《Blue Screen Blues》Chapter 13: "Resilience"
Ryan takes closes his eyes and takes a quick nap. When he wakes up, he thinks hard about Himself.
He doesn’t know if this is Hell or a Game. If this was a Game, it would be fun. But no, it’s just so chaotic, and painful.
Just like his life back home on earth. He thinks about the Succubi that she left him alone with and knew he could have been be killed if she never came back for him.
He opens his eyes and looks into the Mirror. He looks at his Hickey on his neck and thinks about this whole situation.
He says he likes her to keep her around on his side, but at the same time he’s sort of emotionally Abusing her for what happened with that boar. Its just a constant Rise, Fall, Rinse, Repeat Timeline of events with her. He just can’t be man enough to tell her he’s scared of this world and doesn’t want to be alone.
He knows this is no way to treat a woman. She almost died for him, and all he wants to do is keep her as a Friend with Benefits. He’s not man enough to tell her this. He doesn’t understand why he can’t make up his mind with her.
“I’m a fucking monster” he said while he looks in the mirror. He just wants to go home and sit in the corner of his old room and cry and watch the world go by.
He’s here because of a Girl and bad day. He pulls out his Phone and Looks at the screen shots of them fighting the Shades with.
He looks at the picture of when he kissed her and took a Selfie. The expression of her face and his face showed something fucked up.
They looked like the Perfect couple in the middle of a Selfie. The perfect image taken at the time of a Shade bursting into sparks, made it look cute. There was a Symbolic gesture here.
Even in the heart of the chaos. Sparks did fly. He thinks hard about this and lays on the bed.
“Shes an outcast that just wants to be loved” He says out loud. “Shes just like me and I resent her for it.” He said as he drops his phone.
Suddenly there is a knock on the door.
“Come in” Ryan shouted.
Breanna came in and sat on the bed.
“Hey, go talk to Warren, he wants to talk to you.” She told him.
“Alright” He replied. He picks up his Cellphone and stands up.
He walks downstairs and walks out the door. He walks down the Street into the City’s old Jail and walks inside.
He sees Warren and a few others beside him holding a full of gold coins.
“Take a seat son we need to talk” Warren tells him
Ryan sits down, and notices everyone is smiling at him.
“Where’s Lady Thickmane?” he asked him.
“She’s just teleported home. She said she will be back in a few days” he replies to him.
“Oh, that’s a Shame, So heres the deal. The bird you killed has been Scavenged for materials. Everyone here is so happy that you decided to share everything off of it. So, they got together and Want to give you this.” He said as he puts down a big bag of money down on the desk.
“Wait I don’t understand. I thought this never happened” He tells him in a confused tone.
“We made it disappear. Just like the Mafia we chopped that thing up and got rid of the body. The leather workers have a Rare Hide to work with, the Alchemists have Scales, and Feathers to experiment with, and also some of the Townsfolk are enjoying the meat off the bird. Everyone is happy. So, here is your reward”
Ryan picks up the sack and its pretty heavy.
“How much is in here?” He asked as the bag almost pulls him sideways off his chair.
Oh, that bag is just 2,000 gold We have 5 more we want to give you. He tells him.
“Wait hang on. Your telling me that bird was worth $10k?” He said in amazement.
“It sure was!” Like I said Staug city is a fun and people focused city.” He said while smiling at him.
The lady next to him was smiling at him at Ryan. She was in her mid-40’s and was wearing Glass’s and looked like she was one if Warrens Deputies.
“At the same time, we heard from one of our hunters you and Zephyr Took out the “City Planning Commission” a Few hours ago. She said with a Smile.
“Wait we did what now?” He asked in a confused tone.
“Those Three Succubi. Sadi, Madison, and Sydney. We call them the “City planning Commission”. They are preventing this town from prospering. Hunters would go into the woods charged with bringing back meat and never return. They made it so we were zoned into our own little bubble. They made this city hell by making us Conserve our resources. You guys took care of them and that itself earns you another reward.
Suddenly A quest in Ryan’s eyes appears: “Defeat the “City Planning Commission”: Quest Complete! Reward 10,000 XP! Suddenly Ryan levels up to level 13.
Meanwhile Across the continent in the country of Wyozonia….
