Ryan takes a deep breath and Starts chugging the beer. He’s so damn happy he doesn’t have to spend the night with Zephyr. The bar patrons are cheering him on.
Brenna Facepalms and Pours him another one. Ryan tries to beat his last record, and down this one even quicker. Not ever drinking beer before, these things to him go down like energy drinks or soda. He ignores the alcohol sting and chugs this one down even faster. When he puts the pint glass down everyone was cheering at him and wanted to buy him another round.
Ryan smiles at them.
“Fine one more!” Ryan screams. A man puts some gold on the counter, and She pours him another pint.
Ryan chugs this one down really quick and everyone was cheering.
“Alright I’m going to head upstairs” He said as he takes the last bite of his Meal.
With a Stomach full of beer, he feels weird, but not drunk yet. He Picks up this Woman carefully , she was a Large framed woman who was pretty fit, but at same time her boobs were in the way for him to get a good balanced grab on her. He knows this woman just Enchanted something for him, and him being a gentleman, didn’t want to take advantage of her. There were several people watching. Breanna helps him pick her up. She holds her chest while Ryan slides his shoulder under her. He grabs her and makes his way upstairs with her. Breanna helps keep his balance and when he gets into the Room, He gently places her in the bed on the left side of the room. He takes the blanket and covers her up.
“Don’t try anything foolish” Breanna said while Flicking Ryan’s Hickey and giggling.
Ryan pulls out his phone takes off his shoes and climbs into his bed. It was only 6:30 pm. But at the same time the alcohol was stating to take effect. He never felt this way before. He felt really really good. He thinks about Alexandria, and her cute purple and black hair and suddenly things about Zephyr.
“I shouldn’t be thinking about this demon! Ugg I miss her, but at the same time I’m glad shes gone for a few days!” He said in a bi-polar tone. He looks up how to make rubber on his phone, and some alternative come up for him to use. He reads for about 30 minutes and the earth starts to spin.
He passes out under his blankets and wakes up somewhere in the middle of the woods, at 3am at night. He wakes up laying on the cold forest floor, and to some extreme feeling of Arousal. His head is banging with a splitting headache and when he wakes up, the first thing he sees in front of him shining in the moonlight is a Small blue haired succubus laying on him kissing his ear.
“Have a nice dream Sweety?” The Succubus said while she had her hand over his crotch.
Ryan slowly closes his eyes and pretends this is not happening.
“What the Hell did I do last night!!!” He screamed inside his head
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