Zephyr was on the side of this huge street in a big huge city. There were furrys everywhere. Not human hybrids, but Straight up Furry creatures.
Zephyr was Crossing the street when all of a sudden, a Quest complete message pops into her head.
Confused and standing in the street she reads the message.
“Quest complete? Defeat the “City Planning Commission”? she said out loud in a confused tone.
All of a Sudden, a Native American looking purple furry wolf who was Driving a horse drawn Cart at moderate rate of speed swerves to avoid her since shes standing in the street. But ends up accidently side swiping her with his cart. This knocks her down.
“City planning Commission? What the hell is that?” She said while laying on the ground in disbelief
“Move out the way you fucking Disgusting half human Freak!” The man screams as he passes her.
Back in the Staug city Ryan was smiling. “Hey Things, are starting to look up for me” he thought as he stood in front of these people.
“As an added bonus We are going to give you another 4,000 gold. She tells him while smiling.
“Oh wow! That’s amazing! Thank you very much! He tells her.
Do you want help with putting your money in the bank? I mean we don’t mind helping you. Warren said as he picks up 4 bags with ease.
“Sure, if you want, I don’t mind” He says. The other people in the room grabs some bags and Ryan walks all the way down the straight to the bank.
Ryan walks inside and sees a Dwarf and a few Elf’s managing the bank.
“Welcome Ryan! One of the Female elves said while taking the heavy bags off of him.
Ryan walks up to the person in charge and smiles at the Redheaded Dwarf.
“I would like to open an account with you guys” Ryan told Him.
Suddenly a White man in his early 20’s comes running out of his office and Greats Ryan.
“Welcome to Staug City bank! I am Garrison please have a seat!” The man said in a hastily tone.
“We heard about your Current accomplishments already, getting locked out at night, bringing down Daytona, Defeating the City planning Commission, we already set up an account for you. He tells him.
He pulls out a Contract and hands it to Ryan. Just sign here and We will take care of you” He said as Ryan picks up the contract.
Ryan before he died had to do this before, that motorcycle he was paying off, it was going to be his mode of transport for collage after he graduated. He remembers something the finance company slipped into the contract that made rates very unstable in the event he made just a minimum payment.
He reads the contract and finds something right from the start on page 3. “In the event of Damage to the city, this building, or any other circumstance, you agree money will be taken out of your account to pay for these claims immediately with or without your consent. You also agree in times of war the city may use a portion of money in your account to pay for Military services and equipment”.
Ryan feels a cold chill run down his spine. But he is not worried that anything like this will ever happen he signs on the dotted line. And shakes the man’s hand.
“Thank you for banking with us!” he tells Ryan. The Bank managers get’s his minions to collect all the gold bags and they start dumping them out and counting coins.
“It should be $14k” Ryan tells him.
Duly noted I will put 14zk in your account. Thank you so much for doing business with us! He tells him.
Ryan smiles and walks out. Of the bank with Warren.
“So where is the Crafting trainer. I want to make a few things” he askes him as they walk down the Market Square.
“Stark’s over there. He’s Pretty hand at making things. Go talk to him. He will be glad to meet you” He said as he pointed at a Shell-like concrete made shack
Suddenly some one runs past them screaming: “For Honor!!!, Gett’n honor, Stay’n honor, and Remember If you can't cum’n her Come honor!”
“What the hell?” Ryan askes him in a confused tone.
“Damn Market place Hooligan!” Warren screams as he draws his sword and chases after him.
“Get back here you little bustard!” He said as he runs off after young teenager.
Ryan smiles at this whole ordeal and laughs.
He walks into Starks Shack and talks to him.
“Greetings!” An old man said while he was polishing a Sculpture of the world.
“Hello! My Name is Ryan Glasser, I would love to learn Crafting. Do you think you can help me?” He asks him while sitting down in a chair.
“Absolutely!” the old man said while he gets up.
Ryan leans forward and suddenly a leg on his Chair just snapped off. Ryan falls on his face.
“Are you okay? The man asked. Ryan picks himself up off the ground and laughs. “Yes, just a little fall nothing I can’t handle” He tells the man with a smile.
The man takes a Hammer from his Wall and a few nails and walks over to the chair.
“So, what makes you want to be a Craftsman” The friendly wise man asked him.
“I used to make things for fun back when I was younger, I want to learn how to fix things that get broken and such. I tend to break everything I touch it seems like” Ryan said while picking up the chair and the leg that broke.
“Ahh yes, a man of bad luck sure does need a little hope and skill behind him to make it in this world” He told him while he hands Ryan a Hammer and some nails.
He touches Ryan’s shoulder and smiles.
“I heard about your achievement today. With those demons gone we should be able to be happy here and not worry about starving to death or worried about our lumber jacks going missing. You did a very good thing for us!” Stark said while holding the chair steady. And Holding the leg up in place.
“I didn’t even know They were a problem. They came to me while I was training my Fire magic, I was suffering from the whole “Mana Sickness” thing. I almost died without my friend helping me” He said while he hammers in a nail to the chair.
“Ah yes, Friends are the most Important thing to have here in this world. They will have your back through times of hardships, and times a joy”. He said while Ryan hits in another nail.
“What if that friend tends to cause trouble. Or didn’t get off to a great start with you. But you like them in a way you can’t explain” Ryan asked as he picks up another nail.
“Ah yes you are talking about Miss Thickmane?” He said while Ryan lines up his nail.
“Yes I am. I assuming you know shes my Leveling up partner” he said while hitting the nail.
“Oh Yes. Miss Thickmane is a Broken person. But like this chair with a little bit of Tender loving Care she can be fixed” He said while Ryan Shacks the leg for good measure.
“What if We are both broken? Like let’s say We are bad for each other. I mean we both come from some traumatic situations, and We are really toxic for each other. We dont see eye to eye on some things, and I am scared to Hurt her feelings if I told her how I truly felt.”
“Sounds like you my young chap are talking about marriage” He said with a laugh.
“I don’t think I am; I mean I just met her and shes put me through hell, saved me from hell, and put me back in it again. I mean to be honest I kind of done the same thing to her as well” Ryan tries to explain to him.
“Sounds like Marriage” he the Wise old man said with a Smile
Ryan shakes his head in disbelief.
“Look kid Life is mysterious and its full of Twists and turns and blind corners that can lead you off a cliff. He said while he pulls out a Piece of paper.
“Anything with a little bit of work can be fixed” He said while he shows him a picture of his ex-wife.
“Brenna, My Daughter is good friends with her. She told me about how you two were a mess when you guys met. And look at how you went from a person who is Racist against Lyieku to taking down a Flying Forge, and a hole bunch of life draining bitches. If you ask me that’s quite some progress with somone you just met.
“Hang on sir…” Ryan said while trying to make an excuse and defend his honor but then he remembers looking at himself in the mirror after his nap.
“Your right. We have come a long way. And I am treating her like shit. When she comes back, I am going to take her on a date and show her a time of her life” He told him.
“If she can forgive me for what I did” Ryan said with a little guilt.
“I was there when I saw you laying on Daytona this morning. You two looked like a match made in heaven. She was holding on tight to you and was never going to let you go. Shes been through a lot son, that makes her clingy, and a little scary. But you know its kind of funny that shes been here for 4 years and never has she once found or interacted with an adventurer outside her own Gender. Shes always hanging out with the girls. Most guys here ignore her, but I guess something about yesterday made her follow you into the woods” He told him as he flips over the chair and sits on it.
The leg Ironically snaps off. And he falls down on the ground.
“You okay?” Ryan asks as he helps him up.
“Ah yes I am okay.” He said as he flipped over the chair. He takes the Leg on it and Knocks the Nails out of it.
“Sometimes we make mistakes, if we are not learning from them what the point in this whole ordeal, we call living and learning?” He grabs the Leg and takes the nails he knocked out and Hammers them in to the chair in a different position. Ryan helps hold the chair steady and he beats in the other nails. He leaves the last nail out and lets Ryan hammer it in.
He puts the last nail in and flips the chair over and sits in it. Its rock solid now.
“Tender loving care and Resilience is all we need in life son. It makes us stronger. We will always make mistakes, but its how we handle our mistakes that defines us as a hero or a villain.” He said as he touches Ryan’s shoulder and closes his eyes. Ryan’s Eyes glow red.
He just learned “Crafting and Repair”
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